Chris Carroll

BA, MA (King's College London), MSc (Sheffield), PhD (Cambridge)

School of Medicine and Population Health

Reader in Systematic Review and Evidence Synthesis
+44 114 222 0864

Full contact details

Chris Carroll
School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

I joined ScHARR in 2004 and was appointed as a Research Fellow in 2007. In early 2011 I was appointed Senior Lecturer in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and in 2014 I was promoted to Reader and made a University Senate Fellow for Excellence in Learning and Teaching.

I was previously the Lead for the systematic reviewers in HEDS (2017-18), Deputy Director of Health Economics and Decision Science (2018-2022) and the REF2021 Co-ordinator for the School (Unit of Assessment 2).

Research interests
  • Systematic review and evidence synthesis of medical, health and social science topics, including qualitative and mixed method evidence synthesis;
  • The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) process and related decision-making;
  • Research on research: research impact and the analysis of evidence informing healthcare decision-making;
  • Information retrieval and programme evaluation (implementation fidelity) research

Current projects

  • What matters to children and parents in obesity management: Complementary evidence syntheses of qualitative systematic reviews. WHO commissioned (PI: A Booth)
  • The development of risk-stratified, cost-effective, and acceptable blood-test monitoring strategies for inflammatory conditions treated with commonly used immune suppressing drugs: a multi-method study using evidence synthesis, modelling and qualitative research. NIHR 19/29 (PI)
  • Identifying health literacy interventions that reduce the use of primary care and emergency services for minor problems: a systematic review. NIHR 131238 (PI: A O'Cathain)

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Journal articles

All publications

Journal articles



  • Carroll C, Goodacre S, Stevens J & Leaviss J Diagnostic accuracy of early biomarkers for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) (2012). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wong R, Paisley S & Carroll C Assessing searches in NICE Single Technology Appraisals: practice and checklist. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wong R, Paisley S & Carroll C Assessing the quality of manufacturers' searches in NICE single technology appraisals by evidence review groups (2012). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Carroll C, Beecroft C & Miller L The Future of Education in HTA and Health Economics (2014). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Carroll C, Papaioannou D & Harnan S Surgical interventions for the primary prophylaxis of retinal detachment in Stickler Syndrome: a systematic review. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Carroll C Qualitative evidence synthesis can inform recommendations in NICE clinical guidelines (HTAI 12th Annual Meeting 15-17 June 2015). RIS download Bibtex download



Research group

PhD students

Teaching interests

I am interested in supervising research students in topics/areas such as systematic review and evidence synthesis methods, the health technology assessment (HTA) process, and implementation research.

Professional activities and memberships

Member of the NICE Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee (IPAC) 2014-2020.