Professor Jon Gibbins
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Professor of Power Plant Engineering and Carbon Capture

+44 114 215 7234
Full contact details
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Sir Frederick Mappin Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
Jon is the Centre Director of the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre and a member of the Centre's Coordination Group and is the Research Area Champion for Solvent Post-Combustion.
He has worked on coal and biomass gasification and combustion for over 30 years, at Foster Wheeler, Imperial College and the University of Edinburgh and on carbon capture and storage (CCS) since 2002. He is currently Professor of Power Plant Engineering and Carbon Capture at the University of Sheffield and Director of the UK CCS Research Centre.
He is involved in a number of other academic, industrial and government initiatives on CCS in the UK and overseas, including the SaskPower CCS Global Consortium Advisory Committee.
He was also a member of SaskPower's Clean Coal Project Advisory Panel for their 400MW oxyfuel plant study in 2006-2007, has participated in reports and inquiries on CCS for a range of UK Government and other organisations and has contributed to a number of media pieces and other outreach activities on CCS.
He also takes an interest in broader energy system issues, as a member of the DECC Scientific Advisory Group from 2010 to 2014 and through participation in ongoing work on electricity system balancing, economics and regulation.
- Publications
Journal articles
- On the cost of zero carbon hydrogen: a techno-economic analysis of steam methane reforming with carbon capture and storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 126.
- A modelling study of post-combustion capture plant process conditions to facilitate 95–99% CO2 capture levels from gas turbine flue gases. Frontiers in Energy Research, 10.
- The development of UK CCUS strategy and current plans for large-scale deployment of this technology. Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement, N° 105(1), 26-30.
- On the climate impacts of blue hydrogen production. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 6(1), 66-75. View this article in WRRO
- Controlling capture plants to avoid CO2 emissions penalties during peak load demand. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 106. View this article in WRRO
- Sequential combustion in steam methane reformers for hydrogen and power production with CCUS in decarbonized industrial clusters. Frontiers in Energy Research, 8.
- Comparative energy and environmental performance of 40% and 30% monoethanolamine at PACT pilot plant. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 95. View this article in WRRO
- Shape and size transformations of biomass particles during combustion. Fuel, 261, 116334-116334.
- High temperature volatile yield and nitrogen partitioning during pyrolysis of coal and biomass fuels. Fuel, 248, 215-220.
- Prediction of the radiative heat transfer in small and large scale oxy-coal furnaces. Applied Energy, 211, 423-537. View this article in WRRO
- Priority projects for the implementation of CCS power generation with enhanced oil recovery in Mexico. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 64, 119-125. View this article in WRRO
- Ignition and combustion of single particles of coal and biomass. Fuel, 202, 650-655. View this article in WRRO
- On the retrofitting and repowering of coal power plants with post-combustion carbon capture: An advanced integration option with a gas turbine windbox. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 58, 299-311. View this article in WRRO
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- Modelling - from molecules to mega-scale: general discussion. Faraday Discuss., 192, 493-509.
- CCS - A technology for the future: general discussion. Faraday Discuss., 192, 303-335.
- End use and disposal of CO2 - storage or utilisation?: general discussion. Faraday Discuss., 192, 561-579.
- CCS - A technology for now: general discussion. Faraday Discuss..
- Integrated oxyfuel power plant with improved CO2 separation and compression technology for EOR application. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 103(B), 455-465. View this article in WRRO
- Sequential supplementary firing in natural gas combined cycle with carbon capture: A technology option for Mexico for low-carbon electricity generation and CO2 enhanced oil recovery. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 51, 330-345. View this article in WRRO
- A Remotely-Operated Facility for Evaluation of Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technologies on Industrial Sites. International Journal of Online Engineering, 12(6), 43-50. View this article in WRRO
- Operational flexibility options in power plants with integrated post-combustion capture. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 48(P2), 275-289. View this article in WRRO
- Post-combustion carbon dioxide capture cost reduction to 2030 and beyond. Faraday Discussions, 192, 27-35. View this article in WRRO
- Operational Flexibility of Future Generation Portfolios Using High Spatial- and Temporal-Resolution Wind Data. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 7(2), 697-707. View this article in WRRO
- Reducing water usage with rotary regenerative gas/gas heat exchangers in natural gas-fired power plants with post-combustion carbon capture. Energy, 90, 1994-2005.
