Dr Kevin Hughes
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Senior Lecturer

+44 114 21 57214
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School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Sir Frederick Mappin Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
Kevin Hughes is a Senior Lecturer in the Energy Engineering Group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He has a first degree in Chemistry from the University of Leicester and was awarded his PhD from the same university in 1987. Kevin’s research is in the general area of fuel combustion, fuel cells, and process modelling in carbon capture and storage systems.
- Research interests
Dr Hughes’s research covers a range of topics related to fuel combustion, fuel degradation and deposit formation, pollutant chemistry, proton exchange membrane fuel cells, and process modelling in carbon capture and storage systems.
In the area of combustion, degradation, and pollutant chemistry, the approach is a combination of experimental and theoretical investigation; for example the elucidation of a simple laminar flame structure by a combination of conventional species sampling techniques allied to laser diagnostic probing of the flame structure using the technique of planar laser induced fluorescence.
This provides data that allows for the validation of detailed chemical kinetic reaction mechanisms.
These mechanisms are constructed by a variety of means ranging from experimental measurements of individual reaction rates, crude estimation by analogy, group additivity based methods, detailed theoretical calculation using quantum chemistry methods, and the application of master equation models to calculated potential energy surfaces.
Insight is further gained by the application of sensitivity analysis methods to both allow the simplification of detailed mechanisms, and to highlight those regions of particular importance for the phenomena of interest.
In the area of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, the focus is on the CFD modelling and the experimental testing of small scale devices, and the systematic investigation of their performance as a function of operating conditions and the properties of the individual fuel cell components such as electrical conductivity and gas permeability.
This is complemented by an experimental and theoretical investigation of novel catalysts, using quantum chemistry methods to predict behaviour, along with catalyst synthesis, physical and electrochemical characterization, and finally testing in real fuel cell systems.
Carbon capture and storage related research is focused on novel operating procedures related to gas turbines linked to solvent capture plants, with the aim of optimizing the overall system performance, and understanding the chemistry of solvent degradation and emissions.
- Publications
Journal articles
- A comprehensive process modelling, techno-economic and life cycle assessment of a power to ammonia process. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 76, 104278-104278.
- Characterisation of double-sided graphene microporous layers for improved polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 98, 576-589.
- Enhancing the performance of an aerosols-affected solar power tower in arid regions: A case study of wind turbines hybridization. Results in Engineering, 24, 102968-102968.
- A techno-economic and life cycle assessment of a new power and biomass to liquids (PBtL) configuration with negative emissions for producing sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Energy Conversion and Management: X, 100841-100841.
- Influence of catalyst agglomerate internal structure on PEFC performance investigated by a multiscale numerical model. Fuel, 371, 131862-131862.
- High-fidelity combustion properties modeling of aviation kerosene with the aid of surrogate construction and its simplified chemical kinetics mechanism. Fuel, 371, 131896-131896.
- Techno economic and life cycle assessment of olefin production through CO2 hydrogenation within the power-to-X concept. Journal of Cleaner Production, 469, 143143-143143.
- Development of a surrogate and its comprehensive compact chemical kinetic mechanism for the combustion of Alcohol-To-Jet fuel. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 137, 1619-1634. View this article in WRRO
- Exploring Homolytic Aromatic Substitution as a Driver for Fuel Deposition with Quantum Chemistry and Experiments. Fuel, 360, 130470-130470.
- Patterned hydrophobic gas diffusion layers for enhanced water management in polymer electrolyte fuel cells. Chemical Engineering Journal, 484, 149711-149711.
- Feasibility on equivalence ratio measurement via OH*, CH*, and C2* chemiluminescence and study of soot emissions in co-flow non-premixed DME/C1–C2 hydrocarbon flames. Frontiers in Fuels, 1. View this article in WRRO
- Polymer electrolyte fuel cell operating with nickel foam-based gas diffusion layers: A numerical investigation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
- Comprehensive process simulation of a biomass-based hydrogen production system through gasification within the BECCS concept in a commercial two-stage fixed bed gasifier. Energy Conversion and Management, 298, 117812-117812.
