Professor Simon Heller

School of Medicine and Population Health

Professor of Clinical Diabetes
+44 114 215 9009
+44 114 215 9004 (For Admin Support, contact Lindsey Crowson)

Full contact details

Professor Simon Heller
School of Medicine and Population Health
Room EU38, E Floor
The Medical School
Beech Hill Road
S10 2RX

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Research interests

Our groups interests concern clinical research, focussing on clinical investigation involving varied topics with the common theme of immediate relevance to patients with diabetes.

These include aspects of the pathophysiology of hypoglycaemia in diabetes, the contribution of hypoglycaemia to the increased risk of sudden death in young people with Type 1 diabetes (the 'dead in bed' syndrome), the clinical benefits of insulin analogues and trials of complex interventions to enable more effective self-management in people with diabetes. 

Our observation that hypoglycaemia unawareness is caused by repeated episodes of hypoglycaemia has led to programmes of unawareness reversal and restoration of hypoglycaemic symptoms in patients with Type 1 diabetes.

Recent research on profound bradycardia during hypoglycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes and ischaemic heart disease has commanded international attention (Chow et al, Diabetes 2014) and a collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and our research group has led to recently published guidance to advise the FDA and other agencies of important issue when assessing cardiac electrophysical safety of therapeutic agents in diabetes (Heller et al Am Heart J 2015).

We were the principal investigators for the multi-centre DAFNE trial and lead a national programme of research exploring different facets of the DAFNE education programme.

This has directly led to funded roll-out of the approach by the Department of Health, an appraisal by NICE and recent NICE recommendations that training programmes be available to all patients throughout England and Wales. NIHR awarded a £1.7m 5 year NIHR programme grant, using the DAFNE collaborative (with >30,000 UK trained adults with type 1 diabetes) as a research test-bed.

Following its successful completion (Heller et al, NIHR Journals Lib 2014), the NIHR has recently provided £2..7m programme funding over 5.5 years to continue this work, which has led to improved diabetes care with national and international impact.

Other research has also explored the potential of technology to improve blood glucose control and reduce hypoglycaemia in diabetes and work with the pharmaceutical industry in evaluating the benefit of new insulins (Heller et al Diabetes Care 1999, Heller et al Lancet 2012) and participated in multi-centre trials evaluating technology (Little et al Diabetes Care 2014) and closed loop devices (Thabit et al Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2014). Designed and subsequently led the recently completed REPOSE Trial, a multi-centre.£2m HTA funded RCT conducted in England and Scotland, measuring the effectiveness of insulin pump therapy in adults with type 1 diabetes."


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Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers

  • Philis-Tsimikas A, Klonoff DC, Khunti K, Bajaj HS, Leiter LA, Tutkunkardas D, Troelsen LN, Bak BA, Heller SR & Pieber TR (2019) Reduced risk of hypoglycaemia and lower HbA(1c) with degludec compared to glargine U300 in insulin-treated patients with type 2 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 62 (pp S47-S47) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Heller SR, Bergenstal R, Cannon CP, Kupfer S, Wilson C, White WB & Investigators EXAMINE (2016) Hypoglycaemia is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events: results from the EXAMINE trial. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 59 (pp S44-S44) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Thabit H, Elleri D, Leelarathna L, Allen J, Lubina-Solomon A, Stadler M, Walkinshaw E, Iqbal A, Choudhary P, Wilinska M , Barnard K et al (2015) Unsupervised overnight closed loop insulin delivery during free living: analysis of randomised cross-over home studies in adults and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. The Lancet, Vol. 385 (pp S96-S96) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chow E, Bernjak A, Sheridan PJ & Heller SR (2014) Cardiac autonomic regulation during acute experimental hypoglycaemia in type 2 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 57 (pp S260-S261) RIS download Bibtex download

