Dr Jennifer Rowson
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering

+44 114 222 7878
Full contact details
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Pam Liversidge Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
Jennifer Rowson is a Lecturer in Design and Biomechanics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. She has a first class degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Sheffield and a PhD in Packaging Simulation. Upon completion of her PhD, she held posts as a Research Associate and University Teaching Fellow in the Department. In 2011 she joined the Insigneo Institute for in silico medicine in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
- Research interests
Jen's research focuses on the biomechanics and understanding of upper limb performance, the definition of experimental and modelling techniques for the assessment of dexterity and hand manipulation. She has a special interest in inclusive design of objects and products for people as well as the efficacy of rehabilitation.
Projects carried out have developed tools, with motion capture and sensors that help to measure manipulation movements, as well as creating mathematical models to quantify and predict quantities that cannot be directly accessed. Jen also carries out projects to analyse tasks for their demands in order to understand and input into the redesign of environment/objects for reduced dexterity.
- Publications
Journal articles
- “Fancy a Brew? “: Understanding factors influencing ease of use of cups used in care homes. Clinical Nutrition Open Science.
- Evaluating and managing MSDs in domestic tasks through ergonomics. Journal of Engineering Research.
- As you like it: understanding the relationship between packing design and accessibility. Packaging Technology and Science. View this article in WRRO
- ERGONOMICS APPROACH TO ASSESS THE RISK ASSOCIATED WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF DOMESTIC TASKS–PART “B”. International Journal of Public Health and Clinical Sciences, 6(2), 132-151. View this article in WRRO
- Ergonomics approach to assess the risk associated with the performance of domestic tasks–part “A”. International Journal of Public Health and Clinical Sciences, 5(5), 228-245. View this article in WRRO
- Differences in EMG Burst Patterns During Grasping Dexterity Tests and Activities of Daily Living. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 6. View this article in WRRO
- Simultaneous Force Regression and Movement Classification of Fingers via Surface EMG within a Unified Bayesian Framework. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 6(13). View this article in WRRO
- Analysis of Finger Motion Coordination during Packaging Interactions. Packaging Technology and Science. View this article in WRRO
- Robust nonlinear system identification: Bayesian mixture of experts using the t-distribution. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 85, 977-992. View this article in WRRO
- Note: Talking about Torque: Measuring Pack Accessibility – a Review. Packaging Technology and Science, 29(12), 613-613. View this article in WRRO
- Note: Rating Accessibility of Packaging: A Medical Packaging Example. Packaging Technology and Science, 29(12), 607-607. View this article in WRRO
- Analysis of finger movement coordination during the Variable Dexterity Test and comparative activities of daily living. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 23(10), 481-491. View this article in WRRO
- Some Recent Developments in SHM Based on Nonstationary Time Series Analysis. Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(8), 1589-1603. View this article in WRRO
- Analyzing finger interdependencies during the Purdue Pegboard Test and comparative activities of daily living. Journal of Hand Therapy, 30(1), 80-88. View this article in WRRO
- Variational Bayesian mixture of experts models and sensitivity analysis for nonlinear dynamical systems. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 66-67, 178-200. View this article in WRRO
- Assessment of the Sheffield Support Snood, an innovative cervical orthosis designed for people affected by neck muscle weakness. Clinical Biomechanics, 32, 201-206. View this article in WRRO
- Development of the Variable Dexterity Test: Construction, reliability and validity. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 22(4), 174-180. View this article in WRRO
- Talking about Torque: Measuring Pack Accessibility - a Review. Packaging Technology and Science. View this article in WRRO
- Rating Accessibility of Packaging: A Medical Packaging Example. Packaging Technology and Science.
- Bayesian sensitivity analysis of bifurcating nonlinear models. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.
- Computational model of an infant brain subjected to periodic motion simplified modelling and bayesian sensitivity analysis. P I MECH ENG H, 225(H11), 1036-1049.
- Bayesian sensitivity analysis of a model of the aortic valve.. J Biomech, 44(8), 1499-1506.
- Hold, grasp, clutch or grab: consumer grip choices during food container opening.. Appl Ergon, 42(5), 627-633.
- Bayesian sensitivity analysis of a model of the aortic valve. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(8), 1499-1506.
- Hold, grasp, clutch or grab: Consumer grip choices during food container opening. Applied Ergonomics, 42(5), 627-633.
- Food for thought?--A UK pilot study testing a methodology for compositional domestic food waste analysis.. Waste Manag Res, 28(3), 220-227.
- Understanding the use of tools for opening packaging. Universal Access in the Information Society, 9(3), 273-281.
- Comparison of tack of pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) at different temperatures. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 24(11-12), 1949-1957.
- How Wide Do You Want the Jar?: The Effect on Diameter for Ease of Opening for Wide-mouth Closures. PACKAG TECHNOL SCI, 23(1), 11-18.
- Squeezability. Part 2: getting stuff out of a bottle. P I MECH ENG C-J MEC, 224(C6), 1261-1271.
- Squeezability. Part 1: a pressing issue. P I MECH ENG C-J MEC, 223(11), 2615-2625.
- Modelling capping of 28 mm beverage closures using finite element analysis. PACKAG TECHNOL SCI, 21(5), 287-296.
- Size does matter: Further studies in hand-pack interaction using computer simulation. PACKAG TECHNOL SCI, 21(2), 61-72.
- Getting to grips with packaging: Using ethnography and computer simulation to understand hand-pack interaction. PACKAG TECHNOL SCI, 20(3), 217-229.
- Openability: Producing design limits for consumer packaging. PACKAG TECHNOL SCI, 19(4), 219-225.
- The use of uncertainty analysis for the design of container closures. PACKAG TECHNOL SCI, 19(3), 139-147.
- 'Inclusive' design for containers: Improving openability. PACKAG TECHNOL SCI, 18(6), 285-293.
- Development of a New Prototype Paediatric Central Sleep Apnoea Monitor. Technologies, 12(7), 116-116.
Conference proceedings papers
- Estimation of Fingertip Force from Surface EMG - A Multivariate Bayesian Mixture of Experts Approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, 12 January 2015 - 15 January 2015.
- Nonlinear Time Series Analysis Using Bayesian Mixture of Experts (pp 111-121)
- View this article in WRRO
- “Fancy a Brew? “: Understanding factors influencing ease of use of cups used in care homes. Clinical Nutrition Open Science.
- Teaching activities
MEC461 Engineering Commercial Success
MEC456 Human Factors and User-Centred Design