Dr James Gray
School of Medicine and Population Health
School Director of Recruitment
Course Director - MMedSci Physician Associate Studies
Senior University Teacher

+44 114 222 2090
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
The Medical School
Beech Hill Road
S10 2RX
- Profile
For enquiries, please contact – SMPH-West-Operational@sheffield.ac.uk
After qualifying from Sheffield Medical School in 1998 I undertook basic surgical training before moving to become a GP. I have subsequently had a portfolio career working in different areas of healthcare including Medical Director roles in both Commissioning and Provider organisations particularly Ambulance Trusts.
I have always had an educational interest supporting both medical student and allied health professional education in my practice and wider roles.
I have been Course Director of the Physician Associate postgraduate diploma, now Masters, course since 2016.
- Research interests
I have undertaken studies in emergency and unscheduled care, particularly around new roles, and more recently in teaching and assessment an area of ongoing interest.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Physician associates: dissociated doctors. British Journal of General Practice, 74(742), 203.2-204.
- Undertaking a face to face Summative OSCE assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic - a descriptive narrative [Version 2]. MedEdPublish, 9(1). View this article in WRRO
- Undertaking a face to face Summative OSCE assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic - a descriptive narrative. MedEdPublish, 9(1).
- Secondary care clinical supervisors’ views on the tensions between education and service delivery in medical student clinical placements. MedEdPublish, 9(1). View this article in WRRO
- A review of the use of technology for pedagogical purposes by students in clinical placement. MedEdPublish, 9(1). View this article in WRRO
- Designing a curriculum to address barriers and facilitators to integrating physician associates into the general practice workforce : a grounded theory approach. Education for Primary Care, 30(3), 188-189. View this article in WRRO
- National swine flu adult assessment guidelines: retrospective validation of objective criteria in three proxy datasets. Emergency Medicine Journal, 28(4), 287-289. View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- Does the pandemic medical early warning score system correlate with disposition decisions made at patient contact by emergency care practitioners?. Emergency Medicine Journal, 27(12), 943-947.
- "At the sharp end": does ambulance dispatch data from south Yorkshire support the picture of increased weapon-related violence in the UK?. Emergency Medicine Journal, 26(10), 741-742.
- Is referral to emergency care practitioners by general practitioners in-hours effective?. Emergency Medicine Journal, 26(8), 611-612.
- Can emergency medical service staff predict the disposition of patients they are transporting?. Emergency Medicine Journal, 25(10), 691-694.
- AMPDS categories: are they an appropriate method to select cases for extended role ambulance practitioners?. Emergency Medicine Journal, 25(9), 601-603.
- Avoiding admissions from the ambulance service: a review of elderly patients with falls and patients with breathing difficulties seen by emergency care practitioners in South Yorkshire. Emergency Medicine Journal, 25(3), 168-171.
- Introduction of non-transport guidelines into an ambulance service: a retrospective review. Emergency Medicine Journal, 24(10), 727-729.
- 14 Assessment and management of neurological problems (1). Emergency Medicine Journal, 22(6), 440-445. View this article in WRRO
- 15 Assessment and management of neurological problems (2). Emergency Medicine Journal, 22(8), 564-571.
- 7 Abdominal pain, abdominal pain in women, complications of pregnancy and labour. Emergency Medicine Journal, 21(5), 606-613.
- Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage: a 10-year case study and review. Forensic Science International, 105(1), 13-23.
- Using artificial intelligence to provide a ‘flipped assessment’ approach to medical education learning opportunities. Medical Teacher, 1-8.
- A Survey of the Current UK Physician Associate Educator Workforce and Recommendations for Courses and Provider Organizations. The Journal of Physician Assistant Education.
- Are physician associates higher risk than other healthcare professionals?. BMJ, q2307-q2307.
- A review of the use of technology for pedagogical purposes by students in clinical placement. MedEdPublish, 9, 12-12.
- Managing very small scale objective structured clinical examinations - can we ensure reliability of pass/fail decisions with low candidate numbers? A feasibility study of global score only decision making, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Does prior healthcare experience predict success on clinical courses and add value to admissions processes?, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Physician associates: dissociated doctors. British Journal of General Practice, 74(742), 203.2-204.
- Professional activities and memberships
Clinical Roles
- GP Partner at Meadowgreen Health Centre - Sheffield
Other Roles
External Examiner MSc PA Studies – Ulster University
External Examiner Msc PA Studies – St Georges, University of London
Member Physician Associate Schools Council
Exam Development Member – Diploma in Urgent Care – Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care RCS Edinburgh
Regular Examiner for the RCP (National PA exams) and Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care