Professor Bill Nimmo
PhD, FEI, C.Eng
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Professor of Energy Engineering and Sustainability
Head of the Faculty of Engineering Graduate School
Principal Editor, Elsevier Journal FUEL

+44 114 215 7213
Full contact details
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Sir Frederick Mappin Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
Professor Nimmo's background is in chemical and combustion engineering having gained his PhD in Fluidized Bed Waste Gasification Processes at Leeds University in the mid 1980’s.
A period in industry followed, working on full scale coal gasifier development (350 tpd) for British Gas, Westfield Development Centre, Scotland, as part of the British Gas SNG programme in partnership with Lurgi GmbH. Projects involved the study of fuel bed behaviour at full scale and process development for operation with caking and difficult coals.
Other projects involved commissioning and operation of pilot plant associated with gas clean up and upgrading to substitute natural gas using real syn-gas from the full scale plant.
Returning to Leeds, Bill pursued a number of research projects related to coal, gas and oil combustion and gasification as a Senior Research Fellow with particular emphasis on NOx, and SOx emission control in partnership with major UK power generation companies.
Recently, Bill’s research activities have been closely related to the development of the UK national UKCCSRC PACT facilities focused on carbon capture processes and in particular to pilot scale oxy-fuel combustion projects.
Additionally, significant research activity has been developed in the areas of fluidized-bed biomass combustion, corrosion associated with biomass and oxy-fuel combustion and small scale anaerobic digestion systems for both urban and rural locations in developing countries.
He was appointed Associate Professor and since 2009, he has contributed to research projects with a total value in excess of £7m as principal or co-investigator.
Bill joined the University of Sheffield in February 2015 and has since attracted new funding with a value of £1M (£3.1M total) with 7 active research grants in the areas of ultra super-critical fluidised bed combustion, anaerobic digestion, energy from waste and knowledge economy partnership (KEP) funded by EPSRC, Innovate UK/EPSRC/BBSRC, Royal Academy of Engineering and the British Council.
Bill’s other funded activities are in the areas of pulverised coal/biomass oxy fuel combustion and corrosion studies related to future advanced power generation developments.
He has published over 150 papers including 83 refereed journal articles, 2 book chapters and 1 patent.
As outgoing Head of the Engineering Graduate School, Bill was responsible for leadership and management in the recruitment, training and progression of PGR students in Engineering. This involved membership of several Departmental and Faculty and University committees.
Externally, bill is an active Member of the Fuel and Energy Research Forum, Exec. Committee, Chair of the Environ. Division; Member of the Energy Institute Yorkshire branch committee; Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College and is Principal Editor of the Elsevier journal FUEL.
Bill’s teaching activities have been closely related to his research activity and has lectured in the areas of combustion theory and design, biomass energy, CCS plant design and conventional power.
A particularly rewarding and enjoyable part of Bill’s activity is the supervision and development of the research students and early career researchers working on projects within the Energy 2050 Group.
- Research interests
- Biomass combustion
- Biomass gasification
- Anaerobic digestion
- Waste to energy
- Corrosion studies
- Coal combustion/gasification
- Publications
Journal articles
- Thermokinetic synergistic evaluation of iron ores as oxygen carriers for TGA simulated pyrolysis, gasification, and chemical looping combustion of municipal solid wastes. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 44, 101917-101917.
- Fuel Journal – Adapting to change. Fuel, 369, 131920-131920.
- Detection of onset of agglomeration in a bubbling fluidized bed biomass combustor using reactive Eulerian computational fluid dynamics. Particuology, 90, 504-515.
- Experimental Evaluation of Continuous In-Situ
Biomethanation of CO2 in Anaerobic Digesters Fed on Sewage
Sludge and Food Waste and the Influence of Hydrogen
Gas–Liquid Mass Transfer. Processes, 11, 604-604.
- The use of kaolin and dolomite bed additives as an agglomeration mitigation method for wheat straw and miscanthus biomass fuels in a pilot-scale fluidized bed combustor. Renewable Energy, 196, 749-762.
- Testing air permeability in baghouse filtration. Filtration + Separation, 59(2), 20-22.
- Thermokinetics synergistic effects on co-pyrolysis of coal and rice husk blends for bioenergy production. Fuel, 318.
