Professor Roger Lewis
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Professor of Mechanical Engineering

+44 114 222 7838
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School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Sir Frederick Mappin Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
Professor Roger Lewis became a lecturer in the Department in 2002 and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2006, before becoming a Reader in 2011 and then being awarded a personal chair in 2013.
He graduated from The University of Sheffield in 1996 with an MEng in Mechanical Engineering and continued to work at Sheffield towards a PhD in the Tribology Research Group. He then had posts as a Research Associate and Teaching Fellow in the Department.
In 2001 he was awarded the Tribology Trust Bronze Medal and in 2003 received a Brian Mercer Award for Innovation from the Royal Society. He also received the Institute of Physics Innovation in Tribology Prize in 2008. He was awarded the Donald Julius Groen Prize in Tribology in 2020. He is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the IMechE.
In 2019 Roger was made a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair. This position is co-funded by the Rail Safety and Standards Board and will focus on management of low adhesion in the wheel/rail interface.
Roger has edited an essential guide to wheel/rail contacts issues, 'The Wheel/Rail Interface Handbook' which is published by Woodhead.
Roger is a member of the Leonardo Tribology Centre.
- Research interests
Roger's research interests are split into three areas: solving industrial wear problems; application and development of a novel ultrasonic technique for machine element contact analysis and design of engineering components and machines. The research themes are wide ranging, but the main focus is on:
Railway Engineering
- Wheel/rail contact tribology – including wear (wheel profile evolution), RCF, friction management (use of top of rail friction modifiers; grease lubrication and traction gels), isolation and links to effective train detection
- Rail infrastructure improvement – including laser cladding of rail to reduce wear/RCF; design and testing of insulated rail joints; overhead line wear testing
- Condition monitoring – including real-time measurement of the wheel/rail contact; force measurement and detection of loosening in bolted joints.
Human Interactions
- Fundamental characterization and modelling of skin friction including use of OCT to determine sub-surface skin strain
- Hand/object interactions – including kitchen equipment, sports equipment etc. and effects that wearing medical examination gloves has on dexterity, grip and tactile discrimination
- Human tissue interaction with medical devices including catheters
- Pedestrian slips and falls, particularly barefoot slips and characterisation of flooring performance
- Multi-scale modelling of skin to incorporate effects of moisture and temperature to optimise design of medical products that interface with skin.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Experimental study on the effect of brake shoe pressure on wheel wear and fatigue damage behavior during tread braking. Wear, 205840-205840.
- DEM modelling of surface indentations caused by granular materials: application to wheel–rail sanding. Computational Particle Mechanics, 11(5), 2353-2367.
- Assessing friction and damage of cell monolayers on soft substrates
in vitro. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 21(215).
- Influence of HAZ microstructure on RCF under twin-disc test of a flash-butt welded rail. Wear, 546-547, 205324-205324.
- Influence of shear yield strength of rail material on the shakedown limit in shakedown map. Tribology International, 194, 109490-109490.
- The Effect of Stiffness on Friction, Surface Strain and Contact Area of a Sliding Finger Pad Simulant. Tribology Letters, 72(2).
- A Discrete Element Model of High-Pressure Torsion Test to Assess the Effect of Particle Characteristics in the Interface. Journal of Tribology, 146(8).
- Generation of sanded creep curves using the extended creep force model with high pressure torsion data. Wear, 542-543, 205278-205278.
- Scaling-up laser cladding of rails. Wear, 540-541, 205227-205227.
- Acceleration-based friction coefficient estimation of a rail vehicle using feedforward NN: validation with track measurements. Vehicle System Dynamics, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-20.
- Modelling the adhesion enhancement induced by sand particle breakage at the wheel-rail interface. Wear, 538-539, 205232-205232.
- Pressure induced transformation of biomass to a highly durable, low friction film on steel. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 480.
- Discrete element modelling of rolling contact fatigue and crack closure with different bond laws. Wear, 205268-205268.
- Initiation and evolution of wheel polygonal wear: influence of wheel-rail hardness ratios. Wear, 540-541. View this article in WRRO
- DEM simulation of single sand grain crushing in sanded wheel–rail contacts. Powder Technology, 432, 119150-119150.
- Assessment of rail grinding maintenance surface quality and damage propagation in subsequent loading cycles for premium rail grades. Wear, 530-531, 205051-205051.
- Investigating the effect of different adhesion materials on electrical resistance using a high pressure torsion rig. Wear, 205116-205116.
- Microstructure, properties and fracture failure mechanism of MAG welded joints of four types of stainless steels. Engineering Failure Analysis, 150, 107326-107326.
- Leaves on the line: Characterising leaf based low adhesion on railway rails. Tribology International, 185, 108529-108529.
- Top-of-rail friction modifier performance assessment: High pressure torsion testing; creep force modelling and field validation. Wear, 205073-205073.
- Evaluating the effect of solid lubricant inclusion on the friction and wear properties of Laser Sintered Polyamide-12 components. Wear, 522, 204873-204873.
- Numerical modelling of particle entrainment in the wheel–rail interface. Computational Particle Mechanics, 1-11.
- A Machine Learning Approach for Real-Time Wheel-Rail Interface Friction Estimation. Journal of Tribology, 145(9).
- Understanding friction mechanisms of Si-DLC/steel interfaces under aqueous lubrication. RSC Advances, 13(15), 10322-10337.
- Wear and rolling contact fatigue competition mechanism of different types of rail steels under various slip ratios. Wear, 204721-204721.
- Influence of different solid particles in friction modifier on wheel-rail adhesion and damage behaviours. Wear, 204833-204833.
- Experimental study on the influence of slip ratio on irregular wear behaviors of wheel/rail. Wear, 204780-204780.
