Dr Edward Hall

Department of Politics and International Relations

Senior Lecturer in Political Theory

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+44 114 222 1709

Full contact details

Dr Edward Hall
Department of Politics and International Relations
Elmfield Building
Northumberland Road
S10 2TU

Dr Edward Hall joined the Department in 2014 and is currently a Senior Lecturer in Political Theory. 

He works on three main research areas: political ethics, liberal political thought, and realist political theory. He is author of Value, Conflict, and Order: Berlin, Hampshire, Williams, and the Realist Revival in Political Theory (University of Chicago Press, 2020), and co-editor of Political Ethics: A Handbook (Princeton University Press, 2022). He has published in journals including Journal of PoliticsPolitical StudiesEuropean Journal of Political TheorySocial Philosophy & PolicyReview of Politics, and Social Theory and Practice.  

He was awarded a Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship in 2021 for a project on the contemporary significance of Judith Shklar’s liberalism of fear. He is currently writing a book on this topic, tentatively entitled Power and Powerlessness: The Liberalism of Fear in the Twenty-First Century, which is under contract with Oxford University Press. 

Research interests

Realist Political Theory

Political Ethics

British moral and political thought since World War Two



Edited books

  • (Ed.) (2022) Political Ethics: A Handbook.. RIS download Bibtex download

Journal articles


  • Hall E & Sabl A (2022) DIRTY HANDS AND BEYOND Introduction, POLITICAL ETHICS (pp. 1-20). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hall E (2022) Political Integrity, POLITICAL ETHICS (pp. 65-81). RIS download Bibtex download

Book reviews

Research group

I would be happy to supervise research in the following broad areas:

  • Contemporary political theory
  • Realist political thought
  • History of modern political theory
  • Political ethics
Teaching activities

I am not teaching for the duration of my Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship. 

Professional activities and memberships
  • Co-convenor: 2017 Association for Social and Political Philosophy conference on ‘Political Ethics’, University of Sheffield, 27-29/06/2017
  • Examiner: Introduction to Modern Political Thought and Contemporary Political Theory papers, University of London External Study Programme, 2012-2014
  • Convenor: ‘Realism and Twentieth Century British Political Thought’ panel. MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory, Ninth Annual Conference: 5th – 7th September 2012
  • Founding committee member: Graduate/early career seminar in the history of political ideas. Institute of Historical Research (IHR), Senate House, University of London.

Recent invited papers and keynote lectures

  • ‘All determination is negation: Stuart Hampshire and the vitality of conflict’, Political Theory and Cultural Values Seminar, University of Leeds, 08/03/2017
  • ‘Skepticism about unconstrained utopianism’, Political Theory Seminar, University of York, 12/01/2016
  • ‘Skepticism about unconstrained utopianism’, Social Philosophy and Policy conference, University of Arizona, 04/12/2015
  • ‘Integrity in Politics’, Association for Social and Political Philosophy Conference, University of Amsterdam, 25/06/2015
  • ‘How to do realistic political theory (and why you might want to)’, RIPPLE Seminar, KU Leuven, 02/04/2015
  • ‘Realism as anti-moralism’, Conference on Political Realism, National University of Singapore, 09/01/2015
  • ‘Political Theory and its Audience: A Realist Perspective’, Association of Legal and Social Philosophy Annual Conference, University of Leeds, 02/07/2014
  • ‘Philp on Political Conduct: An Evaluation’, A celebration and critical evaluation of the work of Mark Philp, University of Oxford, 22/04/2014
  • ‘Political Theory and its Audience: A Realist Perspective’, Doing Realist Political Theory: Beyond Critique Conference, University of Sheffield, 09/12/2013
  • ‘Contingency, Confidence, and Liberalism in the Political Thought of Bernard Williams’, Realist Legitimacy Panel: MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory, 06/09/2013
  • ‘Williams, Dunn and the Realism Constraint’, Realism and Twentieth Century British Political Thought Panel, MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory, 05/09/2012
  • ‘The Limits of Bernard Williams’s Critique of Political Moralism’, Realism in Political Theory Conference, University of York, 16/11/2011
  • ‘Facts, Principles and Political Philosophy’, Nordic Network on Political Ethics (NNPE) Conference on Normative Political Philosophy, Vejle, Denmark, 31/05/2011
Supervision Expertise

Political Theory