Professor Nicholas Latimer
BSc, MSc, PhD
School of Medicine and Population Health
Professor of Health Economics

+44 114 222 0821
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Research interests
My research interests focus on economic evaluation methodology, with a particular emphasis on the incorporation of survival analysis within economic models. I am especially interested in the use of causal inference methods to estimate comparative effectiveness in clinical trials confounded by treatment switching, and in observational (or “Big”, or “Real World”) data.
My past research focused primarily on methods for adjusting survival estimates in the presence of treatment switching - that is, when patients in the control group of a clinical trial switch onto the experimental treatment, thus confounding estimates of the treatment effect (where the relevant question for an economic analysis is what would have happened if control group patients did not receive this experimental treatment).
I am currently undertaking a Senior Research Fellowship funded by Yorkshire Cancer Research. During this Fellowship, my focus is on investigating the use of cancer registry datasets to estimate the comparative effectiveness of cancer treatments used in the NHS.
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I also have an active interest in economic evaluations alongside clinical trials, and particularly the incorporation of value of information analysis in feasibility trials.
- Publications
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Featured publications
Journal articles
- Improved two-stage estimation to adjust for treatment switching in randomised trials : g-estimation to address time-dependent confounding. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. View this article in WRRO
- Adjusting for treatment switching in oncology trials: A systematic review and recommendations for reporting. Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- A review of survival analysis methods used in NICE technology appraisals of cancer treatments: Consistency, limitations and areas for improvement. Medical Decision Making. View this article in WRRO
- Extrapolating Survival from Randomized Trials Using External Data: A Review of Methods. Medical Decision Making, 37(4), 377-390. View this article in WRRO
- Adjusting for treatment switching in randomised controlled trials – A simulation study and a simplified two-stage method. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 26(2), 724-751.
- Adjusting for the Confounding Effects of Treatment Switching—The BREAK‐3 Trial: Dabrafenib Versus Dacarbazine. The Oncologist, 20(7), 798-805.
- Treatment switching in oncology trials and the acceptability of adjustment methods. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 15(4), 561-564.
- Rituximab in Combination with Corticosteroids for the Treatment of Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Vasculitis: A NICE Single Technology Appraisal. PharmacoEconomics, 32(12), 1171-1183. View this article in WRRO
- Adjusting survival time estimates to account for treatment switching in randomized controlled trials--an economic evaluation context: methods, limitations, and recommendations.. Med Decis Making, 34(3), 387-402.
- Adjusting overall survival for treatment switches: Commonly used methods and practical application. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 12(6), 348-357.
- NICE's end of life decision making scheme: impact on population health.. BMJ, 346, f1363.
- Survival analysis for economic evaluations alongside clinical trials--extrapolation with patient-level data: inconsistencies, limitations, and a practical guide.. Med Decis Making, 33(6), 743-754.
- Assessing methods for dealing with treatment switching in randomised controlled trials: a simulation study.. BMC Med Res Methodol, 11, 4. View this article in WRRO
- Cost effectiveness of COX 2 selective inhibitors and traditional NSAIDs alone or in combination with a proton pump inhibitor for people with osteoarthritis.. BMJ, 339, b2538.
All publications
Journal articles
- The Causal Testing Framework. Journal of Open Source Software, 10(107), 7739-7739.
- Prevalence of Immature Survival Data for Anti-Cancer Drugs Presented to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence between 2018-2022. Value in Health.
- MSR64 Enhanced Randomised Controlled Trials-Real-World Evidence (RCT-RWE) Agreement Assessment Metrics for Health Technology Assessment (HTA). Value in Health, 27(12), S450-S450.
- EE805 The Hazards of Applying Hazard Ratios to Accelerated Failure Time Models: A Simulation Study. Value in Health, 27(12), S213-S213.
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- MPES-R: multi-parameter evidence synthesis in R for survival extrapolation—a tutorial. PharmacoEconomics. View this article in WRRO
- Treatment effect waning in immuno-oncology health technology assessments: a review of assumptions and supporting evidence with proposals to guide modelling. PharmacoEconomics. View this article in WRRO
- Cost-effectiveness of first-line immunotherapy combinations with or without chemotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a modelling approach. BMC Cancer, 24(1), 879.
- Perils of randomised controlled trial survival extrapolation assuming treatment effect waning: why the distinction between marginal and conditional estimates matters. Value in Health, S1098-3015(23)06241.