- Pinch combined with exergy analysis for heat exchange network and techno-economic evaluation of coal chemical looping combustion power plant with CO2 capture. Energy, 238(Part A).
- Life cycle energy-economy-environmental evaluation of coal-based CLC power plant vs. IGCC, USC and oxy-combustion power plants with/without CO2 capture. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(5).
- Agglomeration and the effect of process conditions on fluidized bed combustion of biomasses with olivine and silica sand as bed materials : pilot-scale investigation. Biomass and Bioenergy, 142.
- Sustainability evaluation of biomass direct gasification using chemical looping technology for power generation with and w/o CO2 capture. Energy, 205. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of oxy-fuel combustion on ash deposition of pulverized wood pellets. Biofuel Research Journal, 6(1), 927-936. View this article in WRRO
- A feasibility analysis of distributed power plants from agricultural residues resources gasification in rural China. Biomass and Bioenergy, 121, 1-12. View this article in WRRO
- Experimental investigation of NO reburning during oxy-coal burner staging. Energy and Fuels. View this article in WRRO
- Mechanisms and Mitigation of Agglomeration during Fluidized Bed Combustion of Biomass: A Review. Fuel, 230, 452-473. View this article in WRRO
- Life cycle energy-economic-CO2 emissions evaluation of biomass/coal, with and without CO2 capture and storage, in a pulverized fuel combustion power plant in the United Kingdom. Applied Energy, 225, 258-272. View this article in WRRO
- Prediction of the radiative heat transfer in small and large scale oxy-coal furnaces. Applied Energy, 211, 423-537. View this article in WRRO
- Kinetic parameters of the intrinsic reactivity of woody biomass and coal chars via thermogravimetric analysis. Fuel, 210, 811-825. View this article in WRRO
- Selective non-catalytic reduction – Fe-based additive hybrid technology. Fuel, 208, 353-362. View this article in WRRO
- Multi-mode combustion process monitoring on a pulverised fuel combustion test facility based on flame imaging and random weight network techniques. Fuel, 202, 656-664. View this article in WRRO
- Pollutant and Corrosion Control Technology and Efficient Coal Combustion. Energy & Fuels, 31(5), 5581-5596. View this article in WRRO
- Assessment of micro-scale anaerobic digestion for management of urban organic waste: A case study in London, UK.. Waste Management. View this article in WRRO
- Geology and combustion perspectives of Pakistani coals from Salt Range and Trans Indus Range. International Journal of Coal Geology, 168, 202-213. View this article in WRRO
- Modelling the anaerobic digestion of solid organic waste – Substrate characterisation method for ADM1 using a combined biochemical and kinetic parameter estimation approach. Waste Management, 53, 40-54. View this article in WRRO
- Assessment and parameter identification of simplified models to describe the kinetics of semi-continuous biomethane production from anaerobic digestion of green and food waste. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 39(6), 977-992. View this article in WRRO
- A comparative assessment of biomass ash preparation methods using X-ray fluorescence and wet chemical analysis. Fuel, 182, 161-165. View this article in WRRO
- Numerical simulation and experimental validation of the hydrodynamics in a 350 kW bubbling fluidized bed combustor. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 7(1), 27-35. View this article in WRRO
- Comparative techno-economic assessment of biomass and coal with CCS technologies in a pulverized combustion power plant in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 43, 82-92. View this article in WRRO
- Bubble-based EMMS mixture model applied to turbulent fluidization. Powder Technology, 281, 129-137. View this article in WRRO
- Reactivity Analysis of Pakistani Thar Lignite Reserves in Oxidizing Thermogravimetric Analysis Atmospheres. Energy & Fuels, 29(8), 5349-5360.
- Simulation of the calcium chloride aqueous salt solution spray regeneration process. Atomization and Sprays, 25(7), 571-586. View this article in WRRO
- Modelling an off-grid integrated renewable energy system for rural electrification in India using photovoltaics and anaerobic digestion. Renewable Energy, 74, 390-398. View this article in WRRO
- Prediction of biomass ash fusion behaviour by the use of detailed characterisation methods coupled with thermodynamic analysis. Fuel: the science and technology of fuel and energy, 141, 275-284. View this article in WRRO
- LES and RANS of air and oxy-coal combustion in a pilot-scale facility: Predictions of radiative heat transfer. Fuel, 151, 146-151. View this article in WRRO
- Co-firing coal with biomass in oxygen- and carbon dioxide-enriched atmospheres for CCS applications. Fuel, 137, 185-192.
