Dr Paul Armitage
School of Medicine and Population Health
Senior Technical Specialist (MRI)

+44 114 215 9149
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
18 Claremont Crescent
S10 2TA
- Profile
For enquiries please contact - SMPH-West-Operational@sheffield.ac.uk
I joined the University of Sheffield in 2011 as a Lecturer in MRI Physics, having previously worked in Medical Image Analysis at the University of Edinburgh and University of Oxford.
- Research interests
My primary research interest is in the development of post-processing methods for quantification of MRI data. In particular, for techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging, dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, arterial spin labelling, image registration, MR signal modelling and their application to stroke, brain tumours, epilepsy and small vessel disease. My imaging interests span the entire age range from the foetus through to the ageing population.
Current Projects:
- Arterial Spin Labelling and DCE-MRI for perfusion measurement in paediatric neuroimaging.
- Methods for improving detection and surgical planning in Epilepsy.
- Quantitative diffusion tractography in neuroimaging.
- Developing MR imaging for measurements in bone.
- Permeability imaging in small vessel disease.
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Use of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI to measure subtle blood-brain barrier abnormalities. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 29(3), 305-314.
- Pretreatment tumoural perfusion correlates with an imaging-based response to dexamethasone in patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 81(4), 446-448.
- Lacunar stroke is associated with diffuse blood-brain barrier dysfunction.. Ann Neurol, 65(2), 194-202.
- Effects of random subject rotation on optimised diffusion gradient sampling schemes in diffusion tensor MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 26(4), 451-460.
- Changes in background blood-brain barrier integrity between lacunar and cortical ischemic stroke subtypes. Stroke, 39(4), 1327-1332.
- Quantitative assessment of intracranial tumor response to dexamethasone using diffusion, perfusion and permeability magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 25(3), 303-310.
- Measurement of brain temperature with magnetic resonance spectroscopy in acute ischemic stroke. Annals of Neurology, 60(4), 438-446.
- DSC perfusion MRI - Quantification and reduction of systematic errors arising in areas of reduced cerebral blood flow. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 55(6), 1342-1349.
- Extracting and visualizing physiological parameters using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the breast. Medical Image Analysis, 9(4 SPEC. ISS.), 315-329.
All publications
Journal articles
- Development of a deep learning method to identify acute ischaemic stroke lesions on brain CT. Stroke and Vascular Neurology, svn-2024.
- Deep learning classification of treatment response in diabetic painful neuropathy: a combined machine learning and magnetic resonance neuroimaging methodological study. Neuroinformatics. View this article in WRRO
- Analytical approaches for the segmentation of the zebrafish brain vasculature. Current Protocols, 2.
- Zebrafish vascular quantification : a tool for quantification of three-dimensional zebrafish cerebrovascular architecture by automated image analysis. Development, 149(3). View this article in WRRO
- Single-input multi-output U-Net for automated 2D foetal brain segmentation of MR images. Journal of Imaging, 7(10). View this article in WRRO
- The effect of absent blood flow on the zebrafish cerebral and trunk vasculature. Vascular Biology, 3(1), 1-16.
- A four-dimensional computational model of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging measurement of subtle blood-brain barrier leakage. NeuroImage, 230. View this article in WRRO
- Development of imaging-based risk scores for prediction of intracranial haemorrhage and ischaemic stroke in patients taking antithrombotic therapy after ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack: a pooled analysis of individual patient data from cohort studies. The Lancet Neurology, 20(4), 294-303.
- Lacunar stroke lesion extent and location and white matter hyperintensities evolution 1 year post-lacunar stroke. Frontiers in Neurology, 12(1).
- Post-stroke cognition at 1 and 3 years is influenced by the location of white matter hyperintensities in patients with lacunar stroke. Frontiers in Neurology, 12. View this article in WRRO
- Tracer kinetic assessment of blood–brain barrier leakage and blood volume in cerebral small vessel disease: Associations with disease burden and vascular risk factors. NeuroImage: Clinical, 32, 102883-102883.
- Imbalanced learning: Improving classification of diabetic neuropathy from magnetic resonance imaging. PLoS ONE, 15(12). View this article in WRRO
- Examining the relationship between semiquantitative methods analysing concentration-time and enhancement-time curves from dynamic-contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrovascular dysfunction in small vessel disease. Journal of Imaging, 6(6).
