Professor Pirashanthie Vivekananda-Schmidt
DPhil, C.Psychol, MA(Ed), PFHEA, AFBPsS, Occ.psy
Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health
Professor of Medical Education
+44 114 222 5363
+44 114 222 5363
The Medical School
Full contact details
Professor Pirashanthie Vivekananda-Schmidt
Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health
The Medical School
Beech Hill Road
S10 2RX
Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Population Health
The Medical School
Beech Hill Road
S10 2RX
- Profile
For enquiries please contact -
I am a Chartered Psychologist with practitioner status in occupational psychology. I am a Principal Fellow of the UK Higher Education Advance, UK and a senior member of staff of the Sheffield Medical Education team. My interests and experiences are summarised below.
- Educational leadership: I have experience in curriculum development in practice through my work in Medical Education. I have held senior leadership roles in Education including oversight for quality and governance within the Faculty of Health.
- Organisational development, managing change and training: developing and assessing professionalism and ethics and law education; human factors and errors in decision making.
- Professionalism and Patient Safety: I lead on the MBChB Professionalism and Patient Safety theme which encompasses developing competencies in ethics and law, developing leadership and teamwork skills, and developing as a reflective and safe practitioner.
- Research interests
- Developing and validating assessment tools within healthcare education.
- Technology-enhanced learning, especially applying Serious Gaming principles for medical and healthcare training.
- Understanding factors that influence student performance.
- Developing ethical practice including sustainable practice.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Evidence‐based medicine within surgical practice and training: a scoping review. World Journal of Surgery. View this article in WRRO
- A Focus Group Discussion Study Exploring General Surgery Trainees’ Views on Evidence-Based Medicine Within Their Training Program in the United Kingdom. Journal of Surgical Education, 82(1), 103348-103348.
- Editorial. Occupational Psychology Outlook, 3(2), 4-5.
- Editorial. Occupational Psychology Outlook, 3(1), 4-5.
- Editorial. Occupational Psychology Outlook, 2(1), 4-5.
- Occupational Psychology Outlook Editorial Board Call. Occupational Psychology Outlook, 2(1), 7-7.
- Revisions to the Standards of Proficiency. Occupational Psychology Outlook, 2(1), 6-6.
- Peer assessment of professionalism attributes. The Clinical Teacher.
- Curricular changes and interim posts during Covid-19 : graduates' perspectives. BMC Medical Education, 22(1). View this article in WRRO
- Validating an adapted questionnaire to measure belongingness of medical students in clinical settings. Cogent Medicine, 6(1), 1620087-1620087.
- Belongingness and its implications for undergraduate health professions education: a scoping review.. Education for Primary Care. View this article in WRRO
- Introducing quality improvement teaching into general practice undergraduate placements. Education for Primary Care, 29(4), 228-231. View this article in WRRO
- Developing a serious game for nurse education. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 44(1), 15-19. View this article in WRRO
- Nursing students' perceptions of a video-based serious game's educational value: A pilot study. Nurse Education Today, 62, 62-68. View this article in WRRO
- Clinicians' perspectives on the duty of candour: Implications for medical ethics education. Clinical Ethics, 12(4), 167-173. View this article in WRRO
- Letter to Editor of Medico-Legal Journal.. Medico-Legal Journal. View this article in WRRO
- Challenges to Ethically Managing Parkinson Disease. Journal of Patient Experience. View this article in WRRO
- Teaching clinical reasoning and decision-making skills to nursing students: Design, development, and usability evaluation of a serious game. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 94, 39-48. View this article in WRRO
- Developing and implementing a patient safety curriculum. The Clinical Teacher, 13(2), 91-97. View this article in WRRO
- Learning decision making through serious games. The Clinical Teacher, 13(4), 277-282.
- A model of professional self-identity formation in student doctors and dentists: a mixed method study. BMC Medical Education, 15(1). View this article in WRRO
- Differing perceptions among ethnic minority and Caucasian medical students which may affect their relative academic performance. Education for Primary Care, 26(1), 11-15.
