Dr Deborah Dawson
School of Biosciences
Research Associate

+44 114 222 0106
Full contact details
School of Biosciences
Alfred Denny Building
Western Bank
S10 2TN
- Profile
I have been the Manager of the NERC Environmental Omics Visitor Facility since it was established in 1998. The facility supports genetic studies of the natural world, within NERCs environmental remit. Any UK researcher can apply for access to our facilities, consumables, training and expertise (projects do not need to be NERC funded).
Each year we support ten to twenty projects at Sheffield. These cover a wide range of studies and techniques. We have supported over 250 projects from 56 institutes and provided training for over 200 PhD students. Over 500 publications have resulted from work we have supported in Sheffield, including articles in Nature and Science.
In addition to managing the facility, our staff and supervising facility-supported projects, I lead several research projects.
- Research interests
- Conservation genetics
- Mating systems and reproductive behaviour
- Avian sex chromosomes and genomic architecture
- Development of markers and techniques to enhance studies of molecular ecology
- Studies of historical and contemporary population structure & genetic bottlenecks
- Identification of species, hybrids, molecular systematics and phylogenetics
- Investigations of species diversity and ecosystems using environmental DNA (eDNA)
- Studies of wildlife using non-invasive samples
- Studies of diet and habitat quality using next-generation sequencing of faecal samples
- Assessments of river health using eDNA samples
- Development of markers and techniques to enhance studies of molecular ecology
- Mating systems & behaviour
- Genomic architecture and investigation of the avian sex chromosomes
- Studies of historical and contemporary population structure & genetic bottlenecks
- Identification of species, hybrids, molecular systematics & phylogenetics
Research projects and collaborators
Year Project title Collaborators 2020 National COVID-19 Wastewater Epidemiology Surveillance Programme (N-WESP) PI Andrew Singer (CEH) heads a group of CoIs from around the UK 2020 River Reconnections Dr Ed Shaw (Don Catchment Rivers Trust), Dr Paul Parsons (UoS) 2020 Falcon Forensics Dr Lucy Webster (SASA, Scottish Government, Edinburgh), Lucy Knowles (UoS) 2019 Salmon of Steel - Sara Peixoto (UoS, now at the University of Hull)
- Dr Ed Shaw (Don Catchment Rivers Trust)
- Chris Firth (Don Catchment Rivers Trust)
- Neil Trudgill (Environment Agency)
- Katie Burnham (Environment Agency)
- Dr Ben Aston (Yorkshire Water)
- Dr Rachel Naden (Yorkshire Water)
2018 Otter distribution in the Peak District - Darcie Cowap (UoS)
- Dr Douglas Ross (UoS volunteer)
2017 The diet of urban and rural otters - Lucy Knowles (UoS), Dr Douglas Ross (UoS volunteer)
- Angela Maccarinelli (Dept of Archaeology, UoS)
- John Rochester (Academic Unit of Medical Education, UoS)
- Barry Soames (microscopic photography expert)
- Dr Nicky Rivers, Paul Richards, Sara Blackburn & volunteers
- Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust
2016 The origins of badgers on the Isle of Arran - Tom Bellis (University of Leeds)
Roger Cottis (Scottish Badgers)
Dr Hannah Dugdale (University of Leeds)
2016 A DNA-based survey of otters in Sheffield - Amy Withers (University of Leeds)
- Dr Nicky Rivers, Paul Richards, Sara Blackburn & volunteers
- Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust,
- Dr Douglas Ross (UoS volunteer)
- Dr Hannah Dugdale (University of Leeds)
2015 A DNA study of the Sheffield Peregrines Databases
We have created three databases:
BIRDMARKER - Identification of microsatellite markers for birds from testing primer sets in over 100 species.
Bird sex-typing - A list of the results of PCR sex-typing over 100 species of birds using various primer sets. PCR protocols are also supplied.
New microsatellites isolated - A list of the species for which we have isolated new microsatellite loci from genomic libraries.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Unexpected landscape-scale contemporary gene flow and fine-scale genetic diversity in rural hedgehogs. Conservation Genetics, 1-11.
