Dr Jonathan Shaw
School of Medicine and Population Health
Reader in Microbiology
+44 114 215 9553
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
The Medical School
Beech Hill Road
S10 2RX
- Profile
For enquiries please contact - SMPH-West-Operational@sheffield.ac.uk
I am a Reader in Microbiology in the School of Medicine and Population Health. After finishing my PhD in 1991, I undertook two short post-doctoral positions in Sheffield and Canada before joining the Medical School in 1993 as an Independent Research Fellow.
- Research interests
The major direction behind the research in my laboratory is the understanding of bacterial pathogenesis at a molecular and mechanistic level, in relation to colonisation factors, secreted products and physiology.
Current projects
Studies into the pathogenesis and physiology of the pathogenic Neisseria
Neisseria meningitidis is a major cause of bacterial meningitis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the causative agent of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhoea. Although quite a lot is known about these organism's virulence factors, there is very little information available about these organism's carbon metabolism. We are investigating the growth and metabolic characteristics of the pathogenic Neisseria through the use of 13C-NMR and enzyme assays, with the emphasis on growth on lactate. This will enable us to find out what metabolic pathways the organism’s uses in CSF (in vivo) and find out if any unique enzymes are present which can be rationally targeted for antimicrobial therapy.
The role of these pathways in the organism’s pathogenesis are also being considered. We are also investigating the role of the lysine acetylation and investigating the role of the neisserial acetylome on antibiotic resistance and pathogenesis. These projects are in collaboration with Christoph Tang and Rachel Exley at Oxford University.
Use of Aeromonas species as model systems for bacterial colonisation, environmental adaptation and protein glycosylation
Aeromonas spp. are an increasingly important cause of gastro-enteritis and wound infections, with A. caviae being important in the causation of paediatric diarrhoea. However, there is little known about the pathogenicity determinants of this organism.
Some strains of Aeromonas express two distinct flagella systems, a polar flagellum for swimming in liquid environments and many lateral flagella for swarming over surfaces, both are involved in colonisation. Possession of two types of flagella provides a natural reporter system for investigating how bacteria sense surfaces, or for dissecting the bacterial sense of touch.
We are also interested in the genetic cross-talk between the flagellar systems and the type 3 secretion systems (T3SS). In addition to novel effector proteins secreted by the T3SS.
Aeromonas glycosylates its flagellum with the sugar pseudaminic acid, this is essential for flagellar filament assembly and motility. This sugar is also found on the flagellin proteins of Campylobacter jejuni and Helicobacter pylori. We are elucidating the flagellar glycosylation process at the molecular level. We are interested in developing sugar analogues to inhibit the glycosylation process that could possibly be used as a novel form of anti-microbial therapy. These projects are in collaboration with Graham Stafford of the Dental School, Simon Jones in Chemistry and the Universities of Barcelona and Tasmania.
Interactions of Burkholderia with eukaryotic cells
In collaboration with Dr M Thomas (Sheffield) we are using genetic means such as IVET and mutagenesis to investigate the mechanism of how Burkholderia interacts with host cells via its type VI secretion system.
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Maf-dependent bacterial flagellin glycosylation occurs before chaperone binding and flagellar T3SS export.. Mol Microbiol, 92(2), 258-272. View this article in WRRO
- Bundle-forming pilus locus of Aeromonas veronii bv. Sobria.. Infect Immun, 80(4), 1351-1360.
- Identification of a putative glycosyltransferase responsible for the transfer of pseudaminic acid onto the polar flagellin of Aeromonas caviae Sch3N. MicrobiologyOpen, 1, 149-160. View this article in WRRO
- Transcriptional Hierarchy of Aeromonas hydrophila Polar-Flagellum Genes. J BACTERIOL, 193(19), 5179-5190.
- Aeromonas spp. clinical microbiology and disease.. J Infect, 62(2), 109-118.
- Modulation of Shigella virulence in response to available oxygen in vivo. NATURE, 465(7296), 355-U113.
- An Aeromonas caviae genomic island is required for both O-antigen lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis and flagellin glycosylation.. J Bacteriol, 191(8), 2851-2863.
- In vivo expression technology identifies a type VI secretion system locus in Burkholderia pseudomallei that is induced upon invasion of macrophages.. Microbiology, 153(Pt 8), 2689-2699.
