Information about transferring

Transferring into a single or dual Politics degree from another university.
Applicants from other universities are welcome to apply to begin any of our degrees from level one and should apply through UCAS in the usual way.
Applicants are advised to discuss their experiences in higher education in their other institution(s) in their personal statement. Applicants should provide a brief insight into their reasons for wanting to restart their studies at Sheffield. If possible, it is also a good idea to secure a reference from your current university.
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer places to applicants looking to transfer into the second year from outside the University of Sheffield.
The reasons for this are:
- What we teach our students in year 1 is preparation for their 2nd year. For example, the core module 'Political Analysis' builds on and develops further what they learned in their first year with us and this is applicable to other modules within our degree programmes.
- We have a high demand for places on all of our Politics degrees.
If you have any further questions, please contact (
Transferring into Politics (from inside the University)
Politics and International Relations, like all departments, have limits upon the number of students it can admit to both single honours and dual honours degrees each year. Students do not have the right to transfer into the department and admission is at the discretion of the Director of Education..
If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please contact in the first instance.
a. Transferring from a Politics dual degree to single honours Politics/International Relations and Politics at the end of level one:
Entry requirements: You must meet the standard entry requirements for single-honours Politics/International Relations and Politics. More information on entry requirements.
You will also need to achieve an overall average of at least 60 in your Politics modules and passes in non-Politics modules as well as completing the core modules relevant to the degree (POLU01 BA Politics: POL120 and POL121 and POLU05 BA International Relations and Politics: POL120 and POL126). Seminar attendance will also be taken into account when making a decision and the department reserves the right to decline applications based on poor attendance records.
The department may take personal or academic circumstances into account when making its decision: please highlight anything you think relevant in the form.
1. Please complete the transfer application form making sure that you complete all the required information.
2. You will be emailed regarding the result of your application by the end of July when all results are available.
b. Transferring from a Politics dual degree to single honours Politics/International Relations and Politics at the end of level two:
Entry requirements: You must meet the standard entry requirements for single honours Politics/International Relations and Politics. More information on entry requirements.
You will also need to achieve an overall average of at least 60 in your Politics modules. Seminar attendance will also be taken into account when making a decision and the department reserves the right to decline applications based on poor attendance records.
Students who are approved to transfer into single honours Politics/International Relations and Politics at the end of level two will be required to undertake a part-time repeat year where they will complete 60 credits of Politics level two modules to ensure they have a full 120 credits of Politics modules at level two. Entry into level three will, therefore, take place in the following year.
The Department may take personal or academic circumstances into account when making its decision: please highlight anything you think relevant in the form.
c. Transferring into a single or dual Politics degree from a non-Politics degree:
Entry requirements: You must meet the standard entry requirements of the degree you wish to transfer to. You will find the entry requirements for each degree on our website.
Transfer into Level one only:
1. Please complete the transfer application form, making sure that you complete all required information.
2. Level one transfer applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis and acceptance will depend not only on the quality of your application but on availability of space. We will make a decision on your application by the end of August, once our new student intake is confirmed. In the event that your application is declined, we strongly recommend that you have a contingency plan in place. The decision of the department will be final.
Transferring out of Politics
Transferring from a single or dual Politics degree to a degree in another department and transferring from single honours Politics to a dual degree with Politics:
Firstly, we would advise you to discuss your reasons for transferring with your personal tutor. You should also contact the department that you wish to transfer into to discuss whether this change is possible as they will need to consider your qualifications and whether they have enough space available.
If it is possible for you to transfer, and following your conversation with your personal tutor you would still like to, you should complete a change of status form (available on the SSiD website) and have this signed by the Politics Student Office as well as your new department.
Further information
If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please contact