- Insulated rail joint (IRJ) contact characterisation-an ultrasonic reflectometry approach for a cross-material interface. Smart Materials and Structures, 32(3), 034007-034007.
- Sanded wheel–rail contacts: experiments on sand crushing behaviour. Lubricants, 11(2).
- Quantifying the effect of particle characteristics on wheel/rail adhesion & damage through high pressure torsion testing. Tribology International, 179, 108190-108190.
- Wear of driving versus driven discs in a twin disc rolling-sliding test. Wear, 512-513.
- Post-field grinding evaluation of different rail grades in full-scale wheel/rail laboratory tests. Tribology International, 177.
- Evaluation of laser cladding as an in-situ repair method on rail steel. Tribology International.
- Effects of temperature and humidity on railhead friction levels. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit.
- White Etching Layer (WEL) formation in different rail grades after grinding operations in the field. Wear, 502, 204371.
- Influence of high temperature on the tribological properties of hybrid PTFE/Kevlar fabric composite. Tribology International, 174. View this article in WRRO
- Towards a standard approach for the twin disc testing of top-of rail friction management products. Lubricants, 10(6).
- Experimental investigation on ball plate contact using ultrasonic reflectometry : from static to dynamic. Ultrasonics, 124.
- Effect of seasonal change on the biomechanical and physical properties of the human skin. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 127.
- Iron oxide and water paste rheology and its effect on low adhesion in the wheel/rail interface. Tribology Letters, 70(1).
- Numerical calculation of wear in rolling contact based on the Archard equation: Effect of contact parameters and consideration of uncertainties. Wear, 490-491. View this article in WRRO
- A comprehensive characterisation of Laser Sintered Polyamide-12 surfaces. Polymer Testing, 106.
- DEM modelling of railway ballast using the Conical Damage Model: a comprehensive parametrisation strategy. Granular Matter, 24(1). View this article in WRRO
- Comparison of the damage and microstructure evolution of eutectoid and hypereutectoid rail steels under a rolling-sliding contact. Wear, 492-493.
- Water jet erosion performance of carbon fiber and glass fiber reinforced polymers. Polymers, 13(17). View this article in WRRO
- Editorial. Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 15(2), 79-79.
- The effects of chlorination, thickness, and moisture on glove donning efficiency. Ergonomics.
- Experimental study on wear properties of wheel and rail materials with different hardness values. Wear.
- Bio-tribology of vascular devices : a review of tissue/device friction research. Biotribology, 25.
- Microstructure evolution of railway pearlitic wheel steels under rolling-sliding contact loading. Tribology International, 154.
- The development of a high pressure torsion test methodology for simulating wheel/rail contacts. Tribology International.
- Effects of Mucin on the dexterity and tactile sensitivity of medical glove users. Biotribology, 24.
- Comparison of wear and rolling contact fatigue behaviours of bainitic and pearlitic rails under various rolling-sliding conditions. Wear, 460-461.
- Friction and wear in railway ballast stone interfaces. Tribology International, 151. View this article in WRRO
- Improvements to the linear transform technique for generating randomly rough surfaces with symmetrical autocorrelation functions. Tribology International, 151. View this article in WRRO
- A laboratory demonstration of rail grinding and analysis of running roughness and wear. Wear, 456-457. View this article in WRRO
- Assessing the effectiveness of traction gels using full-scale and field testing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit.
- An evaluation of shoe tread parameters using FEM. Tribology International. View this article in WRRO
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- Tribological aspects to optimize traction coefficient during running-in period using surface texture. Quarterly Report of RTRI, 61(3), 184-191.
- The composition and friction-reducing properties of leaf layers. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 476(2239), 20200057-20200057. View this article in WRRO
- Geospatial and temporal data mining to combine railway low adhesion and rail defect data. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport, 173(4), 273-286. View this article in WRRO
- Quantification of sub-surface railhead material damage due to composite endpost materials of insulated rail joints for cyclic wheel loadings. Engineering Failure Analysis, 113. View this article in WRRO
- Effects of oxide and water on friction of rail steel – new test method and friction mapping. Tribology: Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces. View this article in WRRO
- Influence of temperature on adhesion coefficient and bonding strength of leaf films: A twin disc study. Wear. View this article in WRRO
- An evaluation of ultrasonic arrays for the static and dynamic measurement of wheel rail contact pressure and area. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology. View this article in WRRO
- Shape analysis of railway ballast stones: curvature-based calculation of particle angularity. Scientific Reports, 10. View this article in WRRO
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- Investigation on wear and rolling contact fatigue of wheel-rail materials under various wheel/rail hardness ratio and creepage conditions. Tribology International, 143. View this article in WRRO
- A critical review of the assessment of medical gloves. Tribology: Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces. View this article in WRRO
- Improved modelling of trains braking under low adhesion conditions. Tribology - Materials Surfaces & Interfaces. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluation of the coefficient of friction of rail in the field and laboratory using several devices. Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces. View this article in WRRO
- Rubber friction and the effect of shape. Tribology International, 141. View this article in WRRO
- Full-scale testing of low adhesion effects with small amounts of water in the wheel/rail interface. Tribology International, 141. View this article in WRRO
- Elastomer solubility and stress relaxation in bio-lubricants. Tribology International, 141. View this article in WRRO
- Morphology of a human finger pad during sliding against a grooved plate: A pilot study. Biotribology. View this article in WRRO
- Residual stress in laser cladded rail. Tribology International, 140. View this article in WRRO
- Laser cladding of rail; the effects of depositing material on lower rail grades. Wear, 438-439. View this article in WRRO
- Morphological parametric mapping of 21 skin sites throughout the body using optical coherence tomography. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. View this article in WRRO
- Verification of the use of micro-CT scanning to assess the features of entire squat type defects. Wear. View this article in WRRO