- Fuel additive technology – NOx reduction, combustion efficiency and fly ash improvement for coal fired power stations. Fuel, 134, 293-306. View this article in WRRO
- Reactivity during bench-scale combustion of biomass fuels for carbon capture and storage applications. Fuel, 134, 171-179.
- Combustion of Pakistani Lignite (Thar Coal) in a Pilot-Scale Pulverized Fuel Down-Fired Combustion Test Facility. Energy & Fuels, 28(2), 1541-1547.
- Investigation of the Influence of Metallic Fuel Improvers on Coal Combustion/Pyrolysis. Energy & Fuels, 28(2), 1515-1523.
- An experimental study of ash behaviour and the potential fate of ZnO/Zn in the Co-combustion of pulverised South African coal and waste tyre rubber. Fuel, 111, 269-279.
- Robust Extension of the Coats–Redfern Technique: Reviewing Rapid and Realiable Reactivity Analysis of Complex Fuels Decomposing in Inert and Oxidizing Thermogravimetric Analysis Atmospheres. Energy & Fuels, 27(5), 2818-2826. View this article in WRRO
- NOx control in coal combustion by combining biomass co-firing, oxygen enrichment and SNCR. Fuel, 105, 283-292. View this article in WRRO
- Bio-CCS: Co-firing of Established Greenfield and Novel, Brownfield Biomass Resources under Air, Oxygen-enriched Air and Oxy-fuel Conditions. Energy Procedia, 37, 6062-6069.
- Deep-staged, oxygen enriched combustion of coal. Fuel, 101, 187-196.
- The effect of air staged, co-combustion of pulverised coal and biomass blends on NO
x emissions and combustion efficiency. Fuel, 90(1), 126-135. - Cocombustion of Pulverized Coal with Waste Plastic and Tire Rubber Powders. Energy & Fuels, 25(1), 108-118.
- The effect of O-2 enrichment on NOx formation in biomass co-fired pulverised coal combustion. FUEL, 89(10), 2945-2952.
- Shea meal and cotton stalk as potential fuels for co-combustion with coal. Bioresource Technology, 101(19), 7614-7623.
- WITHDRAWN: Co-combustion of Agricultural residue Biomasses with Coal in a 20 kW h pilot plant. Bioresource Technology.
- Co-combustion of Agricultural Residues with Coal: Turning Waste into Energy. Energy & Fuels, 24(3), 2146-2153.
- Char oxidation study of Sugar cane bagasse, Cotton stalk, and Pakistani coal under 1% and 3% oxygen concentrations. Biomass and Bioenergy, 34, 263-271.
- Waste tyre rubber as a secondary fuel for power plants. Fuel, 88(12), 2473-2480.
- Response to the comment by J.C. Jones on ‘waste tyre rubber as a secondary fuel for power plants’. Fuel, 88(11), 2320-2320.
- Effect of oxygenated liquid additives on the urea based SNCR process. Journal of Environmental Management, 90(11), 3429-3435.
- Thermal analysis and devolatilization kinetics of cotton stalk, sugar cane bagasse and shea meal under nitrogen and air atmospheres. Bioresource Technology, 100(3), 1413-1418.
- Effects of aerosol heating rate on the properties of aggregates of lead zirconate titanate nanoparticles produced by spray pyrolysis. Journal of Materials Science, 43(18), 6353-6358.
- The evaluation of waste tyre pulverised fuel for NOx reduction by reburning. Fuel, 87(13-14), 2893-2900.
- Experimental and modeling study of the effect of CO and H2 on the urea DeNOx process in a 150kW laboratory reactor. Chemosphere, 70(6), 1059-1067.
- NOx control by ammonium carbonate and ammonia with hydrocarbons as additives. Journal of the Energy Institute, 81(3), 131-134.
- Enhanced NOxReduction with SO2Capture under Air-Staged Conditions by Calcium Magnesium Acetate in an Oil-Fired Tunnel Furnace. Energy & Fuels, 20(5), 1879-1885.
- New technology for control of NOx, SO2 and HCl emissions from large scale combustion plant using calcium magnesium acetate. Journal of the Energy Institute, 79(2), 92-100.
