Cara Mooney

BSc (Hons), MSc

School of Medicine and Population Health

Research Fellow / Senior Trial Manager

CTRU Lead Trial Manager

Cara Mooney
Profile picture of Cara Mooney
+44 114 222 4308

Full contact details

Cara Mooney
School of Medicine and Population Health
The Innovation Centre
217 Portobello
S1 4DP

I am a Research Fellow and Senior Trial Manager in the CTRU interested in trial methodology and implementation, I am particularly interested in Health behaviour change interventions and retention of participants.

I joined the University of Sheffield in 2013 as a research assistant in the Clinical Trials Research Unit working on the PLEASANT trial and assisting on the Healthlines study. I am currently the trial manager for the Orion project. I have previously been trial manager for the Multiple Symptoms Study 3, the TRICEPS trial, MERIDIAN studies and STOP-OHSS. I am also a co-applicant on the RHABIT methodological project and Stratcare-2.

Prior to joining the University, I worked on a health promotion programme within Rotherham NHS Maternity Service. I have also done voluntary work on a number of weight management programmes, which involved carrying out health assessments and delivering nutrition and lifestyle advice.

I became Lead Trial Manager in 2021, providing support for study management staff including providing advice on implementation and co-ordinating and developing training development and staff inductions. I am also a member of the CTRU Management Group.

  • BSc (Hons) Nutrition, Health and Lifestyle 
  • MSc Physical Activity for Health
Research interests
  • Health behaviour change interventions
  • Recruitment to trials
  • Retention of trial participants

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Journal articles

All publications

Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers

  • Mooney CD (2016) MERIDIAN study - primary endpoints. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol. 123(Supplement 1), 21 April 2016 - 22 April 2016. RIS download Bibtex download
Research group
  • EXPERTS-ALS: EXPErimental medicine Route To Success in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • ORION: RadiO fRequency ablatION for haemorrhoids
  • MSS3: Multilple Symptoms Study 3
  • MERIDIAN: Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Enhance the Diagnosis of Fetal Developmental Brain Abnormalities in Utero
  • MERIDIAN 2-3 year follow up study
  • TRICEPS : Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation Post-Stroke
  • RHABIT: Recording Harms in Behavioural change intervention Trials
Teaching activities

I am involved in delivering various aspects of Master level programs at ScHARR including:

- Supervising and marking dissertations on the Masters in Human Nutrition, Masters in Public Health, and Masters in Clinical Research
- Seminar tutor on the Masters in Human Nutrition and Masters in Clinical Research Dissertation module
- Deputy module leader on Randomised Controlled Trials to Support Reimbursement Decision Making (online) module
- Personal tutor to Masters Level students

Professional activities and memberships

I am a member of the ScHARR Ethics Committee. I am also a member of the UKCRC Monitoring Task and Finish Group.