- Predictors of Lesion Cavitation After Recent Small Subcortical Stroke. Translational Stroke Research, 11(3), 402-411.
- Analysis of dynamic texture and spatial spectral descriptors of dynamic contrast-enhanced brain magnetic resonance images for studying small vessel disease. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 66, 240-247.
- Identification of the presence of ischaemic stroke lesions by means of texture analysis on brain magnetic resonance images. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 74, 12-24.
- Cerebrovascular endothelial cells form transient Notch‐dependent cystic structures in zebrafish. EMBO reports. View this article in WRRO
- Cerebral microbleeds and stroke risk after ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack: a pooled analysis of individual patient data from cohort studies. The Lancet Neurology, 18(7), 653-665.
- Neurologic Deficits in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Celiac Disease are Frequent and Linked With Autoimmunity to TG6. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. View this article in WRRO
- Enhancement and Segmentation Workflow for the Developing Zebrafish Vasculature †. Journal of Imaging, 5(1). View this article in WRRO
- Convolutional neural networks for direct inference of pharmacokinetic parameters: Application to stroke dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. Frontiers in Neurology, 9. View this article in WRRO
- Case Report: A New Spectroscopy Finding in Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy. Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 17(05), 180-183.
- Do Optic Canal Dimensions Measured on CT Influence the Degree of Papilloedema and Visual Dysfunction in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension?. Neuro-Ophthalmology, 43(1), 3-9.
- The effect of hyperglycemia on neurovascular coupling and cerebrovascular patterning in zebrafish. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. View this article in WRRO
- Metric to quantify white matter damage on brain magnetic resonance images. Neuroradiology, 59(10), 951-962. View this article in WRRO
- White matter hyperintensity reduction and outcomes after minor stroke. Neurology, 89(10), 1003-1010. View this article in WRRO
- Reliability of an automatic classifier for brain enlarged perivascular spaces burden and comparison with human performance. Clinical Science, 131(13), 1465-1481. View this article in WRRO
- Blood-brain barrier failure as a core mechanism in cerebral small vessel disease and dementia: evidence from a cohort study. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 13(6), 634-643. View this article in WRRO
- The assessment of fetal brain growth in diabetic pregnancy using in utero magnetic resonance imaging.. Clinical Radiology, 72(5), 427.e1-427.e8. View this article in WRRO
- Sample size considerations for trials using cerebral white matter hyperintensity progression as an intermediate outcome at 1 year after mild stroke: Results of a prospective cohort study. Trials, 18(1). View this article in WRRO
- Integrity of normal-appearing white matter: Influence of age, visible lesion burden and hypertension in patients with small-vessel disease. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 37(2), 644-656.
- Quantification of total fetal brain volume using 3D MR imaging data acquired in utero.. Prenatal Diagnosis, 36(13), 1225-1232. View this article in WRRO
- Cover Image, Volume 36, Issue 13. Prenatal Diagnosis, 36(13), i-i.
- A Qualitative Comparison of Arterial Spin Labelling and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI in 52 Children with a Range of Neurological Conditions. The British Journal of Radiology, 20160495-20160495. View this article in WRRO
- Estimation of trabecular bone parameters in children from multisequence MRI using texture-based regression. Medical Physics, 43(6), 3071-3079. View this article in WRRO
- On the computational assessment of white matter hyperintensity progression: difficulties in method selection and bias field correction performance on images with significant white matter pathology. Neuroradiology, 58(5), 475-485. View this article in WRRO
- Tracer kinetic modelling for DCE-MRI quantification of subtle blood–brain barrier permeability. NeuroImage, 125, 446-455. View this article in WRRO
- Blood pressure and sodium: Association with MRI markers in cerebral small vessel disease. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 36(1), 264-274.
- Rationale, design and methodology of the image analysis protocol for studies of patients with cerebral small vessel disease and mild stroke. Brain and Behavior, 5(12). View this article in WRRO
- A comparison of location of acute symptomatic vs. ‘silent’ small vessel lesions. International Journal of Stroke, 10(7), 1044-1050. View this article in WRRO
- Proton spectroscopic imaging of brain metabolites in basal ganglia of healthy older adults. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 28(3), 251-257. View this article in WRRO
- Abstract T P234: Multiparametric Assessment of Longitudinal Changes in Tissue Microstructure in Normal and Abnormal Brain Tissue in Patients with Small Vessel Disease. Stroke, 46(suppl_1).
- Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: is MRI surveillance improved by region of interest volumetry?. Pediatric Radiology, 45(2), 203-210.
- Surface reconstructions of foetal brain abnormalities using ultrafast steady state 3D acquisitions. Clinical Radiology, 69(10), 1084-1091.
- Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Thresholds and Diffusion Lesion Volume in Acute Stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 22(7), 906-909.
- MRI of the foetal brain using a rapid 3D steady-state sequence.. Br J Radiol, 86(1030), 20130168.
- Relationships between brain and body temperature, clinical and imaging outcomes after ischemic stroke. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.
- Blood-brain barrier permeability and long-term clinical and imaging outcomes in cerebral small vessel disease. Stroke, 44(2), 525-527.
- Do acute phase markers explain body temperature and brain temperature after ischemic stroke?. Neurology, 79(2), 152-158.
- A grid overlay framework for analysis of medical images and its application to the measurement of stroke lesions. European Radiology, 22(3), 625-632.
- Use of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI to measure subtle blood-brain barrier abnormalities. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 29(3), 305-314.
- Brain choline concentration: Early quantitative marker of ischemia and infarct expansion?. Neurology, 75(10), 850-856.
- Pretreatment tumoural perfusion correlates with an imaging-based response to dexamethasone in patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 81(4), 446-448.
- MR diffusion and perfusion parameters: Relationship to metabolites in acute ischaemic stroke. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 81(2), 185-191.
- A practical assessment of magnetic resonance diffusion-perfusion mismatch in acute stroke: observer variation and outcome.. J Neurol, 256(11), 1832-1838.
- Blood-brain barrier permeability in Alzheimer's disease: a case-control MRI study.. Psychiatry Res, 171(3), 232-241.
- Lacunar stroke is associated with diffuse blood-brain barrier dysfunction.. Ann Neurol, 65(2), 194-202.
- Development and initial testing of normal reference MR images for the brain at ages 65-70 and 75-80 years. European Radiology, 19(1), 177-183.
- Early brain temperature elevation and anaerobic metabolism in human acute ischaemic stroke. Brain, 132(4), 955-964.
- Associations between diffusion and perfusion parameters, N-acetyl aspartate, and lactate in acute ischemic stroke. Stroke, 40(3), 767-772.
- Reply to 'does assessing brain atrophy on an individual patient basis need correction to peak brain volume or a surrogate?'. European Radiology, 19(4), 1026.
- Effects of random subject rotation on optimised diffusion gradient sampling schemes in diffusion tensor MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 26(4), 451-460.
- Changes in background blood-brain barrier integrity between lacunar and cortical ischemic stroke subtypes. Stroke, 39(4), 1327-1332.
- Changes in NAA and lactate following ischemic stroke: A serial MR spectroscopic imaging study. Neurology, 71(24), 1993-1999.
- Choline and creatine are not reliable denominators for calculating metabolite ratios in acute ischemic stroke. Stroke, 39(9), 2467-2469.
- Comparison of 10 different magnetic resonance perfusion imaging processing methods in acute ischemic stroke: effect on lesion size, proportion of patients with diffusion/perfusion mismatch, clinical scores, and radiologic outcomes.. Stroke, 38(12), 3158-3164.
- Quantitative assessment of intracranial tumor response to dexamethasone using diffusion, perfusion and permeability magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 25(3), 303-310.
- A quantitative comparison of two methods to correct eddy current-induced distortions in DT-MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 25(3), 341-349.
- Acute Ischemic Stroke Lesion Measurement on Diffusion-weighted Imaging-Important Considerations in Designing Acute Stroke Trials With Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 16(2), 64-70.
- Persistent Infarct Hyperintensity on Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Late After Stroke Indicates Heterogeneous, Delayed, Infarct Evolution. Stroke, 37(6), 1418-1423.
- Do Acute Diffusion- and Perfusion-Weighted MRI Lesions Identify Final Infarct Volume in Ischemic Stroke?. Stroke, 37(1), 98-104.
- MR diffusion-weighted imaging and outcome prediction after ischemic stroke. Neurology, 66(8), 1159-1163.
- Measurement of brain temperature with magnetic resonance spectroscopy in acute ischemic stroke. Annals of Neurology, 60(4), 438-446.
