Professor Ben Hughes
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Professor of Energy Engineering

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School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Sir Frederick Mappin Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
Professor Hughes has recently completed a 3-year term as the Head of the School of Engineering at the University of Hull responsible for Mechanical, Electrical, Medical and Chemical Engineering Disciplines. During this role he led the School to its highest national league table position and quadrupled the Schools research income, generating a School surplus in excess of £7M per annum. His work is cross-disciplinary and he has held previous academic appointments at Strathclyde, Sheffield, Leeds and Heriot Watt University in both Mechanical and Civil Engineering Schools.
His personal research is both fundamental and applied focussed low carbon heating and cooling in the built environment, current research grants include the ESPRC Decarbonised Heating and Cooling Call 1, EPSRC Supergen Thermal Energy Storage Challenge 2, Innovate UK Energy Catalyst Round 8 and 10, and an Innovate UK Smart Award.
Professor Hughes has served as the Editor-In-Chief of the International Journal of Ventilation (Taylor & Francis) from 2015 - 22, and currently serves as an external examiner in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Leeds, an awards panel member and past president of the Whitworth Society (IMechE). He is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and a Whitworth Senior Scholar (Wh.S.Sch).
During his career to date he has been awarded the IMechE Visionary Award for Outstanding Leadership, New Civil Engineer Award for Research Team of the Year and a second award for the Best Carbon Reduction Project, WSSET Innovation Award for Low Carbon Technologies and Future Cities.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Methods used for handling and quantifying model uncertainty of artificial neural network models for air pollution forecasting. Environmental Modelling & Software, 158, 105529-105529.
- Wind tunnel test and numerical study of a multi-sided wind tower with horizontal heat pipes. Energy, 260, 125118-125118.
- Incorporation of controllable supercooled phase change material heat storage with a solar assisted heat pump: Testing of crystallization triggering and heating demand-based modelling study. Journal of Energy Storage, 55, 105744-105744.
- A review of thermal energy storage technologies for seasonal loops. Energy, 239, 122207-122207.
- Towards a standard approach for future Vertical Axis Wind Turbine aerodynamics research and development. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 148, 111221-111221.
- Low power energy harvesting systems: State of the art and future challenges. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 147, 111230-111230.
- Validation and comparison of turbulence models for predicting wakes of vertical axis wind turbines. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 7(4), 339-362.
- Optimisation of HVAC control and manufacturing schedules for the reduction of peak energy demand in the manufacturing sector. Energy, 227, 120436-120436.
- Numerical analysis of an urban road pavement solar collector (U-RPSC) for heat island mitigation: Impact on the urban environment. Renewable Energy, 164, 618-641.
- Structural response analysis of road pavement solar collector (RPSC) with serpentine heat pipes under validated temperature field. Construction and Building Materials, 268, 121110-121110.
- Coupling simulation with artificial neural networks for the optimisation of HVAC controls in manufacturing environments. Optimization and Engineering, 22(1), 103-119.
- Revolutionising building inspection techniques to meet large-scale energy demands: A review of the state-of-the-art. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 130, 109979-109979.
- Thermal modelling of manufacturing processes and HVAC systems. Energy, 204, 117984-117984.
- Deep learning techniques for energy forecasting and condition monitoring in the manufacturing sector. Energy and Buildings, 217, 109966-109966.
- Analysis of the thermal comfort and energy performance of a thermal chair for open plan office. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 8(2), 373-395. View this article in WRRO
- Spatial estimation of outdoor NO2 levels in Central London using deep neural networks and a wavelet decomposition technique. Ecological Modelling, 424, 109017-109017.
- Analysis of mechanical properties for two different structures of photovoltaic pavement unit block. Construction and Building Materials, 239, 117864-117864.
- Short- and long-term forecasting of ambient air pollution levels using wavelet-based non-linear autoregressive artificial neural networks with exogenous inputs. International Journal of Environmental Impacts: Management, Mitigation and Recovery, 3(2), 143-154.
