Professor Alison Gartland
BSc (Hons), PhD
School of Medicine and Population Health
Professor of Bone and Cancer Biology
+44 114 215 9046
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School of Medicine and Population Health
The Medical School
Beech Hill Road
S10 2RX
- Profile
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I studied Biomedical Technology at Sheffield Hallam University and - following a period in industry - studied for my PhD at The University of Liverpool in Prof Jim Gallagher´s lab on the "Expression and functional significance of the P2X7 receptor in skeletal tissue".
I then moved to Montpellier, France where I was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at IGMM, CNRS in Bob Hipskind´s lab. Following this, I was a Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Department of Cell Biology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School USA, in the late Prof Sandy Marks Jnr´s lab.
I joined the University of Sheffield in 2006 as a Lecturer in Bone Biology.
- Research interests
My research interests are in P2 receptor signalling in musculoskeletal disease and cancer. The role of P2 purinoreceptor ligands (ATP and other nucleotides) as extracellular messengers is well established and there is now conclusive evidence, from my previous work and that of others, that extracellular nucleotides have a highly influential role in the bone microenvironment. In addition to their roles in bone, nucleotides and P2 receptor signalling have been shown to play a role in cancer.
- Publications
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Journal articles
- The RNA binding proteins LARP4A and LARP4B promote sarcoma and carcinoma growth and metastasis. iScience, 109288-109288.
- Combining PTH(1‐34) and mechanical loading has increased benefit to tibia bone mechanics in ovariectomised mice. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. View this article in WRRO
- YBX1-interacting small RNAs and RUNX2 can be blocked in primary bone cancer using CADD522. Journal of Bone Oncology, 39, 100474-100474.
- Editorial: New therapies in the treatment of sarcomas. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 14.
- The strategy and clinical relevance of in vitro models of MAP resistance in osteosarcoma: a systematic review. Oncogene, 42(4), 259-277. View this article in WRRO
- The kinesin gene KIF26B modulates the severity of post-traumatic heterotopic ossification. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(16). View this article in WRRO
- Absence of P2Y2 receptor does not prevent bone destruction in a murine model of muscle paralysis-induced bone loss. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13. View this article in WRRO
- Defining the role of P2X4 receptor in the prostate cancer bone metastasis. Bone Reports, 16, 101209-101209.
- A systematic review of the expression, signalling and function of P2 receptors in primary bone cancer. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark, 27(4).
- A novel prostaglandin E receptor 4 (EP4) small molecule antagonist induces articular cartilage regeneration. Cell Discovery, 8(1).
- The P2RX7B splice variant modulates osteosarcoma cell behaviour and metastatic properties. Journal of Bone Oncology, 31. View this article in WRRO
- Distinct concentration-dependent molecular pathways regulate bone cell responses to cobalt and chromium exposure from joint replacement prostheses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(10). View this article in WRRO
- Inhibiting the P2X4 receptor suppresses prostate cancer growth in vitro and in vivo, suggesting a potential clinical target. Cells, 9(11). View this article in WRRO
- Human P2X7 receptor causes cycle arrest in RPMI-8226 myeloma cells to alter the interaction with osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Cells, 9(11).
- PTH(1–34) treatment and/or mechanical loading have different osteogenic effects on the trabecular and cortical bone in the ovariectomized C57BL/6 mouse. Scientific Reports, 10(1). View this article in WRRO
- Genome-wide association and functional analyses identify CASC20 and KIF26B as target loci in heterotopic ossification.
- Correction: LOXL2-Mediated Matrix Remodeling in Metastasis and Mammary Gland Involution. Cancer Research, 79(19), 5123-5123.
- Abstract 1085: Prostate cancer secreted microRNAs influence early steps in bone metastasis via osteoclast precursors. Cancer Research, 78(13_Supplement), 1085-1085.
- P2X7 receptor regulates osteoclast function and bone loss in a mouse model of osteoporosis. Scientific Reports, 8(1). View this article in WRRO
- Effects of chronic cobalt and chromium exposure after metal-on-metal hip resurfacing: An epigenome-wide association pilot study. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 35(10), 2323-2328. View this article in WRRO
- Bone turnover is altered in transgenic rats overexpressing the P2Y2 purinergic receptor. Purinergic Signalling.
- Restoration of body composition and bone integrity following cryopreserved ovarian tissue auto-grafting in a rat model. Cryobiology, 73(3), 416-416.
- A Candidate Gene Association Study of Bone Mineral Density in an Iranian Population. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 7. View this article in WRRO
- Osteocyte physiology and response to fluid shear stress are impaired following exposure to cobalt and chromium: Implications for bone health following joint replacement.. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. View this article in WRRO
- The role of lysyl oxidase, the extracellular matrix and the pre-metastatic niche in bone metastasis. Journal of Bone Oncology.