- The GDCCSR Project Promoting Regional CCS-Readiness in the Guangdong Province, South China. Energy Procedia, 37, 7622-7632.
- Valuing power plant flexibility with CCS: the case of post-combustion capture retrofits. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 17(6), 621-649.
- Opportunities and barriers for implementing CO2 capture ready designs: A case study of stakeholder perceptions in Guangdong, China. Energy Policy, 45, 243-251.
- Managing capture technology uncertainty in capture-ready gas power plants. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Energy, 165(2), 61-71.
- Early Opportunity for CO2 Capture from Gasification Plants in China. Energy Procedia, 14, 1451-1457.
- Solubility of carbon dioxide in aqueous solution of monoethanolamine or 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol: Experimental measurements and modelling. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 6, 37-47.
- On the integration of CO2 capture with coal-fired power plants: A methodology to assess and optimise solvent-based post-combustion capture systems. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 89(9), 1553-1571.
- Factors affecting coal particle ignition under oxyfuel combustion atmospheres. Fuel, 90(1), 294-304.
- Getting Ready for Carbon Capture and Storage by Issuing Capture Options. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 42(6), 1286-1307.
- Carbon capture and storage: More energy or less carbon?. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2(3), 031006-031006.
- Carbon capture and storage: The ten year challenge. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(3), 505-518.
- Assessing the value of CO2 capture ready in new-build pulverised coal-fired power plants in China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 3(6), 787-792.
- Authors’ response to letter by Dr J.C. Jones regarding ‘A radiant heating wire mesh single-particle biomass combustion apparatus’. Fuel, 88(10), 2058-2058.
- Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants with Postcombustion Capture of Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 135(6), 449-458.
- Retrofitting CO2 capture ready fossil plants with post-combustion capture. Part 2: Requirements for natural gas combined cycle plants using solvent-based flue gas scrubbing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 223(3), 227-238.
- Carbon capture and storage deployment in the UK: What next after the UK Government's competition?. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 223(3), 305-319.
- Retrofitting CO2 capture ready fossil plants with post-combustion capture. Part 1: Requirements for supercritical pulverized coal plants using solvent-based flue gas scrubbing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 223(3), 213-226.
- Valuing flexible operation of power plants with CO2 capture. Energy Procedia, 1(1), 4289-4296.
- Carbon capture and storage. Energy Policy, 36(12), 4317-4322.
- Preparing for global rollout: A ‘developed country first’ demonstration programme for rapid CCS deployment. Energy Policy, 36(2), 501-507.
- Potential for flexible operation of pulverised coal power plants with CO2capture. Energy Materials, 2(3), 175-180.
- Electric vehicles for low-carbon transport. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Energy, 160(4), 165-173.
- Bireflectance imaging of coal and carbon specimens. International Journal of Coal Geology, 64(3-4), 204-216.
- Power-plant design should prepare for carbon capture. Nature, 436(7053), 912-912.
- Preliminary assessment of electricity costs for existing pulverized fuel plant retrofitted with an advanced supercritical boiler and turbine and solvent CO2 capture. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 218(7), 551-555.
- Scope for reductions in the cost of CO2 capture using flue gas scrubbing with amine solvents. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 218(4), 231-239.
- Implementing the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for thermodynamic properties of water and steam in Mathcad. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 217(6), 653-658.
- Video Observations of Full-Size Pulverised Coal Flames. Combustion Science and Technology, 162(1), 263-280.
- Coal Char Thermal Deactivation under Pulverized Fuel Combustion Conditions. Energy & Fuels, 14(4), 883-888.