- Urban road and pavement solar collector system for heat island mitigation: assessing the beneficial impact on outdoor temperature. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 463(1), 012038-012038.
- Numerical and experimental investigation of the indoor air quality and thermal comfort performance of a low energy cooling windcatcher with heat pipes and extended surfaces. Renewable Energy, 145, 744-756.
- Analysis of the influence of cooling jets on the wind and thermal environment in football stadiums in hot climates. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 41(5), 561-585.
- Investigation of the impact of roof configurations on the wind and thermal environment in football stadiums in hot climates. International Journal of Ventilation, 19(4), 260-279.
- Determining the impact of VAWT farm configurations on power output. Renewable Energy, 143, 1111-1120.
- Patterns of thermal preference and visual thermal landscaping model in the workplace. Applied Energy, 255. View this article in WRRO
- A review of artificial neural network models for ambient air pollution prediction. Environmental Modelling & Software, 119, 285-304.
- The development of modelling tools to improve energy efficiency in manufacturing processes and systems. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 51, 95-105.
- Climatic analysis of ventilation and thermal performance of a dome building with roof vent. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 171(8), 411-424.
- Determining the Effect of Inlet Flow Conditions on the Thermal Efficiency of a Flat Plate Solar Collector. MDPI Fluids, 3(3). View this article in WRRO
- A framework for producing gbXML building geometry from Point Clouds for accurate and efficient Building Energy Modelling. Applied Energy, 224, 527-537. View this article in WRRO
- Advanced personal comfort system (APCS) for the workplace: A review and case study. Energy and Buildings, 173, 689-709. View this article in WRRO
- Improving Thermal and Electrical Efficiency in Photovoltaic Thermal Systems for Sustainable Cooling System Integration. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 6(2), 305-322. View this article in WRRO
- Does a neutral thermal sensation determine thermal comfort?. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 39(2), 183-195. View this article in WRRO
- A review of energy simulation tools for the manufacturing sector. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 895-911. View this article in WRRO
- A review of sustainable solar irrigation systems for Sub-Saharan Africa. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 1206-1225. View this article in WRRO
- A user-controlled thermal chair for an open plan workplace : CFD and field studies of thermal comfort performance. Applied Energy, 207, 283-293. View this article in WRRO
- CFD optimisation of a stadium roof geometry: a qualitative study to improve the wind microenvironment. Sustainable Buildings, 2, 8-8.
- A review of solar driven absorption cooling with photovoltaic thermal systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 76, 728-742. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluation of the integration of the Wind-Induced Flutter Energy Harvester (WIFEH) into the built environment: Experimental and numerical analysis. Applied Energy. View this article in WRRO
- Influence of urban form on the performance of road pavement solar collector system: Symmetrical and asymmetrical heights. Energy Conversion and Management. View this article in WRRO
- A review on windcatcher for passive cooling and natural ventilation in buildings, Part 1: Indoor air quality and thermal comfort assessment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70, 736-756. View this article in WRRO
- Thermal comfort investigation of an outdoor air-conditioned area in a hot and arid environment. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 23(7), 1113-1131. View this article in WRRO
- Integration of aero-elastic belt into the built environment for low-energy wind harnessing: Current status and a case study. Energy Conversion and Management. View this article in WRRO
- Thermal performance of stadium's Field of Play in hot climates. Energy and Buildings, 139, 702-718.
- Optimisation and analysis of a heat pipe assisted low-energy passive cooling system. Energy and Buildings. View this article in WRRO
- Enhancing the piston effect in underground railway tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 61, 71-81. View this article in WRRO
- Energy and comfort in contemporary open plan and traditional personal offices. Applied Energy, 185(2), 1542-1555.
