Chris Carroll
BA, MA (King's College London), MSc (Sheffield), PhD (Cambridge)
School of Medicine and Population Health
Reader in Systematic Review and Evidence Synthesis
+44 114 222 0864
Full contact details
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA
- Profile
I joined ScHARR in 2004 and was appointed as a Research Fellow in 2007. In early 2011 I was appointed Senior Lecturer in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and in 2014 I was promoted to Reader and made a University Senate Fellow for Excellence in Learning and Teaching.
I was previously the Lead for the systematic reviewers in HEDS (2017-18), Deputy Director of Health Economics and Decision Science (2018-2022) and the REF2021 Co-ordinator for the School (Unit of Assessment 2).
- Research interests
- Systematic review and evidence synthesis of medical, health and social science topics, including qualitative and mixed method evidence synthesis;
- The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) process and related decision-making;
- Research on research: research impact and the analysis of evidence informing healthcare decision-making;
- Information retrieval and programme evaluation (implementation fidelity) research
Current projects
- What matters to children and parents in obesity management: Complementary evidence syntheses of qualitative systematic reviews. WHO commissioned (PI: A Booth)
- The development of risk-stratified, cost-effective, and acceptable blood-test monitoring strategies for inflammatory conditions treated with commonly used immune suppressing drugs: a multi-method study using evidence synthesis, modelling and qualitative research. NIHR 19/29 (PI)
- Identifying health literacy interventions that reduce the use of primary care and emergency services for minor problems: a systematic review. NIHR 131238 (PI: A O'Cathain)
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a systematic review of global incidence, prevalence, infectivity, and incubation. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20(1), e2-e10. View this article in WRRO
- Decision‐making by the NICE Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee. BJS (British Journal of Surgery). View this article in WRRO
- Qualitative evidence synthesis to improve implementation of clinical guidelines. BMJ, 356. View this article in WRRO
- Quality assessment of qualitative evidence for systematic review and synthesis: Is it meaningful, and if so, how should it be performed?. Research Synthesis Methods, 6(2), 149-154. View this article in WRRO
- Systematic review, network meta-analysis and exploratory cost-effectiveness model of randomized trials of minimally invasive techniques versus surgery for varicose veins.. Br J Surg, 101(9), 1040-1052. View this article in WRRO
- "Best fit" framework synthesis: refining the method.. BMC Med Res Methodol, 13, 37. View this article in WRRO
- A qualitative evidence synthesis of employees' views of workplace smoking reduction or cessation interventions.. BMC Public Health, 13, 1095. View this article in WRRO
- Should we exclude inadequately reported studies from qualitative systematic reviews? An evaluation of sensitivity analyses in two case study reviews.. Qual Health Res, 22(10), 1425-1434.
- A worked example of "best fit" framework synthesis: a systematic review of views concerning the taking of some potential chemopreventive agents.. BMC Med Res Methodol, 11, 29. View this article in WRRO
- A conceptual framework for implementation fidelity.. Implement Sci, 2, 40. View this article in WRRO
All publications
Journal articles
- Scoping review of the effectiveness of 10 high-impact initiatives (HIIs) for recovering urgent and emergency care services. BMJ Open Quality, 13(3), e002906-e002906.
- Developing an international consensus reporting guideline for intervention Fidelity in non-drug, non-surgical trials: The ReFiND protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 107575-107575.
- Prognostic factors for liver, blood and kidney adverse events from glucocorticoid sparing immune-suppressing drugs in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: a prognostic systematic review. RMD Open, 10(1), e003588-e003588.
- HTA283 A Scoping Review of Health Technology Assessment Agency (HTA) and Health Economic (HE) Modelling Guidelines for Identification of Health Economic Model Inputs. Value in Health, 26(12), S375-S375.
- EE632 Identification of Health State Utility Values for Health Economic Models: Empirical Testing of Alternative Search Methods. Value in Health, 26(12), S174-S175.
- The missing link: the quality of UK local and national online media coverage of research. Insights the UKSG journal, 36.
- The move towards living systematic reviews and living guidelines in healthcare: consideration of the possibilities and challenges for living qualitative evidence syntheses. Systematic Reviews, 12.
- The problems with systematic reviews: a living systematic review. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 156, 30-41.
- Unhealthy food and beverage consumption during childhood and risk of cardiometabolic disease: a systematic review of prospective cohort studies. The Journal of Nutrition.
- Health literacy interventions for reducing the use of primary and emergency services for minor health problems: a systematic review. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 10(38), 1-222.