- Structural ordering in high temperature coal chars and the effect on reactivity. Fuel, 78(7), 803-807.
- Observations of Heterogeneity in Large Pulverized Coal Particles. Energy & Fuels, 13(3), 592-601.
- Advances in laboratory tests for predicting coal-related combustion problems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 212(1), 13-26.
- Development of TG measurements of intrinsic char combustion reactivity for industrial and research purposes. Fuel Processing Technology, 57(2), 113-130.
- Selective maceral enrichment during grinding and effect of particle size on coal devolatilisation yields. Fuel Processing Technology, 56(3), 215-227.
- Residual carbon from pulverized coal fired boilers: 1. Size distribution and combustion reactivity. Fuel, 74(4), 471-480.
- Liquefaction of coals and maceral concentrates in a flowing-solvent reactor. International Journal of Energy Research, 18(2), 215-222.
- Determination of Rapid Heating Volatile Matter Contents as a Routine Test. Combustion Science and Technology, 93(1), 349-361.
- Laboratory measurement of N release under combustion conditions and comparison with plant NOx formation. Fuel Processing Technology, 36(1-3), 117-122.
- A flowing solvent reactor for coal liquefaction with direct electrical resistance heating. Review of Scientific Instruments, 62(9), 2234-2242.
- Power Plant and Systems—An Incremental Approach to a Final-Year Course. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 205(1), 53-57.
- Liquefaction of coal in a flowing-solvent reactor. Fuel, 70(8), 909-915.
- Pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis of coal: comparison of product distributions from a wire-mesh and a hot-rod reactor. Fuel, 70(5), 621-626.
- Comparison of primary conversions from a flowing-solvent and a mini-bomb reactor: the effect of extended residence times of products in the reaction zone. Fuel, 70(3), 380-385.
- Relationship between results from conventional proximate analyses and pyrolysis yields under rapid-heating conditions. Fuel Processing Technology, 24, 3-9.
- Comparison of coal pyrolysis product distributions from three captive sample techniques. Fuel, 69(3), 383-390.
- Development of a flowing-solvent liquefaction apparatus. Fuel Processing Technology, 24, 237-243.
- Variable‐heating‐rate wire‐mesh pyrolysis apparatus. Review of Scientific Instruments, 60(6), 1129-1139.
- The effect of variations in time-temperature history on product distribution from coal pyrolysis. Fuel, 68(7), 895-903.
- Experimental study of coal pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis at elevated pressures using a variable heating rate wire-mesh apparatus. Energy & Fuels, 3(6), 670-677.
- Coal pyrolysis yields from fast and slow heating in a wire-mesh apparatus with a gas sweep. Energy & Fuels, 2(4), 505-511.
- The effect of chloroform extractables on tar formation in flash pyrolysis and catalytic flash pyrolysis. Fuel Processing Technology, 15, 71-82.