- A review on wear between railway wheels and rails under environmental conditions. Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the ASME, 141(12). View this article in WRRO
- A comparison of wear behaviour of heat resistant steel engine valves and TiAl engine valves. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J-Journal of Engineering Tribology. View this article in WRRO
- Particle characterisation of rail sands for understanding tribological behaviour. Wear, 432-433. View this article in WRRO
- Twin disc assessment of wear regime transitions and rolling contact fatigue in R400HT – E8 pairs. Wear, 432-433. View this article in WRRO
- Simulation and understanding the wet-rail phenomenon using twin disc testing. Tribology International, 136, 475-486. View this article in WRRO
- The influence of ultrasonic surface rolling on the fatigue and wear properties of 23-8N engine valve steel. International Journal of Fatigue, 125, 299-313. View this article in WRRO
- Investigation of the influence of rail hardness on the wear of rail and wheel materials under dry conditions (ICRI wear mapping project). Wear, 430-431, 383-392. View this article in WRRO
- Real time Measurement of Dynamic Wheel-Rail Contacts Using Ultrasonic Reflectometry. Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the ASME, 141(6). View this article in WRRO
- A Review of Railway Sanding System Research: Wheel/Rail Isolation, Damage, and Particle Application. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. View this article in WRRO
- Effects of Jatropha lubricant thermo-oxidation on the tribological behaviour of engine cylinder liners as measured by a reciprocating friction test. Wear, 426-427(Part A), 910-918. View this article in WRRO
- An analysis of the quality of experimental design and reliability of results in tribology research. Wear, 426-427(Part B), 1712-1718. View this article in WRRO
- Tribological aspects to optimize traction coefficient during running-in period using surface texture. Wear, 424-425, 223-232. View this article in WRRO
- Optimisation of friction welding process parameters for 42Cr9Si2 hollow head & sodium filled engine valve and valve performance evaluation. Materials, 12(7). View this article in WRRO
- Transitions in rolling-sliding wheel/rail contact condition during running-in. Tribology International. View this article in WRRO
- Ultrasonic monitoring of insulated block joints. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 233(3), 251-261. View this article in WRRO
- Assessing the impact of small amounts of water and iron oxides on adhesion in the wheel/rail interface using High Pressure Torsion testing. Tribology International. View this article in WRRO
- Real-time non-invasive measurement and monitoring of wheel-rail contact using ultrasonic reflectometry. International Journal of Structural Health Monitoring. View this article in WRRO
- A comparison of friction modifier performance using two laboratory test scales. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 233(2), 201-210. View this article in WRRO
- Development of Grease Tackiness Test. Tribology Transactions, 1-11. View this article in WRRO
- The wear and fatigue behaviours of hollow head & sodium filled engine valve. Tribology International, 128, 75-88. View this article in WRRO
- A Review of Railway Sanding System Research: Adhesion Restoration and Leaf Layer Removal. Tribology: Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces. View this article in WRRO
- Chemistry of black leaf films synthesised using rail steels and their influence on the low friction mechanism. RSC Advances, 8(57), 32506-32521. View this article in WRRO
- Application of grinding to reduce rail side wear in straight track. Wear, 402-403, 71-79. View this article in WRRO
- Contemporary challenges of soot build-up in IC engine and their tribological implications. Tribology: Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces. View this article in WRRO
- Friction and Wear Phenomena of Vegetable Oil–Based Lubricants with Additives at Severe Sliding Wear Conditions. Tribology Transactions, 61(2), 207-219. View this article in WRRO
- Sub-clinical assessment of atopic dermatitis severity using angiographic optical coherence tomography. Biomedical Optics Express, 9(4), 2001-2001. View this article in WRRO
- Friction and wear response of vegetable oils and their blends with mineral engine oil in a reciprocating sliding contact at severe contact conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J-Journal of Engineering Tribology, 232(3), 244-258. View this article in WRRO
- Measuring contact area in a sliding human finger-pad contact. Skin Research and Technology, 24(1), 31-44. View this article in WRRO
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- Optimisation of a railway sanding system for optimal grain entrainment into the wheel–rail contact. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 232(1), 43-62. View this article in WRRO
- Hardness characterisation of grey cast iron and its tribological performance in a contact lubricated with soybean oil. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 232(1), 190-203. View this article in WRRO
- Measurement of friction-induced changes in pig aorta fibre organization by non-invasive imaging as a model for detecting the tissue response to endovascular catheters. Biotribology, 12, 24-32. View this article in WRRO
- Optimisation of grease application to railway tracks. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. View this article in WRRO
- Relaxation of contact pressure and self-loosening in dynamic bolted joints. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 231(18), 3462-3475. View this article in WRRO
- The Effects of Friction Management Materials on Rail with Pre-Existing RCF Surface Damage. Wear, 384-385, 50-60. View this article in WRRO
- Towards a standard approach for the wear testing of wheel and rail materials. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 231(7), 760-774. View this article in WRRO
- New Non-invasive Techniques to Quantify Skin Surface Strain and Sub-surface Layer Deformation of Finger-pad during Sliding. Biotribology. View this article in WRRO
- Simulation of arterial dissection by a penetrating external body using cohesive zone modelling.. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 71, 95-105. View this article in WRRO
- Full-Scale Testing of Laser Clad Railway Track; Case Study - Testing for Wear, Bend Fatigue and Insulated Block Joint Lipping Integrity. Wear, 376-377(B), 1930-1937. View this article in WRRO
- Failure Analysis of Pipeline Indents using Steel Precision Balls under Subsea Conditions. Tribology International. View this article in WRRO
- Influence of medical gloves on fingerpad friction and feel. Wear, 376-377(A), 324-328. View this article in WRRO
- Influence of Different Application of Lubricants on Wear and Pre-existing Rolling Contact Fatigue Cracks of Rail Materials. Tribology Letters, 65. View this article in WRRO
- The low adhesion problem due to leaf contamination in the wheel/rail contact: Bonding and low adhesion mechanisms. Wear, 378-379, 183-197. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of the presence of moisture at the wheel–rail interface during dew and damp conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. View this article in WRRO
