Embedding Public and Community Engagement in Decision-Making

In the first video edition of the Communicable Research Podcast, Andy Tattersall speaks to his NIHR funded Knowledge for Public Health (KNOW-PH) mobilisation colleagues.

A hand building a tower of blocks with medical images on them, with the words "Communicable Research Podcast"

Andy is joined by Naeema Ahmed (AFRUCA), Liz Such (The University of Nottingham) and Joe Langley (Sheffield Hallam) to discuss the importance of public and community engagement (PACE) within the context of mobilising health knowledge. 

Knowledge for Public Health is public health knowledge mobilisation team funded by the NIHR National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). KNOW-PH for short, the team aims to move research evidence generated by NIHR closer to local and national public health decision-making. 

Visit the KNOW-PH website to find out more

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