Dr Matt Sleat
Department of Politics and International Relations
Reader in Political Theory

+44 114 222 1692
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Department of Politics and International Relations
Elmfield Building
Northumberland Road
S10 2TU
- Profile
Dr Matt Sleat joined the Department in 2007 and is currently a Reader in Political Theory.
He works on and has published widely across three main research areas: realist political thought, liberal philosophy, and international relations theory. He is author of two books - Post-Liberalism (Polity forthcoming) and Liberal Realism: A Realist Theory of Liberal Politics (MUP 2013; paperback 2017; Chinese translation 2024) – and editor of Politics Recovered: Essays on Realist Political Thought (Columbia University Press 2018).
He has published over 20 peer-reviewed articles in journals such as Political Theory, Review of International Studies, Review of Politics, Political Studies, European Journal of Political Theory, European Journal of Philosophy, International Politics, Social Philosophy & Practice, International Political Theory and Social Theory & Practice.
In 2020, Dr Sleat was awarded the inaugural Mid-Career Prize by the Britain and Ireland Association for Political Thought (https://www.associationforpoliticalthought.ac.uk/announcement-biapt-mid-career-prize-winner/).
He has held research fellowships from the Leverhulme Trust and British Academy, and visiting fellowships at the Australia National University, Queen Mary University of London, Kings College London and the University of Oxford. From 2014-17 he was editor of the European Journal of Political Theory, and from 2017-2023 co-editor of Political Studies.
- Publications
Edited books
Journal articles
- Against realist ideology critique. Social Philosophy and Policy, 41(1), 139-157. View this article in WRRO
- Truth and loyalty. Political Theory, 52(4), 581-604. View this article in WRRO
- Rights in the Liberal Tradition. Political Studies, 71(2), 279-294.
- Realism and political normativity. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 25(3), 465-478.
- Self-deception about truthfulness. European Journal of Philosophy, 30(2), 693-708. View this article in WRRO
- Ethics, morality and the case for realist political theory. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 10-27.
- Just cyber war?: casus belli, information ethics, and the human perspective. Review of International Studies, 44(2), 324-342. View this article in WRRO
- Ethics, morality and the case for realist political theory. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 20(3), 276-290. View this article in WRRO
- What is a Political Value? Political Philosophy and Fidelity to Reality. Social Philosophy and Policy, 33(1-2), 252-272. View this article in WRRO
- The Value of Global Justice: Realism and Moralism. Journal of International Political Theory, 12(2), 169-184. View this article in WRRO
- Realism, Liberalism and Non-ideal Theory Or, Are there Two Ways to do Realistic Political Theory?. Political Studies, 64(1), 27-41.
- The politics and morality of the responsibility to protect: Beyond the realist/liberal impasse. International Politics, 53(1), 67-82.
- Justice and Legitimacy in Contemporary Liberal Thought: A Critique. Social Theory and Practice, 41(2), 230-252. View this article in WRRO
- The primacy of politics: Towards a more realistic liberalism. Juncture, 21(4), 305-310.
- Realism in Normative Political Theory. Philosophy Compass, 9(10), 689-701.
- Legitimacy in Realist Thought. Political Theory, 42(3), 314-337.
- View this article in WRRO
- Coercing non-liberal persons: Considerations on a more realistic liberalism. European Journal of Political Theory, 12(4), 347-367.
- Hope and Disappointment in Politics. Contemporary Politics, 19(2), 131-145.
- Justification, Pluralism and Pragmatism: The Problems and Possibilities of a Peircean Epistemic Justification of Liberalism. European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy, 5(2), 38-58.
- Legitimacy in a non-ideal key: A critical response to Andrew Mason. Political Theory, 40(5), 650-656.
- Liberal realism: A liberal response to the realist critique. Review of Politics, 73(3), 469-496.
- Bernard Williams and the possibility of a realist political theory. European Journal of Political Theory, 9(4), 485-503.
- Making Sense of our Political Lives - The Political Realism of Bernard Williams. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 3(10), 389-398.
- On the relationship between truth and liberal politics. INQUIRY, 50(3), 288-305.
- Liberalism, Fundamentalism and Truth. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 4(23), 405-417.
- Modus Vivendi and Legitimacy: Some Sceptical Thoughts, The Political Theory of Modus Vivendi (pp. 185-201). Springer International Publishing
- Introduction: Politics Recovered-on the Revival of Realism in Contemporary Political Theory, Politics Recovered (pp. 1-26). Columbia University Press
- Responsible to Whom? Obligations to Participants and Society in Social Science Research, Advances in Research Ethics and Integrity (pp. 37-46). Emerald Publishing Limited
Book reviews
- Liberalism in Dark Times: The Liberal Ethos in the Twentieth Century. By Joshua L. Cherniss. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021. 328p. $35.00 cloth.. Perspectives on Politics, 20(2), 707-708.
- Hoping for an apocalypse? Political Realism in Apocalyptic Times by Alison McQueen. European Journal of Political Theory, 20(4), 804-811.
- Book Review: Peter J Steinberger, The Politics of Objectivity: An Essay on the Foundations of Political Conflict. Political Studies Review, 15(1), 94-94.
- 'Value, reality, and desire'. Philosophical Investigations, 30(1), 97-100.
- Editorial. Political Studies, 65(3), 533-534.
- A year in the life of the European Journal of Political Theory. European Journal of Political Theory, 15(4), 375-376.
- A message from the new editors. European Journal of Political Theory, 13(4), 385-387.
- Realism in Normative Political Theory, SSRN Electronic Journal.
- Against realist ideology critique. Social Philosophy and Policy, 41(1), 139-157. View this article in WRRO
- Research group
Political Theory
- Grants
- Leverhulme Research Fellowship – ‘Post-Liberalism: A Critique’ (Feb. 2023 – Sept. 2024)
- British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship - 'The Ethics of Cyberwar' (Jan. 2015 – Dec. 2015)
- Professional activities and memberships
- Elected member of the Executive Committee of the Britain and Ireland Association for Political Thought (2023- )
- Editor of Political Studies (2017-23)
- Editor of European Journal of Political Theory (2013-17); Associate Editor (2017- )
- External Examiner – Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, Undergraduate Part II (2020-23); School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, MSc International Relations Theory (2017-21)
- PhD Supervision
Recent supervision:
- Andrew Leary - Realism and Egalitarianism
- Carlo Cordasco - Rethinking Spontaneous Order: Norms, Institutions and Legitimacy (completed 2019)
- Janosch Prinz – Political Realism and Critical Theory (completed 2015)
I would be happy to supervise research in the following broad areas:
- Realist political thought
- Contemporary liberal theory
- Challenges to liberalism