All publications

Journal articles


Conference proceedings papers

  • Cigler M, Soholm U, Abbink EJ, Ali N, Pouwer F, de Galan BE, McCrimmon R, Choudhary P, Divilly P, Speight J , Renard E et al (2024) The Hypo-METRICS app: a quantitative assessment of user experience. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 67 (pp S400-S401) RIS download Bibtex download
  • SOEHOLM U, BROADLEY MM, ZAREMBA N, DIVILLY P, MARTINE-EDITH G, NEFS G, MAHMOUDI Z, MADER JK, CIGLER M, RENARD E , ABBINK EJ et al (2022) 233-OR: Impact of Nocturnal Hypoglycemia on Daily Sleep Quality, Mood, and Alertness among Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: The Hypo-METRICS (Hypoglycaemia Measurement, Thresholds, and Impacts) Study. Diabetes, Vol. 71(Supplement_1) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Philis-Tsimikas A, Klonoff DC, Khunti K, Bajaj HS, Leiter LA, Tutkunkardas D, Troelsen LN, Bak BA, Heller SR & Pieber TR (2019) Reduced risk of hypoglycaemia and lower HbA(1c) with degludec compared to glargine U300 in insulin-treated patients with type 2 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 62 (pp S47-S47) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Heller SR, Hachmann-Nielsen E & Kvist K (2019) Non-severe hypoglycaemia predicts increased risk of subsequent severe events in patients with type 2 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 62 (pp S418-S418) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gillard P, Dandona P, Mathieu C, Phillip M, Heller SR, Scheerer MF, Xu J, Thoren F, Iqbal N, Investigator D & Investigator D (2019) Analysis of patients in the dapagliflozin DEPICT-1 and-2 trials in type 1 diabetes according to HbA(1c) subgroup. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 62 (pp S347-S347) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bernjak A, Heller SR & Clayton RH (2019) Can computational modelling explain the dead in bed syndrome?. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 62 (pp S46-S46) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Novodvorsky P, Oprescu A, Elliott J & Heller SR (2019) An audit on multidisciplinary team-lead 'Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycaemia' clinic: Outcomes, challenges and experience from Sheffield. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 36 (pp 79-79) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jamieson T, Heller SR, Ajjan RA & Kavanagh S (2019) Design and implementation of a hypoglycaemia toolkit for use in primary care settings. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 36 (pp 95-95) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ali Abdelhamid Y, Bernjak A, Summers M, Weinel L, Chow E, Kar P, Phillips L, Horowitz M, Heller S & Deane A (2019) Asymptomatic Hypoglycemia Is Prevalent and Associated with Cardiac Rhythm Disturbances in Survivors of Critical Illness with Insulin-Treated Type 2 Diabetes. C103. CRITICAL CARE: THE LONG WALK - ELUCIDATING OUTCOMES: DEATH, FUNCTIONAL STATUS AND COGNITION RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jaeckel E, Heller S, Bowering K, Raskin P, Liebl A, Buchholtz K, Demissie M & Pieber TR (2018) 1,5-Anhydroglucitol korreliert bei Patienten mit Typ 1 Diabetes unabhängig vom HbA1c-Responderstatus mit der postprandialen Glucose. „Wissenschaft und klinischer Fortschritt – gemeinsam in die Zukunft“ –, 9 May 2018 - 12 May 2018. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bernjak A, Chow E, Lee J, Iqbal A, Lubina-Solomon A, Walkinshaw E, Macdonald IA, Heller SR, Clayton RH & Sheridan PJ (2017) Pharmacological autonomic blockade during experimental hypoglycaemia exacerbates cardiac repolarisation abnormalities. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 60 (pp S74-S74) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Novodvorsky P, Bernjak A, Chow E, Iqbal A, Sellors L, Williams S, Fawdry RA, Jacques RM, Sheridan PJ & Heller SR (2017) Risk of cardiac arrhythmias and electrophysiological responses during spontaneous hyperglycaemia in young people with type 1 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 60 (pp S534-S534) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Speight J, Holmes-Truscott E, Kerr D, Flanagan D, Heller SR, Evans ML & Shaw JAM (2017) Satisfaction with insulin delivery and glucose monitoring modalities among adults with long-standing Type 1 diabetes and problematic hypoglycaemia: results from the HypoCOMPaSS study. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 34 (pp 30-30) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Holmes-Truscott E, Speight J, Kerr D, Flanagan D, Heller SR, Evans ML & Shaw JAM (2017) Sustained improvement in diabetes-specific quality of life in adults with long-standing Type 1 diabetes and problematic hypoglycaemia: two year results from the HypoCOMPaSS study. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 34 (pp 13-13) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Russell‐Jones D, Heller SR, Buchs S, Sandberg A, Valentine WJ & Hunt B (2017) Projected long‐term outcomes in patients with type 1 diabetes treated with fast‐acting insulin aspart vs conventional insulin aspart in the UK setting. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Vol. 19(12) (pp 1773-1780) View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download