- Wheel-rail creep force model for predicting water induced low adhesion phenomena. Tribology International, 109, 409-415. View this article in WRRO
- Optimisation of a railway sanding system : adhesion tests. The International Journal of Railway Technology, 6(2), 87-98. View this article in WRRO
- The role of slip ratio in rolling contact fatigue of rail materials under wet conditions. Wear, 376-377(B), 1892-1900. View this article in WRRO
- Measurement of finger pad forces and friction using finger nail mounted strain gauges. Wear, 376-377(A), 295-304. View this article in WRRO
- Combining DLC, Shot blasting, chemical dip and nano fullerene surface treatments to reduce wear and friction when used with bio-lubricants in automotive contacts. SAE Technical Papers. View this article in WRRO
- Sliding Wear Study on the Valve-Seat Insert Contact. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(2), 42-49. View this article in WRRO
- Sensitivity Study of a Valve Recession Model. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(2), 50-56. View this article in WRRO
- How do gloves affect cutaneous sensibility in medical practice? Two new applied tests. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 231(1), 28-39. View this article in WRRO
- Material concepts for top of rail friction management – Classification, characterisation and application. Wear, 366-367, 225-232. View this article in WRRO
- Improving Rail Wear and RCF Performance using Laser Cladding. Wear, 366-367, 268-278. View this article in WRRO
- Controlled peel testing of a model tissue for diseased aorta. Journal of Biomechanics, 49(15), 3667-3675. View this article in WRRO
- An evaluation of dexterity and cutaneous sensibility tests for use with medical gloves. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 230(16), 2896-2912. View this article in WRRO
- Predicting railway wheel wear under uncertainty of wear coefficient, using universal kriging. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 154, 49-59. View this article in WRRO
- Wear and damage transitions of wheel and rail materials under various contact conditions. Wear, 362-363, 146-152. View this article in WRRO
- In vivo measurement of skin surface strain and sub-surface layer deformation induced by natural tissue stretching. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 62, 556-569. View this article in WRRO
- Review of top of rail friction modifier tribology. Tribology: Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 10(3), 150-162. View this article in WRRO
- A comparison of friction behaviour for ex vivo human, tissue engineered and synthetic skin. Tribology International, 103, 487-495. View this article in WRRO
- Creating a model of diseased artery damage and failure from healthy porcine aorta. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 60, 378-393. View this article in WRRO
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- Experimental modelling of lipping in insulated rail joints and investigation of rail head material improvements. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 230(4), 1375-1387. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluation of the effect of medical gloves on dexterity and tactile sensibility using simulated clinical practice tests. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 53, 115-123. View this article in WRRO
- Correlations between rail wear rates and operating conditions in a commercial railroad. Tribology International, 95, 5-12. View this article in WRRO
- Characterization and wear performance of boride phases over tool steel substrates. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 8(2), 168781401663025-168781401663025. View this article in WRRO
- A new method for the assessment of traction enhancers and the generation of organic layers in a twin-disc machine. Wear, 366-367, 258-267. View this article in WRRO
- The real-time measurement of wear using ultrasonic reflectometry. Wear, 332-333, 1129-1133. View this article in WRRO
- Assessment of laser cladding as an option for repairing/enhancing rails. Wear, 330-331, 581-591. View this article in WRRO
- The contributions of skin structural properties to the friction of human finger-pads. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 229(3), 294-311. View this article in WRRO
- Factors influencing the perception of roughness in manual exploration: Do medical gloves reduce cutaneous sensibility?. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 229(3), 273-284. View this article in WRRO
2 B layers formed on AISI D2 steel. Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 22(2), 231-243.
Growth kinetics and mechanical properties of Fe- Understanding the Friction Measured by Standardised Test Methodologies Used to Assess Shoe-Surface Slip Risk. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 43(4), 20120334-20120334. View this article in WRRO
- Finite element assessment of the temperature field couple under joule heat and friction heat between a third rail and collector shoe. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 229(9), 1086-1094. View this article in WRRO
- Development of a method for assessing erosive wear damage on dies used in aluminium casting. Wear, 332-333, 1215-1224. View this article in WRRO
- Rail grinding for the 21st century – taking a lead from the aerospace industry. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 229(5), 457-465. View this article in WRRO
- Low adhesion due to oxide formation in the presence of salt. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 228(8), 887-897.
- The effect of friction modifiers on wheel/rail isolation at low axle loads. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 228(7), 768-783.
- Investigation of the isolation and frictional properties of hydrophobic products on the rail head, when used to combat low adhesion. Wear, 314(1-2), 213-219.
- An investigation into contact pressure distribution in bolted joints. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 228(18), 3405-3418.
- Effects of polarity on the friction and wear of collector shoes deployed in a metro traction system. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 228(3), 323-330.
- Skin Friction at the Interface between Hands and Sports Equipment. Procedia Engineering, 72, 611-617. View this article in WRRO
- A study of clinicians’ views on medical gloves and their effect on manual performance. American Journal of Infection Control, 42(1), 48-54.
- A critical review of glove and hand research with regard to medical glove design. Ergonomics, 57(1), 116-129.
- Assessment of railway curve lubricant performance using a twin-disc tester. Wear.
- Effects of deep cryogenic treatment on the wear development of H13A tungsten carbide inserts when machining AISI 1045 steel. Production Engineering, 1-10.
- Investigating openability of rigid plastic containers with peelable lids: The link between human strength and grip and opening forces. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 227(5), 1056-1068.