- Resource competition drives an invasion‐replacement event among shrew species on an island. Journal of Animal Ecology.
- Development of a multiplex microsatellite marker set for the study of the solitary red mason bee, Osmia bicornis (Megachilidae). Molecular Biology Reports, 49(1), 783-788. View this article in WRRO
- Metabarcoding reveals selective dietary responses to environmental availability in the diet of a nocturnal, aerial insectivore, the European Nightjar.. Ibis.
- Multisource noninvasive genetics of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Greece reveals a highly structured population and a new matrilineal contact zone in southern Europe. Ecology and Evolution. View this article in WRRO
- Population structure, gene flow and relatedness of Natterer’s bats in Northern England. Mammalian Biology.
- Population genetics and geometric morphometrics of the freshwater snail Segmentina nitida reveal cryptic sympatric species of conservation value in Europe. Conservation Genetics.
- Spatio-temporal processes drive fine-scale genetic structure in an otherwise panmictic seabird population. Scientific Reports, 10. View this article in WRRO
- Heritability and correlations among learning and inhibitory control traits. Behavioral Ecology, 31(3), 798-806.
- Fishing for mammals: Landscape‐level monitoring of terrestrial and semi‐aquatic communities using eDNA from riverine systems. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(4), 707-716.
- Spatio-temporal genetic tagging of a cosmopolitan planktivorous shark provides insight to gene flow, temporal variation and site-specific re-encounters. Scientific Reports, 10(1). View this article in WRRO
- Microsatellite characterisation and sex-typing in two invasive parakeet species, the monk parakeet Myiopsitta monachus and ring-necked parakeet Psittacula krameri. Molecular Biology Reports, 47(2), 1543-1550. View this article in WRRO
- Conservation genetic assessment of savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Greater Kruger Biosphere, South Africa. Genes, 10(10). View this article in WRRO
- Individual variation and the source-sink group dynamics of extra-group paternity in a social mammal. Behavioral Ecology, 30(2), 301-312. View this article in WRRO
- A diet rich in C3 plants reveals the sensitivity of an alpine mammal to climate change. Molecular Ecology. View this article in WRRO
- Correction to: A multiplex marker set for microsatellite typing and sexing of sooty terns Onychoprion fuscatus. BMC Research Notes, 11(1). View this article in WRRO
- A multiplex marker set for microsatellite typing and sexing of sooty terns Onychoprion fuscatus. BMC Research Notes, 10(1). View this article in WRRO
- Identification of 24 new microsatellite loci in the sweat bee Lasioglossum malachurum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). BMC Research Notes, 10(1). View this article in WRRO
- Widespread gene flow between oceans in a pelagic seabird species complex. Molecular Ecology, 26(20), 5716-5728. View this article in WRRO
- Demographic decline and detection of genetic bottleneck in a population of Barn Owl Tyto alba in Hungary. Journal of Ornithology, 158(3), 811-821.
- The characterisation of microsatellite markers reveals tetraploidy in the Greater Water Parsnip, Sium latifolium (Apiaceae). BMC Research Notes, 10. View this article in WRRO
- The use of microsatellite markers in Neotropical studies of wild birds: a literature review. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 0-0. View this article in WRRO
- Parnassius apollo nevadensis: identification of recent population structure and source–sink dynamics. Conservation Genetics. View this article in WRRO
- Levels of extra-pair paternity are associated with parental care in penduline tits (Remizidae). Ibis. View this article in WRRO
- A new marker based on the avian spindlin gene that is able to sex most birds, including species problematic to sex with CHD markers. Zoo Biology. View this article in WRRO
- Range expansion and retraction along a moving contact zone has no effect on the genetic diversity of two passerine birds. Ecography, 39(9), 884-893.
- A multiplex set for microsatellite typing and sexing of the European bee-eater (Merops apiaster). European Journal of Wildlife Research, 62(4), 501-509. View this article in WRRO
- Erratum to: Microsatellite records for volume 7, issue 4 (Conservation Genet Resour, (2015), (7), 917-944, DOI: 10.1007/s12686-015-0493-8). Conservation Genetics Resources, 8(1), 85-87.