  • Lloyd AJ, Meneghini L, Kragh N, Nikolajsen A, Lewis HB & Heller SR (2016) Psychometric properties of a new scale assessing the impact of acute postprandial hyperglycaemia: the aPPHG-Q. QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH, Vol. 25 (pp 132-133) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sinclair A, Heller SR, Pratley RE, Weitgasser R, Festa A, Kiljanski J, Brusko CS, Duan R & Heine RJ (2016) Comparison of two treatment approaches in older patients with type 2 diabetes (IMPERIUM). DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 59 (pp S395-S396) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsatko S, Brunner M, Sach-Friedl S, Jensen L, Tarp M, Holst AG, Heller SR & Pieber TR (2016) Effect of once-weekly semaglutide on the counter-regulatory response to hypoglycaemia in subjects with type 2 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 59 (pp S363-S364) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Heller SR, Bergenstal R, Cannon CP, Kupfer S, Wilson C, White WB & Investigators EXAMINE (2016) Hypoglycaemia is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events: results from the EXAMINE trial. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 59 (pp S44-S44) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kar P, Plummer MP, Giersch E, Summers MJ, Hatzinikolas S, Horowitz M, Chapman MJ, Jones KL, Heller SR & Deane A (2016) Effects of antecedent hypoglycaemia on gastric and cardiac responses to subsequent hypoglycaemia in health. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 59 (pp S405-S405) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Walkinshaw E, Little SA, Bernjak A, Lubina-Solomon A, Chow E, Shaw JAM & Heller SR (2015) Cardiac autonomic regulation during experimental hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetes with impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 58 (pp S63-S63) RIS download Bibtex download
  • White WB, Wilson CA, Bakris GL, Bergenstal RM, Cannon CP, Cushman WC, Fleck PR, Heller SR, Kupfer S, Mehta CR , Menon V et al (2015) Major cardiovascular outcomes in the EXAMINE trial according to ACE inhibitor use. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 58 (pp S395-S396) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Tan HK, Little SA, Leelarathna L, Walkinshaw E, Lubina-Solomon A, Kerr D, Heller SR, Evans ML, Shaw JA, Flanagan D & Speight J (2015) Hypoglycaemia avoidance training improves glucose variability in Type 1 diabetes (HypoCOMPaSS Study). DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 32 (pp 7-7) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Heller SR, Mathieu C, Kapur R, Wolden ML & Zinman B (2015) Nocturnal confirmed hypoglycaemia with insulin degludec vs insulin glargine: rate ratios for different definitions. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 32 (pp 67-67) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Speight J, Singh H, Little SA, Flanagan D, Kerr D, Evans ML, Heller SR & Shaw JA (2015) Associations with hyperglycaemia avoidance among adults with long-standing Type 1 diabetes and impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia: baseline characteristics from the HypoCOMPaSS Study. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 32 (pp 186-186) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sellors L, Parekh B, Bernjak A, Chow E, Sheridan P & Heller SR (2015) Effect of sleep on cardiac autonomic tone during nocturnal hypoglycaemia in adults with Type 1 diabetes. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 32 (pp 21-21) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Walkinshaw E, Little SA, Bernjak A, Lubina-Solomon A, Chow E, Shaw JA & Heller SR (2015) Cardiac autonomic regulation during experimental hypoglycaemia in Type 1 diabetes with impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia (IAH). DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 32 (pp 61-61) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Thabit H, Elleri D, Leelarathna L, Allen J, Lubina-Solomon A, Stadler M, Walkinshaw E, Iqbal A, Choudhary P, Wilinska M , Barnard K et al (2015) Unsupervised overnight closed loop insulin delivery during free living: analysis of randomised cross-over home studies in adults and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. The Lancet, Vol. 385 (pp S96-S96) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Tauschmann M, Thabit H, Elleri D, Lubina-Solomon A, Stadler M, Heller SR, Amiel SA, Evans ML, Dunger DB & Hovorka R (2015) PERFORMANCE DURING UNSUPERVISED CLOSED LOOP IN CHILDREN AND ADULTS WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES: WHAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE?. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS, Vol. 17 (pp A100-A101) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Leelarathna L, Thabit H, Elleri D, Allen JM, Lubina-Solomon A, Mader JK, Benesch C, Stadler M, Pieber TR, Arnolds S , Heller SR et al (2014) Accuracy of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) under free-living conditions during three home closed loop studies. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 57 (pp S406-S407) RIS download Bibtex download