- Effect of humidity, temperature and railhead contamination on the performance of friction modifiers: Pin-on-disk study. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 227(2), 115-127.
- The modification of a slip resistance meter for measurement of railhead adhesion. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 227(2), 196-200.
- An ultrasonic sensor for monitoring wheel flange/rail gauge corner contact. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART F-JOURNAL OF RAIL AND RAPID TRANSIT, 227(F2), 188-195. View this article in WRRO
- Wheel and rail wear-Understanding the effects of water and grease. Wear.
- Tribology of the wheel–rail contact – aspects of wear, particle emission and adhesion. Vehicle System Dynamics, 51(7), 1091-1120.
- Human finger friction in contacts with ridged surfaces. Wear.
- A study of cavitation erosion on engineering materials. Wear.
- Third body layer-experimental results and a model describing its influence on the traction coefficient. Wear.
- An assessment of the performance of grip enhancing agents used in sports applications. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART J-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRIBOLOGY, 226(J7), 616-625. View this article in WRRO
- Tribology of the Wheel-Rail Contact: The Effect of Third Body Materials. International Journal of Railway Technology, 1(1), 167-194. View this article in WRRO
- Feasibility of using optical coherence tomography to study the influence of skin structure on finger friction. Tribology International.
- Effect of Gear Surface and Lubricant Interaction on Mild Wear. Tribology Letters, 1-18.
- Effect of surface texture, moisture and wear on handling of rugby balls. Tribology International.
- Application of Fastsim with variable coefficient of friction using twin disc experimental measurements. Wear, 274-275, 109-126.
- Ultrasonic Measurement of Self Loosening in Bolted Joints. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, Proceedings of the IMechE Part C.
- The influence of cryogenic processing on wear on the impact wear resistance of low carbon steel and lamellar graphite cast iron. Wear, 271(9-10), 1481-1489.
- The effects of cryogenic processing on the wear resistance of grey cast iron brake discs. Wear, 271(9-10), 2386-2395.
- Experimental and numerical modelling of wheel–rail contact and wear. Wear, 271(5-6), 911-924.
- The Influence of Induction Hardening on the Impact Wear Resistance of Compacted Graphite Iron, 124-129.
- The influence of induction hardening on the impact wear resistance of compacted graphite iron (CGI). Wear, 270(3-4), 302-311.
- Human finger contact with small, triangular ridged surfaces. Wear, 271(9-10), 2346-2353. View this article in WRRO
- Abrasive and impact wear of stone used to manufacture axes in Neolithic Greece. Wear, 271(9-10), 2549-2560. View this article in WRRO
- Particle/applicator interactions in household surface cleaning. Wear, 271(9-10), 2579-2587.
- Characterising and reducing seizure wear of inconel and incoloy superalloys in a sliding contact. Wear, 271(9-10), 1671-1680.
- A study of the wear performance of TiN, CrN and WC/C coatings on different steel substrates. Wear, 271(9-10), 2116-2124.
- An alternative method for the assessment of railhead traction. Wear, 271(1-2), 62-70.
- The effect of friction modifiers on wheel/rail isolation. Wear, 271(1-2), 71-77.
- A laboratory investigation on the influence of the particle size and slip during sanding on the adhesion and wear in the wheel-rail contact. Wear, 271(1-2), 14-24.
- Development of a wear prediction tool for steel railway wheels using three alternative wear functions. Wear, 271(1-2), 238-245.
- Understanding the friction mechanisms between the human finger and flat contacting surfaces in moist conditions. Tribology Letters, 41(1), 283-294. View this article in WRRO
- Influence of the interfacial pressure distribution on loosening of bolted joints. Strain, 47(SUPPL. 2), 65-78.
- A study on wear evaluation of railway wheels based on multibody dynamics and wear computation. MULTIBODY SYST DYN, 24(3), 347-366. View this article in WRRO
- Investigating the Lubricity and Electrical Insulation Caused by Sanding in Dry Wheel-Rail Contacts. TRIBOL LETT, 37(3), 623-635.
- Food for thought?--A UK pilot study testing a methodology for compositional domestic food waste analysis.. Waste Manag Res, 28(3), 220-227.
- A numerical model of twin disc test arrangement for the evaluation of railway wheel wear prediction methods. WEAR, 268(5-6), 660-667. View this article in WRRO
- Rolling-sliding laboratory tests of friction modifiers in dry and wet wheel-rail contacts. WEAR, 268(3-4), 543-551. View this article in WRRO
- Comparison of tack of pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) at different temperatures. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 24(11-12), 1949-1957.
- Laboratory investigation of some sanding parameters to improve the adhesion in leaf-contaminated wheel-rail contacts. P I MECH ENG F-J RAI, 224(F3), 139-157.
- A comparative study of ultrasonic direct contact, immersion, and layer resonance methods for assessment of enamel thickness in teeth. P I MECH ENG J-J ENG, 224(J6), 519-528. View this article in WRRO
- Mapping railway wheel material wear mechanisms and transitions. P I MECH ENG F-J RAI, 224(F3), 125-137.
- How Wide Do You Want the Jar?: The Effect on Diameter for Ease of Opening for Wide-mouth Closures. PACKAG TECHNOL SCI, 23(1), 11-18.
- Feasibility Study for Real Time Measurement of Wheel-Rail Contact Using an Ultrasonic Array. J TRIBOL-T ASME, 131(4). View this article in WRRO
- Wear of stone used to manufacture axes in the Neolithic settlement at Makriyalos in Northern Greece. WEAR, 267(5-8), 1325-1332.
- Coating and treatment solutions for rolling/sliding component contacts. WEAR, 267(5-8), 1009-1021.
- The effect of normal force and roughness on friction in human finger contact. WEAR, 267(5-8), 1311-1318.
