Prokhorov Lectures
We host several lectures by world-leading academics and public intellectuals each year.

The Sheffield Prokhorov Lectures are open to academics, students, and the general public and are supplemented by a range of further activities such as master classes and panel debates.
Upcoming lectures
There are no lectures currently scheduled.
Catch up on previous lectures
Past speakers include:
- Akala
- Karen Armstrong
- Christopher Clark
- Terry Eagleton
- Giles Fraser
- John Gray
- Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
- Martin Jay
- John Lanchester
- David Clay Large
- Marjorie Levinson
- Diarmaid MacCulloch
- Alister McGrath
- Chris Mullin
- Audrey Niffenegger
- Peter Pomerantsev
- Nina Power
- TJ Reed
- Lionel Shriver
- Mona Siddiqui
- Marina Warner
- Pete Wilcox
- Larry Wolff
God and the Good lecture series
Karen Armstrong's lecture is part of the God and the Good Lectures, co-organised with Robert Stern in the Department of Philosophy.
Are believers better people than atheists? Or does religion breed intolerance and violence?
Are our moral concepts inextricably tied up with religious ideas? Do different religious traditions have fundamentally different ethical commitments?
This series of talks, intended for a general audience, will consider such questions.
While most ethical traditions have a religious background, the increasing secularisation of modern society has put the connection between ethics and religion in question. Our talks will explore the history of this connection, as well as the questions: can religion illuminate ethical issues, and: can ethical issues illuminate religion?