  • White WB, Heller SR, Bergenstal RM, Wilson C & Oh R (2014) Effects of baseline glycaemic HbA1c on CV outcomes and blood glucose control during the EXAMINE trial in patients with type 2 diabetes and recent acute coronary syndrome. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 57 (pp S357-S357) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Tauschmann M, Thabit H, Leelarathna L, Elleri D, Allen JM, Lubina-Solomon A, Stadler M, Walkinshaw E, Iqbal A, Choudhary P , Heller SR et al (2014) Factors predictive of overnight closed loop performance during free living in children and adults with type 1 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 57 (pp S414-S414) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Heller SR, Frier BM, Herslov ML, Gundgaard J & Gough S (2014) Severe hypoglycaemia often results in hospital visits and ambulance calls regardless of insulin regimen. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 57 (pp S204-S204) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chow E, Bernjak A, Sheridan PJ & Heller SR (2014) Cardiac autonomic regulation during acute experimental hypoglycaemia in type 2 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 57 (pp S260-S261) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Habit H, Leelarathna L, Elleri D, Allen JM, Lubina-Solomon A, Stadler M, Walkinshaw E, Iqbal A, Choudhary P, Wilinska ME , Heller SR et al (2014) Three to four weeks of overnight closed loop insulin delivery during free living: analysis of randomised crossover studies in adults and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 57 (pp S89-S89) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Thabit H, Hovorka R, Walkinshaw E, Lubina-Solomon A, Stadler M, Tinati T, Heller SR, Amiel SA, Evans ML & Barnard KD (2014) Psychosocial impact of closed loop therapy for adults with Type 1 diabetes: overnight closed loop at home study. DIABETIC MEDICINE, Vol. 31 (pp 151-151) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chow E, Iqbal A, Bernjak A, Ajjan R & Heller SR (2014) Effect of hypoglycaemia on thrombosis and inflammation in patients with type 2 diabetes. The Lancet, Vol. 383 (pp S35-S35) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Barnard KD, Thabit H, Walkinshaw E, Lubina-Solomon A, Stadler M, Tinati T, Heller SR, Amiel SA, Evans M & Hovorka R (2014) PSYCHOSOCIAL IMPACT OF CLOSED LOOP THERAPY - ADULTS WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES: OVERNIGHT CLOSED LOOP AT HOME STUDY. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS, Vol. 16 (pp A102-A102) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Heller SR, Korsatko S, Gurban J, Jensen L, Christiansen E, Kiyomi F & Pieber TR (2013) Positive effects of liraglutide as adjunct to insulin in type 1 diabetes: glycaemic control and safety in a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled crossover trial. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 56 (pp S7-S8) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Pieber TR, Deller S, Brunner M, Jensen L, Christiansen E, Kiyomi F & Heller SR (2013) Treatment with liraglutide as adjunct to insulin in type 1 diabetes; effects on counter regulatory response to hypoglycaemia: a randomised, double blind, crossover trial. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 56 (pp S404-S405) RIS download Bibtex download
  • O' Hara M, Byrne M, Lawton J, Mueller U, Mueller N, Zillich F, Mansell P, Lawrence I, Heller SR, Dinneen SF , O' Shea E et al (2013) A cross country qualitative investigation of structured education programmes for adults with type 1 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 56 (pp S452-S453) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bernjak A, Chow EYK, Walkinshaw E, Lubina-Solomon A, Sheridan PJ & Heller SR (2013) Experimental hypoglycaemia decreases cardiac vagal function for between 7 to 30 days in patients with type 2 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 56 (pp S243-S243) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chow EYK, Iqbal A, Phoenix F, Heller SR & Ajjan R (2013) Hypoglycaemia promotes thrombosis and inflammation for at least one week in patients with type 2 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 56 (pp S243-S243) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Choudhary P, Davies C, Emery CJ & Heller SR (2013) Do high fasting glucose levels suggest nocturnal hypoglycaemia? The Somogyi effect-more fiction than fact?. Diabetic Medicine, Vol. 30(8) (pp 914-917) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Heller SR, Pieber T, Korsatko S, Kohler G, Deller S, Bock G, Zahiragic S, Mader J, Roepstorff C, Rasmussen S & Haahr H (2011) A higher counter-regulatory hormone response is seen with insulin degludec than insulin glargine in response to induced hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 54 (pp S261-S261) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Russell-Jones DL, Francisco AO, Pei H & Heller SR (2011) Basal-bolus therapy with insulin degludec improves long-term glycaemic control with less nocturnal hypoglycaemia compared with insulin. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 54 (pp S425-S425) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Heller S (2011) Impaired awareness of hypoglycemia: Commentary. Diabetic Hypoglycemia, Vol. 3(3) (pp 9) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kumareswaran K, Elleri D, Allen JM, Harris J, Xing D, Kollman C, Nodale M, Murphy HR, Amiel SA, Heller SR , Wilinska ME et al (2011) Meta-Analysis of Overnight Closed-Loop Randomized Studies in Children and Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: The Cambridge Cohort. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, Vol. 5(6) (pp 1352-1362) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Heller S (2010) Hypoglycemia and clinical islet transplantation. Diabetic Hypoglycemia, Vol. 3(2) (pp 11-12) RIS download Bibtex download
  • De Galan BE, Zoungas S, Patel A, Li Q, Billot L, Woodward M, Chalmers J, Neal B, MacMahon S, Grobbee D & Heller SR (2010) Nature of association between severe hypoglycaemia and risks of vascular events and death in ADVANCE. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 53 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kumareswaran K, Harris J, Elleri D, Allen JM, Nodale M, Wilinska ME, Dunger DB, Amiel SA, Heller SR, Evans ML & Hovorka R (2010) Overnight closed-loop glucose control following consumption of alcohol in adults with type 1 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 53 (pp S25-S26) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Heller S (2007) Targeting acute hyperglycaemia in clinical practice. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Vol. 78(3) (pp S40-S46) View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download
  • Choudhary P, Emery CJ & Heller SR (2007) Do high fasting glucose levels suggest nocturnal hypoglycaemia? The Somogyi effect - fact or fiction?. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 50 (pp S335-S336) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hansen MV, Pedersen-Bjergaard U, Heller SR, Wallace TM, Rasmussen AK, Jorgensen HV, Matthews DR, Hougaard P, Pramming S & Thorsteinsson B (2006) Frequency and motives of blood glucose self-monitoring in type I diabetes: association with glycaemic control, complications, and patient characteristics. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 49 (pp 494-494) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Heller SR, Mathiesen E, Kinsley B, McCance D, Duran S, Bellaire S & Raben A (2006) Maternal hypoglycaemia and glycaemic control in pregnancy: a randomised trial comparing insulin aspart with human insulin in 322 subjects with type 1 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 49 (pp 576-577) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Choudhary P, Davies CM, Emery CJ, Freeman JV & Heller SR (2006) Sensitivity and specificity of CGMS for identifying clinially relevant symptomatic hypoglycaemia. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 49 (pp 507-508) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ashwell SG, Amiel SA, Bilous RW, Dashora U, Heller SR, Hepburn DA, Shutler SD, Stephens JW & Home PD (2006) Improved glycaemic control with insulin glargine plus insulin lispro: a multicentre, randomized, cross-over trial in people with Type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine, Vol. 23(3) (pp 285-292) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Alexakis C, Nyongesa HO, Saatchi R, Harris ND, Davies C, Emery C, Ireland RH & Heller SR (2003) Feature extraction and classification of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals related to hypoglycaemia. Computers in Cardiology, 2003, 24 September 2003 - 24 September 2003. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Lee SP, Robinson RT, Harris ND, Davies CM, Cunningham M, Hudson S, Macdonald IA & Heller SR (2002) Effect of atenolol on QTc interval lengthening during hypoglycaemia in Type 1 diabetes. DIABETOLOGIA, Vol. 45 (pp A78-A78) RIS download Bibtex download
  • RostamiHodjegan A, Peacey SR, Heller SR & Tucker GT (1996) A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model to explain the biphasic insulinergic effect of tolbutamide and the suppressive role of lowering blood glucose on this effect. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Vol. 42(5) (pp P675-P676) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kruger J, Brennan A, Thokala P, Fitzgerald P & Heller S () Incorporating psychosocial characteristics in cost-effectiveness modelling of Type 1 diabetes RIS download Bibtex download
  • Harris ND, Ireland RH, Marques JLB, Hudson S, Davies C, Lee S, Robinson RT & Heller SR () Can changes in QT interval be used to predict the onset of hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes?. Computers in Cardiology 2000. Vol.27 (Cat. 00CH37163) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ireland RH, Robinson RTCE, Heller SR & Harris ND () QT measurement for TU fused ECG morphology as exhibited during hypoglycaemia. Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Vol.20 Biomedical Engineering Towards the Year 2000 and Beyond (Cat. No.98CH36286) RIS download Bibtex download