- Numerical and experimental analysis of a multi-directional wind tower integrated with vertically-arranged heat transfer devices (VHTD). Applied Energy, 185, 1120-1135. View this article in WRRO
- A CFD analysis of several design parameters of a road pavement solar collector (RPSC) for urban application. Applied Energy, 186, 436-449. View this article in WRRO
- A study of the impact of individual thermal control on user comfort in the workplace: Norwegian cellular vs. British open plan offices. Architectural Science Review, 60(1), 49-61. View this article in WRRO
- A novel design of a desiccant rotary wheel for passive ventilation applications. Applied Energy, 179, 99-109. View this article in WRRO
- Wind tunnel and numerical data on the ventilation performance of windcatcher with wing wall.. Data Brief, 9, 448-452. View this article in WRRO
- Data on the natural ventilation performance of windcatcher with anti-short-circuit device (ASCD). Data in Brief. View this article in WRRO
- Computational Analysis of Natural Ventilation Flows in Geodesic Dome Building in Hot Climates. Computation, 4(3), 31-31. View this article in WRRO
- Anti-short-circuit device: A new solution for short-circuiting in windcatcher and improvement of natural ventilation performance. Building and Environment, 105, 24-39. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluation of a two-sided windcatcher integrated with wing wall (as a new design) and comparison with a conventional windcatcher. Energy and Buildings, 126, 287-300. View this article in WRRO
- A review on phase change material (PCM) for sustainable passive cooling in building envelopes. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 60, 1470-1497.
- CFD and experimental data of closed-loop wind tunnel flow. Data in Brief, 7, 216-220. View this article in WRRO
- Climatic analysis of a passive cooling technology for the built environment in hot countries. Applied Energy. View this article in WRRO
- Design and Aerodynamic Investigation of Dynamic Architecture. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 1(1). View this article in WRRO
- Building-Related Symptoms, Energy, and Thermal Control in the Workplace: Personal and Open Plan Offices. Sustainability, 8(4), 331-331. View this article in WRRO
- Towards an integrated computational method to determine internal spaces for optimum environmental conditions. Computers & Fluids, 127, 146-160. View this article in WRRO
- A natural ventilation wind tower with heat pipe heat recovery for cold climates. Renewable Energy, 87(3), 1088-1104.
- Sustainable buildings: opportunities, challenges, aims and vision. Sustainable Buildings, 1(1), 1-4. View this article in WRRO
- A passive cooling wind tower with heat pipe technology: CFD, wind tunnel and field test. Applied Energy, 162, 460-71.
- A Review of Heat Recovery Technology for Passive Ventilation Applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 54, 1481-1493. View this article in WRRO
- A study of the impact of building geometry on the thermal performance of road pavement solar collectors. Energy, 93(2), 2614-2630. View this article in WRRO
- Wind tunnel data of the analysis of heat pipe and wind catcher technology for the built environment. Data in Brief, 5, 424-428. View this article in WRRO
- A validated numerical investigation of the effects of high blockage ratio and train and tunnel length upon underground railway aerodynamics. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 146, 195-206. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of Rotation Speed of a Rotary Thermal Wheel on Ventilation Supply Rates of Wind Tower System. Energy Procedia, 75, 1705-1710.
- Energy Efficiency and User Comfort in the Workplace: Norwegian Cellular vs. British Open Plan Workplaces. Energy Procedia, 75, 807-812.
- CFD and wind tunnel study of the performance of a uni-directional wind catcher with heat transfer devices. Renewable Energy, 83, 85-99.
- Computational analysis of a wind tower assisted passive cooling technology for the built environment. Journal of Building Engineering, 1, 63-71.
- Computational Analysis to Factor Wind into the Design of an Architectural Environment. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2015, 1-10. View this article in WRRO
- Qatar 2022: Facing the FIFA World Cup climatic and legacy challenges. Sustainable Cities and Society, 14, 16-30.
- Numerical analysis of the integration of wind turbines into the design of the built environment. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 7(4).
- Climate responsive behaviour of heat pipe technology for enhanced passive airside cooling. Applied Energy, 136, 32-42.
- Analysis of the thermal cooling capacity of heat pipes under a low Reynolds number flow. Applied Thermal Engineering, 71(1), 559-572.
- Passive pre-cooling potential for reducing building air-conditioning loads in hot climates. HVAC&R Research, 20(7), 738-750.
- Integration and application of passive cooling within a wind tower for hot climates. HVAC&R Research, 20(7), 722-730.