- Autosomal and Z-linked microsatellite markers enhanced for cross-species utility and assessed in a range of birds, including species of conservation concern. Conservation Genetics Resources, 7(4), 881-886. View this article in WRRO
- A multiplex microsatellite set for non-invasive genotyping and sexing of the osprey (Pandion haliaetus). Conservation Genetics Resources, 7(4), 887-894. View this article in WRRO
- Microsatellite records for volume 7, issue 4. Conservation Genetics Resources, 7(4), 917-944.
- Conserved microsatellite markers of high cross-species utility for flying, ground and tree squirrels. Conservation Genetics Resources, 7(2), 599-603. View this article in WRRO
- The genetic structure ofNautilus pompiliuspopulations surrounding Australia and the Philippines. Molecular Ecology, 24(13), 3316-3328. View this article in WRRO
- A marker suitable for sex-typing birds from degraded samples. Conservation Genetics Resources, 7(2), 337-343. View this article in WRRO
- Four-way development of microsatellite markers for the Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae). Conservation Genetics Resources, 7(4), 899-907.
- Isolation and characterisation of microsatellite loci for the ancient cephalopod, Nautilus pompilius. Conservation Genetics Resources, 7(1), 107-111.
- Characterisation of nine European wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) microsatellite loci of utility across sub-species. Conservation Genetics Resources, 7(1), 85-87.
- Characterization of microsatellite markers for Saxicola species. Conservation Genetics Resources, 7(1), 273-278.
- Characterization of 28 microsatellite loci in the European roller Coracias garrulus (Coracidae, AVES). European Journal of Wildlife Research, 60(5), 843-850.
- Cooperative investment in public goods is kin directed in communal nests of social birds. Ecology Letters, 17(9), 1141-1148. View this article in WRRO
- Twenty new microsatellite loci for population structure and parentage studies of Parnassius apollo nevadensis (Lepidoptera; Papilionidae). Journal of Insect Conservation, 18(5), 771-779.
- Characterisation of microsatellite markers in the stone curlew Burhinus oedicnemus. Conservation Genetics Resources, 6(3), 751-754.
- High risks of losing genetic diversity in an endemic Mauritian gecko: implications for conservation.. PLoS One, 9(6), e93387. View this article in WRRO
- Cuckoo hosts shift from accepting to rejecting parasitic eggs across their lifetime.. Evolution, 68(10), 3020-3029.
- Cross-species utility of 22 microsatellite markers in the Melodious Warbler (Hippolais polyglotta). Avian Biology Research, 7(2), 91-98.
- Genetic and phenotypic divergence in an island bird: isolation by distance, by colonization or by adaptation?. Mol Ecol, 23(5), 1028-1039.
- Scale-dependent effects of landscape variables on gene flow and population structure in bats. Diversity and Distributions.
- Isolation and characterisation of Mauritius lowland day gecko Phelsuma guimbeaui microsatellite loci. CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES, 5(4), 1013-1018.
- Microsatellite loci characterised in a megapode, the Australian brush-turkey Alectura lathami. CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES, 5(4), 1179-1184.
- The shaping of genetic variation in edge-of-range populations under past and future climate change. Ecology Letters. View this article in WRRO
- Isolation, characterization and predicted genome locations of Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) microsatellite loci. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5(3), 723-727.
- Isolation and characterisation of hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) microsatellite loci. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5(3), 687-692.
- Isolation and characterization of fourteen microsatellite loci from the endangered octocoral Eunicella verrucosa (Pallas 1766). Conservation Genetics Resources, 5(3), 825-829.
- Isolation and characterization of 11 microsatellite loci from the ubiquitous temperate octocoral Alcyonium digitatum (Linnaeus, 1758). Conservation Genetics Resources, 5(3), 767-770.
- Comparison of historical bottleneck effects and genetic consequences of re-introduction in a critically endangered island passerine.. Mol Ecol, 22(18), 4644-4662.