- Investigation of SO2, HCL and NOxControl from Waste Incinerators using a Novel Additive in a Pilot Scale Reactor. Environmental Technology, 27(5), 565-574.
- Calcium-based sorbents for simultaneous NOx/SOx reduction in a down-fired furnace. Fuel, 84(14-15), 1864-1873.
- Characterization of a Process for the In-Furnace Reduction of NOx, SO2, and HCl by Carboxylic Salts of Calcium. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44(12), 4484-4494.
- The effect of sintering on sulphur capture by limestone and dolomite. Journal of the Energy Institute, 78(2), 81-89.
- Particle Formation During Spray Pyrolysis of Lead Zirconate Titanate. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 88(4), 839-844.
- Calcium magnesium acetate and urea advanced reburning for NO control with simultaneous SO2 reduction. Fuel, 83(9), 1143-1150.
- Simultaneous reduction of NOx and SO2 emissions from coal combustion by calcium magnesium acetate. Fuel, 83(2), 149-155.
- Formation of Lead Zirconate Titanate Powders by Spray Pyrolysis. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 86(9), 1474-1480.
- Optimisation of NOx reduction in advanced coal reburning systems and the effect of coal type☆. Fuel, 82(4), 373-384.
x control. Journal of the Institute of Energy, 75(505), 100-106.
Optimisation of advanced coal reburning for NO- . Journal of Materials Science, 37(16), 3381-3387.
- An investigation of important gas-phase reactions of nitrogenous species from the simulation of experimental measurements in combustion systems. Combustion and Flame, 124(4), 573-589.
- Nitrogen sulphur interactions in coal flames. Fuel, 80(7), 887-897.
- The simultaneous calcination and sintering of calcium based sorbents under a combustion atmosphere. Fuel, 79(12), 1515-1523.
- Removal of H2S by Spray-Calcined Calcium Acetate. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 38(8), 2954-2962.
- Experimental and kinetic studies on the effect of sulfur-nitrogen interactions on no formation in flames. Symposium (International) on Combustion, 27(1), 1419-1426.
- Evaluation of the chemical properties of coals and their maceral group constituents in relation to combustion reactivity using multi-variate analyses. Fuel, 77(7), 735-748.
- An Experimental Investigation of Sulphur-Nitrogen Interactions in Turbulent Spray Flames. Combustion Science and Technology, 110-111(1), 487-504.
3 in practical liquid-fuel flames. Journal of the Institute of Energy, 68(477), 170-177.
Effect of fuel-nitrogen functionality on the formation of NO, HCN and NH- The formation of NH3, HCN, and N2O in an air-staged fuel oil flame. Combustion and Flame, 85(3-4), 499-504.
x emissions by combustion-air staging. The measurement of NH3 , HCN, NO and N2 O concentrations in fuel-oil flames. Journal of the Institute of Energy, 64(460), 128-134.
Control of NO- The control of spontaneous ignition under rapid compression. Symposium (International) on Combustion, 21(1), 447-454.
- Novel experimental investigation of spontaneous ignition of gaseous hydrocarbons. Nature, 322(6074), 46-47.
- Spontaneous ignition and engine knock under rapid compression. Combustion and Flame, 60(2), 215-218.
- Water‐Assisted Programmable Assembly of Flexible and Self‐Standing Janus Membranes. Advanced Science.
- The Prediction of NOx Emissions from Spray Combustion, Combustion Technologies for a Clean Environment (pp. 237-256). CRC Press
Conference proceedings papers
- Status and Perspective of Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems: the Results of the BioCPV Project and Opportunities for a Sustainable Energy Supply to Rural Areas. Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2015, 8 November 2015 - 12 November 2015.
- OxyCAP UK: Oxyfuel Combustion - academic Programme for the UK. Energy Procedia, Vol. 63 (pp 504-510)
- Experimental and kinetic studies on the effect of sulfur-nitrogen interactions on no formation in flames. Symposium (International) on Combustion, Vol. 27(1) (pp 1419-1426)
- Oxygen Enriched and Oxyfuel Combustion - Promising Trends for Low Carbon Future. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 145 (pp 11-15)
- Thermokinetic synergistic evaluation of iron ores as oxygen carriers for TGA simulated pyrolysis, gasification, and chemical looping combustion of municipal solid wastes. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 44, 101917-101917.
