Applying for intercalated degrees
Read this page carefully before applying for an intercalated degree

What do I need to do if I'm an internal student and intend to intercalate during 2025/2026?
Internal students need to register your intention to intercalate by 31st March 2025
If you are an internal student and intending to intercalate in the academic year 2025/26 you are required to register your intentions by completing the form below by no later than Sunday 31st March 2025. You will be unable to intercalate in the 2025-26 academic year if you have not notified the School by this date (this is due to the increase in the numbers of students wishing to intercalate and the need to ensure we can accommodate returning students on clinical placements).
Register your intention to intercalate during 2025-2026This form will be used for administrative purposes to ensure that we have a record of all students who are intercalating and to ensure the correct paperwork has been completed.
Book an appointment with Associate Director of Student Affairs (ADSA) by the end of March 2024
You will need to meet with an ADSA to discuss your intercalation plans and to complete a leave of absence form. You must make this appointment before you apply and by no later than Sunday 31st March 2025.
This meeting will need to take place before any permission to intercalate letters can be issued. That does not apply to academic transcripts or certifying letters, they can be issued at any point in the year. There are several Student Affairs appointment slots available each week, they are booked on a first come first serve basis, to discuss the times that are available and book an appointment please email
All students intercalating must be signed off on a Leave of Absence for the year.
BSc in Medical Sciences Research / (Surgery) application process
Apply to study for a BSc in Medical Sciences Research or Medical Sciences Surgery
There will be two rounds of applications.
First Round of Applications - Deadline: Tuesday 10th December 2024 |
The first round of applications will open with the Intercalation Fair on Thursday 22nd November 2024. You can apply to study for a BSc in Medical Sciences Research or a BSc in Medical Sciences Surgery here. |
You should make initial enquiries to supervisors and if you are interested in more than one project then please speak informally with a number of supervisors. |
Apply Online by Tuesday 10th December 2024, 12 noon. The application form allows you to apply for up to 3 projects, including a self design option. You will be asked to submit your academic grades and write a personal statement. |
The Medical School will process your application and send the applications to the relevant supervisors. |
The supervisor will contact you to have an interview with them – the interviews will take place between Thursday 2nd January 2025 – Friday 17th January 2025 (external candidates can have their interviews via phone or GoogleMeets). |
The projects will be allocated based on a combination of supervisor and student preference and students will be informed of their application result in the week commencing 20th January 2025. |
Once you have been offered a project we will send you the Project Acceptance Form which you will be required to submit by Monday 3rd February 2025 to complete the process. |
Second Round of Applications - Deadline: Monday 24th February 2025 |
If you are not offered one of your first choices you will be informed of the remaining projects via the website and invited to a second round of applications. |
The second round of project applications will open on Tuesday 11th February 2025. |
You should make initial enquiries to supervisors and if you are interested in more than one project then please speak informally with a number of supervisors. |
Apply Online by Monday 24th February 2025. The application form allows you to apply for up to 3 projects, including a self design option. You will be asked to submit your academic grades and write a personal statement. |
The Medical School will process your application and send the applications to the relevant supervisors. |
The supervisor will contact you to have an interview with them – the interviews will take place between Monday 3rd March 2025 - Friday 14th March 2025 (external candidates can have their interviews via phone or GoogleMeets). |
The projects will be allocated based on a combination of supervisor and student preference and students will be informed of their application result in the week commencing 17th March 2025. |
Once you have been offered a project we will send you the Project Acceptance Form which you will be required to submit by Friday 5 April 2025 to complete the process. |
Self Design: If you have chosen to self-design a project, it is your responsibility to come up with a project and to approach a possible supervisor. If the supervisor is agreeable, please email Jody Findley ( so that you can submit the standard Project Acceptance Form and then your supervisor will be sent a self-design proposal form.
Masters application process
Please apply for your chosen masters degree and follow the postgraduate application form process.
If you have any questions, please email Jody Findley,