- Solid particle erosion caused by rice grains. WEAR, 267(1-4), 223-232.
- The influence of laser hardening on wear in the valve and valve seat contact. WEAR, 267(5-8), 797-806. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of oil and water mixtures on adhesion in the wheel/rail contact. P I MECH ENG F-J RAI, 223(3), 275-283.
- Friction in a hydraulic motor piston/cam roller contact lined with PTFE impregnated. WEAR, 266(7-8), 888-892. View this article in WRRO
- Rolling-Sliding Laboratory Tests of Friction Modifiers in Leaf Contaminated Wheel-Rail Contacts. TRIBOL LETT, 33(2), 97-109.
- Understanding the effect of finger-ball friction on the handling performance of rugby balls. Sports Engineering, 11(3), 109-118.
- Twin disc assessment of wheel/rail adhesion. WEAR, 265(9-10), 1309-1316. View this article in WRRO
- The effects of soot-contaminated engine oil on wear and friction: a review. P I MECH ENG D-J AUT, 222(D9), 1669-1689.
- Comparison of numerical and ultrasonic techniques for quantifying interference fit pressures. P I MECH ENG C-J MEC, 222(7), 1125-1130.
- Characterising pressure and bruising in apple fruit. WEAR, 264(1-2), 37-46. View this article in WRRO
- Review of the frictional properties of finger-object contact when gripping. P I MECH ENG J-J ENG, 221(J8), 841-850.
- Development of engineering design tools to help reduce apple bruising. J FOOD ENG, 83(3), 356-365. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of soot on oil properties and wear of engine components. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 40(18), 5488-5501.
- Wear of a chute in a rice sorting machine. WEAR, 263, 65-73. View this article in WRRO
- Particle motion and stain removal during simulated abrasive tooth cleaning. WEAR, 263, 188-197.
- Finger friction: Grip and opening packaging. WEAR, 263, 1124-1132.
- Friction and wear testing for a down-hole oil well centraliser. WEAR, 263, 57-64.
- A modelling technique for predicting compound impact wear. WEAR, 262(11-12), 1516-1521.
- Getting to grips with packaging: Using ethnography and computer simulation to understand hand-pack interaction. PACKAG TECHNOL SCI, 20(3), 217-229.
- A mathematical model to predict railway wheel profile evolution due to wear. WEAR, 261(11-12), 1253-1264.
- Interactions between toothbrush and toothpaste particles during simulated abrasive cleaning. P I MECH ENG J-J ENG, 220(J8), 755-765. View this article in WRRO
- Temperature in a twin-disc wheel/rail contact simulation. TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 39(12), 1653-1663.
- Experimental characterization of wheel-rail contact patch evolution. J TRIBOL-T ASME, 128(3), 493-504. View this article in WRRO
- Wear effects and mechanisms of soot-contaminated automotive lubricants. P I MECH ENG J-J ENG, 220(J3), 159-169. View this article in WRRO
- Static wheel/rail contact isolation due to track contamination. P I MECH ENG F-J RAI, 220(1), 43-53.
- Wear at the wheel/rail interface when sanding is used to increase adhesion. P I MECH ENG F-J RAI, 220(1), 29-41.
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- Wear of human teeth: a tribological perspective. P I MECH ENG J-J ENG, 219(J1), 1-18. View this article in WRRO
- Measurement of interface pressure in interference fits. P I MECH ENG C-J MEC, 219(2), 127-139. View this article in WRRO
- Wear of human teeth: a tribological perspective. Proceedings of the I MECH E Part J Journal of Engineering Tribology, 219(1), 2-19.
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- Mapping rail wear regimes and transitions. WEAR, 257(7-8), 721-729. View this article in WRRO
- An ultrasonic approach for contact stress mapping in machine joints and concentrated contacts. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 39(6), 745-750.
- Interaction between toothbrushes and toothpaste abrasive particles in simulated tooth cleaning. WEAR, 257(3-4), 368-376.
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- A field methodology to assess the performance of rail cleaning, using a new portable tribometer. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit.
- A review of techniques for measurement of forces and neutral temperatures in railway track. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit.
- Field-based investigation of low adhesion leaf layers: Assessing layer initiation and environmental influences. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit.
- Study on the application amount optimization of water-based friction modifier based on field experiments. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit.
- CFD-DEM modelling of particle entrainment in wheel–rail interface: a parametric study on train characteristics. Acta Mechanica, 1-11.
- Novel in-situ real-time line scan optical monitoring of wear and surface damage initiation in a laboratory twin disc test. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit.
- Rail-wheel friction quantification and its variability under lab and field trial conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit.
- Studying the transfer mechanisms of water based top-of-rail products in a wheel/rail interaction. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit.
- Characterisation of physical and mechanical properties of seven particulate materials proposed as traction enhancers. Scientific Data, 10(1), 400.
- Friction between human skin and incontinence pads in the presence of barrier protection products. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 095441192311784-095441192311784.
- Nano and micro-indentation driven characterisation of asperity and bulk plasticity at the surface of modern premium rail steels. Wear.
- Characterisation and tribological testing of recycled crushed glass as an alternative rail sand. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 095440972311647-095440972311647.
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- Rail Wear: Understanding the Effect of Third Body Materials. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance.
- Ultrasonic Measurement Of Railway Wheel Hub/Axle Press-Fit Contact Pressures. Proc. I.Mech.E. part F, 225, 287-298.
- Valve Recession Modelling. SAE Technical Paper Series.
- The Measurement of Liner - Piston Skirt Oil Film Thickness by an Ultrasonic Means. SAE Technical Paper Series.
- Wear of Valve Train Components Due to Soot Contaminated Lubricant. SAE Technical Paper Series.