- Response to “Comment on: ‘Rationalizing Product Formation in Piperazine Degradation: A Computational Study’”. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 62(48), 20960-20961.
- Comparative techno-economic assessment and minimization of the levelized cost of electricity for increasing capacity wind power plants by row and angle layout optimization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139578-139578.
- Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production through power-to-liquid (PtL): A combined techno-economic and life cycle assessment. Energy Conversion and Management, 292, 117427-117427.
- Air-breathing polymer electrolyte fuel cells: A review. Renewable Energy, 213, 86-108.
- A Comprehensive Technoeconomic and Environmental Evaluation of a Hybrid Renewable Energy System for a Smart Farm in South Korea. International Journal of Energy Research, 2023, 1-18.
- X-ray CT-based numerical investigation of nickel foam-based GDLs under compression. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
- Experimental and modelling study of syngas combustion in CO2 bath gas. Fuel, 342, 127865-127865.
- Optimisation and characterisation of graphene-based microporous layers for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
- A compact chemical kinetic mechanism for modelling isocetane. Journal of the Energy Institute, 101253-101253.
- Mechanistic investigation into the formation of insolubles in bulk fuel jet fuel using quantum chemical and experimental techniques. Fuel, 334, 126202-126202.
- Skeletal and compact validated mechanisms for iso-dodecane using a decoupling methodology. Energy and Fuels, 37(3), 2307-2318.
- Efficient X-ray CT-based numerical computations of structural and mass transport properties of nickel foam-based GDLs for PEFCs. Energy, 262, 125531-125531.
- Experimental and modelling study of hydrogen ignition in CO2 bath gas. Fuel, 334(Part 1).
- The effects of GDL anisotropic transport properties on the PEFC performance. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 33(2).
- Correction to “Rationalizing Product Formation in Piperazine Degradation: A Computational Study”. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 61(47), 17393-17394.
- Correction to “Modeling AMP Degradation Product Formation”. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 61(47), 17390-17392.
- Preparation and Characterisation of Microporous Layers Derived from Graphene Foam. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2022-02(39), 1394-1394.
- Furthering the understanding of product formation in monoethanolamine degradation: A mechanistic DFT study. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 119.
- The development of a chemical kinetic mechanism for combustion in supercritical carbon dioxide. Energy, 255.
- Alternative architectures and materials for PEMFC gas diffusion layers: a review and outlook. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 166. View this article in WRRO
- Multi-temporal resolution aerosols impacted techno-economic assessment of concentrated solar power in arid regions : case study of solar power tower in Kuwait. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 52.
- Dynamic models for air-breathing and conventional polymer electrolyte fuel cells: A comparative study. Renewable Energy.
- A modified rule-based energy management scheme for optimal operation of a hybrid PV-wind-Stirling engine integrated multi-carrier energy system. Applied Energy, 312, 118763-118763.
- An improved kinetic modelling of woody biomass gasification in a downdraft reactor based on the pyrolysis gas evolution. Energy Conversion and Management, 258, 115495-115495.
- Thermo-economic and design analysis of a solar thermal power combined with anaerobic biogas for the air gap membrane distillation process. Energy Conversion and Management, 257, 115407-115407.
- Air-breathing versus conventional polymer electrolyte fuel cells : a parametric numerical study. Energy, 250. View this article in WRRO
- Optimal sizing of a hybrid PV-WT-battery storage system: Effects of split-ST and combined ST + ORC back-ups in circuit charging and load following. Energy Conversion and Management, 256, 115370-115370.
- Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) potential in jet fuel production from forestry residues: A combined Techno-Economic and Life Cycle Assessment approach. Energy Conversion and Management, 255, 115346-115346.
- Modeling AMP Degradation Product Formation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(50), 18337-18360.
- Optimization and performance enhancement of concentrating solar power in a hot and arid desert environment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 149, 111411-111411.
- Design and Techno-economic assessment of a new hybrid system of a solar dish Stirling engine instegrated with a horizontal axis wind turbine for microgrid power generation. Energy Conversion and Management, 245, 114587-114587.