- Genome sequence of Aeromonas hydrophila ATCC 7966(T): Jack of all trades. J BACTERIOL, 188(23), 8272-8282.
- Available carbon source influences the resistance of Neisseria meningitidis against complement. J EXP MED, 201(10), 1637-1645. View this article in WRRO
- Motility and the polar flagellum are required for Aeromonas caviae adherence to HEp-2 cells.. Infect Immun, 69(7), 4257-4267.
- An NMR and enzyme study of the carbon metabolism of Neisseria meningitidis.. Microbiology, 147(Pt 6), 1473-1482.
All publications
Journal articles
- Heterogeneous glycosylation and methylation of the Aeromonas caviae flagellin. MicrobiologyOpen, 11(4).
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae physiology and pathogenesis.
- Gut dysbiosis and clinical phases of pancolitis in patients with ulcerative colitis. MicrobiologyOpen, 10(2).
- Patient knowledge of fecal calprotectin in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) : an observational study in Mexico. F1000Research, 9.
- Biocatalytic transfer of pseudaminic acid (Pse5Ac7Ac) using promiscuous sialyltransferases in a chemoenzymatic approach to Pse5Ac7Ac-containing glycosides. ACS Catalysis, 10, 9986-9993. View this article in WRRO
- Draft Whole-Genome Sequences of 10 Aeromonas Strains from Clinical and Environmental Sources. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8(30). View this article in WRRO
- The role of acetyl-phosphate in the pathogenesis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Access Microbiology, 1(1A). View this article in WRRO
- Mollicutes antibiotic resistance profile and presence of genital abnormalities in couples attending an infertility clinic.. Journal of International Medical Research. View this article in WRRO
- Cross-Talk between the Aeromonas hydrophila Type III Secretion System and Lateral Flagella System. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7. View this article in WRRO
- The Aeromonas caviae AHA0618 gene modulates cell length and influences swimming and swarming motility. MicrobiologyOpen, 4(2), 220-234. View this article in WRRO
- Maf-dependent bacterial flagellin glycosylation occurs before chaperone binding and flagellar T3SS export.. Mol Microbiol, 92(2), 258-272. View this article in WRRO
- Aeromonas Flagella and Colonisation Mechanisms, 203-256.
- Bundle-forming pilus locus of Aeromonas veronii bv. Sobria.. Infect Immun, 80(4), 1351-1360.
- Identification of a putative glycosyltransferase responsible for the transfer of pseudaminic acid onto the polar flagellin of Aeromonas caviae Sch3N. MicrobiologyOpen, 1, 149-160. View this article in WRRO
- Transcriptional Hierarchy of Aeromonas hydrophila Polar-Flagellum Genes. J BACTERIOL, 193(19), 5179-5190.
- Aeromonas spp. clinical microbiology and disease.. J Infect, 62(2), 109-118.
- Modulation of Shigella virulence in response to available oxygen in vivo. NATURE, 465(7296), 355-U113.
- Two Redundant Sodium-Driven Stator Motor Proteins Are Involved in Aeromonas hydrophila Polar Flagellum Rotation. J BACTERIOL, 191(7), 2206-2217.
- An Aeromonas caviae genomic island is required for both O-antigen lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis and flagellin glycosylation.. J Bacteriol, 191(8), 2851-2863.
- In vivo expression technology identifies a type VI secretion system locus in Burkholderia pseudomallei that is induced upon invasion of macrophages.. Microbiology, 153(Pt 8), 2689-2699.
- Non-structural flagella genes affecting both polar and lateral flagella-mediated motility in Aeromonas hydrophila. MICROBIOL-SGM, 153, 1165-1175.
- Lactate acquisition promotes successful colonization of the murine genital tract by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. INFECT IMMUN, 75(3), 1318-1324.
- Genome sequence of Aeromonas hydrophila ATCC 7966(T): Jack of all trades. J BACTERIOL, 188(23), 8272-8282.
- Bacterial lateral flagella: an inducible flagella system. FEMS MICROBIOL LETT, 263(2), 127-135.
- Polar flagellum biogenesis in Aeromonas hydrophila (vol 188, pg 542, 2006). J BACTERIOL, 188(8), 3166-3166.
- Analysis of the lateral flagellar gene system of Aeromonas hydrophila AH-3 (vol 188, pg 852, 2006). J BACTERIOL, 188(8), 3167-3167.