- Chapter 17. CCS – From an Oil Crisis to a Climate Crisis Response, Energy and Environment Series (pp. 559-562). Royal Society of Chemistry
- Potential for improvement in power generation with post-combustion capture of CO2, Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 7 (pp. 155-163). Elsevier
- Scope for converting an existing natural gas enhanced oil recovery project to carbon dioxide injection, Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 7 (pp. 2299-2302). Elsevier
- Oxy-combustion processes for CO2 capture from advanced supercritical PF and NGCC power plant, Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 7 (pp. 211-220). Elsevier
- Maximising the effectiveness of post combustion CO2 capture systems, Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 7 (pp. 139-146). Elsevier
- COAL SELECTION FOR NOx REDUCTION IN PULVERISED FUEL COMBUSTION, The Institute of Energy's Second International Conference on Combustion & Emissions Control (pp. 7-16). Elsevier
- Chapter 2. Fossil Power Generation with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Policy Development for Technology Deployment, Issues in Environmental Science and Technology (pp. 41-64). Royal Society of Chemistry
Conference proceedings papers
- Considerations for Making Steel Plants CCS-Ready in China
2 /CO2 atmospheres. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, Vol. 2018(26thEUBCE) (pp 675-678)
Ignition and combustion of single particles of biomass under air and O- Ignition and Combustion of Single Particles of Coal and Biomass under O2/CO2 Atmospheres. Energy Procedia, Vol. 114 (pp 6067-6073) View this article in WRRO
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- Sequential Supplementary Firing in Combined Cycle Power Plant with Carbon Capture: Part-load Operation Scenarios in the Context of EOR. Energy Procedia, Vol. 114 (pp 1453-1468) View this article in WRRO
- Developing CCS in the UK and Beyond: Insights from the UK CCS Research Centre. Energy Procedia, Vol. 114 (pp 5521-5528) View this article in WRRO
- On the Integration of Sequential Supplementary Firing in Natural Gas Combined Cycle for CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery: A Techno-economic Analysis for Mexico. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 7558-7567)
- Vacuum Assisted Acidification: A Novel, Robust and Accurate Technique for the Measurement of CO2 Loading in Solvents and its Application in Post Combustion Capture. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 1811-1817)
- Valuing Responsive Operation of Post-combustion CCS Power Plants in Low Carbon Electricity Markets. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 7471-7484)
- Oxy-biomass Ignition in Air and Relevant Oxy-combustion Atmospheres for Safe Primary Recycle and Oxy-burner Development. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 403-414)
- Maintaining the Power Output of An Existing Coal Plant with the Addition of CO2 Capture: Retrofits Options With Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Plants. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 2530-2541)
- On the use of Rotary Gas/gas Heat Exchangers as a Novel Integration Option for Heat and Water Management in Exhaust Gas Recycling Gas Turbine Plants.. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 559-571)
- Assessing Operating Regimes of CCS Power Plants in High Wind and Energy Storage Scenarios. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 7529-7540)
- Enhanced Operating Flexibility and Optimised Off-design Operation of Coal Plants with Post-combustion Capture. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 7494-7507)
- Capacity Building in the UK CCS Research Centre. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 8097-8106)
- OxyCAP UK: Oxyfuel Combustion - academic Programme for the UK. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 504-510)
- Developing National CCS Capacity and Advanced Skills: Examples from the UK. Energy Procedia, Vol. 37 (pp 7281-7290)
- Carbon Capture Retrofit Options with the on-site Addition of Gas Turbine Combined Heat and Power Cycle. Energy Procedia, Vol. 37 (pp 2369-2376)
- Analysing Uncertainties for CCS: From Historical Analogues to Future Deployment Pathways in the UK. Energy Procedia, Vol. 37 (pp 7668-7679)
- Addressing Technology Uncertainties in Power Plants with Post-Combustion Capture. Energy Procedia, Vol. 37 (pp 2359-2368)
- Early opportunity for CO
2 capture from gasification plants in China. Energy Procedia, Vol. 14 (pp 1451-1457) - Built-in flexibility at retrofitted power plants: What is it worth and can we afford to ignore it?. Energy Procedia, Vol. 4 (pp 2596-2603)
- Carbon capture and storage in China — main findings from China-UK Near Zero Emissions Coal (NZEC) initiative. Energy Procedia, Vol. 4 (pp 5956-5965)
- Techno-economic assessment of future-proofing coal plants with postcombustion capture against technology developments. Energy Procedia, Vol. 4 (pp 1909-1916)
- Steam cycle options for the retrofit of coal and gas power plants with postcombustion capture. Energy Procedia, Vol. 4 (pp 1812-1819)
- Financing new power plants ‘CCS Ready’ in China–A case study of Shenzhen city. Energy Procedia, Vol. 4 (pp 2572-2579)
- Effective retrofitting of post-combustion CO2 capture to coal-fired power plants and insensitivity of CO2 abatement costs to base plant efficiency. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 5(3) (pp 427-438)
- Is all CCS equal? Classifying CCS applications by their potential climate benefit. Energy Procedia, Vol. 4 (pp 5715-5720)
- Techno-economic assessment of CO2 capture retrofit to existing power plants. Energy Procedia, Vol. 4 (pp 1835-1842)
- An assessment of the potential for retrofitting existing coal-fired power plants in China. Energy Procedia, Vol. 4 (pp 1805-1811)
- Locating new coal-fired power plants with Carbon Capture Ready design–A GIS case study of Guangdong province in China. Energy Procedia, Vol. 4 (pp 2824-2830)
- Retrofitting CO2 Capture to Existing Power Plants as a Fast Track Mitigation Strategy. ASME 2009 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Volume 1, 19 July 2009 - 23 July 2009.