- Determining the optimum spacing and arrangement for commercial wind towers for ventilation performance. Building and Environment, 82, 274-287.
- The Influence of Structural Morphology on the Efficiency of Building Integrated Wind Turbines (BIWT). AIMS Energy, 2(3), 219-236.
- Numerical Analysis of the Integration of Wind Turbines into the Design of the Built Environment. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 7(4), 363-373.
- A validated design methodology for a closed-loop subsonic wind tunnel. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 125, 180-194.
- Passive energy recovery from natural ventilation air streams. Applied Energy, 113, 127-140.
- A study of passive ventilation integrated with heat recovery. Energy and Buildings, 82, 799-811.
- Wind tunnel and CFD study of the natural ventilation performance of a commercial multi-directional wind tower. Building and Environment, 80, 71-83.
- Measurement and prediction of the indoor airflow in a room ventilated with a commercial wind tower. Energy and Buildings, 84, 367-377.
- CFD analysis of a heat transfer device integrated wind tower system for hot and dry climate. Applied Energy, 112, 576-591.
- Economic viability of incorporating multi-effect distillation with district cooling systems in the United Arab Emirates. Sustainable Cities and Society, 7, 37-43.
- Comparison between evaporative cooling and a heat pipe assisted thermal loop for a commercial wind tower in hot and dry climatic conditions. Applied Energy, 101, 740-755.
- Numerical investigation of the integration of heat transfer devices into wind towers. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 34, 43-48.
- A numerical investigation into the feasibility of integrating green building technologies into row houses in the Middle East. Architectural Science Review, 56(4), 279-296.
- A review of heat pipe systems for heat recovery and renewable energy applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(4), 2249-2259.
- Performance investigation of ground cooling for the airbus A380 in the United Arab Emirates. Applied Thermal Engineering, 36, 87-95.
- The development of commercial wind towers for natural ventilation: A review. Applied Energy, 92, 606-627.
- Corrigendum to “A study of wind and buoyancy driven flows through commercial wind towers” [Energy & Buildings 43 (2011) 1784–1791]. Energy and Buildings, 43(10), 2964-2964.
- A review of sustainable cooling technologies in buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(6), 3112-3120.
- A numerical investigation into the feasibility of a passive-assisted natural ventilation stack device. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 30(4), 193-211.
- A study of wind and buoyancy driven flows through commercial wind towers. Energy and Buildings, 43(7), 1784-1791.
- Performance investigation of a passive solar-assisted kiln in the United Kingdom. Solar Energy, 85(7), 1488-1498.
- Computational analysis of dynamic architecture. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 225(1), 85-95.
- A numerical investigation into the effect of Windvent louvre external angle on passive stack ventilation performance. Building and Environment, 45(4), 1025-1036.
- A numerical investigation into the effect of windvent dampers on operating conditions. Building and Environment, 44(2), 237-248.
- Investigation of a windvent passive ventilation device against current fresh air supply recommendations. Energy and Buildings, 40(9), 1651-1659.
- Development of Stirling Pump mechanism for Irrigation in remote rural farms. WEENTECH Proceedings in Energy, 26-36.
- A Review of Numerical Modelling of Multi-Scale Wind Turbines and Their Environment. Computation, 6(1), 24-24.
- CFD and Experimental Study on the Effect of Progressive Heating on Fluid Flow inside a Thermal Wind Tunnel. Computation, 3(4), 509-527.
- GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology.
- CFD Simulation and Optimisation of a Low Energy Ventilation and Cooling System. Computation, 3(2), 128-149.
