Dr Paul Armitage

School of Medicine and Population Health

Senior Technical Specialist (MRI)

Dr Paul Armitage
Profile picture of Dr Paul Armitage
+44 114 215 9149

Full contact details

Dr Paul Armitage
School of Medicine and Population Health
18 Claremont Crescent
S10 2TA

For enquiries please contact - SMPH-West-Operational@sheffield.ac.uk

I joined the University of Sheffield in 2011 as a Lecturer in MRI Physics, having previously worked in Medical Image Analysis at the University of Edinburgh and University of Oxford.

Research interests

My primary research interest is in the development of post-processing methods for quantification of MRI data. In particular, for techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging, dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, arterial spin labelling, image registration, MR signal modelling and their application to stroke, brain tumours, epilepsy and small vessel disease. My imaging interests span the entire age range from the foetus through to the ageing population.

Current Projects:

  • Arterial Spin Labelling and DCE-MRI for perfusion measurement in paediatric neuroimaging.
  • Methods for improving detection and surgical planning in Epilepsy.
  • Quantitative diffusion tractography in neuroimaging.
  • Developing MR imaging for measurements in bone.
  • Permeability imaging in small vessel disease.

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Journal articles

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Journal articles


Conference proceedings papers

  • Bernal J, Valdes-Hernandez M, Escudero J, Makin S, Armitage P, Touyz R & Wardlaw J (2020) VOXEL-BASED ANALYSIS OF WHITE MATTER HYPERINTENSITY SIGNAL CHANGES ONE YEAR AFTER THE ISCHAEMIC STROKE. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, Vol. 15(1_SUPPL) (pp 573-573) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kugler E, Chhabria K, Daetwyler S, Plant K, Savage A, Wilkinson R, Armitage P & Chico TJA (2019) Endothelial Cells Form Transient Cystic Structures During Zebrafish Cerebrovascular Development. CARDIOVASCULAR DRUGS AND THERAPY, Vol. 33(2) (pp 265-265) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kugler E, Chico T & Armitage P (2018) Image analysis in light sheet fluorescence microscopy images of transgenic zebrafish vascular development. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Vol. 894 (pp 343-353), 9 July 2018 - 11 July 2018. View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ulas C, Tetteh G, Thrippleton MJ, Armitage PA, Makin SD, Wardlaw JM, Davies ME & Menze BH (2018) Direct Estimation of Pharmacokinetic Parameters from DCE-MRI Using Deep CNN with Forward Physical Model Loss (pp 39-47) RIS download Bibtex download
  • González-Castro V, Valdés Hernández MDC, Armitage PA & Wardlaw JM (2016) Automatic Rating of Perivascular Spaces in Brain MRI Using Bag of Visual Words (pp 642-649) RIS download Bibtex download
  • González-Castro V, Hernández MDCV, Armitage PA & Wardlaw JM (2016) Texture-based Classification for the Automatic Rating of the Perivascular Spaces in Brain MRI. Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 90 (pp 9-14) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Karaszewski B, Thomas RGR, Armitage PA, Lymer GKS, Carpenter TK, Dennis MS, Whiteley W, Marshall I & Wardlaw JM (2010) The association between uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) promoter region-866G/A polymorphism, rise in ischaemic brain temperature and lesion expansion in human acute ischaemic stroke. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, Vol. 17 (pp 654-654) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Rivers CS, Wardlaw JM, Cvoro V, Armitage PA, Hand PJ, Bastin ME & Dennis MS (2004) Does persistent hyperintensity on DWI indicate delayed tissue recovery after acute ischaemic stroke?. STROKE, Vol. 35(6) (pp E198-E198) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Maniega SM, Bastin ME, Armitage PA, Harrall AJ, Carpenter IK, Hand PJ, Cvoro V & Wardlaw JM (2004) Temporal evolution of water diffusion parameters is different in grey and white matter: A DT-MRI study in patients with ischaemic stroke. STROKE, Vol. 35(6) (pp E268-E268) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wardlaw JM, Chowdhury D, Cvoro V, Armitage PA & Dennis MS (2004) Does failing blood-brain barrier lead to lacunar infarction?. STROKE, Vol. 35(6) (pp E278-E278) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Cvora V, Wartolowska K, Furrall AJ, Armitage PA, Marshall I, Bastin ME, Dennis MS & Wardlaw JM (2004) Voxel-based analysis of the relationship between metabolites, diffusion and perfusion parameters in acute ischaemic stroke. STROKE, Vol. 35(6) (pp E263-E263) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wardlaw JM, Rivers CS, Cvoro V, Armitage PA, Hand PH, Bastin ME & Dennis MS (2004) What influences the accuracy of DWI lesion volume measurement?. STROKE, Vol. 35(6) (pp E269-E269) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Cvoro V, Wartolowska K, Farrall AJ, Armitage PA, Marshall I, Basin ME, Denuis MS & Wardlaw JM (2004) Cerebral metabolite and perfusion abnormalities in the diffusion lesion in acute ischaemic stroke-a region-of-interest-analysis. STROKE, Vol. 35(6) (pp E263-E263) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wardlaw JM, Rivers CS, Armitage PA, Carpenter T, Cvoro V, Hand P, Bastin MF & Dennis MS (2004) Which MR perfusion lesion identifies the final infarct volume?. STROKE, Vol. 35(6) (pp E268-E268) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hand PJ, Wardlaw JM, Armitage PA, Dennis MS & Lindley RI (2003) Identifying the perfusion-diffusion mismatch in acute ischaemic stroke: Correlation between visual inspection and calculation of lesion volume. STROKE, Vol. 34(1) (pp 261-261) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Behrenbruch CP, Armitage PA, Brady JM, Marias K, Clarke J & Moore N (2001) The generation of simulated mammograms from contrast enhanced MRI for surgical planning and postoperative assessment. IWDM 2000: 5TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY (pp 697-704) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Behrenbruch CP, Marias K, Armitage PA, Yam M, Moore N, English RE & Brady M (2000) MRI-Mammography 2D/3D Data Fusion for Breast Pathology Assessment.. MICCAI, Vol. 1935 (pp 307-316) RIS download Bibtex download