- Rationalizing Product Formation in Piperazine Degradation: A Computational Study. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(35), 12864-12882.
- A new ANN model for hourly solar radiation and wind speed prediction: A case study over the north & south of the Arabian Peninsula. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 46, 101248-101248.
- Assessment of ethanol autoxidation as a drop-in kerosene and surrogates blend with a new modelling approach. Heliyon, 7(6). View this article in WRRO
- Effects of compression on mechanical integrity, gas permeability and thermal stability of gas diffusion layers with/without sealing gaskets. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. View this article in WRRO
- Investigation into simulating Selective Exhaust Gas Recirculation and varying Pressurized Hot Water temperature on the performance of the Pilot-scale Advanced CO2 Capture Plant with 40 wt(%) MEA. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 107, 103287-103287.
- A dynamic model of air-breathing polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC): A parametric study. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
- Techno-economic competitiveness of 50 MW concentrating solar power plants for electricity generation under Kuwait climatic conditions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 134, 110342-110342.
- An Assessment of Novel Graphene Foam and Graphene-Based Microporous Layers for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: Fabrication and Characterisation.. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2020-02(33), 2116-2116.
- A techno-enviro-economic assessment of a biomass fuelled micro-CCHP driven by a hybrid Stirling and ORC engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 227. View this article in WRRO
- Initial techno-economic screening of BECCS technologies in power generation for a range of biomass feedstock. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 40, 100743-100743.
- A new non-ideal second order thermal model with additional loss effects for simulating beta Stirling engines. Energy Conversion and Management, 206. View this article in WRRO
- Renewable energy production and demand dataset for the energy system of Colombia. Data in Brief, 28. View this article in WRRO
- Gas permeability, wettability and morphology of gas diffusion layers before and after performing a realistic ex-situ compression test. Renewable Energy, 151, 1082-1091.
- Large scale integration of renewable energy sources (RES) in the future Colombian energy system. Energy, 186. View this article in WRRO
- Dynamic economic and emission dispatch model considering wind power under Energy Market Reform: A case study. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 110, 184-196. View this article in WRRO
- Methane production via syngas fermentation within the bio-CCS concept: A techno-economic assessment. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 150, 107290-107290.
- Effects of hydrogen relative humidity on the performance of an air-breathing PEM fuel cell : a numerical study. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow. View this article in WRRO
- Dynamics of liquid water in the anode flow channels of PEM fuel cells: a numerical parametric study. Journal of the Energy Institute. View this article in WRRO
- Predicting Speciation of Ammonia, Monoethanolamine, and Diethanolamine Using Only Ionic Radius and Ionic Charge. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57(6), 2346-2352. View this article in WRRO
- Simultaneous thermal and visual imaging of liquid water of the PEM fuel cell flow channels. Journal of the Energy Institute. View this article in WRRO
- Kinetic parameters of the intrinsic reactivity of woody biomass and coal chars via thermogravimetric analysis. Fuel, 210, 811-825. View this article in WRRO
- On the gas permeability of the microporous layer used in polymer electrolyte fuel cells. Journal of the Energy Institute. View this article in WRRO
- Combined economic and emission dispatch considering conventional and wind power generating units. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems. View this article in WRRO
- Simultaneous direct visualisation of liquid water in the cathode and anode serpentine flow channels of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. Journal of the Energy Institute. View this article in WRRO
- Temperature Dependence of the Parameters in the Pitzer Equations. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 62(7), 2000-2013. View this article in WRRO
- Estimation of the Thermochemical Radii and Ionic Volumes of Complex Ions. Inorganic Chemistry, 56(13), 7566-7573. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of CO2 dilution on the structure and emissions from turbulent, non-premixed methane–air jet flames. Journal of the Energy Institute, 90(2), 191-200.
