QiuYi Li's Sheffield LLM experience

My name is QiuYi Li - I'm a student on the Sheffield LLM at the School of Law. My undergraduate degree is also in Law.
After graduation, some people choose direct employment, some choose to explore the world through travel, and some choose to continue studying for a master's degree to enrich their education. When I was an undergraduate, I had practiced in the court, law firm and Procuratorate, and I realised that any weaknesses I had came from the lack of pre-existing knowledge, so I chose to continue my further study.
The premise of applying the law is to also to understand the law, and for me it therefore made sense to continue to study for a master's degree and fill gaps in my knowledge. Through my course I have made the promise to myself that rather than following the status quo, I need to trust my own judgements. I have learnt to think independently, and consider what I want from my education and to do next.
As part of my programme, I have participated in many international competitions. When communicating with people from all over the world, I found that the word 'globalisation' is not just something you read in books, but a thing that really is happening around us. I have developed an understanding of the way the international community is using law to solve disputes and improve the world we live in.
Studying the LLM International Law and Global Justice has indeed added a richness to my life. I have really followed my passions by continuing my studies at the University of Sheffield, and am confident that sometimes an interest in a subject can become your best teacher! This is why choosing a degree based on subjects you care about is so important.
Since I am not a native English speaker, I do have some difficulties in class, but throughout it all it is my interest in the course and the topics we study that motivates me, so even on more challenging days I am able to remain measured and study the meaning of professional legal vocabulary.
It is particularly important as well to have a Tutor who can guide you. At the School of Law, my tutor Professor Nicholas Tsagourias is responsible for this guidance, and does so very well. When I have questions, he always answers me timely and accurately, and always helps me with mistakes I have made in good time, so that I can better adapt to the methods of learning and teaching here in the UK.
Your passion for a subject is of course very important, as I have mentioned - but so are the facilities you are using to advance your interests! The University of Sheffield provides a great teaching environment and resources for your learning. It's easy to find the literature and books I need across the various school libraries. In my spare time, I like to go to the Diamond, where there are many computers for students, and it is open 24/7 whenever you need it. Even if you can't sleep in the middle of the night, I've found it a great place to go and get lost in knowledge.
I sometimes consider myself a slightly greedy person in this way - I long for knowledge, but am afraid of boredom. After all, learning can be difficult sometimes, but on my course I am supported by others that understand this. I have found that studying in a completely different environment has also been helpful for stimulating my learning. The combination of travel and study has been very effective - it feels almost like unlocking an unknown map in a video game, whilst working on my study adventure! Over the course of my time here I have been able to stop, look around and find the beauty in life.
Sheffield is located in the middle of England and has a long history - the city itself is great and it is also within easy reach of lots of other great cities - even London is less than 300 KM away. Through my travels I have understood society better - I am trying to live by an old Chinese proverb - 'Travel thousands of miles and read thousands of books'!
Through my Master's degree I have found the value of seeing things from a different vantage point, to help me understand this colourful world better. I feel that abiding by the Law allows us to live more freely under society's rules, and that learning Law allows us to better understand the rules of our society, help more people in need, and understand what we value. At Sheffield I have found that practitioners of the legal profession are varied, interesting and full of rich knowledge! Come and embrace your own ambitions at Sheffield, and you might be surprised by what you can achieve!

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