- MSR9 Adjusting for Switches to Multiple Treatments in Randomised Controlled Trials: A Comparison of Inverse Probability Weighting and Two-Stage Estimation Methods. Value in Health, 26(12), S394-S394.
- P51 Testing a Survival Extrapolation Algorithm for Cancer Immunotherapies: Pass or Fail?. Value in Health, 26(12), S13-S13.
- MSR156 Evaluating Bias Associated With Inadequate Variable Selection When Using Inverse Probability of Censoring Weights to Adjust for Treatment Switches in Clinical Trials. Value in Health, 26(12), S423-S424.
- MSR147 Accounting for Study Heterogeneity When Modelling the Multi-State Natural History of Rare Diseases. Value in Health, 26(12), S421-S422.
- HTA237 Treatment Effect Waning in Immuno-Oncology Health Technology Assessments: A Review of Assumptions and Supporting Evidence. Value in Health, 26(12), S365-S365.
- Natural history of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in the United Kingdom: A descriptive study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Brain and Behavior, e3331.
- Transporting Comparative Effectiveness Evidence Between Countries: Considerations for Health Technology Assessments. PharmacoEconomics, 1-12.
- Evaluation of flexible parametric relative survival approaches for enforcing long-term constraints when extrapolating all-cause survival. Value in Health.
- A systematic review of methods to incorporate external evidence into trial-based survival extrapolations for health technology assessment. Medical Decision Making, 43(5), 610-620.
- Is intention to treat still the gold standard or should health technology assessment agencies embrace a broader estimands framework? : Insights and perspectives from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen on the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use E9 (R1) Addendum. Value in Health.
- Propensity score and instrumental variable techniques in observational transplantation studies: an overview and worked example relating to pre-transplant cardiac screening. Transplant International, 35. View this article in WRRO
- An app with brief behavioural support to promote physical activity after a cancer diagnosis (APPROACH) : study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8(1), 74-74.
- Target trial emulation for transparent and robust estimation of treatment effects for health technology assessment using real-world data : opportunities and challenges. PharmacoEconomics.
- Extrapolation beyond the end of trials to estimate long term survival and cost effectiveness. BMJ Medicine, 1.
- Adjusting for nonadherence or stopping treatments in randomized clinical trials. JAMA : the Journal of the American Medical Association, 325(20), 2110-2111.
- Not cost-effective at zero price : valuing and paying for combination therapies in cancer. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research.
- Estimation of Transition Probabilities for State-Transition Models: A Review of NICE Appraisals. PharmacoEconomics.
- Survival on four-times-per-week compared with three times a week haemodialysis in high ultrafiltration patients : an observational study. Clinical Kidney Journal.
- Partitioned survival and state transition models for healthcare decision making in oncology : where are we now?. Value in Health.
- Computerised speech and language therapy or attention control added to usual care for people with long-term post-stroke aphasia : the Big CACTUS three-arm RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 24(19), 1-176. View this article in WRRO
- Improved two-stage estimation to adjust for treatment switching in randomised trials : g-estimation to address time-dependent confounding. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. View this article in WRRO
- Adjusting for treatment switching in oncology trials: A systematic review and recommendations for reporting. Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- A review of survival analysis methods used in NICE technology appraisals of cancer treatments: Consistency, limitations and areas for improvement. Medical Decision Making. View this article in WRRO
- Assessing the long-term effectiveness of cladribine vs. placebo in the relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis CLARITY randomized controlled trial and CLARITY Extension using treatment switching adjustment methods. Advances in Therapy. View this article in WRRO
- Statistical methods for adjusting estimates of treatment effectiveness for patient nonadherence in the context of time-to-event outcomes and health technology assessment: A systematic review of methodological papers. Medical Decision Making. View this article in WRRO
- NICE guidance on dapagliflozin with insulin for type 1 diabetes. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 7(10), 750-751. View this article in WRRO
- Self-managed, computerised speech and language therapy for patients with chronic aphasia post-stroke compared with usual care or attention control (Big CACTUS) : a multicentre, single-blinded, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Neurology, 18(9), 821-833. View this article in WRRO
- Behavioural activation therapy for post-stroke depression : the BEADS feasibility RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 23(47), 1-176. View this article in WRRO
- Causal inference for long-term survival in randomised trials with treatment switching: Should re-censoring be applied when estimating counterfactual survival times?. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(8), 2475-2493. View this article in WRRO
- Impact of non-randomised dropout on treatment switching adjustment in the relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis CLARITY trial and the CLARITY extension study. Value in Health, 22(7), 772-776. View this article in WRRO
- Estimating lifetime benefits associated with immuno-oncology therapies : challenges and approaches for overall survival extrapolations. PharmacoEconomics, 1-10. View this article in WRRO
- Two-stage estimation to adjust for treatment switching in randomised trials: a simulation study investigating the use of inverse probability weighting instead of re-censoring. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 19, 69-69. View this article in WRRO
- Survival Extrapolation in Cancer Immunotherapy: A Validation-Based Case Study. Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- Challenges and methodologies in using progression free survival as a surrogate for overall survival in oncology. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 34(3), 300-316. View this article in WRRO
- Developing accessible, pictorial versions of health-related quality of life instruments suitable for economic evaluation: a report of preliminary studies conducted in Canada and the United Kingdom. PharmacoEconomics. View this article in WRRO
- Assessing methods for dealing with treatment switching in clinical trials: A follow-up simulation study. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27(3), 765-784. View this article in WRRO
- A New Approach for Sampling Ordered Parameters in Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis. PharmacoEconomics. View this article in WRRO
- Extrapolating Survival from Randomized Trials Using External Data: A Review of Methods. Medical Decision Making, 37(4), 377-390. View this article in WRRO
- Adjusting for treatment switching in randomised controlled trials – A simulation study and a simplified two-stage method. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 26(2), 724-751.