- Measurement of regional brain temperature using proton spectroscopic imaging: validation and application to acute ischemic stroke. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 24(6), 699-706.
- DSC perfusion MRI - Quantification and reduction of systematic errors arising in areas of reduced cerebral blood flow. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 55(6), 1342-1349.
- Extracting and visualizing physiological parameters using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the breast. Medical Image Analysis, 9(4 SPEC. ISS.), 315-329.
- Fusion of contrast-enhanced breast MR and mammographic imaging data. The British Journal of Radiology, 77(suppl_2), S201-S208.
- Visualization and Analysis of White Matter Structural Asymmetry in Diffusion Tensor MRI Data. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 51(1), 140-147.
- Temporal evolution of water diffusion parameters is different in grey and white matter in human ischaemic stroke. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 75(12), 1714-1718.
- Effects of dexamethasone on peritumoural oedematous brain: A DT-MRI study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 75(11), 1632-1635.
- Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements may be more reliable and reproducible than lesion volume on diffusion-weighted images from patients with acute ischaemic stroke-implications for study design. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 21(6), 617-624.
- Is diffusion imaging appearance an independent predictor of outcome after ischemic stroke?. Neurology, 59(9), 1381-1387.
- Utilizing the diffusion-to-noise ratio to optimize magnetic resonance diffusion tensor acquisition strategies for improving measurements of diffusion anisotropy. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 45(6), 1056-1065.
- The use of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging to identify infarctions in patients with minor strokes.. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 9(2), 70-75.
- On the use of water phantom images to calibrate and correct eddy current induced artefacts in MR diffusion tensor imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 18(6), 681-687.
- Selecting an appropriate anisotropy index for displaying diffusion tensor imaging data with improved contrast and sensitivity. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 44(1), 117-121.
- A study of the apparent diffusion coefficient of grey and white matter in human ischaemic stroke. NeuroReport, 11(13), 2867-2874.
- Accuracy of a miniature intracranial pressure monitor, its function during magnetic resonance scanning, and assessment of image artifact generation. Neurosurgery, 45(1), 188-193.
- USING AN ICP MONITOR DURING MR IMAGING. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 10(4), 295-295.
- Diffusion anisotropy measurements in ischaemic stroke of the human brain. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 6(1), 28-36.
- A theoretical study of the effect of experimental noise on the measurement of anisotropy in diffusion imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 16(7), 773-785.
- 3D quantification of zebrafish cerebrovascular architecture by automated image analysis of light sheet fluorescence microscopy datasets.
- Segmentation of the Zebrafish Brain Vasculature from Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Datasets.
- Endothelial cells form transient Notch-dependent NO-containing cystic structures during zebrafish cerebrovascular development. View this article in WRRO
- Application of Texture Analysis to Study Small Vessel Disease and Blood–Brain Barrier Integrity. Frontiers in Neurology, 8. View this article in WRRO
- Feature-based recognition of trabecular microstructure using 1.5T magnetic resonance imaging: a new methodology. Bone Abstracts.
- Statistical prediction of HRpQCT microstructural trabecular parameters using 1.5T skeletal MRI. Endocrine Abstracts.
- Fetal Brain Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Fusion Strategies, Advances in Visual Computing (pp. 113-124). Springer International Publishing
- Analysis of Spatial Spectral Features of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Brain Magnetic Resonance Images for Studying Small Vessel Disease, Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 282-293). Springer International Publishing
- Automated 2D Fetal Brain Segmentation of MR Images Using a Deep U-Net, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 373-386). Springer International Publishing
- Validating Segmentation of the Zebrafish Vasculature, Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 270-281). Springer International Publishing
Conference proceedings papers
- Image analysis in light sheet fluorescence microscopy images of transgenic zebrafish vascular development. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Vol. 894 (pp 343-353), 9 July 2018 - 11 July 2018. View this article in WRRO
- Direct Estimation of Pharmacokinetic Parameters from DCE-MRI Using Deep CNN with Forward Physical Model Loss (pp 39-47)
- Automatic Rating of Perivascular Spaces in Brain MRI Using Bag of Visual Words (pp 642-649)
- Texture-based Classification for the Automatic Rating of the Perivascular Spaces in Brain MRI. Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 90 (pp 9-14)
- The effect of absent blood flow on the zebrafish cerebral and trunk vasculature, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Use of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI to measure subtle blood-brain barrier abnormalities. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 29(3), 305-314.