- Determination of Impact Stresses in an Automotive Chain Drive Component. SAE Technical Paper Series. View this article in WRRO
- Ultrasonic Measurement of Contact Pressures in Automotive Component Contacts. SAE Technical Paper Series.
- Design Tools for Prediction of Valve Recession and Solving Valve/Seat Failure Problems. SAE Technical Paper Series.
- Investigation of Wear Mechanisms Occurring in Passenger Car Diesel Engine Inlet Valves and Seat Inserts. SAE Technical Paper Series.
- New laboratory methodologies to analyse the top of rail friction modifier performance across different test scales. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 095440972091375-095440972091375. View this article in WRRO
- Benchmarking of premium rail material wear. Wear. View this article in WRRO
- A Fast, Reliable and Practical Method to Predict Wheel Profile Evolution, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 552-560). Springer International Publishing
- Impact Wear Failures, Failure Analysis and Prevention (pp. 730-744). ASM International
- Optical Coherence Tomography to determine and visualize pathological skin structure changes caused by diabetes, The Science, Etiology and Mechanobiology of Diabetes and its Complications (pp. 161-171). Elsevier
- Wheel/Rail Creep Force Model for Wayside Application of Top-of-Rail Products Incorporating Carry-On and Consumption Effects, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 669-677). Springer International Publishing
- Tribology of Teeth Cleaning, Encyclopedia of Tribology (pp. 3892-3896). Springer US
- Tribology in Daily Life: Footwear-Surface Interactions in Pedestrian Slips, Encyclopedia of Tribology (pp. 3825-3830). Springer US
- Design for Reduced Wear, Automotive Lubricants and Testing (pp. 293-315).
- Effect of contaminants on wear, fatigue and traction In Lewis R & Olofsson U (Ed.), Wheel-Rail Interface Handbook (pp. 437-455).
- Basic tribology of the wheel-rail contact, Wheel-Rail Interface Handbook (pp. 34-57).
- Railway wheel wear, Wheel-Rail Interface Handbook (pp. 172-210).
- Wheel-rail isolation, Wheel-Rail Interface Handbook (pp. 528-549).
- Friction between Players’ Hands and Sports Equipment (P7), The Engineering of Sport 7 (pp. 27-34). Springer Paris
- Industrial Lubrication Practice — Wheel/Rail Tribology, Handbook of Lubrication and Tribology CRC Press
- Impact Wear Failures, Failure Analysis and Prevention (pp. 965-974).
Conference proceedings papers
- A twin-disc study of the role of the surface quality achieved by grinding on the wear resistance and rolling contact fatigue behavior of wheel/rail pairs. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (pp 923-932)
- Friction-Slip Curves – The Pathway From Twin-Disc Tribo Measurements to Full-Scale Locomotive Multibody Simulations. 2022 Joint Rail Conference, 20 April 2022 - 21 April 2022.
- From macroscopic to microscopic : experimental and computational methods to investigate bio-tribology. 7th International Conference on the Development of Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam (BME7) (pp 213-216). Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 27 June 2018 - 29 June 2018. View this article in WRRO
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- Characterizing the microcirculation of atopic dermatitis using angiographic optical coherence tomography. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 10037 View this article in WRRO
- Investigation into surface interaction between the contact lens, the upper eyelid and cornea using optical coherence tomography. Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications XVII View this article in WRRO
- Optical coherence elastography for human finger-pad skin deformation studies. Optical Elastography and Tissue Biomechanics III
- Investigating Foot-sock Friction: A Comparison of Two Different Methodologies. Procedia Engineering, Vol. 147 (pp 759-764)
- Skin surface and sub-surface strain and deformation imaging using optical coherence tomography and digital image correlation. Optical Elastography and Tissue Biomechanics III
- Frictional Interaction between Running Sock Fabrics and Plantar Aspect of First Metatarsal Head in Different Moisture Conditions. Procedia Engineering, Vol. 147 (pp 753-758)
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- Investigating a methodology to measure moisture in skin–textile friction experiments. Footwear Science, Vol. 7(sup1) (pp S15-S16) View this article in WRRO
- Effects of Moisture Content on the Strength and Wear Resistance of Chalk (pp 305-310)
- Proceedings of the British Medical Ultrasound Society 46th Annual Scientific Meeting 9–11 December 2014, The Point, Emirates Old Trafford, Manchester, UK. Ultrasound, Vol. 23(2) (pp NP1-NP42)
- Experimental Evaluation of the Metal-to-Metal Seal Design for High-Pressure Flexible Pipes. Offshore Technology Conference
- Review of Test Methods Relevant to Medical Glove Design. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Vol. 55(1) (pp 700-704)
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- A Design Tool for Railway Wheels Incorporating Damage Models and Dynamic Simulations. Joint Rail
- The Application of Ultrasound as a Tool for Studying Contact Stresses in Railway Engineering Component Contacts. Joint Rail
- Ultrasound as a tool to measure the wear of human tooth enamel. Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005 (pp 645-646)
- Ultrasonic measurement of wheel HUB/AXLE interference fit pressures. Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005 (pp 239-240)
- Ultrasonic reflection from mixed liquid-solid contacts and the determination of interface stiffness. Tribology and Interface Engineering Series, Vol. 48 (pp 313-320) View this article in WRRO
- Measuring pressure in apple contacts. Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005 (pp 869-870)
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- An experimental approach to solving combustion engine valve and seat wear problems. Tribology Series, Vol. 39 (pp 629-640)
- New Methodology for Assessing Preventive Grinding in Rails. Civil-Comp Conferences, 22 August 2022 - 25 August 2022.
- Studying Solid Sticks for Friction Modification of the Tread Contact Using a Twin Disc Rig. Civil-Comp Conferences, 22 August 2022 - 25 August 2022.
- Development of a Model to Assess the Risk of Low
Adhesion at Different Rail Sites. Civil-Comp Conferences, 22 August 2022 - 25 August 2022.
