Dr Samuel Birks
Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health
University Teacher in Medical Education
- Profile
For enquiries please contact - SMPH-West-Operational@sheffield.ac.uk
After graduating from the Hull-York Medical School in 2016 with an intercalated degree in Clinical Anatomy from the University of Leeds, I joined the University of Sheffield during my academic foundation programme.
I completed a PGCME and subsequently an MSc in Health Professions Education alongside my clinical training in emergency medicine. I now divide my time between working clinically as an A&E registrar and academically within the Division of Clinical Medicine as a University Teacher.
I currently lead the delivery of anatomy teaching within the medical school and regularly teach undergraduate students in various settings including lectures, small-groups, practical sessions, simulation, and clinical skills. I also contribute to assessment practices including blueprinting, writing, standard-setting and quality-assuring summative examinations. Part of my role also extends to research and development of digital learning across the MBChB including the use of generative artificial intelligence and digital anatomy education.
- Publications
Journal articles
- How to … navigate specialised programmes for early‐career doctors in medical education. The Clinical Teacher, 21(6). View this article in WRRO
- Pott’s Puffy Tumour: a rare but sinister cause of facial swelling. Acute Medicine Journal, 20(2), 144-147.
- Managing a Colonoscopic Perforation in a Patient with No Abdominal Wall. Case Reports in Surgery, 2018, 1-4.
- Using artificial intelligence to provide a ‘flipped assessment’ approach to medical education learning opportunities. Medical Teacher, 1-8.
Conference proceedings papers
- Surgical foundation year one doctor experience of do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation orders; A comparison between a district general hospital and tertiary centre. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY, Vol. 105 (pp 131-131)
- Medical and surgical foundation year one doctor experiences of do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation orders in a district general hospital. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY, Vol. 105 (pp 131-131)
- How prepared are surgical foundation year one doctors to deal with end of life care; A comparison between a district general hospital and tertiary centre. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY, Vol. 105 (pp 131-131)
- How prepared are medical and surgical foundation year one doctors in a district general hospital to deal with end of life care?. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY, Vol. 105 (pp 131-132)
- Teaching interests
- Anatomy and radiology
- Clinical and case-based learning
- Digital and technology-enhanced learning
- Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI)
- Digital learning resources for anatomy education