- Stakeholder views of services for children and adolescents with obesity: Mega‐ethnography of qualitative syntheses. Obesity, 30(11), 2167-2184.
- Unhealthy Food and Beverage Consumption in Children and Risk of Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.. Adv Nutr, 13(5), 1669-1696.
- Exploring open access coverage of Wikipedia-cited research across the White Rose Universities. Insights, 35. View this article in WRRO
- Information quality frameworks for digital health technologies: systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(5). View this article in WRRO
- Epidemiological and clinical burden of EGFR Exon 20 insertion in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: A systematic literature review. PLoS ONE, 16(3).
- Qualitative evidence synthesis of values and preferences to inform infant feeding in the context of non-HIV transmission risk. PLoS ONE, 15(12).
- What are the implications of Zika Virus for infant feeding? A synthesis of qualitative evidence concerning Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS) and comparable conditions. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14(10). View this article in WRRO
- Psychosocial functioning of Olympic coaches and its perceived effect on athlete performance : a systematic review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
- Research and policy impact of trials published by the UK National Institute of Health Research (2006-2015). Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- Interventions to reduce the risk of surgically transmitted Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease: a cost-effective modelling review. Health Technology Assessment, 24(11), 1-150. View this article in WRRO
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a systematic review of global incidence, prevalence, infectivity, and incubation. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20(1), e2-e10. View this article in WRRO
- Decision‐making by the NICE Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee. BJS (British Journal of Surgery). View this article in WRRO
- Protocol for a systematic review and qualitative synthesis of information quality frameworks in eHealth. BMJ Open, 9(3). View this article in WRRO
- Cabozantinib and vandetanib for unresectable locally advanced or metastatic medullary thyroid cancer: a systematic review and economic model. Health Technology Assessment, 23(8), 1-144. View this article in WRRO
- Ibrutinib for Treating Waldenström’s Macroglobulinaemia: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal. PharmacoEconomics, 37(1), 7-18. View this article in WRRO
- A Review of Issues Affecting the Efficiency of Decision Making in the NICE Single Technology Appraisal Process. PharmacoEconomics - Open. View this article in WRRO
- Risk of bias and the reporting of surgeons' experience in randomized controlled trials of total hip and total knee arthroplasty: A systematic review. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. View this article in WRRO
- Pirfenidone for Treating Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal.. Pharmacoeconomics. View this article in WRRO
- Nature and reporting characteristics of UK health technology assessment systematic reviews. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18(1). View this article in WRRO
- What Can Tell Us About Policy Citations of Research? An Analysis of Data for Research Articles from the University of Sheffield. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 2. View this article in WRRO
- What Is the Evidence from Past National Institute of Health and Care Excellence Single-Technology Appraisals Regarding Company Submissions with Base-Case Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratios of Less Than £10,000/QALY?. Value in Health. View this article in WRRO
- Mepolizumab for Treating Severe Eosinophilic Asthma: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal. Pharmacoeconomics. View this article in WRRO
- Adalimumab for Treating Moderate-to-Severe Hidradenitis Suppurativa: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal. PharmacoEconomics, 35(8), 805-815. View this article in WRRO
- The Type and Impact of Evidence Review Group Exploratory Analyses in the NICE Single Technology Appraisal Process. Value in Health, 20(6), 785-791. View this article in WRRO
- Evolocumab for Treating Primary Hypercholesterolaemia and Mixed Dyslipidaemia: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal. PharmacoEconomics, 35(5), 537-547. View this article in WRRO
- A systematic review of primary care models for non-communicable disease interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa. BMC Family Practice, 18(1). View this article in WRRO
- Qualitative evidence synthesis to improve implementation of clinical guidelines. BMJ, 356. View this article in WRRO
- Issues Related to the Frequency of Exploratory Analyses by Evidence Review Groups in the NICE Single Technology Appraisal Process. PharmacoEconomics - Open. View this article in WRRO
- Measuring academic research impact: creating a citation profile using the conceptual framework for implementation fidelity as a case study. Scientometrics, 109(2), 1329-1340. View this article in WRRO
- Infliximab, adalimumab and golimumab for treating moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis after the failure of conventional therapy (including a review of TA140 and TA262): clinical effectiveness systematic review and economic model. Health Technology Assessment, 20(39), 1-326. View this article in WRRO
