Current projects

An alphabetical list of all trials and studies currently being undertaken by the Cardiovascular Research Unit.


Most of our research relies on the generosity of patient volunteers.

If you would be interested in helping, email or call +44 114 226 6159.



A study comparing Ziltivekimab to placebo, given to patients within 36 hours of a heart attack, followed by a monthly injection of the study medication. The study will recruit 10,000 patients over 25 months, in over 630 centres worldwide. 

We are due to commence this study in late June 2024.



A randomised interventional trial to establish the impact of prasugrel versus aspirin on the inflammatory and thrombotic effects of hypoglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes. We are running this study alongside the Diabetic Research Team at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. We hope to facilitate the benefits of intensive glycaemic control in type 2 diabetic patients, whilst protecting against the harmful cardiovascular effects of hypoglycaemia.

The study is actively recruiting. 



Patients with a heart attack and multivessel coronary artery disease are randomised to either physiology-guided or angiography-guided revascularisation of non-culprit lesions. Our team will follow up on patients for an estimated 3.5 years. 

The study is being conducted in approximately 140 centres worldwide. 

Learn more about COMPLETE-2


An observational study profiling thrombo-inflammatory parameters in patients with or at risk of cardiovascular disease. Patients for this study kindly agree to have an additional blood sample taken, along with a bleeding time measurement. The blood sample is processed in our specialised laboratory, characterising platelet function and the effects of antiplatelet medication. 



A double-blind study to examine the impact on clinical outcomes of a novel injectable oligonucleotide, pelacarsen, assessing the effectiveness of lowering Lp(a) in patients with a history of cardiovascular disease.

Patients are currently under follow-up for this study, with a monthly injection administered for the remainder of the study period.



A double-blind, placebo controlled, randomised study enrolling 200 patients in total. We are investigating the efficacy and safety of Glenzocimab compared to placebo.

This study is being conducted in Sheffield and Birmingham.

Learn more about LIBERATE



A study to evaluate efficacy and safety of study medication, MK0616 versus placebo, in reducing major adverse cardiovascular events in participants at high risk of further events. MK0616 is PCSK9 inhibitor which results in the reduction of LDL cholesterol. 

The study is being conducted in approximately 600 centres worldwide. We are actively recruiting for this study until the end of 2024. Patients with a history of heart attacks with high cholesterol may be suitable for this study.

Learn more about MK0616-015



A randomised trial to assess the effects on clinical outcomes of cholesterol-lowering injectable, inclisiran, among patients with a history of cardiovascular disease. Recruitment for this study has now ceased, although patients return to clinic for a 6-monthly injection. 



Evaluating the feasibility of smartphone sensors to detect a range of different mechanical and electrical signals from the heart, and use AI to facilitate early detection of some common conditions, including hypertension and type 2 diabetes. This is an ongoing partnership between Google Health and The University of Sheffield.

This study is actively recruiting.

Learn more about PUMAS



A trial of two different antiplatelet strategies in patients who require urgent coronary artery bypass graft surgery for acute coronary syndromes. Participants are randomised to either extended ticagrelor plus the use of a novel adsorbent device placed within the bypass circuit during open-heart surgery to remove ticagrelor or the standard practice of stopping ticagrelor therapy five days before surgery.

Recruitment is currently open. 


An open-label, multicentre study, to reverse the action of ticagrelor using a novel reversal agent bentracimab in patients who present with life-threatening bleeding. 



A randomised controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the self-administered subcutaneous P2Y12 inhibitor selatogrel in patients with a recent history of acute myocardial infarction, at risk of having further myocardial infarction. This study is currently actively recruiting. We ask patients to self-inject should further symptoms of a heart attack occur. 



A multi-centre, multi-country study, enrolling 14,000 patients at high risk of their first cardiovascular event. Patients are randomised to either inclisiran or placebo and receive 6 monthly injections at The Northern General Hospital. The aim is to compare the adverse event rate between the two treatment groups. 

We are actively recruiting participants; if you would like more information, get in touch with the team.

Most of our research relies on the generosity of patient volunteers.

If you would be interested in helping, you can email or call +44 114 2266159

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