- Effects of catalyst agglomerate shape in polymer electrolyte fuel cells investigated by a multi-scale modelling framework. Energy, 122, 420-430. View this article in WRRO
- Through-plane gas permeability of gas diffusion layers and microporous layer: Effects of carbon loading and sintering. Journal of the Energy Institute. View this article in WRRO
- Numerical study of a wake-stabilized propane flame in a cross-flow of air. Journal of the Energy Institute, 90(1), 145-158.
- Effect of the CO2 enhancement on the performance of a micro gas turbine with a pilot-scale CO2 capture plant. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117, 11-23. View this article in WRRO
- The effects of the composition of microporous layers on the permeability of gas diffusion layers used in polymer electrolyte fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(46), 21345-21351. View this article in WRRO
- An investigation of methane and propane vertical flares. Journal of the Energy Institute, 89(4), 793-806.
- Performance evaluation and optimisation of post combustion CO2 capture processes for natural gas applications at pilot scale via a verified rate-based model. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 53, 243-253. View this article in WRRO
- Identifying the Catalytic Active Sites in Heteroatom-Doped Graphene for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Fuel Cells.
- Estimation of the Pitzer Parameters for 1–1, 2–1, 3–1, 4–1, and 2–2 Single Electrolytes at 25 °C. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 61(7), 2536-2554. View this article in WRRO
- Techno-economic process design of a commercial-scale amine-based CO2 capture system for natural gas combined cycle power plant with exhaust gas recirculation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 103, 747-758. View this article in WRRO
- The effects of shape on the performance of cathode catalyst agglomerates in polymer electrolyte fuel cells: A micro-scale FEM study. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 26(3/4), 1145-1156. View this article in WRRO
- Developing an optimal electricity generation mix for the UK 2050 future. Energy, 100, 363-373.
- Performance viability of a natural gas fired combined cycle power plant integrated with post-combustion CO 2 capture at part-load and temporary non-capture operations. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 39, 397-406.
- Effective diffusivity of polymer electrolyte fuel cell gas diffusion layers: An overview and numerical study. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(34), 10994-11010.
- The Impact of the “Shale Gas Revolution” on the United Kingdom Electricity Generation Outlook. The International Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 11(4), 1-20.
- Impact of the operating conditions and position of exhaust gas recirculation on the performance of a micro gas turbine, 2417-2422.
- The through-plane thermal conductivity and the contact resistance of the components of the membrane electrode assembly and gas diffusion layer in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 270, 59-67.
- An efficient mathematical model for air-breathing PEM fuel cells. Applied Energy, 135, 490-503.
- DFT study of the oxygen reduction reaction on iron, cobalt and manganese macrocycle active sites. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39(36), 21538-21546.
- A Theoretical Study of Molecular Oxygen Chemisorption on N, B, or O Doped Carbon Edge Sites. Fuel Cells, 14(5), 709-719.
- Optimal Process Design of Commercial-Scale Amine-Based CO2 Capture Plants. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(38), 14815-14829. View this article in WRRO
- A Semi-Empirical Model for Estimating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions of Alkanolamines for CO2 Capture. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(19), 8291-8301.
- Evaluation of performance and cost of combustion-based power plants with CO2capture in the United Kingdom. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, n/a-n/a.
- Initiation and propagation of combustion waves with competitive reactions and water evaporation. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 469(2160), 20130506-20130506.
- Thermal modelling of the cathode in air-breathing PEM fuel cells. Applied Energy, 111, 529-537.
- Effect of PTFE loading of gas diffusion layers on the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells running at high-efficiency operating conditions. International Journal of Energy Research, 37(13), 1592-1599.
- Effect of the anisotropic thermal conductivity of GDL on the performance of PEM fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(1), 603-611.
- The in-plane thermal conductivity and the contact resistance of the components of the membrane electrode assembly in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 241, 136-145.
- Effects of anisotropic permeability and electrical conductivity of gas diffusion layers on the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Applied Energy, 95, 50-63.
- Experimental and Modeling Studies of the Oxidation of Surrogate Bio-Aviation Fuels. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 134(4).
- Process Modelling of Entrained Flow Gasification. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 29, 1763-1767.