- The use of exploratory analyses within the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence single technology appraisal process: an evaluation and qualitative analysis.. Health Technology Assessment, 20(26), 1-48. View this article in WRRO
- Improving search efficiency for systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy: an exploratory study to assess the viability of limiting to MEDLINE, EMBASE and reference checking. Systematic Reviews, 4(1). View this article in WRRO
- How to build up the actionable knowledge base: the role of ‘best fit’ framework synthesis for studies of improvement in healthcare. BMJ Quality & Safety, 24(11), 700-708. View this article in WRRO
- Systematic searching for theory to inform systematic reviews: is it feasible? Is it desirable?. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 32(3), 220-235. View this article in WRRO
- Quality assessment of qualitative evidence for systematic review and synthesis: Is it meaningful, and if so, how should it be performed?. Research Synthesis Methods, 6(2), 149-154. View this article in WRRO
- Rituximab in Combination with Corticosteroids for the Treatment of Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Vasculitis: A NICE Single Technology Appraisal. PharmacoEconomics, 32(12), 1171-1183. View this article in WRRO
- Systematic review, network meta-analysis and exploratory cost-effectiveness model of randomized trials of minimally invasive techniques versus surgery for varicose veins.. Br J Surg, 101(9), 1040-1052. View this article in WRRO
- Prevention of Retinal Detachment in Stickler Syndrome. The Cambridge Prophylactic Cryotherapy Protocol. Ophthalmology. View this article in WRRO
- A case study of binary outcome data extraction across three systematic reviews of hip arthroplasty: errors and differences of selection.. BMC Res Notes, 6, 539. View this article in WRRO
- Colistimethate sodium powder and tobramycin powder for inhalation for the treatment of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection in cystic fibrosis: systematic review and economic model.. Health Technol Assess, 17(56), v-181.
- Smoking cessation in the workplace.. Occup Med (Lond), 63(8), 526-536.
- Dabigatran etexilate for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing elective hip or knee surgery-a NICE single technology appraisal. PharmacoEconomics - Italian Research Articles, 15(2), 83-90.
- Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of minimally invasive techniques to manage varicose veins: a systematic review and economic evaluation.. Health Technol Assess, 17(48), i-141.
- Assessing searches in NICE single technology appraisals: practice and checklist.. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 29(3), 315-322.
- "Best fit" framework synthesis: refining the method.. BMC Med Res Methodol, 13, 37. View this article in WRRO
- A qualitative evidence synthesis of employees' views of workplace smoking reduction or cessation interventions.. BMC Public Health, 13, 1095. View this article in WRRO
- Systematic review, meta-analysis and economic modelling of diagnostic strategies for suspected acute coronary syndrome.. Health Technol Assess, 17(1), v-188.
- Desperately seeking dissonance: identifying the disconfirming case in qualitative evidence synthesis.. Qual Health Res, 23(1), 126-141. View this article in WRRO
- Heart-type fatty acid binding protein as an early marker for myocardial infarction: systematic review and meta-analysis.. Emerg Med J, 30(4), 280-286.
- Should we exclude inadequately reported studies from qualitative systematic reviews? An evaluation of sensitivity analyses in two case study reviews.. Qual Health Res, 22(10), 1425-1434.
- A qualitative study of manufacturers' submissions to the UK NICE Single Technology Appraisal process. BMJ Open, 2(1). View this article in WRRO
- The hospital environment for end of life care of older adults and their families: an integrative review.. J Adv Nurs, 68(5), 981-993.
- Dabigatran etexilate for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing elective hip or knee surgery: a NICE single technology appraisal.. Pharmacoeconomics, 30(2), 137-146.
- Reasons for the use and non-use of school sexual health services: a systematic review of young people's views.. J Public Health (Oxf), 34(3), 403-410.
- Cost-effectiveness of interventions to return employees to work following long-term sickness absence due to musculoskeletal disorders.. J Public Health (Oxf), 34(1), 115-124.
- Cost-effectiveness of aspirin, celecoxib, and calcium chemoprevention for colorectal cancer.. Clin Ther, 33(9), 1289-1305.
- A thematic analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of manufacturers' submissions to the NICE Single Technology Assessment (STA) process. Health Policy, 102(2-3), 136-144. View this article in WRRO
- Hemiarthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty for treating primary intracapsular fracture of the hip: A systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis. Health Technology Assessment, 15(36).
- The clinical effectiveness and safety of prophylactic retinal interventions to reduce the risk of retinal detachment and subsequent vision loss in adults and children with Stickler syndrome: a systematic review.. Health Technol Assess, 15(16), iii-62.