Conference proceedings papers
- Numerical Analysis on Conceptual Feasibility of Hybrid Windcatcher and Turbine Roof Ventilator for Optimum IEQ and Wind Power Harvesting
- Development of a natural ventilation windcatcher with passive heat recovery wheel for mild-cold climates: CFD and experimental analysis. Renewable Energy, Vol. 160 (pp 465-482)
- Analysis of a rotary passive heat recovery device for natural ventilation windcatcher. IOP Conference. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 556(012001). Chengdu, China, 30 August 2018 - 30 August 2018. View this article in WRRO
- Visual Thermal Landscaping (VTL) Model: A Qualitative Thermal Comfort Approach based on the Context to Balance Energy and Comfort. Energy Procedia, Vol. 158 (pp 3119-3124). United Kingdom, 22 August 2018 - 25 August 2018. View this article in WRRO
- Numerical and experimental analysis of a natural ventilation windcatcher with passive heat recovery for mild-cold climates. Energy Procedia, Vol. 158 (pp 3125-3130), 22 August 2018 - 25 August 2018. View this article in WRRO
- Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) analysis of a low energy wind catcher with horizontally-arranged heat transfer devices. Energy Procedia, Vol. 142 (pp 2095-2101). Cardiff, UK, 21 August 2017 - 24 August 2017. View this article in WRRO
- Neutral thermal sensation or dynamic thermal comfort? Numerical and field test analysis of a thermal chair. Energy Procedia, Vol. 142 (pp 2189-2194). Cardiff, UK, 21 August 2017 - 24 August 2017. View this article in WRRO
- Urban Integration of Aeroelastic Belt for Low-Energy Wind Harvesting. Energy Procedia, Vol. 105 (pp 738-743) View this article in WRRO
- Thermal Comfort and Indoor air Quality Analysis of a Low-energy Cooling Windcatcher. Energy Procedia, Vol. 105 (pp 2865-2870) View this article in WRRO
- Effect of Urban Street Canyon Aspect Ratio on Thermal Performance of Road Pavement Solar Collectors (RPSC). Energy Procedia, Vol. 105 (pp 4414-4419) View this article in WRRO
- Computational and Field Test Analysis of Thermal Comfort Performance of User-controlled Thermal Chair in an Open Plan Office. Energy Procedia, Vol. 105 (pp 2635-2640) View this article in WRRO
- A novel design of a rotary desiccant system for reduced dehumidification regeneration air temperature. Energy Procedia, Vol. 142 (pp 253-258)
- Geometry Extraction for High Resolution Building Energy Modelling Applications from Point Cloud Data: A Case Study of a Factory Facility. Energy Procedia, Vol. 142 (pp 1805-1810) View this article in WRRO
- Solar Driven Irrigation Systems for Remote Rural Farms. Energy Procedia, Vol. 142 (pp 184-191)
- A Study on the Wind-Induced Flutter Energy Harvester (WIFEH) Integration into Buildings. Energy Procedia, Vol. 142 (pp 321-327)
- Hybrid Artificial Neural Network Models for Effective Prediction and Mitigation of Urban Roadside NO 2 Pollution. Energy Procedia, Vol. 142 (pp 3524-3530)
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Theses / Dissertations
- Numerical and Experimental Analysis of a Novel Passive Heat Recovery Windcatcher (PHRW), Applied Energy Innovation Institute (AEii).
- Methods used for handling and quantifying model uncertainty of artificial neural network models for air pollution forecasting. Environmental Modelling & Software, 158, 105529-105529.
- Grants
10105520 INNOVATE UK/Net Zero Places Places ; NIGHTCOOL: Deployment of FREECOOL+ for night cooling strategies in Africa
10031127 INNOVATE UK /Energy Catalyst; FREECOOL+ - Adapting Passive Ventilation and Zero-Energy Cooling for Sub-Saharan Africa
10031127 INNOVATE UK/Smart Grant; FREECOMFORT: Heat Recovery and Passive Cooling to Retrofit in Commercial Buildings
10031127 INNOVATE UK/ FREEHEAT; Revolutionising the viability of natural ventilation through heat recovery EP/T023112/1 EPSRC Heating and Cooling Call 1; Integrating seasonal thermal storage with multiple energy sources to decarbonise thermal energy
EP/T02318X/1A EPSRC Supergen Call; A versatile PCM energy storage system for building applications
- Professional activities and memberships
Founder and Managing Director of University Spin-out Free Running Buildings Limited