- Adjusting Overall Survival Estimates after Treatment Switching: a Case Study in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Targeted Oncology, 12(1), 111-121. View this article in WRRO
- Treatment switching in cancer trials: Issues and proposals. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 32(3), 167-174. View this article in WRRO
- Treatment Switching: statistical and decision making challenges and approaches. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 32(3), 160-166. View this article in WRRO
- Behavioural Activation Therapy for Depression after Stroke (BEADS): a study protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled pilot trial of a psychological intervention for post-stroke depression. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2(1). View this article in WRRO
- The Cost of Costing Treatments Incorrectly: Errors in the Application of Drug Prices in Economic Evaluation Due to Failing to Account for the Distribution of Patient Weight. Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- Adjusting for treatment switching in the METRIC study shows further improved overall survival with trametinib compared with chemotherapy. Cancer Medicine, 5(5), 806-815. View this article in WRRO
- Overall Survival Endpoint in Oncology Clinical Trials: Addressing the Effect of Crossover - The Case of Pazopanib in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma. Oncology, 90(3), 119-126. View this article in WRRO
- Adjusting overall Survival Estimates for Treatment Switching: a Case Study in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Value in Health, 18(3), A195-A195.
- Clinical and cost effectiveness of computer treatment for aphasia post stroke (Big CACTUS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 16(1). View this article in WRRO
- Better Reimbursement Decision-Making Based on Expected Cost-Effectiveness: Using Value of Information Decision Analysis to Improve The Design and Efficacy of A Phase Iii Program for Erlotinib. Value in Health, 18(7), A700-A700.
- Vial Sizes Of Pharmaceuticals For Infusion – The Potential For Cost Reductions And Reduced Wastage By Optimising Fill Volumes. Value in Health, 18(7), A687-A687.
- Adjusting for confounding effects of treatment switching in a randomized phase II study of dabrafenib plus trametinib in BRAF V600+ metastatic melanoma. Melanoma Research, 25(6), 528-536.
- Adjusting for the Confounding Effects of Treatment Switching—The BREAK‐3 Trial: Dabrafenib Versus Dacarbazine. The Oncologist, 20(7), 798-805.
- Treatment switching in oncology trials and the acceptability of adjustment methods. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 15(4), 561-564.
- Preference-based health-related quality of life in the context of aphasia: a research synthesis. Aphasiology, 29(7), 763-780.
- Rituximab in Combination with Corticosteroids for the Treatment of Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Vasculitis: A NICE Single Technology Appraisal. PharmacoEconomics, 32(12), 1171-1183. View this article in WRRO
- What are the Implications for Policy Makers? A Systematic Review of the Cost-Effectiveness of Screening and Brief Interventions for Alcohol Misuse in Primary Care. Frontiers in Psychiatry. View this article in WRRO
- Adjusting survival time estimates to account for treatment switching in randomized controlled trials--an economic evaluation context: methods, limitations, and recommendations.. Med Decis Making, 34(3), 387-402.
- Response to "survival analysis and extrapolation modeling of time-to-event clinical trial data for economic evaluation: an alternative approach" by Bagust and Beale.. Med Decis Making, 34(3), 279-282.