- Long-term, fine-scale temporal patterns of genetic diversity in the restored Mauritius parakeet reveal genetic impacts of management and associated demographic effects on reintroduction programmes. Biological Conservation, 161, 28-38.
- High-utility conserved avian microsatellite markers enable parentage and population studies across a wide range of species.. BMC Genomics, 14, 176. View this article in WRRO
- Characterisation of microsatellite loci in the rifleman (Acanthisitta chloris, Acanthisittidae, AVES) and their predicted genome locations. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5(2), 555-560.
- Large-scale isolation of Eastern spiny mouse Acomys dimidiatus microsatellite loci through GS-FLX 454 titanium sequencing. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5(2), 519-524.
- Evidence of long-term structured cuckoo parasitism on individual magpie hosts.. J Anim Ecol, 82(2), 389-398.
- Characterization of blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus microsatellite loci, and assessment of sequence homology among species to predict cross-species utility and chromosome locations. CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES, 4(3), 605-612.
- Isolation, characterization and predicted genome locations of ruff (Philomachus pugnax, AVES) microsatellite loci. CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES, 4(3), 763-771.
- Characterisation of nine microsatellite loci in the caecilian amphibian Boulengerula uluguruensis (Gymnophiona), and their cross-species utility in three congeneric species. CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES, 4(2), 225-229.
- Microsatellite resources for Passeridae species: a predicted microsatellite map of the house sparrow Passer domesticus.. Mol Ecol Resour, 12(3), 501-523.
- Development of conserved microsatellite markers of high cross-species utility in bat species (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera, Mammalia).. Mol Ecol Resour, 12(3), 532-548.
- Hybridization but no evidence for backcrossing and introgression in a sympatric population of great reed warblers and clamorous reed warblers.. PLoS One, 7(2), e31667. View this article in WRRO
- Signature of a pre-human population decline in the critically endangered reunion island endemic forest bird coracina newtoni. PLoS ONE, 7(8). View this article in WRRO
- Genetic diversity and population structure in contemporary house sparrow populations along an urbanization gradient. Heredity, 109(3), 163-172.
- Maternal effects and heritability of annual productivity.. J Evol Biol, 25(1), 149-156.
- Spatial heterogeneity in genetic relatedness among house sparrows along an urban-rural gradient as revealed by individual-based analysis.. Mol Ecol, 20(22), 4643-4653.
- Characterisation and predicted genome locations of Leach's storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) microsatellite loci (Procellariidae, Aves). CONSERV GENET RESOUR, 3(4), 711-716.
- Mother Knows Best: Dominant Females Determine Offspring Dispersal in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes). PLOS ONE, 6(7). View this article in WRRO
- Characterisation of twenty-one European badger (Meles meles) microsatellite loci facilitates the discrimination of second-order relatives. CONSERV GENET RESOUR, 3(3), 515-518.
- Developmental Stability Covaries with Genome-Wide and Single-Locus Heterozygosity in House Sparrows. PLOS ONE, 6(7). View this article in WRRO
- DNA sampling from eggshell swabbing is widely applicable in wild bird populations as demonstrated in 23 species.. Mol Ecol Resour, 11(3), 481-493.
- Sexual segregation in distribution, diet and trophic level of seabirds: Insights from stable isotope analysis. Marine Biology, 158(10), 2199-2208.
- Heterozygosity-fitness correlations of conserved microsatellite markers in Kentish plovers Charadrius alexandrinus.. Mol Ecol, 19(23), 5172-5185.
- Cultural inheritance drives site fidelity and migratory connectivity in a long-distance migrant.. Mol Ecol, 19(24), 5484-5496.
- Genetic signatures of population change in the British golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). CONSERV GENET, 11(5), 1837-1846.
- New methods to identify conserved microsatellite loci and develop primer sets of high cross-species utility - as demonstrated for birds. MOL ECOL RESOUR, 10(3), 475-494.
- A genome-wide set of 106 microsatellite markers for the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus). MOL ECOL RESOUR, 10(3), 516-532.