- Rail Contact Stress Real-time Monitoring using Ultrasound Reflectometry. Structural Health Monitoring 2017, 12 September 2017 - 14 September 2017.
- Assessment of Friction Modifiers Performance using Two Different Laboratory Test-Rigs. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, 5 April 2016 - 8 April 2016.
- Dynamic Characterisation of the Wheel/Rail Contact using Ultrasonic Reflectometry. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, 8 April 2014 - 11 April 2014.
- Investigation of Soot Contaminated Lubricant Wear Mechanisms. SAE Technical Paper Series
- Sub-surface deformation of individual fingerprint ridges during tactile interactions, eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd.
- Sub-surface deformation of individual fingerprint ridges during tactile interactions, eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd.
- Sub-surface deformation of individual fingerprint ridges during tactile interactions, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Experimental study on the effect of brake shoe pressure on wheel wear and fatigue damage behavior during tread braking. Wear, 205840-205840.
- Grants
- SBRI First of a Kind 2020 rail head cleaning project (July 2020 – Mar 2021) - £390,000
- Network Rail funded track cleaning (July 2020-Dec 2020) - £350,000
- Network Rail In2Track2 project on S&C friction modification (July 2020 – August 2021) - £80,000
- MCL TopTrack Project (Nov 2019 – Oct 2022) - £60,000
- Network Rail funded track trials of rail head cleaning (Sept 2019 – Jan 2020) - £199,000
- ViF funded PhD on rail fatigue and wear testing (Oct 2019-Sept 2022) - £60,000
- IIKE funded project to trial cryogenic track cleaning on a RHTT with NEXUS (Feb 2020 – Aug 2020) - £75,000
- RSSB funded Adhesion Forecasting project with the Met Office (Feb 2019 – July 2019) - £103,000
- EPSRC funded Centre to Centre Project (EP/S030476/1) with Leeds University (Oct 2019 – Sept 2023) - £670,000
- RSSB funded Adhesion Forecasting project using AI with Ikon Risk Consulting (Apr 2019 – Mar 2020) - £62,000
- ARN Innovation Fund Railhead Cleaning (September 2018 – December 2019) - £150,000
- ViF funded TriboWearTherm project (Sept 2018 – Aug 2021) - £50,000
- IIKE funded Railhead Cleaning project (Nov 2018 – Apr 2019) - £54,000
- FRA funded project on rail stress measurement (Jan 2019 – Jun 2020) (with R.S. Dwyer-Joyce and A. Gower) - £116,27
- RSSB funded Grant Scheme project with Network Rail to establish benchmarks tests for TOR products (Mar 2019 – Sept 2020) - £164,000
- RAEng/RSSB funded Research Chair (Mar 2019 – Feb 2024) - £225,000
- Network Rail sponsored iT-CDT project on rail grinding (Oct 2017 – Sept 2021) - £80,000
- RSSB funded project to investigate leaf chemistry effects on low adhesion (iT-CDT studentship) (Oct 2017 – Sept 2021) - £80,000
- RSSB funded project (T1149) to extend a low adhesion creep force model (LILAC) (Oct 2018 – Jul 2019) - £178,958
- Network Rail project on ballast laying machine wear plates (Nov 2019 – Feb 2020) - £27,000
- MDVSNPLUS skin tribology project (Jan 2019 – Apr 2019) - £25,000
- UKRRIN equipment grant (Jan 2018 – Dec 2021) - £1,300,000
- EPSRC funded Programme Grant – Friction: The Tribology Enigma (EP/R001766/1) (Sept 2017 – Aug 2022) - £3,400,000
- RSSB funded PhD on leaf layers (Oct 2015 – Sept 2018) - £18,000
- ViF sponsored project on Ballast testing - £17,857
- FRA funded project to model the effects of top of rail friction modifiers in the wheel/rail interface (Oct 2017 – Sept 2018) - £221,428
- RSSB funded project on optimised braking with dry-ice application (April 2017 – Oct 2018) - £500,000
- RSSB funded project on optimised braking with water application (April 2017 – Oct 2018) - £500,000
- RAEng Newton Fund Project (Colombia) (Mar 2016 – Feb 2018) - £30,000
- LB Foster research grant to top-up a PhD studentship to investigate friction modifiers used in the wheel/rail contact. (Oct 2015 – Sept 2018) - £21,000
- RSSB/FutureRailways funded project on optimised braking with water application (July 2015 – Dec 2015) - £93,000
- RSSB/FutureRailways funded project on optimised braking with dry-ice application (July 2015 – Dec 2015) - £85,000
- EPSRC funded project on laser cladding of the railhead (ALCHEMy) (June 2015-May 2018) - £900,000 (£450k at UoS/£450k at University of Bristol)
- RSSB/Network Rail funded project to develop a model to predict the effect of water in the wheel/rail contact (Apr 2015 – Mar 2016) - £250,000
- Network Rail funded project to investigate using ultrasound to determine longitudinal stress in a railhead (Jul 2014 – Dec 2015) - £30,000
- RSSB/RRUKA research grant to support an EPSRC iCASE Award to investigate low adhesion mechanisms in the wheel/rail contact (Oct 2014 – Mar 2018) - £23,000
- RSSB funded project to investigate lubrication of the wheel/rail contact (iT-CDT studentship) (Oct 2014 – Sept 2018) - £80,000
- Teaching activities
Professor Lewis has most recently taught tribology and sustainable design to fourth years. He led the development of a ground breaking interdisciplinary sustainable design project based on local live development sites.
This involves Civil and Structural Engineering, Architecture, Town and Regional Planning and Landscape. Professor Lewis has won three University of Sheffield Senate Teaching Awards for his innovation in teaching methods.