Dr Esther Hobson


School of Medicine and Population Health

Senior Lecturer in neurology, University of Sheffield

Honorary Consultant Neurologist, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

+44 0114 2712306 (Clinical Secretary - Royal Hallamshire Hospital: Zoe Hamilton)
+44 01302 642845 (Clinical Secretary -Doncaster Royal Infirmary: Suzy Brewster)
Tuesday to Friday

Full contact details

Dr Esther Hobson
School of Medicine and Population Health
Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN)
385a Glossop Road
S10 2HQ

I undertook my medical training at St Catherine’s College, Cambridge University and Green College, Oxford University.  I undertook my junior doctor training in Oxfordshire and South Yorkshire before becoming a neurology registrar at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in 2010.  I entered the NIHR academic training programme, completing an NIHR doctoral research fellowship and PhD between 2014 and 2017 before becoming an NIHR clinical lecturer and later a senior lecturer.

Outside of medicine I enjoy mountain biking and exploring the beautiful outdoors around Sheffield. 

Research interests

She is a member of the motor neuron disorders clinical studies group at the NIHR Sheffield BRC led by Professor Pamela Shaw and Professor Chris McDermott. 

Her core aim of research is on improving the quality and standard of care provided to people living with long-term neurological conditions, both patients and their family and carers. She is am particularly interested in complex interventions, digital technology, and evidence based care. She has experience in randomised controlled trials of therapies including novel genetic therapies as well as feasibility and implementation studies of complex interventions. She used mixed method approaches as well as person-centred design to ensure users are at the heart of effective NHS services.

Telehealth in motor neuron disease 

This project is currently funded by MND Scotland, previously funded by NIHR Research and the Motor Neurone Disease Association. It is an international multicentre implementation study of TiM (telehealth in MND). It aims to develop a digital service to support patients and their carers to gain access to a high standard of multidisciplinary care.

Improving NIV clinical services in MND

I co-lead an NIHR Research for Patient Benefit funded study which has developed evidenced based tools to help staff help their patients with motor neurone disease get the most out of non-invasive ventilation.

Other research interests

Other interests including improving the way in which we manage other symptoms of motor neurone disease and deliver education and information to people living with, and caring for people with neurological diseases.  This includes the development of the award winning website www.mytube.mymnd.org.uk which translates evidence from a prospective study of gastrostomy feeding, led by SITraN, into information designed for patients and carers to help support them thinking about and using gastrostomy feeding.


Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers

  • Carlton J, Powell P, Williams C, Griffiths A, Hobson E & McDermott C (2024) Developing a novel outcome measure to assess the impact of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) on health-related quality of life (HRQoL): A study protocol. QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH, Vol. 33 (pp S111-S111) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Moore HLJ, Abu Baker AM, Baster K, Hobson E, Paling D, Sharrack B & Nair KPS (2022) Long-term unmet needs in multiple sclerosis. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL, Vol. 28(3_SUPPL) (pp 722-723) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Abu Baker AM, Moore H, Baster K, Hobson E, Paling D, Sharrack B & Nair KPS (2022) LUN-MS: validity, reliability and acceptability of a new questionnaire to identify the unmet needs of people with multiple sclerosis. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL, Vol. 28(3_SUPPL) (pp 474-474) RIS download Bibtex download
  • James T, Hobson E, Mupambo N & McDermott C (2019) Monitoring and promoting effectiveness and adherence to non-invasive ventilation in motor neurone disease using Encore Anywhere telemonitoring: a pilot and feasibility, randomised controlled trial. NEUROLOGY, Vol. 92(15) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hobson E, Baxter S, Pryde E, Reed H, Spronson L, Soreny C, White S & McDermott C (2018) “Nothing about me, without me”. Using user-centred design to develop evidence-based solutions to common problems in Motor neurone disease. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 61 (pp e521-e521) RIS download Bibtex download


Teaching interests

Course co-lead for the MSc in Clinical Neurology at the University of Sheffield. She supervises undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral research students. I have an interest in curriculum and teaching innovation and the use of digital learning for healthcare professionals.


National Institute for Health Academic Clinical Fellowship, University of Sheffield, 2012-2014

National Institute for Health Doctoral Research Fellowship, University of Sheffield 2014-2017

National Institute for Health Clinical Lecturer in Neurology, University of Sheffield 2018-2019