- A wild Marsh Warbler x Sedge Warbler hybrid (Acrocephalus palustris x A. schoenobaenus) in Norway documented with molecular markers. J ORNITHOL, 151(2), 513-517.
- Myotis alcathoe confirmed in the UK from mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA. Acta Chiropterologica, 12(2), 471-483.
- Avian genome evolution: insights from a linkage map of the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus). HEREDITY, 104(1), 67-78.
- Twenty-two polymorphic microsatellite loci aimed at detecting illegal trade in the Cape parrot, Poicephalus robustus (Psittacidae, AVES). MOL ECOL RESOUR, 10(1), 142-149.
- A comparison of SNPs and microsatellites as linkage mapping markers: lessons from the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata).. BMC Genomics, 11, 218. View this article in WRRO
- Characterization of microsatellite loci in two closely related Lissotriton newt species. CONSERV GENET, 10(6), 1903-1906.
- Microsatellite markers characterized in the barn owl (Tyto alba) and of high utility in other owls (Strigiformes: AVES). MOL ECOL RESOUR, 9(6), 1513-1519.
- Characterization of 38 microsatellite loci in the European blackbird, Turdus merula (Turdidae, AVES). MOL ECOL RESOUR, 9(6), 1520-1526.
- Isolation and characterization of macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus) microsatellite loci and their utility in other penguin species (Spheniscidae, AVES). MOL ECOL RESOUR, 9(6), 1530-1535.
- Characterization of microsatellite loci isolated from the wasp, Microstigmus nigrophthalmus (Hymenoptera). MOL ECOL RESOUR, 9(6), 1493-1497.
- Isolation, characterization and chromosome locations of polymorphic black-billed magpie Pica pica (Corvidae, AVES) microsatellite loci. MOL ECOL RESOUR, 9(6), 1506-1512.
- Evaluating the demographic history of the Seychelles kestrel (Falco araea): Genetic evidence for recovery from a population bottleneck following minimal conservation management. BIOL CONSERV, 142(10), 2250-2257.
- Microsatellite markers characterized in the mosquito Aedes taeniorhynchus (Diptera, Culicidae), a disease vector and major pest on the American coast and the Galápagos Islands.. Infect Genet Evol, 9(5), 971-975.
- Independent colonization of multiple urban centres by a formerly forest specialist bird species.. Proc Biol Sci, 276(1666), 2403-2410.
- Stable isotopes reveal individual variation in migration strategies and habitat preferences in a suite of seabirds during the nonbreeding period. OECOLOGIA, 160(4), 795-806.
- Characterization of Mauritius parakeet (Psittacula eques) microsatellite loci and their cross-utility in other parrots (Psittacidae, Aves). MOL ECOL RESOUR, 9(4), 1231-1235.
- Characterization of microsatellite loci In The hihi Notiomystis cincta (Notiomystidae, Aves). MOL ECOL RESOUR, 9(4), 1255-1258.
- Erratum. Molecular Ecology Resources, 9(4), 1274-1275.
- Fine-scale genetic structure and its consequence in breeding aggregations of a passerine bird.. Mol Ecol, 18(12), 2728-2739.
- Microsatellite loci characterized in three African crane species (Gruidae, Aves). MOL ECOL RESOUR, 9(1), 308-311.
- Isolation of sixteen autosomal loci and a sex-linked polymorphic microsatellite locus from the Milne-Edwards' sportive lemur (Lepilemur edwardsi). MOL ECOL RESOUR, 9(1), 333-335.
- New microsatellite loci isolated from the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus characterized in two cricket species, Gryllus bimaculatus and Gryllus campestris. MOL ECOL RESOUR, 8(5), 1015-1019.
- Low genetic variability, female-biased dispersal and high movement rates in an urban population of Eurasian badgers Meles meles. J ANIM ECOL, 77(5), 905-915. View this article in WRRO
- Isolation and characterisation of microsatellite loci in the papillose woolly bat, Kerivoula papillosa (Chiroptera : Vespertilionidae). CONSERV GENET, 9(3), 751-756.
