Professor Richard Kirkham
School of Law
Head of School

+44 114 222 6704
Full contact details
School of Law
Bartolomé House
Winter Street
S3 7ND
- Profile
My main research interest is administrative justice, with a particular specialism on the work of the ombudsman. I am a current holder of an 18 month Nuffield Foundation grant examining the procedural fairness in ombuds schemes.
I am a recognised national and international authority on the ombudsman institution after writing widely on the topic, including the book The Ombudsman Enterprise and Administrative Justice (with Trevor Buck and Brian Thompson (Ashgate, 2011)).
In 2013, I was the lead author on an independent report commissioned to review the work of the Local Government Ombudsman in England External Evaluation of the Local Government Ombudsman. In 2013 I also conducted an evaluation of the Gibraltar Ombudsman scheme - A Review of the Gibraltar Public Services Ombudsman.
In 2007 I was the author of a Parliamentary Paper on the Parliamentary Ombudsman’s 40th anniversary, The Parliamentary Ombudsman: Withstanding the test of time.
My work has been widely cited, for instance in the Law Commission’s 2008 and 2010 reports on 'Administrative Redress: Public Bodies and the Citizen' and its later work on "Public Services Ombudsmen". For the 2014 REF exercise my combined work was submitted as one of the School of Law’s impact studies.
In 2015, I received a Faculty of Social Sciences Teaching Excellence in Social Sciences (TESS) award for outstanding learning and teaching. In recent years I have become a regular blogger and can be followed on twitter.
Previously, I studied Law at Southampton University (LLB), Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Sheffield (MA) and completed a PhD in Law, also at the University of Sheffield. I have worked as a lecturer at the University of Sheffield since 2001, and before that was employed by the Audit Commission.
- Qualifications
- PhD, University of Sheffield
- MA Socio-Legal Studies, University of Sheffield
- LLB Law, University of Southampton
- Research interests
- Ombudsman
- Constitutional Theory
- Administrative Justice
I was formerly the Director of the Centre for the Study of Law in Society.
- Publications
- A Manifesto for Ombudsman Reform. Springer International Publishing.
- Research Handbook on the Ombudsman. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- The Ombudsman Enterprise and Administrative Justice. Routledge.
Edited books
Journal articles
- Understanding how and when change occurs in the administrative justice system: the ombudsman/ tribunal partnership as a catalyst for reform?. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 42(2), 253-273.
- The common law theory and practice of the ombudsman/judiciary relationship. Common Law World Review. View this article in WRRO
- A content analysis of judicial decision-making, 329-341.
- The Procedural Fairness Limitations of Fitness to Practise Hearings: a case study into social work. Legal Studies, 39(2), 339-357. View this article in WRRO
- Judicial review, litigation effects and the ombudsman. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 40(1), 110-125.
- View this article in WRRO
- Monitoring, Inspection and Complaints Adjudication in Prison: The Limits of Prison Accountability Frameworks. The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 55(4), 432-454. View this article in WRRO
- Making sense of the case law on Ombudsman schemes. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 38(2), 211-227. View this article in WRRO
- The ombudsman, tribunals and administrative justice section: a 2020 vision for the ombudsman sector. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 38(1), 103-114. View this article in WRRO
- Evolving standards in the complaints branch. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 36(2), 190-207.
- Designing an English Public Services Ombudsman. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 36(3), 330-348. View this article in WRRO
- Ombudsmen, Tribunals and Administrative Justice Section. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 34(1), 87-89.
- Implementing the recommendations of an ombudsman … again. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 33(1), 71-83.
- Ombudsman section: lessons from devolution. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 32(3), 325-334.
- Scottish thinking on Administrative Justice. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 31(3), 299-308.
- Putting the Ombudsman into Constitutional Context. Parliamentary Affairs, 62(4), 600-617.
- Human rights and the ombudsmen. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 30(1), 75-83.
- Housing Allocation, Homelessness, Special Reports and the Ombudsmen. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 28(2), 201-210.
- Ombudsman section. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 26(4), 417-429.
- Ombudsman section. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 26(3), 301-311.
- Ombudsman's section. A Year in the Life of the Parliamentary Ombudsman. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 26(1), 89-98.
- Ombudsman section. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 26(2), 181-194.
- Ombudsman section. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 25(3), 267-275.
- Ombudsman section. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 25(4), 399-410.
- Parliamentary scrutiny of the Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 1-12.
- View this article in WRRO
- Five Principles for a New Public Services Ombudsman, A Manifesto for Ombudsman Reform (pp. 13-39). Springer International Publishing
- Strengthening Procedural Fairness and Transparency Through Ombudsman Legislation, A Manifesto for Ombudsman Reform (pp. 127-142). Springer International Publishing
- Introduction, A Manifesto for Ombudsman Reform (pp. 1-11). Springer International Publishing
- View this article in WRRO
Conference proceedings papers
Website content
- A Manifesto for Ombudsman Reform. Springer International Publishing.
- Research group
- Administrative Justice
- Ombudsmen
- Public Law
- Grants
Title/Description: ‘Challenging the ombudsman: Are current review processes fit for purpose?
- Awarding Body: Nuffield Foundation
- People Involved: Kirkham, R.
- Years Funded for: 2017-2018
- Amount: £83,491
Title/Description: ‘Legal Transplants and Public Service Bargains: Explaining Civil Service Performance and Reform in Jamaica and Trinidad-Tobago’
- Awarding Body: British Academy: International Partnership and Mobility Scheme
- People Involved: Stirton, L., Kirkham, R., and Lodge, M.
- Years Funded for: 2013-2015
- Amount: £29,864
Title/Description: Public Services ombudsmen and administrative justice: models, roles, methods and relationships
- Awarding Body: Swindon: Economic and Social Research Council
- People Involved: Kirkham, R., Thompson, B. and Buck, T.
- Years Funded for: 2007-2008
- Amount: £77,115
- Teaching interests
I received a Teaching Excellence Award in 2015 in recognition of sustained high quality teaching, various examples of innovative teaching and best practice in the School of Law, and for my work in leading the review of our undergraduate qualifying law degrees.
- Teaching activities
The module I teach are:
- Law and Accountability
- Advanced Constitutional Law
- Advanced Administrative Law (Convenor)
- Professional activities and memberships
- Editor of Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law
- Member of British and Irish Ombudsman Association
- Witness for the Committee on Standards in Public Life
Recent Invited Papers and Keynote Lectures
- ‘The Public Service Ombudsman (Wales) Bill: comparisons with the global model’ The Ombudsman in a decade of public policy change, Ombudsman Association, University of Aberwsywth (28 October 2016)
- ‘Legal Transplants, Public Sector Bargains and the Ombudsman’ Public sector bargains in Jamaica, University of West Indies (25 October 2016)
- ‘Brexit and Judicial Power’ Workshop on the Miller case University of Liverpool (October 2016)
- ‘Demanding More of Judicial Reasoning’ Reform Public Law Now conference, University of Sussex, (September 2016)
- ‘Problems with justice and ADR’, ADR and Justice Conference, University of Oxford, 18-20 April 2016.
- Building a Legal Database for the Ombudsman Sector, Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education, Reading, March 2016.
- ‘Insights from the UK: What has the ADR Directive done for the Ombudsman model?’, Transformation of Consumer Dispute Resolution in the EU workshop, University of Leicester, September 2015.
- ‘Evaluating Ombudsman Schemes in the Round’, Trusting the middle –man’: Impact and Legitimacy of Ombudsmen, University of Oxford, April 2014.