Dr Chris Blackmore

BSc, MA, DipCoun, PhD, SFHEA

School of Medicine and Population Health

Senior University Teacher

SMPH Sustainability lead, SMPH Officer for Academic Misconduct

Chris Blackmore
Profile picture of Chris Blackmore
+44 114 222 0848

Full contact details

Dr Chris Blackmore
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

I am a University Teacher and Researcher in mental health. I have special interests around student mental health, the use of lived experience of mental health in teaching, narrative approaches in mental health, and the impact of technology on mental health. My PhD thesis at the University of Sheffield was on the role of emotions in online learning. I am the academic lead for the University of Sheffield's 2025 'PGR Well-being Strategy'.


Chris is the lead academic on the LifePath project, to develop a virtual reality tool which will enable people with lived experience of common mental health problems to capture their lifestories in an engaging way
Research interests

I am the academic lead for the LifePath project looking at immersive tools for mental health. I have a track record of pedagogical research based around student mental health and well-being issues. 
I was lead for the 'Are you OK?' project funded by UKCISA looking at the mental health of international PGRs and their supervisors


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Journal articles


  • De Wilde J, Cavalli G & Fuller S (2021) Online communities of practice for academic practice and a sense of belonging, Online Communities for Doctoral Researchers and their Supervisors (pp. 83-94). Routledge RIS download Bibtex download
  • Blackmore C, van Deurzen E & Tantam D (2007) Therapy training online- using the internet to widen access to training in mental health issues In Stickley T & Basset T (Ed.), Teaching and learning about mental health (pp. 337-352). Wiley-Blackwell RIS download Bibtex download
  • Blackmore C, van Deurzen E & Tantam D (2005) E-Learning vs. Traditional Teaching Methods, Encyclopedia of Virtual Communities and Technologies (pp. 174-178). Information Science Reference RIS download Bibtex download
  • Arnold-Baker C, Lamont N, Adams M, Vos J, Blackmore C, Tantam D, Correia E, Strasser A, van Deurzen-Smith S & Lagerström A () Challenges and New Developments in Existential-Phenomenological Therapy, The Wiley World Handbook of Existential Therapy (pp. 214-229). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers

  • Richardson JE, Blackmore C & Atkin A (2007) Arguing with Asperger Syndrome. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (pp 1141-1146) RIS download Bibtex download

Website content

All publications

Journal articles


Conference proceedings papers


  • Blackmore C, Beecroft C, Parry G, Booth A, Tantam D, Chambers E, Simpson E, Roberts E & Saxon D (2009) A Systematic Review of the Efficacy and Clinical Effectiveness of Group Analysis and Analytic/Dynamic Group Psychotherapy RIS download Bibtex download

Website content


Research group

Mental Health Research Unit

Teaching interests

I teach on various aspects of mental health
I also develop initiatives and tools for student mental health including the SUMMiT (Student Understandings of Maximising Mental health in Transitions') tool for students and the SNAP photography project for PGRs.

Teaching activities

I am lead in the School of Medicine and Population Health for Academic Misconduct
I am interested in acting as a second supervisor on PhD projects focusing on areas such as mental health, student mental health, narrative approaches and immersive technology.

Professional activities and memberships
  • Senior Fellow of Advance HE (SFHEA)