- Analysis of the lateral flagellar gene system of Aeromonas hydrophila AH-3. J BACTERIOL, 188(3), 852-862.
- Polar flagellum biogenesis in Aeromonas hydrophila. J BACTERIOL, 188(2), 542-555.
- The pathogen Neisseria meningitidis requires oxygen, but supplements growth by denitrification. Nitrite, nitric oxide and oxygen control respiratory flux at genetic and metabolic levels. MOL MICROBIOL, 58(3), 800-809. View this article in WRRO
- Neisseria meningitidis lactate permease is required for nasopharyngeal colonization. INFECT IMMUN, 73(9), 5762-5766.
- Available carbon source influences the resistance of Neisseria meningitidis against complement. J EXP MED, 201(10), 1637-1645. View this article in WRRO
- Role of the stationary growth phase sigma factor RpoS of Burkholderia pseudomallei in response to physiological stress conditions. J BACTERIOL, 185(23), 7008-7014.
- Lateral flagella are required for increased cell adherence, invasion and biofilm formation by Aeromonas spp.. FEMS MICROBIOL LETT, 224(1), 77-83.
- A polar flagella operon (flg) of Aeromonas hydrophila contains genes required for lateral flagella expression. MICROB PATHOGENESIS, 34(5), 249-259.
- A colonization factor (Production of lateral flagella) of mesophilic Aeromonas spp. is inactive in Aeromonas salmonicida strains. APPL ENVIRON MICROB, 69(1), 663-667.
- Motility and the polar flagellum are required for Aeromonas caviae adherence to HEp-2 cells.. Infect Immun, 69(7), 4257-4267.
- An NMR and enzyme study of the carbon metabolism of Neisseria meningitidis.. Microbiology, 147(Pt 6), 1473-1482.
- The Burkholderia cepacia fur gene: co-localization with omlA and absence of regulation by iron.. Microbiology, 147(Pt 5), 1303-1314.
- Role of flm locus in mesophilic Aeromonas species adherence.. Infect Immun, 69(1), 65-74.
- pGSTp: an IVET-compatible promoter probe vector conferring resistance to trimethoprim.. Biotechniques, 29(5), 954-958.
- Adherence of Aeromonas caviae to human cell lines Hep-2 and Caco-2.. J Med Microbiol, 45(6), 445-451.
- Aeromonas caviae exhibits aggregative adherence to HEp-2 cells [5]. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 32(10), 2631-2632.
- Sequence analysis and interposon mutagenesis of a sensor-kinase (DctS) and response-regulator (DctR) controlling synthesis of the high-affinity C4-dicarboxylate transport system in Rhodobacter capsulatus.. Mol Gen Genet, 237(1-2), 215-224.
- Perturbation of the equilibrium between open and closed conformations of the periplasmic C4-dicarboxylate binding protein from Rhodobacter capsulatus.. Biochemistry, 31(45), 11175-11181.
- Purification, characterization and nucleotide sequence of the periplasmic C4-dicarboxylate-binding protein (DctP) from Rhodobacter capsulatus.. Mol Microbiol, 5(12), 3055-3062.
- Publisher Correction: Reporting guideline for the early-stage clinical evaluation of decision support systems driven by artificial intelligence: DECIDE-AI. Nature Medicine.
Conference proceedings papers
- Dynamics of the CD9 interactome during bacterial infection of epithelial cells by proximity labelling proteomics, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Patient knowledge of fecal calprotectin in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): An observational study in Mexico.
- Gut Dysbiosis Is Related With Activity And Remission Phases Of Ulcerative Colitis And Healthy Condition, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Maf-dependent bacterial flagellin glycosylation occurs before chaperone binding and flagellar T3SS export.. Mol Microbiol, 92(2), 258-272. View this article in WRRO
- Teaching interests
I am heavily involved in the M.Sc. in Molecular Medicine, M.Sc. Genomic Medicine, and I also teach on the Medicine, Dental, M.Sc Antimicrobial resistance and Orthoptics courses.
- Professional activities and memberships
I was previously on the Prokaryotic Division of the Microbiology Society (UK) and on the editorial board of the journal Microbiology for eight years.
I am currently an associate editor for MicrobiologyOpen, Frontiers in Microbiology, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology and the journal Virulence.