- Evidence review group approaches to the criticalappraisal of manufacturer submissions for the NICE STA process: A mapping study and thematic analysis. Health Technology Assessment, 15(22), 1-82.
- A worked example of "best fit" framework synthesis: a systematic review of views concerning the taking of some potential chemopreventive agents.. BMC Med Res Methodol, 11, 29. View this article in WRRO
- Antioxidants in the chemoprevention of colorectal cancer and colorectal adenomas in the general population: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. Colorectal Dis, 13(10), 1085-1099.
- Systematic review of the links between human resource management practices and performance.. Health Technol Assess, 14(51), 1-iv.
- Chemoprevention of colorectal cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation. HEALTH TECHNOL ASSES, 14(32), 1-+.
- School-linked sexual health services for young people (SSHYP): a survey and systematic review concerning current models, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and research opportunities.. Health Technol Assess, 14(30), 1-iv.
- Literature searching for social science systematic reviews: consideration of a range of search techniques. HEALTH INFO LIBR J, 27(2), 114-122.
- Supplemental Calcium in the Chemoprevention of Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. CLIN THER, 32(5), 789-803.
- Meta-analysis: folic acid in the chemoprevention of colorectal adenomas and colorectal cancer.. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 31(7), 708-718.
- Workplace involvement improves return to work rates among employees with back pain on long-term sick leave: a systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions.. Disabil Rehabil, 32(8), 607-621.
- The clinical efficacy of cytotoxic agents in locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer patients pretreated with an anthracycline and a taxane: a systematic review.. Eur J Cancer, 45(16), 2749-2758.
- Dabigatran etexilate for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing elective hip and knee surgery: a single technology appraisal.. Health Technol Assess, 13 Suppl 2, 55-62.
- Applying findings from a systematic review of workplace-based e-learning: implications for health information professionals.. Health Info Libr J, 26(1), 4-21.
- UK health-care professionals' experience of on-line learning techniques: a systematic review of qualitative data.. J Contin Educ Health Prof, 29(4), 235-241.
- The cost-effectiveness of bevacizumab in the first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer in England and Wales.. Eur J Cancer, 43(17), 2487-2494.
- Interventions for adult family carers of people who have had a stroke: a systematic review.. Clin Rehabil, 21(10), 867-884.
- Hormonal therapies for early breast cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation.. Health Technol Assess, 11(26), iii-134.
- Is smoking tobacco an independent risk factor for HIV infection and progression to AIDS? A systemic review.. Sex Transm Infect, 83(1), 41-46.
- Systematic review and economic evaluation of bevacizumab and cetuximab for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer.. Health Technol Assess, 11(12), 1-iv.
- A conceptual framework for implementation fidelity.. Implement Sci, 2, 40. View this article in WRRO
- Bridging the gap: the development of knowledge briefings at the health and social care interface.. Health Soc Care Community, 14(6), 491-498.
- Development of a competency framework for health technology assessment in India. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine.
- Empirical Testing of Alternative Search Methods to Retrieve Utility Values for Health Economic Modelling. PharmacoEconomics.
- What matters to adolescents with obesity, and their caregivers, when considering bariatric surgery or weight loss devices? A qualitative evidence synthesis. Obesity Reviews.
- The conduct and reporting of qualitative evidence syntheses in health and social care guidelines: a content analysis. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 22(1).
- Qualitative evidence syntheses of attitudes and preferences to inform guidelines on infant feeding in the context of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) transmission risk. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16(3), e0010080-e0010080.
- Systematic review of the methodological literature for integrating qualitative evidence syntheses into health guideline development. Research Synthesis Methods.
- Dabigatran etexilate for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing elective hip and knee surgery: a single technology appraisal. Health Technology Assessment, 13(Suppl 2), 55-62.
- Fidelity, Handbook on Implementation Science (pp. 291-316). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Experiences of E-Learning and Its Delivery Among Learners Who Work: A Systematic Review, Supporting Workplace Learning (pp. 47-67). Springer Netherlands
- Exploring open access coverage of Wikipedia cited research across the White Rose Universities. and Unpaywall datasets.
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a systematic review of global incidence, prevalence, infectivity, and incubation. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20(1), e2-e10. View this article in WRRO
- Research group
PhD students
- Johanna Lister
- Chris Camona
- Teaching interests
I am interested in supervising research students in topics/areas such as systematic review and evidence synthesis methods, the health technology assessment (HTA) process, and implementation research.
- Professional activities and memberships
Member of the NICE Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee (IPAC) 2014-2020.