- Experimental and Modelling Studies of the Oxidation of Surrogate Bio-Aviation Fuels. Volume 1: Aircraft Engine; Ceramics; Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels; Wind Turbine Technology.
- Modified enthalpies of formation for hydrocarbons from DFT and ab initio thermal energies. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 964(1-3), 100-107.
- Mercury Transformation Modelling with Bromine Addition in Coal Derived Flue Gases, 171-175.
- Application of Ab Initio Quantum Mechanical Calculations to Investigate Oxidation of C-7 and C-14 Methyl Esters: An Alternative Fuel. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 133(1).
- Mercury speciation in air-coal and oxy-coal combustion: A modelling approach. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33(2), 1779-1786.
- Development of a chemical reaction mechanism for alternative aviation fuels. Energy & Fuels.
- Through-Plane Permeability for Untreated and PTFE-Treated Gas Diffusion Layers in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 7(5).
- A global sensitivity study of cyclohexane oxidation under low temperature fuel-rich conditions using HDMR methods. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 13(4), 589-605.
- The application of the QSSA via reaction lumping for the reduction of complex hydrocarbon oxidation mechanisms. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32(1), 543-551.
- H Atom Yields from the Reactions of CN Radicals with C2H2, C2H4, C3H6,trans-2-C4H8, andiso-C4H8†. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 111(29), 6679-6692.
- OH CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENTS IN A JET ENGINE EXHAUST. Clean Air: International Journal on Energy for a Clean Environment, 8(4), 305-320.
- Significance of the HO2+CO reaction during the combustion of CO+H2 mixtures at high pressures. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 31(1), 419-427.
- Combined Experimental and Master Equation Investigation of the Multiwell Reaction H + SO2†. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 110(9), 2996-3009.
- Particle emissions from aircraft engines a survey of the European project PartEmis. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 14(4), 465-476.
- H Atom Branching Ratios from the Reactions of CH with C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, andneo-C5H12at Room Temperature and 25 Torr. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 107(30), 5710-5716.
- Determination of the High-Pressure Limiting Rate Coefficient and the Enthalpy of Reaction for OH + SO2. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 107(12), 1971-1978.
- Development and testing of a comprehensive chemical mechanism for the oxidation of methane. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 33(9), 513-538.
- An investigation of important gas-phase reactions of nitrogenous species from the simulation of experimental measurements in combustion systems. Combustion and Flame, 124(4), 573-589.
- Experimental and modelling study of sulfur and nitrogen doped premixed methane flames at low pressure. Faraday Discussions, 119(1), 337-352.
- Experimental and kinetic studies on the effect of sulfur-nitrogen interactions on no formation in flames. Symposium (International) on Combustion, 27(1), 1419-1426.
- A kinetic and mechanistic study of the reaction of neopentylperoxy radicals with hydroperoxy radical. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 96(17), 7043-7048.
- Direct Measurement of the Rate Constant for CH3 + OH Recombination at 290 K. Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie, 96(10), 1352-1359.
- Direct measurements of the peroxy—hydroperoxy radical isomerisation, a key step in hydrocarbon combustion. Chemical Physics Letters, 191(6), 581-586.
- Direct measurements of the neopentyl peroxy-hydroperoxy radical isomerisation over the temperature range 660–750 K. Symposium (International) on Combustion, 24(1), 645-652.
- Oscillatory ignitions and cool flames in the oxidation of butane in a jet-stirred reactor. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Physical and Engineering Sciences, 337(1646), 211-221.
- ChemInform Abstract: The Kinetics of Elementary Reactions of Importance in Combustion and Pyrolysis. ChemInform, 21(25).
- A simple technique for gas kinetic studies in organosilicon chemistry. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 347(1-2), 17-25.
- Chapter 5. The kinetics of elementary reactions of importance in combustion and pyrolysis. Annual Reports Section "C" (Physical Chemistry), 85, 91-91.
- Kinetics of pyrolysis of some alkenylsilanes. Organometallics, 6(3), 646-650.
- Kinetics of the formation of silylenes from some disilanes. Organometallics, 6(3), 639-643.