  • Basarir H, Kruger J, Brennan A, Thokala P, Jacques R, Dixon S, Elliott J, Heller S & Mansell P The Cost-Effectiveness of 5-week versus 1-week DAFNE Structured Education in Type 1 Diabetes: A Preliminary Evaluation Using the Sheffield Type 1 Diabetes Policy Model (Diabetes UK Professional Conference 13-15 March 2013). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kruger J, Brennan A, Thokala P, Basarir H & Heller S The Cost-Effectiveness of Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE) Structured Education in Type 1 Diabetes: An Update using the Sheffield Type 1 Diabetes Policy Model (Diabetes UK Professional Conference 13-15 March 2013). RIS download Bibtex download




National Institute of Health Research, Programme Grant October 2007-April 2013. Improving management of Type 1 diabetes in the UK: the DAFNE programme as a research test-bed. Principal

Investigator in collaboration with Dr J Lawton, Dr M Clarke, Ms G Thompson, Prof S Amiel, Prof M Campbell, Dr P Mansell, Dr I Lawrence, Ms C Taylor, Ms L Oliver (Chief Investigator) £1.8m

Diabetes UK. Jan 2009-July 2013. KICk-OFF: A multi-centre, randomised controlled trial comparing intensive structured education with standard education in 11-16 year olds on intensive insulin therapy.

Dr K Price, Prof C Eiser Dr J Wales, Dr J Freeman (co-investigator) £1.35m

Diabetes UK. April 2008-March 2011. Overnight hypoglycaemia prevention in adult subjects with type 1 diabetes: Closing the loop

Dr R Hovorka, Prof S Amiel Dr M Evans, (co-investigator) £750k

Diabetes UK. Sep 2009-March 2012. Prevention of recurrent severe hypoglycaemia: a definitive RCT comparing optimised MDI and CSII with or without adjunctive real-time continuous glucose monitoring

Dr J Shaw, Prof D Kerr, Dr D Flanagan, Dr M Evans, Dr J Speight (co-investigator) £1.4m

South Yorkshire Research Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care October 2008- September 2013 Diabetes Theme Adolescent Project to develop a structured training programme and other interventions to improve outcomes in young people with Type 1 diabetes aged 16-21years.

Prof C Eiser, Dr A Scott, (Chief Investigator) £900k

Health Technology Assessment Grant. June 2011-Dec 2015 The REPOSE (Relative Effectiveness of Pumps Or Structured Education) Trial.

Prof N Waugh, Dr C Cooper, Prof M Campbell, Prof S Amiel, Dr P Hammond, Ms C Taylor, Dr R Lindsay, Dr J Lawton, Dr K Barnard, Dr M Evans, Dr F Green, Dr A Jaap, Ms C Taylor, Prof S Dixon, (Chief Investigator). £2.0m

Health Technology Assessment Grant. 14/213/10 January 2016 – June 2017 A systematic review of psychological interventions to improve motivation for self-management in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Dr K Winkley, Prof Khalida Ismail, Prof A Brennan (co-investigator) £176.74k

National Institute of Health Research, Programme Grant March 2016- September 2021. Developing and trialling the DAFNEplus (Dose for Adjustment for Normal Eating) intervention. A lifelong approach to promote effective self-management in adults with type 1 diabetes.

Chief Investigator in collaboration with Professor J Lawton, Professor S Michie, Ms G Thompson, Prof S Amiel, Prof M Campbell, Dr P Mansell, Dr D Hopkins, Ms C Taylor, Dr J Elliott, Mr S Fisher, Prof L Yardley, Prof A Brennan, Dr J Cohen, Dr D Cooke, Prof W Baird. (Chief Investigator) £2.75m

Professional activities and memberships

Activities and Distinctions

  • Diabetes UK Research Committee 2005 – 2015. Professional Advisory Council 2003-2008. Scientific and Research Advisory Group. 2009- present, Arnold Bloom Lecture, Diabetes UK, 2012
  • Member of NICE/RCP working groups developing national guidelines for the management of adult Type 1 (2002) and Type 2 diabetes (2000).
  • Deputy Chair Joint DoH/MRC Research Advisory Committee on Diabetes 2002
  • Member of MRC College of Experts 2005-2009
  • Acting Portfolio Director in Diabetes, Dept of Health, Sept – Dec 2004
  • I chaired the Clinical Studies Advisory Group (2008-2014) and sit on the Management Committee of the UK Diabetes Clinical Research Network. I am currently the acting National Speciality Lead for Diabetes in the NIHR Clinical Research Network.
  • NIHR Senior Investigator (since 2012)
  • Regional Diabetes Specialty Lead, Yorks/Humber CRN, 2014 to present
  • National Diabetes Speciality Lead, NIHR CRN, 2015 to present