Dr Hannah Lambie-Mumford
BA; MSc; PhD
Department of Politics and International Relations
Senior Lecturer
Senior lecturer
Research Fellow at SPERI (Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute)

Full contact details
Department of Politics and International Relations
Elmfield Building
Northumberland Road
S10 2TU
- Profile
Hannah is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Relations and the Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Faculty of Social Sciences. Hannah’s research focuses on food insecurity, food support systems and the role of public policy in promoting better access to food.
Hannah's research has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Leverhulme Trust, British Academy, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Hannah’s work has an applied focus and her achievements in knowledge exchange and impact have been recognised by the ESRC with a first prize award for Early Career Impact at the ESRC’s Celebrating Impact awards (2014).
Hannah sits on the Food Standards Agency’s Advisory Committee for Social Science and on Child Poverty Action Group’s (CPAG) Policy Advisory Committee.
- Research interests
Hannah’s research examines key contemporary aspects of the political economy of hunger, with a focus on the UK and comparatively across Europe. Her work explores responses to household food insecurity by different actors including the state, charitable organisations and corporations. Hannah's current research is looking at relationships between food corporations and food charities in the UK (funded by the Leverhulme Trust). Recent projects include research mapping and monitoring responses to risks of household food insecurity across the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic (ESRC funded 2020-2023). Prior to this, Hannah's work has looked at the rise and dynamics of food bank systems in the UK and Europe, interventions designed to support children's access to food, and intersections between household access to food and access to energy.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Commercial determinants of health: A new framework for studying relationships between food corporations and food charities in the UK. Social Science & Medicine, 366, 117590-117590.
- Corporations and the cost of living crisis: Corporate involvement in UK food charity. Social Policy & Administration. View this article in WRRO
- Household food insecurity and child health outcomes: a rapid review of mechanisms and associations. The Lancet, 402(Supplement 1), S16-S16. View this article in WRRO
- Food banks: Understanding their role in the food insecure population in the UK.. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Food bank operational characteristics and rates of food bank use across Britain. BMC Public Health, 19(1). View this article in WRRO
- Is there evidence of households making a heat or eat trade off in the UK?. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. View this article in WRRO
- The growth of food banks in Britain and what they mean for social policy. Critical Social Policy. View this article in WRRO
- ‘Feeding Hungry Children’: The Growth of Charitable Breakfast Clubs and Holiday Hunger Projects in the UK. Children & Society, 32(3), 244-254. View this article in WRRO
- Austerity, welfare reform and the rising use of food banks by children in England and Wales. Area, 49(3), 273-279.
- Some Useful Sources. Social Policy and Society, 14(3), 507-508.
- Hunger, Food Charity and Social Policy – Challenges Faced by the Emerging Evidence Base. Social Policy and Society, 14(3), 497-506.
- How Can Households Eat in austerity? Challenges for Social Policy in the UK. Social Policy and Society, 14(3), 417-428.
- Introduction: Hunger, Food and Social Policy in Austerity. Social Policy and Society, 14(3), 411-415.
- Food, drink and hospitality: Space, materiality, practice. Hospitality & Society, 4(3), 225-230.
- Rising use of “food aid” in the United Kingdom. British Food Journal, 116(9), 1418-1425.
- Regeneration and food poverty in the United Kingdom: learning from the New Deal for Communities programme. Community Development Journal, 48(4), 540-554.
- Consumers and food security: Uncertain or empowered?. Journal of Rural Studies, 29, 101-112.
- ‘Every Town Should Have One’: Emergency Food Banking in the UK. Journal of Social Policy, 42(1), 73-89.
- Building better neighbourhoods? Insights into the contributions of local faith-based organisations. Voluntary Sector Review, 3(3), 399-405.
- The role of faith-based organisations in the Big Society: opportunities and challenges. Policy Studies, 33(3), 249-262.
- Thinking about ‘food security’: engaging with UK consumers. Critical Public Health, 21(4), 403-416.
- Introduction: exploring the growth of food charity across Europe, The Rise of Food Charity in Europe (pp. 1-18). Policy Press
- Introduction: Exploring the Growth of Food Charity Across Europe (pp. 1-18). Bristol University Press
- Food banks and the UK welfare state, The Rise of Food Charity in Europe (pp. 191-218). Policy Press
- Food Banks and the UK Welfare State (pp. 191-218). Bristol University Press
- Conclusion: food charity in Europe, The Rise of Food Charity in Europe (pp. 219-242). Policy Press
- Conclusion: Food Charity in Europe (pp. 219-242). Bristol University Press
- Introduction: exploring the growth of food charity across Europe, The Rise of Food Charity in Europe (pp. 1-18). Policy Press
- Introduction: exploring the growth of food charity across Europe, The Rise of Food Charity in Europe (pp. 1-18). Policy Press
- Food banks and the UK welfare state, The Rise of Food Charity in Europe (pp. 191-218). Policy Press
- Food banks and the UK welfare state, The Rise of Food Charity in Europe (pp. 191-218). Policy Press
- Conclusion: food charity in Europe, The Rise of Food Charity in Europe (pp. 219-242). Policy Press
- Conclusion: food charity in Europe, The Rise of Food Charity in Europe (pp. 219-242). Policy Press
- Theories of the food insecurity ‘problem’ and the right to food ‘solution’, Hungry Britain (pp. 33-56). Policy Press
- The sustainability of food charity, Hungry Britain (pp. 75-94). Policy Press
- List of abbreviations, Hungry Britain (pp. vii-vii). Policy Press
- Introduction, Hungry Britain (pp. 1-8). Policy Press
- Hunger and charitable emergency food provision in the UK and beyond, Hungry Britain (pp. 9-32). Policy Press
- Food charity: the ‘other’ food system, Hungry Britain (pp. 57-74). Policy Press
- Food charity as caring, Hungry Britain (pp. 95-112). Policy Press
- Food charity and the changing welfare state, Hungry Britain (pp. 113-132). Policy Press
- Britain’s hunger crisis: where’s the social policy?, Social Policy Review 27 (pp. 13-32). Policy Press
- Britain’s hunger crisis: where’s the social policy? (pp. 13-32). Bristol University Press
- Britain’s hunger crisis: where’s the social policy?, Social Policy Review 27 (pp. 13-32). Policy Press
- Britain’s hunger crisis, Social policy review 27 (pp. 13-32). Policy Press
- Food poverty and food charity in the United Kingdom Wageningen Academic Publishers
- Supervision Expertise
- Food security and poverty in the Global North
- Policy analysis in areas of food
- health and poverty
- Participatory and other qualitative methods