- Kinetics of radical-forming homolyses in alkenyl- and tert-butylsilanes. The stability of .alpha.- and .beta.-silicon-substituted alkyl radicals. Organometallics, 6(3), 644-646.
- Gas-phase ion chemistry of dimethylsilylene. Organometallics, 5(10), 2054-2057.
- Gas-phase ion chemistry of dimethylsilene. Organometallics, 5(10), 2050-2054.
- Pyrolytic, kinetic, and theoretical studies on the isomerization of Me2HSiCH2.bul. to Me3Si.bul.. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 108(14), 4022-4026.
- Some mechanistic suggestions for silylene to silylene interconversions. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 272(1), 11-18.
- A quantitative study of OH and NO concentration of a premixed laminar kerosene flame using a flat-flame burner at atmospheric pressure. Frontiers in Fuels, 2, 1401691.
- Techno-Economic Assessment of Molten Salt-Based Concentrated Solar Power: Case Study of Linear Fresnel Reflector with a Fossil Fuel Backup under Saudi Arabia’s Climate Conditions. Energies, 17(11), 2719-2719.
- PLIF Flame Study on the Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement of OH Species for Conventional and Alternative Jet Fuels; Experimental and Theoretical Investigations. Combustion Science and Technology, 1-15.
- Construction of a Small-Sized Simplified Chemical Kinetics Model for the Simulation of n-Propylcyclohexane Combustion Properties. Energies, 17(5), 1103-1103.
- Characterisation of Novel and High Performing Double-Sided Microporous-Layers-Coated Gas Diffusion Layers for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells. Energies, 16(22), 7601-7601.
- Effect of Microporous Layer Ink Homogenisation on the Through-Plane Gas Permeability of PEFC Porous Media. Energies, 16(16), 5944-5944.
- Role of methyldioxy radical chemistry in high-pressure methane combustion in CO2. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics.
- Single- and Double-Sided Coated Gas Diffusion Layers Used in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: A Numerical Study. Energies, 16(11), 4363-4363.
- Multiphase, three-dimensional PEM fuel cell numerical model with a variable cross-sectional area flow channel. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow.
- Effect of composition and structure of gas diffusion layer and microporous layer on the through‐plane gas permeability of
porous media. International Journal of Energy Research.
- Techno-economic and environmental assessment of BECCS in fuel generation for FT-fuel, bioSNG and OMEx. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 5(13), 3382-3402.
- Evaluation of models for the low temperature combustion of alkanes through interpretation of pressure–temperature ignition diagrams. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 8(27), 3197-3210.
- Techno‐economic assessment on the fuel flexibility of a commercial scale combined cycle gas turbine integrated with a CO2 capture plant. International Journal of Energy Research. View this article in WRRO
- Multi-Objective Optimal Performance of a Hybrid CPSD-SE/HWT System for Microgrid Power Generation, Applications of Nature-Inspired Computing in Renewable Energy Systems (pp. 166-210). IGI Global
- Techno-economic and life cycle assessment review of sustainable aviation fuel produced via biomass gasification, Sustainable Biofuels (pp. 269-303). Elsevier
Conference proceedings papers
- View this article in WRRO
- NO emission charateristics of iso-pentanol swirl spray flames using NO-PLIF. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum
- Assessment of mixtures of iso-pentanol and Jet A-1 for use in aviation gas turbine engines. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum
- CHEMICAL KINETIC MECHANISM FOR COMBUSTION IN SUPERCRITICAL CARBON DIOXIDE. Conference Proceedings of the European sCO2 Conference (pp 28-37)
- The influence of CO2 in biogas flammability limit and laminar burning velocity in spark ignited premix combustion at various pressures. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY AND ADVANCED MATERIALS : Proceeding of the 4th International Conference and Exhib
- Thermodynamic Analysis and Process System Comparison of the Exhaust Gas Recirculated, Steam Injected and Humidified Micro Gas Turbine. Volume 3: Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels; Cycle Innovations; Electric Power; Industrial and Cogeneration, 15 June 2015 - 19 June 2015.