- Simulated interventions to ameliorate age-related bone loss indicate the importance of timing. Frontiers in Endocrinology. View this article in WRRO
- Functional polymorphisms in the P2X7 receptor gene are associated with stress fracture injury. Purinergic Signalling, 12(1), 103-113.
- Lysyl Oxidase, a Targetable Secreted Molecule Involved in Cancer Metastasis. Cancer Research, 76(2), 188-192.
- Dataset for the proteomic inventory and quantitative analysis of the breast cancer hypoxic secretome associated with osteotropism. Data in Brief, 5, 621-625.
- The hypoxic cancer secretome induces pre-metastatic bone lesions through lysyl oxidase. NATURE, 522(7554), 106-110. View this article in WRRO
- Cobalt and chromium exposure affects osteoblast function and impairs the mineralization of prosthesis surfaces in vitro.. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. View this article in WRRO
- P2X7 receptors: role in bone cell formation and function. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 54(2), R75-R88.
- Understanding the tissue effects of tribo-corrosion: Uptake, distribution, and speciation of cobalt and chromium in human bone cells. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33(1), 114-121.
- Trophic Activity of Human P2X7 Receptor Isoforms A and B in Osteosarcoma. PLoS ONE, 9(9). View this article in WRRO
- Editorial overview: Musculoskeletal: Are we on the road to personalised medicine in musculoskeletal diseases?. Curr Opin Pharmacol, 16, vii-ix.
- Targeting P2 receptors--current progress in treating musculoskeletal diseases.. Curr Opin Pharmacol, 16, 122-126. View this article in WRRO
- The P2Y13 receptor regulates phosphate metabolism and FGF-23 secretion with effects on skeletal development.. FASEB J, 28(5), 2249-2259. View this article in WRRO
- Role of the P2Y
13 receptor in the differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells into osteoblasts and adipocytes. Stem Cells, 31(12), 2747-2758. View this article in WRRO - Role of the P2X7 receptor in the osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal cells and in osteoclast fusion: Presented by: Maria P. Abbracchio. Purinergic Signalling, 9(3), 281-284. View this article in WRRO
- The P2Y13 receptor regulates extracellular ATP metabolism and the osteogenic response to mechanical loading.. J Bone Miner Res, 28(6), 1446-1456.
- Generation of a novel mouse model for the inducible depletion of macrophages in vivo.. Genesis, 51(1), 41-49.
- Genetic background strongly influences the bone phenotype of P2X7 receptor knockout mice. Journal of Osteoporosis, 2012.
- Purinergic signalling in bone.. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 3, 116.
- The pre-metastatic niche: is metastasis random?. BoneKEy Reports, 1(5).
- Polymorphisms in the P2X7 receptor gene are associated with low lumbar spine bone mineral density and accelerated bone loss in post-menopausal women.. Eur J Hum Genet, 20(5), 559-564.
- P2X receptors in bone. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Membrane Transport and Signaling, 1(2), 221-227.
- Reduced bone turnover in mice lacking the P2Y13 receptor of ADP.. Mol Endocrinol, 26(1), 142-152.
- Purinergic signalling in osteoblasts.. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed), 17(1), 16-29.
- Application of multiple forms of mechanical loading to human osteoblasts reveals increased ATP release in response to fluid flow in 3D cultures and differential regulation of immediate early genes.. J Biomech, 45(3), 549-554.
- Primary human osteoblast cultures.. Methods Mol Biol, 816, 3-18.
- Human osteoclast culture and phenotypic characterization.. Methods Mol Biol, 806, 357-375.
- Isolation and culture of human osteoblasts.. Methods Mol Biol, 806, 337-355.
- The P2Y(6) receptor stimulates bone resorption by osteoclasts.. Endocrinology, 152(10), 3706-3716.
- Effects of cobalt and chromium ions at clinically equivalent concentrations after metal-on-metal hip replacement on human osteoblasts and osteoclasts: implications for skeletal health.. Bone, 49(4), 717-723.
- Role of purinergic receptor polymorphisms in human bone. FRONT BIOSCI-LANDMRK, 16, 2572-2585.
- LOXL2-mediated matrix remodeling in metastasis and mammary gland involution.. Cancer Res, 71(5), 1561-1572.
- Fast Facts: Osteoporosis, 6th edition. PERSPECT PUBLIC HEAL, 131(1), 48-48.
- The effects of P2X7 receptor antagonists on the formation and function of human osteoclasts in vitro. Purinergic Signalling, 6(3), 307-315.
- 1st UK Purine Symposium. Purinergic Signalling, 6(1), 125-144.
- Septoclast deficiency accompanies postnatal growth plate chondrodysplasia in the toothless (tl) osteopetrotic, colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1)-deficient rat and is partially responsive to CSF-1 injections. American Journal of Pathology, 175(6), 2668-2675.
- PPAR agonists odulate human osteoclast formation and activity in vitro. BONE, 40(1), 149-159.