- Grants
As PI or Co-I
2024 - 2028 EPSRC/Durham Filtration. Advanced design filtration systems for waste to energy power generation plant, PI, £214,000
2022 - 2026 EPSRC/Eminox. New exhaust gas clean up systems for the combustion of new, low carbon fuels in heavy duty engines, PI, £124,793
2021 – 2025 Industrial Grant, Durham Filtration, Smart filter designs, student support, PI, £35k
2022 – 2023 Innovate UK, Tyche project - decarbonizing steel and glass – hydrogen/methane plasma burner, Co-I, (PI UoS), £250k
2020 – 2021 HEIF KE project with LKAB, PI, £23k
2020 – 2021 Industrial grant, LKAB, PI, £29k
2019 - 2023 CREDS UKRI Decarbonizing the steel industry, Co-I, £200k.
- 2018 - 2022 Industrial grant, Durham Filtration, Biomass particulate filters – student support, PI, £20k
- 2017-2019 British Council, Researcher Links UK-PK, PI, £29k.
- 2016 - 2020 Industrial grant, Sembcorp Utilities, Fluidised Bed Combustion – student support, PI, £25k
- 2016 – 2017 IIKE, Research Partnership support grant, PI, £19K.
- 2015 - 2019 EPSRC/Innovate UK, EP/M028208/1, IB CAT Biomethanation of CO2 in anaerobic digestion plant, Co-I, £1.85M
- 2016-2018 Royal Academy of Engineering (Newton), Waste to Energy,- Investigation of municipal solid waste blending effect on reactivity of coals in circulating fluidized bed combustion and gasification processes PI, £50k.
- 2015 – 2018 EPSRC EP/M01536X/1 Ultra-Supercritical (USC) steam power generation technology with Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB): Combustion, Materials and Modelling (USC-CFB-CMM), Co-I, £1.1M
- 2015 - 2018 KEP British Council/Pakistan, PI, £60k
- 2009 - 2016 Industrial grant/KTP, PI, £467k
- 2014-2017 UKCCSRC – C2 Investigating the radiative heat flux in small and large scale oxy-coal furnaces for CFD model development and system scale up, Co-I, £198,000
- 2012-2017 UKCCSRC-C1-27, Experimental investigation and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion on PACT facility with real flue gas and vent gas recycling PI, £167k
- 2014-2017 UKCCSRC – C2 Investigating the radiative heat flux in small and large scale oxy-coal furnaces for CFD model development and system scale up, Co-I, £198,000
- 2012-2017 UKCCSRC - The United Kingdom Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre, DECC/EPSRC, Co-I, £10.1M
- 2012-2014 TSB/KTP008393 (TSB) Knowledge Transfer Partnership, KTP, PI, £137k
- 2011-2015 British council, INSPIRE, British Council 254, PI, £60k
- 2011-2015 DECC/EPSRC, EP/G062153/1, oxy CAP, Co-I, £1.7M
- 2011-2015 EPSRC EP/G063451/1, In-depth Studies of OxyCoal Combustion Processes through Numerical Modelling and 3D Flame Imaging, Oxy China Co-I, £490k
- 2010-2015 EPSRC EP/J000345/1, Development and Integration of Biomass and Concentrating Photovoltaic System for Rural and Urban Energy Bridge: BioCPV, Co-I, £1.4M
Prior engagement in preparation of EPSRC grants as researcher co-investigator/contributor
2006-2009 EPSRC EP/D502020/1 Title: A Novel Application of Waste Tyres & plastics as Reburn Fuels for NOx Reduction in Large Scale Combustion Systems , (Researcher Co-I), £293,057
2002-2005 EPSRC, GR/R46120/01 Advanced Methodologies for Simultaneous NOx/SOx Control form Combustion Sources , (Named Researcher), £194,281
2001-2004 EPSRC, GR/R15641/01 A Novel Sorbent For Multi-Component Removal of Mercury-Hci-So2-Nox From Waste Incineration Flue Gases, (Named Researcher) , £221.070.
1999-2002 EPSRC, GR/M12001/01 High Capacity Spray Pyrolysis Route For The Production Of Sub-Micron Pzt Powders For Thick-Film Applications (Named Researcher), £210,232.