- Experimental and Process Modelling Study of Integration of a Micro-turbine with an Amine Plant. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 1064-1073)
- Process Simulation and Thermodynamic Analysis of a Micro Turbine with Post-combustion CO2 Capture and Exhaust Gas Recirculation. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 986-996)
- Biogas Laminar Burning Velocity and Flammability Characteristics in Spark Ignited Premix Combustion. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 423 (pp 012015-012015)
- Application of Ab Initio Quantum Mechanical Calculations to Investigate Oxidation of C-7 and C-14 Methyl Esters: An Alternative Fuel. Volume 3: Combustion Science and Engineering, 13 November 2009 - 19 November 2009.
- Through-Plane Permeability for Untreated and PTFE-Treated Gas Diffusion Layers in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. ASME 2009 7th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, 8 June 2009 - 10 June 2009.
- Development of a High Temperature Oxidation Mechanism for Bio-Aviation Fuels. Volume 3: Combustion Science and Engineering, 31 October 2008 - 6 November 2008.
- Investigation Into Bio-Aviation Reaction Mechanisms Using Quantum Mechanical Methods. Volume 3: Combustion Science and Engineering
- Fitness Diversity Based Adaptive Memetic Algorithm for solving inverse problems of chemical kinetics. 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 25 September 2007 - 28 September 2007.
- Use of detailed kinetic mechanisms for the prediction of autoignitions. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 19(2-3) (pp 227-232)
- Automatic generation of reduced reaction mechanisms for hydrocarbon oxidation with application to autoignition boundary prediction for explosion hazards mitigation (pp 383-388)
- Cool flames in space: experimental and numerical studies of propane combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 30(1) (pp 1057-1064)
- The role and rate of hydrogen peroxide decomposition during hydrocarbon two-stage autoignition. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 30(1) (pp 1083-1091)
- A master equation model for the determination of rate coefficients in the H+SO2 system. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 29(2) (pp 2431-2437)
- A unified approach to the reduced kinetic modeling of alkane combustion. Combustion and Flame, Vol. 99(3-4) (pp 533-540)
Reactions of hydroxyl radicals with selected hydrocarbons of importance in atmospheric chemistry . Optical Methods in Atmospheric Chemistry- Laminar Burning Velocity and Flammability Characteristics of Biogas in Spark Ignited Premix Combustion at Reduced Pressure. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 376 (pp 79-85)
- Experimental Investigation of a bottom fed updraught Gasifier Operation for CHP and syngas Production Applications, Applied Energy Innovation Institute (AEii).
- Single and Double-sided Coated Gas Diffusion Layers used in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: A Numerical Study, MDPI AG.
- Multi-objective optimal sizing of a hybrid concentrated solar power-biogas for desalination and power generation, Applied Energy Innovation Institute (AEii).
- Performance Improvement of Aerosols Impacted Concentrated Solar Power in Arid Regions: Case Study of Solar Power Tower Hybridization With Wind Turbines in Kuwait, Applied Energy Innovation Institute (AEii).
- A Techno-Economic and Environmental Assessment of a Cchp System Through Systems Modelling: A Case Study of a Smart Farm in the Republic of Korea.
- Experimental and Modelling Study of Hydrogen Ignition in Co2 Bath Gas.
- Experimental and Modelling Study of Syngas Combustion in Co2 Bath Gas.
- A comprehensive process modelling, techno-economic and life cycle assessment of a power to ammonia process. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 76, 104278-104278.
- Grants
- Reliable and Efficient Combustion of Oxygen/Coal/Recycled Flue Gas Mixtures (RELCOM) FP7-ENERGY-2010-2
- Gas-FACTS: Gas - Future Advanced Capture Technology Options EP/J020788/1
- Selective Exhaust Gas Recirculation for Carbon Capture with Gas Turbines: Integration, Intensification, Scale-up and Optimisation. EP/M001482/1
- Techno-Economic Assessment of Biomass Pre-Processing (TEABPP) – Energy Technology Institute
- Integrated anaerobic digestion and gasification systems for sustainable farming in Colombia - British Council