- Addition of the microchromosome GGA25 to the chicken genome sequence assembly through radiation hybrid and genetic mapping. BMC GENOMICS, 9. View this article in WRRO
- A forensic STR profiling system for the Eurasian badger: A framework for developing profiling systems for wildlife species. FORENSIC SCI INT-GEN, 2(1), 47-53.
- Characterisation of 14 blue crane Grus paradisea (Gruidae, AVES) microsatellite loci for use in detecting illegal trade. CONSERV GENET, 9(5), 1363-1367.
- A method for genotype validation and primer assessment in heterozygote-deficient species, as demonstrated in the prosobranch mollusc Hydrobia ulvae.. BMC Genet, 9, 55. View this article in WRRO
- Enhanced cross-species utility of conserved microsatellite markers in shorebirds.. BMC Genomics, 9, 502. View this article in WRRO
- Characterization of 20 microsatellite loci in the long-tailed tit Aegithalos caudatus (Aegithalidae, AVES). MOL ECOL NOTES, 7(6), 1319-1322.
- Isolation of 22 new Haliaeetus microsatellite loci and their characterization in the critically endangered Madagascar fish-eagle (Haliaeetus vociferoides) and three other Haliaeetus eagle species. MOL ECOL NOTES, 7(4), 711-715.
- Gene order and recombination rate in homologous chromosome regions of the chicken and a passerine bird. MOL BIOL EVOL, 24(7), 1537-1552.
- Microsatellite flanking region similarities among different loci within insect species. INSECT MOL BIOL, 16(2), 175-185.
- Fourteen polymorphic microsatellite loci characterized in the house sparrow Passer domesticus (Passeridae, Aves). MOL ECOL NOTES, 7(2), 333-336.
- Characterization of 36 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) including two sex-linked loci and their amplification in four other Charadrius species. MOL ECOL NOTES, 7(1), 35-39.
- Fifteen microsatellite loci characterized in the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos (Accipitridae, Aves). MOL ECOL NOTES, 6(4), 1047-1050.
- Long-term paternity skew and the opportunity for selection in a mammal with reversed sexual size dimorphism. MOL ECOL, 15(10), 3035-3043.
- Abundant variation in microsatellites of the parasitic nematode Trichostrongylus tenuis and linkage to a tandem repeat. MOL BIOCHEM PARASIT, 148(2), 210-218.
- A predicted microsatellite map of the passerine genome based on chicken-passerine sequence similarity.. Mol Ecol, 15(5), 1299-1320.
- Isolation and characterization of highly polymorphic microsatellite loci for the garden tiger moth Arctia caja (Lepidoptera : Arctiidae). MOL ECOL NOTES, 6(1), 104-106.
- Isolation of 18 polymorphic microsatellite loci from the North American red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus (Sciuridae, Rodentia), and their cross-utility in other species. MOL ECOL NOTES, 5(3), 650-653.
- Assessment of 17 new whiskered auklet (Aethia pygmaea) microsatellite loci in 42 seabirds identifies 5-15 polymorphic markers for each of nine Alcinae species. MOL ECOL NOTES, 5(2), 289-297.
- Identification of 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata (Passeridae, Aves). MOL ECOL NOTES, 5(2), 298-301.
- Mating system of the Eurasian badger, Meles meles, in a high density population.. Mol Ecol, 14(1), 273-284. View this article in WRRO
- Microsatellite loci for the greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Rhinolophidae, Chiroptera) and their cross-utility in 17 other bat species. MOL ECOL NOTES, 4(1), 96-100.
- View this article in WRRO
- Characterization of spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta microsatellite loci. MOL ECOL NOTES, 3(3), 360-362. View this article in WRRO
- Isolation of Psoroptes scab mite microsatellite markers (Acari : Psoroptidae). MOL ECOL NOTES, 3(3), 420-424. View this article in WRRO
- Isolation of microsatellite loci in the freshwater fish, the bitterling Rhodeus sericeus (Teleostei : Cyprinidae). MOL ECOL NOTES, 3(2), 199-202.
- Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from two inbreeding bark beetle species (Coccotrypes). MOL ECOL NOTES, 3(2), 270-273. View this article in WRRO
- Microsatellite loci for the field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus and their cross-utility in other species of Orthoptera. MOL ECOL NOTES, 3(2), 191-195.
- Isolation of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the, net-spinning caddisfly, Polycentropus flavomaculatus (Polycentropodidae). MOL ECOL NOTES, 2(4), 514-517.
- View this article in WRRO
- Mating Patterns and Reversed Size Dimorphism in Southern Skuas (Stercorarius skua lonnbergi). The Auk, 119(3), 858-863.
- . Conservation Genetics, 3(1), 85-87.
- Mating Patterns and Reversed Size Dimorphism in Southern Skuas (Stercorarius skua lonnbergi). The Auk, 119(3), 858-863.
- View this article in WRRO
- Fifty Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis) microsatellite loci polymorphic in sylviidae species and their cross-species amplification in other passerine birds.. Mol Ecol, 9(12), 2226-2231.
- Chicken microsatellite markers isolated from libraries enriched for simple tandem repeats. Animal Genetics, 28(6), 401-417.
- Chicken microsatellite markers isolated from libraries enriched for simple tandem repeats. Animal Genetics, 28(6), 401-417.
- Ten novel chicken dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms.. Anim Genet, 26(6), 443-444.
- Admixture and reproductive skew shape the conservation value of ex situ populations of the Critically Endangered eastern black rhino. Conservation Genetics.
- Effects of long-term ethanol storage of blood samples on the estimation of telomere length. Evolutionary Ecology.
- Genomic erosion in a demographically recovered bird species during conservation rescue. Conservation Biology.
- Assessing rates of parasite coinfection and spatiotemporal strain variation via metabarcoding: insights for the conservation of European Turtle Doves
Streptopelia turtur. Molecular Ecology.
- Investigation into Adaptation in Genes Associated with Response to Estrogenic Pollution in Populations of Roach (Rutilus rutilus) Living in English Rivers. Environmental Science & Technology.
- Development of intraspecific size variation in black coucals, white‐browed coucals and ruffs from hatching to fledging. Journal of Avian Biology.
- Isolation of 22 new Haliaeetus microsatellite loci and their characterization in the critically endangered Madagascar fish-eagle (Haliaeetus vociferoides) and three other Haliaeetus eagle species. Molecular Ecology Notes, 0(0), 070621074211164-???.
- Microsatellite loci for the field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus and their cross-utility in other species of Orthoptera. Molecular Ecology Notes, 0(0), 070621074211210-070621074211210.
- Admixture and reproductive skew shape the conservation value of ex situ populations of the Critically Endangered eastern black rhino, Authorea, Inc..
- Resource competition drives an invasion-replacement event among shrew species on an island, bioRxiv.
- Assessing rates of parasite coinfection and spatiotemporal strain variation via metabarcoding: insights for the conservation of European Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur, Authorea, Inc..
- Fishing for mammals: landscape-level monitoring of terrestrial and semi-aquatic communities using eDNA from lotic ecosystems, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Unexpected landscape-scale contemporary gene flow and fine-scale genetic diversity in rural hedgehogs. Conservation Genetics, 1-11.