- In vitro chondrocyte differentiation using costochondral chondrocytes as a source of primary rat chondrocyte cultures: An improved isolation and cryopreservation method. Bone, 37(4), 530-544.
- A New Histomorphometric Method to Assess Growth Plate Chondrodysplasia and Its Application to theToothless(tl, Csf1nullOsteopetrotic Rat. Connective Tissue Research, 45(1), 1-10.
- Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in the Dental Follicle. Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression, 13(2-4), 8-8.
- Blockade of the pore-forming P2X7 receptor inhibits formation of multinucleated human osteoclasts in vitro.. Calcif Tissue Int, 73(4), 361-369.
- Adenosine triphosphate stimulates human osteoclast activity via upregulation of osteoblast-expressed receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand.. Bone, 31(5), 582-590.
- Expression of a P2X7 receptor by a subpopulation of human osteoblasts.. J Bone Miner Res, 16(5), 846-856.
- Extracellular nucleotide signaling: a mechanism for integrating local and systemic responses in the activation of bone remodeling.. Bone, 28(5), 507-512.
- EU COST Action CA21130 PRESTO ‘P2X receptors as therapeutic targets’ inaugural meeting report. Purinergic Signalling.
- C‐terminal variants of the P2X7 receptor are associated with prostate cancer progression and bone metastasis – evidence from clinical and pre‐clinical data. Cancer Communications.
- RSPO2/RANKL-LGR4 signaling regulates osteoclastic pre-metastatic niche formation and bone metastasis. Journal of Clinical Investigation.
- Purinergic ADP receptors: from block buster blood drugs to bone-disease busters. IBMS BoneKEy, 10.
- Osteosarcoma, Encyclopedia of Bone Biology (pp. 362-378). Elsevier
- Isolation and culture of human osteoblasts. (pp. 29-54).
Conference proceedings papers
- Abstract 2904: Mechanical loading induced osteogenic response does not interfere with the colonization of breast cancer in bone. Cancer Research, Vol. 81(13_Supplement) (pp 2904-2904)
- P2Y2 receptor overexpression results in decreased bone formation. BONE, Vol. 50 (pp S85-S86)
- P2Y2 receptor overexpression results in decreased bone formation. BONE, Vol. 50 (pp S67-S67)
- Association of polymorphisms in the P2X7 receptor gene with stress fracture risk in military recruits. BONE, Vol. 50 (pp S108-S108)
- Expression of NFATc1 is inducible by P2X7 receptor activation in human osteoclasts. BONE, Vol. 48 (pp S126-S126)
- Deletion of the P2Y13 receptor leads to reduced bone turnover and protection from ovariectomy-induced bone loss. BONE, Vol. 48 (pp S227-S227)
- Tumour-secreted lox mediates osteolytic bone metastases prior to metastatic tumour cell colonisation. BONE, Vol. 48(1) (pp S21-S21)
- The effect of cobalt and chromium ions at clinically relevant concentrations on human osteoblast and osteoclast physiology in vitro: implications for skeletal health. BONE, Vol. 46 (pp S71-S71)
- Regulation of osteoblast function and mineralisation by extracellular nucleotides: The role of P2Y and P2X receptors. BONE, Vol. 44 (pp S154-S154)
- Release of ATP from human osteoblastic cell lines and primary osteoblasts occurs via exocytosis. BONE, Vol. 38(3) (pp S11-S11)
- The synergistic effect of extracellular nucleotides and EGF on c-fos expression in two breast cancer cell lines. BONE, Vol. 38(3) (pp S35-S35)
- Low dose PTH, insufficient to induce cyclic AMP or C-fos, stimulates an anabolic gene response in human osteoblasts in vitro. BONE, Vol. 38(3) (pp S10-S11)
- The RNA binding proteins LARP4A and LARP4B promote sarcoma and carcinoma growth and metastasis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Combining PTH(1-34) and mechanical loading has increased benefit to tibia bone mechanics in ovariectomised mice, Research Square Platform LLC.
- P2RX7 inhibition reduces breast cancer induced osteolytic lesions - implications for bone metastasis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- The P2RX7B splice variant modulates osteosarcoma cell behaviour and metastatic properties.
- The RNA binding proteins LARP4A and LARP4B promote sarcoma and carcinoma growth and metastasis. iScience, 109288-109288.
- Research group
Current Collaborators
- Professor Mark Wilkinson
- Dr Dawn Teare
- Dr Gaynor Miller
- Dr Shelly Lawson
Postgraduate Students
- Mr Luke Tattersall
- Teaching interests
I am Chair of the Medical School Graduate Research Committee, I lecture on the undergraduate Medical Course as well as being the academic lead for the research Attachment SSC, I also run the Doctoral Development Programme module "Effective Presentation and Seminar Participation" MED605.
- Professional activities and memberships
I am the Founder and President of the UK Purine Club, and member of the Bone Research Society, European Calcified Tissue Society, the International Bone and Mineral Society and the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.