- A randomised controlled trial and cost-effectiveness evaluation of 'booster' interventions to sustain increases in physical activity in middle-aged adults in deprived urban neighbourhoods.. Health Technol Assess, 18(13), 1-210.
- Randomised controlled trial and health economic evaluation of the impact of diagnostic testing for influenza, respiratory syncytial virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae infection on the management of acute admissions in the elderly and high-risk 18- to 64-year-olds.. Health Technol Assess, 18(36), 1-viii.
- Adjusting overall survival for treatment switches: Commonly used methods and practical application. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 12(6), 348-357.
- Cost-utility of self-managed computer therapy for people with aphasia.. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 29(4), 402-409.
- Cost--utility analysis of a shock-absorbing floor intervention to prevent injuries from falls in hospital wards for older people.. Age Ageing, 42(5), 641-645.
- Adjusting for treatment crossover in the METRIC metastatic melanoma (MM) trial for trametinib: Preliminary analysis.. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31(15_suppl), 9040-9040.
- The importance of adjusting for treatment crossover bias in oncology clinical trials: An analysis of the EGF104900 trial in metastatic breast cancer (mBC).. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31(15_suppl), 636-636.
- Adjusting for treatment crossover in the BREAK-3 metastatic melanoma trial for dabrafenib: Preliminary analysis.. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31(15_suppl), 9044-9044.
- NICE's end of life decision making scheme: impact on population health.. BMJ, 346, f1363.
- Modelling the cost-effectiveness of alcohol screening and brief interventions in primary care in England.. Alcohol Alcohol, 48(2), 180-188.
- Clinical evaluation, economic evaluation, and the role of the control group. Medical Acupuncture, 25(1), 2-4.
- Survival analysis for economic evaluations alongside clinical trials--extrapolation with patient-level data: inconsistencies, limitations, and a practical guide.. Med Decis Making, 33(6), 743-754.
- Inconsistencies in NICE guidance for acupuncture: Reanalysis and discussion. Acupuncture in Medicine, 30(3), 182-186.
- Computer therapy compared with usual care for people with long-standing aphasia poststroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial.. Stroke, 43(7), 1904-1911.
- The development of a QALY measure for epilepsy: NEWQOL-6D. Epilepsy and Behavior, 24(1), 36-43.
- Assessing methods for dealing with treatment switching in randomised controlled trials: a simulation study.. BMC Med Res Methodol, 11, 4. View this article in WRRO
- Value of information in the osteoarthritis setting: cost effectiveness of COX-2 selective inhibitors, traditional NSAIDs and proton pump inhibitors.. Pharmacoeconomics, 29(3), 225-237.
- NICE guideline on osteoarthritis: is it fair to acupuncture? Yes.. Acupunct Med, 27(2), 72-75.
- Cost effectiveness of COX 2 selective inhibitors and traditional NSAIDs alone or in combination with a proton pump inhibitor for people with osteoarthritis.. BMJ, 339, b2538.
- One to one interventions to reduce sexually transmitted infections and under the age of 18 conceptions: a systematic review of the economic evaluations.. Sex Transm Infect, 83(6), 441-446.
- Adjusting for switches to multiple treatments: Should switches be handled separately or combined?. Statistical Methods in Medical Research.
- Is inverse probability of censoring weighting a safer choice than per-protocol analysis in clinical trials?. Statistical Methods in Medical Research.
- Assessing Methods for Adjusting Estimates of Treatment Effectiveness for Patient Nonadherence in the Context of Time-to-Event Outcomes and Health Technology Assessment: A Simulation Study. Medical Decision Making.
- An Evaluation of an Algorithm for the Selection of Flexible Survival Models for Cancer Immunotherapies: Pass or Fail?. PharmacoEconomics.
- Mixture and Non-mixture Cure Models for Health Technology Assessment: What You Need to Know. PharmacoEconomics.
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- A cautionary tale: an evaluation of the performance of treatment switching adjustment methods in a real world case study. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 24(1).
- Bracing Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (BASIS) study – night-time versus full-time bracing in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: study protocol for a multicentre, randomized controlled trial. Bone & Joint Open, 4(11), 873-880.
- Modeling the multi‐state natural history of rare diseases with heterogeneous individual patient data: A simulation study. Statistics in Medicine.
- Survival Extrapolation Incorporating General Population Mortality Using Excess Hazard and Cure Models: A Tutorial. Medical Decision Making.