- A radiant heating wire mesh single-particle biomass combustion apparatus. Fuel, Vol. 88(12) (pp 2418-2427)
- Decarbonising buildings by indirect use of gas and biomass. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Energy, Vol. 162(4) (pp 169-181)
- Assessing the value of CO2 capture ready in new-build coal-fired power plants in China. Energy Procedia, Vol. 1(1) (pp 4363-4370)
- Capture studies in Phase 1 of the UK-China Near Zero Emissions Coal project. Energy Procedia, Vol. 1(1) (pp 1565-1569)
- Capture-ready supercritical coal-fired power plants and flexible post-combustion CO2 capture. Energy Procedia, Vol. 1(1) (pp 1411-1418)
- Progress with the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Consortium. Energy Procedia, Vol. 1(1) (pp 4681-4687)
2 capture. 24th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2007, PCC 2007, Vol. 1 (pp 95-113)
Site specific considerations for investments in new coal-fired power plants with CO- Initial evaluation of the impact of post-combustion capture of carbon dioxide on supercritical pulverised coal power plant part load performance. Fuel, Vol. 86(14) (pp 2109-2123)
- Coal characterisation for NOx prediction in air-staged combustion of pulverised coals. Fuel, Vol. 84(17) (pp 2190-2195)
- Transient high-temperature thermal deactivation of monomaceral-rich coal chars. Symposium (International) on Combustion, Vol. 26(2) (pp 3103-3110)
- A performance modelling study of integrating a MEA direct air capture unit with a CCGT absorber. SSRN Electronic Journal
- Monoethanolamine (MEA) degradation rates in post-combustion CO2 capture plants with the capture of 100% of the added CO2, American Chemical Society (ACS).
- In amine selection, lower energy requirements and lower uncontrolled degradation rates don’t automatically mean lower overall costs – implications for CESAR1 vs. MEA.
- Cost reductions in post-combustion CO2 capture – possibilities and pipedreams Or: What carbon capture really costs Sources: Optimists, liars and damn liars.
- Effective Real-time Monitoring of Solvent Loading and Concentration for Commercial Amine Post-Combustion Capture Control and Optimisation.
- Supporting Policy Makers and Regulators with CCS Deployment.
- SMART - Solvent Management At Reduced Throughput – A Prototype Demonstration Plant.
- Flexibly Operated Capture Using Solvent Storage (FOCUSS) – Results.
- Co-DAC – Integration of a MEA Direct Air Capture Unit with Post Combustion Capture Technology.
- Capacity Building for Ecrs: What's Different About Ccs?.
- An Experimental Investigation Of Optimum Conditions For Continuous Two-Stage Reclaiming Of MEA Solvent Inventories From Commercial Plants.
- On the cost of zero residual CO2 emission hydrogen: A techno-economic analysis of steam methane reforming with carbon capture and storage.
- Communicating CCS: lessons from UK CCS Research Centre experience.
- An open-access FEED study for a post-combustion CO2 capture plant retrofit to a CCGT.
- A Post-Combustion Capture Deployment Derisking Pilot Plant.
- An open-access, detailed description of post-combustion CO2 capture plant.
- On the cost of zero carbon hydrogen: a techno-economic analysis of steam methane reforming with carbon capture and storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 126.