- FY1 doctors' ethicolegal challenges in their first year of clinical practice: an interview study.. J Med Ethics, 40(4), 277-281.
- Teaching exchange. Education for Primary Care, 25(5), 281-293.
- Do assessor comments on a multi-source feedback instrument provide learner-centred feedback?. Med Educ, 47(11), 1080-1088.
- Student doctors taking responsibility.. Clin Teach, 8(4), 267-271.
- Lessons from medical students' perceptions of learning reflective skills: a multi-institutional study.. Med Teach, 33(10), 846-850.
- Reflection on developing an undergraduate course: the value of an action research approach.. Educ Prim Care, 22(3), 152-158.
- A single generic multi-source feedback tool for revalidation of all UK career-grade doctors: does one size fit all?. Med Teach, 33(2), e75-e83.
- The development and evaluation of a Professional Self Identity Questionnaire to measure evolving professional self-identity in health and social care students.. Med Teach, 31(12), e603-e607.
- Exploring the use of videotaped objective structured clinical examination in the assessment of joint examination skills of medical students.. Arthritis Rheum, 57(5), 869-876.
- Validation of MSAT: an instrument to measure medical students' self-assessed confidence in musculoskeletal examination skills.. Med Educ, 41(4), 402-410.
- Cluster randomized controlled trial of the impact of a computer-assisted learning package on the learning of musculoskeletal examination skills by undergraduate medical students.. Arthritis Rheum, 53(5), 764-771.
- Simulated impairment of contrast sensitivity: performance and gaze behavior during locomotion through a built environment.. Optom Vis Sci, 81(11), 844-852.
- Viewing behaviour of spider phobics and non-phobics in the presence of threat and safety stimuli.. Br J Clin Psychol, 43(Pt 3), 235-243.
- The evaluation of multimedia learning packages in the education of health professionals: experience of a musculoskeletal examination package.. Nurse Res, 11(3), 43-55.
- Effectively supporting widening participation learners in medical education through a capability approach lens. International Journal of Medical Education, 15, 110-112.
- A response to Simpson and Hope's ‘From policy to practice: Measuring success in widening participation’. Medical Education.
- Medical ethics and law for doctors of tomorrow: the consensus statement restructured and refined for the next decade. Journal of Medical Ethics.
- Student assistantships: bridging the gap between student and doctor. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 447-447. View this article in WRRO
- Developing good practice by understanding how UK medical schools address low level concerns: a survey study. Education for Primary Care, 1-7.
- Ethics in the Design of Serious Games for Healthcare and Medicine, Human Rights and Ethics (pp. 245-260). IGI Global
- Ethics in the Design of Serious Games for Healthcare and Medicine, Advances in Healthcare Information Systems and Administration (pp. 91-106). IGI Global
Conference proceedings papers
- 28 Developing a teaching aid on dementia diagnosis using conversation analysis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, Vol. 88(8) (pp A24.2-A24)
- A serious game for teaching nursing students clinical reasoning and decision-making skills. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 225 (pp 905-906)
- Curricular changes and interim posts during Covid-19: graduates’ perspectives, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Evidence‐based medicine within surgical practice and training: a scoping review. World Journal of Surgery. View this article in WRRO
- Teaching activities
- Lead for MBChB "Professionalism and Patient Safety" theme
- Curriculum development in healthcare education
- Application of Medical Ethics and Law, patient safety education, and research ethics and integrity
- The role of human factors in patient safety, including biases in thinking
- Staff development for healthcare educators
- Professional activities and memberships
- Former trustee and current member of the Education Committee, Institute of Medical Ethics, UK
- External Examiner roles at UK Medical Schools
- Member of the Education and Training Board of the British Psychological Society
- Editor of the Occupational Psychology Outlook (a publication of the Division of Occupational Psychology of the British Psychological Society).