Dr Gordon Sloan


School of Medicine and Population Health

NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Diabetes and Endocrinology

Gordon Sloan
Gordon Sloan
Profile picture of Gordon Sloan

Full contact details

Dr Gordon Sloan
School of Medicine and Population Health
Room FU32, F Floor
The Medical School
Beech Hill Road
S10 2RX

I am a clinical scientist, with a specialist interest in the field of neurological complications of diabetes mellitus.

I completed my undergraduate training at the University of Sheffield in 2011. During this training I completed an intercalated BMedSci where I developed an interest in research. I then undertook clinical training in South Yorkshire, and commenced specialist training in Diabetes and Endocrinology in 2015. I commenced a Clinical Research Fellowship at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in 2017 and defended my PhD in 2022, which was entitled ‘Central Biomarkers of Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy’. Since 2022 I have been a NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer working in the Division of Clinical Medicine.

Research interests

My research interests lie in developing a greater understanding of the mechanisms which underlie Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. In particular, I have utilized neuroimaging techniques to determine the cerebral alterations which differentiate Painful- compared with Painless-Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy.


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Journal articles

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Journal articles


Conference proceedings papers

  • Binns-Hall O, White J, Goonoo MS, Walker J, Sloan G, Gandhi R & Selvarajah D (2023) Real-world evaluation of OpSite topical dressing in painful diabetic neuropathy. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 40 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, McAllister J, Anandhanarayanan A, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2023) A novel data driven machine learning approach to identify painful diabetic neuropathy subtypes from resting-state functional magnetic resonance brain imaging. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 40 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Goonoo MS, Selvarajah D, Binns-Hall O, Sloan G, Walker J & Tesfaye S (2023) Abnormal combined diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN)-check and SUDOSCAN results predict all-cause mortality in people with diabetes: The Sheffield prospective study. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 40 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Selvarajah D, Anton A, Teh K, Shillo P, Greig M, Goonoo M, Caunt S, Wilkinson ID & Tesfaye S (2023) Preservation of thalamic mitochondrial and neuronal function in painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging study. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 40 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Goonoo M, Selvarajah D, Binns-Hall O, Sloan G, Walker J & Tesfaye S (2023) Abnormal combined DPN-check and Sudoscan results predict all-cause mortality in people with diabetes: the Sheffield prospective study. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 66(SUPPL 1) (pp S469-S469) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Selvarajah D, Teh K, Sloan G, Pallai S & Tesfaye S (2023) Cerebral dopamine receptor engagement and treatment response: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study in painful diabetic neuropathy. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 66(SUPPL 1) (pp S469-S469) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Selvarajah D, Anton A, Teh K, Wilkinson ID & Tesfaye S (2023) Preservation of thalamic mitochondrial and neuronal function in Painful-Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: a multi-modal cerebral imaging study. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 66(SUPPL 1) (pp S106-S106) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan GP, Selvarajah D, Teh K, Wilkinson ID & Tesfaye S (2022) Increased functional connectivity of the thalamus to the primary somatosensory cortex and insular cortex following treatment withdrawal: A potential biomarker of painful-diabetic peripheral neuropathy. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 39 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Mcallister J, Fan J, Anandhanarayanan A, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2022) Better target engagement of opioid receptor systems in responders to neuropathic pain treatment: A resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study in painful diabetic neuropathy. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 39 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Greig M, Sloan G, Shillo PR, Selvarajah D, Wilkinson ID & Tesfaye S (2022) Mood disorders are related to thalamic H1-MRS metabolite parameters in type 1 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 65(SUPPL 1) (pp S380-S381) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Selvarajah D, Teh K, Mcallister J, Anandhanarayanan A, Fan J, Sloan G & Tesfaye S (2022) Better target engagement of opioid receptor systems in responders to neuropathic pain treatment: a neurotransmitter-enriched functional connectivity mapping study. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 65(SUPPL 1) (pp S99-S99) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Selvarajah D, Teh K, Wilkinson I & Tesfaye S (2022) Increased functional connectivity of the Thalamus and primary Somatosensory cortex and insular cortex following treatment withdrawal: a potential biomarker of painful-DPN. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 65(SUPPL 1) (pp S99-S99) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Mcallister J, Anandhanarayanan A, Fan J, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2022) Identification of painful diabetic neuropathy subtypes from functional connectivity resting state MRI patterns: a novel data driven machine learning approach. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 65(SUPPL 1) (pp S380-S380) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Greig M, Sloan G, Shillo P, Selvarajah D, Wilkinson ID & Tesfaye S (2021) Pain processing areas of the brain demonstrate altered microvascular perfusion during spontaneous neuropathic pain. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 64(SUPPL 1) (pp 34-34) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Selvarajah D, Teh K, Greig M, Shillo P, Wilkinson ID & Tesfaye S (2021) Morphometric abnormalities of the brain in diabetic peripheral neuropathy. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 64(SUPPL 1) (pp 33-34) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Selvarajah D, Teh K, Wilkinson I, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Awadh M, Kelsall A, Sloan G & Tesfaye S (2021) A novel, multimodal magnetic resonance imaging and a machine learning approach to classifying sensory phenotypes in painful DPN. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 64(SUPPL 1) (pp 316-317) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Selvarajah D, Teh K, Shillo P, Greig M, Wilkinson ID & Tesfaye S (2021) Morphometric abnormalities in the brain in painless and painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 38 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Grieg MA, Sloan G, Pallai P, Selvarajah S, Wilkinson W & Tesfaye T (2021) Microvascular perfusion of the processing of the brain is altered during the experience of spontaneous neuropathic pain in diabetes. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 38 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teh K, Wilkinson ID, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Awadh M, Kelsall A, Pallai S, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2021) Abnormal somatosensory cortex functional connectivity in painful diabetic neuropathy: Clues to the pathogenesis of different sensory clinical phenotypes of neuropathic pain: A novel, multimodal magnetic resonance imaging study. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 38 RIS download Bibtex download
  • (2020) Basic and clinical science posters: New insulins, technology, therapies and treatment. Diabetic Medicine, Vol. 37(S1) (pp 56-56) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Lam K, Wright J & Selvarajah D (2020) The prevalence of incidental haematological conditions in patients with extremely low HbA1c levels (<20mmol/mol) identified through routine diabetes testing. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 37 (pp 141-141) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wikinson ID, Teh K, Agrawal S, Kelsall A, Pallai S, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2020) Predicting treatment response using magnetic resonance imaging in painful diabetic neuropathy. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 37 (pp 7-7) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sloan G, Anton A, Selvarajah D, Wilkinson I & Tesfaye S (2020) Altered mitochondrial activity in the thalamus and somatosensory cortex in painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 63(SUPPL 1) (pp S92-S92) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Khalifa M, Wright J, Sloan G, Selvarajah D & Lam K (2020) Low haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) result: lessons learnt in clinical practice. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY, Vol. 189 (pp 78-79) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wilkinson I, Teh K, Heiberg-Gibbons F, Awadh M, Pallai S, Kelsall A, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Selvarajah D (2019) Central brain mechanisms that predict treatment response in painful diabetic neuropathy. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 62 (pp S15-S16) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Selvarajah D, Teh K, Palai S, Sloan G, Tesfaye S & Wilkinson I (2019) Central pain signature for painful diabetic neuropathy (DN) derived from magnetic resonance imaging. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 62 (pp S17-S17) RIS download Bibtex download
Professional activities and memberships

Clinical Academic Trainee Representative: University of Sheffield Clinical Academic Working Group
Youth Committee Co-Ordinator: Diabetic Neuropathy Study Group (NEUROdiab)
Treasurer: Young Diabetologist and Endocrinologist Forum
Committee member: International Association for the Study of Pain, Neuropathic Pain Specialist Interest Group Subcommittee