- Research group
Name Date Status Institute Project title Jennifer Stagg 2024 - 2025 MRes Student University of Sheffield Water vole monitoring to support conservation (in collaboration with the Don Catchment Rivers Trust) Louise Gibney 2023 - 2024 MRes Student University of Sheffield Otter Dispersal and Barriers to Movement in the Peak District Lucy Knowles 2020 Research Technician University of Sheffield Falcon Forensics Dr Paul Parsons 2020 Research Technician University of Sheffield River Reconnections Sara Peixoto 2019 Erasmus+ Internee Visiting from the University of Porto, Portugal Developing eDNA approaches to monitor biodiversity in the waterways surrounding Sheffield Darcie Cowap 2018 - 2019 MRes Student Dept of Animal & Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield A DNA-based assessment of otter numbers and seasonal movement in the Peak District Lucy Knowles 2017 - 2018 MRes Student Dept of Animal & Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield A comparison of the diet of urban and rural otters using next-generation sequencing Amy Withers 2017 MSc Student
Joint supervisor: Dr Hannah DugdaleVisiting from the University of Leeds The distribution of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) on the river Don in Sheffield
(In collaboration with the Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust)Tom Bellis 2017 MSc Student
Joint supervisor: Dr Hannah DugdaleVisiting from the University of Leeds Genetic origins of the badger population on the Isle of Arran, Scotland
(In collaboration with Scottish Badgers)Brian Hanotte 2017 Undergraduate Summer Volunteer Visiting from Bangor University, Wales A DNA study of the diet of Pine Marten (Martes martes) on the Isle of Skye, Scotland Dr Sabuj Bhattacharyya 2016 - 2017 British Commonwealth Fellow Visiting Sheffield from the Indian Institute of Science Pika as an indicator species to monitor climatic oscillation in mountain ecosystem Gracie Adams 2015 Undergraduate Summer Volunteer Dept of Biomedical Sciences, University of Sheffield Assessment of microsatellite markers for parentage and population studies of the Asian elephant Elephas maximus Teresa Santos 2013 - 2014 Erasmus Research Internee Visiting from the University of Aveiro, Portugal Assessing genetic markers for studying and comparing shrew populations and mating systems. Filipa Martins 2011 Leonardo Scholarship Visiting from the University of Lisbon, Portugal Genetic studies of the Australian Brush-turkey Alectura lathami (Megapodiidae, AVES) Ged Poland 2010 MSc Student
Joint Supervisor: Dr Umberto AlbarellaDepartment of Archaeology, University of Sheffield Assigning sex to avian osteological remains: a review of current methods and an investigation into a novel, independent, biomolecular method. Anna Bone 2010 Undergraduate Summer Volunteer Visiting from the University of Oxford Assessment of microsatellite markers for parentage and population studies of birds of prey Alex Ball 2009 MSc Student
Joint Supervisor: Prof Terry BurkeDept of Animal & Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield. Recombination levels and gene order in the zebra finch homologues of the chicken chromosomes Gga1, Gga2 and Gga9
- Teaching interests
I supervise and support facility-funded projects and provide one-to-one training as required. I am keen to encourage and facilitate knowledge exchange.
I manage and contribute to training courses including introducing Molecular Ecology Techniques - in which I present lectures covering marker development, DNA profiling, genetic sex-typing, data validation and an introduction to parentage and population analyses.
- Teaching activities
I take part in numerous outreach events during the year to showcase the work we do at the University.
Presentations in 2020 (postponed):
13th March 2020 - Discovery Night, EVENT UoS, Who dung it, Fishing for DNA, Amazing Otters
20th October 2020 - GHS, Grindleford, TALK - The Return of the Otter to the Peak District
16th November 2020 - Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, Darley Dale, TALK - The Return of the Otter
Past events:
Sheffield Waterfront Festival at Victoria Quays, Sheffield (2019).
Discovery Night at the University of Sheffield (2018 & 2019).
Nature Detectives at Weston Park Museum, Sheffield (2018).
The Sheffield Peregrine Evening with the Sheffield Bird Study Group (2017 & 2018).
Sheffield's Wardsend Cemetery Bioblitz August 2017 and August 2018.
Peregrine Network events, including BirdFair at Rutland Water (2018 & 2019).
Our studies of otters have invoked a lot of public interest. I have presented lectures discussing our research on otters to the public at numerous venues. I have also contributed to articles in local and national newspapers and been interviewed on BBC Radio4, RadioSheffield and RadioDerby.
- Professional activities and memberships
- 1996–98: Research Associate, Department of Biology (Zoology), University of Leicester
- 1996-97: Research Associate, Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa, Israel
- 1994–96: Research Assistant, Department of Zoology, University of Leicester
- 1991–94: Research Technician, Department of Genetics, University of Leicester