- Self-managed, computerised word finding therapy as an add-on to usual care for chronic aphasia post-stroke: An economic evaluation. Clinical Rehabilitation, 026921552097534-026921552097534.
- Associations between neighbourhood environmental factors and the uptake and effectiveness of a brief intervention to increase physical activity. Journal of Public Health. View this article in WRRO
- Challenges in valuing and paying for combination regimens in oncology: Reporting the perspectives of a multi-stakeholder, international workshop. BMC Health Services Research.
Conference proceedings papers
- RWD66 Application of the target trial framework for estimating comparative effectiveness using real-world data-a systematic review. Value in Health, Vol. 25(12 Suppl) (pp S461-S461). Vienna, Austria, 6 November 2022 - 9 November 2022.
- Spirit 2: Final 5 Year Analysis of the UK National Cancer Research Institute Randomized Study Comparing Imatinib with Dasatinib in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Chronic Phase CML. Blood, Vol. 132(Supplement 1) (pp 457-457)
- Comparison of Cure Rates between Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin Plus Standard of Care Chemotherapy Vs Standard of Care Alone in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Blood, Vol. 132(Supplement 1) (pp 2712-2712)
- Impact Of Non-Randomised Drop-Out On Treatment Switching Adjustment In The Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Clarity Trial And The Clarity Extension Study. Value in Health, Vol. 20(9) (pp A769-A769)
- Adjusting for Treatment Switching in the Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Clarity Trial and the Clarity Extension Study. Value in Health, Vol. 20(9) (pp A718-A718)
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- Guidance On Selecting Appropriate Methods When Considering Adjusting Overall Survival For Treatment Switch In Oncology Studies. Value in Health, Vol. 19(7) (pp A398-A398)
- Adjusting For Treatment Switching in Rcts – Identifying, Analysing and Justifying Appropriate Methods: a Case Study in Metastatic Melanoma. Value in Health, Vol. 18(7) (pp A338-A338)
- Crossover in oncology clinical trials.. Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 33(15_suppl) (pp e15592-e15592)
- Adjusting for Treatment Crossover in A Trametinib Metastatic Melanoma Rct: Identifying the Appropriate Method. Value in Health, Vol. 17(7) (pp A577-A577)
- Abstract CT330: Adjusting for confounding effects of treatment crossover in a randomized phase 2 study of dabrafenib plus trametinib inBRAFV600+ metastatic melanoma. Clinical Trials
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Scholarly editions
- Combining causal inference and within-trial economic evaluation methods to assess comparative cost-effectiveness using real-world data: a tutorial with recommendations based on the quasi-experimental ADAPT study of a redesigned mental health service.
- An App With Brief Behavioural Support to Promote Physical Activity After a Cancer Diagnosis (APPROACH): Study Protocol for a Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Improved two-stage estimation to adjust for treatment switching in randomised trials : g-estimation to address time-dependent confounding. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. View this article in WRRO
- Teaching interests
My teaching interests lie in the field of health economics, economic evaluation and survival analysis. I have previously co-ordinated and taught several modules on economic evaluation and survival analysis on various MSc courses. Currently, I teach methods for adjusting for treatment switching in clinical trials on the Further Statistical Methods for Health Economic Analysis module on the Health Economics and Decision Modelling MSc.
I have completed the Certificate in Learning and Teaching (PGCertHE), the University Of Sheffield's professional development course in learning and teaching in higher education.
I am currently supervising five PhD students. Abu Alshreef is investigating adjustment for non-adherence in economic evaluation. Rachid Rafia is exploring multi-state models and partitioned survival models for cancer treatments. Amy Chang is researching methods for modelling the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treatment sequences. Ash Bullement is investigating survival analysis methods. Saleema Rex is examining the use of causal inference methods to estimate comparative effectiveness using registry datasets.
I am interested in supervising potential students on topics around adjustment for treatment switching in clinical trials, and the use of causal inference methods to estimate comparative effectiveness from observational datasets.
- Professional activities and memberships
I have pursued my research interests through a series of research fellowships. In 2012 I completed an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship, and in 2018 I completed an NIHR Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship. My current 5-year Yorkshire Cancer Research Fellowship began in January 2019. I also contribute to several other research and consultancy projects in ScHARR.
- I am a member of NICE Technology Appraisal Committee B
- I have been a member of the Yorkshire and Humber Research for Patient benefit Programme Regional Advisory committee
- I am a member of the Health Economists Study Group
- I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- I have been an invited expert for the NICE Scientific Advice Programme.
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