Dr Jiahong Chen (he/him)
School of Law
Lecturer in Law
Departmental EDI Director and Deputy LLM Programme Director

Full contact details
School of Law
Bartolomé House
Winter Street
S3 7ND
- Profile
I joined the University of Sheffield in June 2021 as a Lecturer in Law. Previously I worked at the University of Nottingham as a Research Fellow in IT Law, and before that, completed my PhD at the University of Edinburgh.
My research focuses on the intersection between law and technology, in particular data protection law, cybersecurity law, law and AI, data ethics and internet regulation. My work has been published in leading peer-reviewed journals and cited by policymakers.
I am the PI of the ongoing ESRC-funded project "The Internet of Tactical Engagement (IoTE)" (ES/Y00020X/1), addressing public attitudes towards data-driven public communications in smart homes and the associated regulatory implications. I am also a Co-I on the £3.5m Responsible AI UK (RAI UK) Keystone project "Addressing Socio-technical Limitations of Large Language Models for Medical and Social Computing (AdSoLve)" (EP/Y009800/1), leading the legal use case to tackle the challenges around ChatGPT-like Generative AI systems. Previously my funded projects also addressed privacy and broader societal issues in the contexts of smart homes, financial services, and manufacturing.
Based on my expertise and research, I have also been teaching a range of postgraduate and undergraduate modules such as Information Technology Law, Data Privacy and Governance, Consumer Law, and Contemporary Issues in Law and Justice.
- Qualifications
PhD, University of Edinburgh; LLM, China University of Political Science and Law; LLB, China University of Political Science and Law
- Research interests
Data Protection Law
Cybersecurity Law
Law and AI
Data Ethics
Internet Regulation
- Publications
- Regulating Online Behavioural Advertising Through Data Protection Law. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Journal articles
- Responsible research and innovation in practice: driving both the ‘how’ and the ‘what’ to research. Journal of Responsible Technology.
- Complying with the GDPR when vulnerable people use smart devices. International Data Privacy Law.
- ‘They’re all about pushing the products and shiny things rather than fundamental security’:Mapping socio-technical challenges in securing the smart home. Information & Communications Technology Law, 31(1), 99-122.
- What does it mean for a data subject to make their personal data ‘manifestly public’? An analysis of GDPR Article 9(2)(e). International Data Privacy Law.
- Who is responsible for data processing in smart homes? Reconsidering joint controllership and the household exemption. International Data Privacy Law, 10(4), 279-293.
- To What Extent Does the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Apply to Citizen Scientist-Led Health Research with Mobile Devices?. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics.
- Should consent for data processing be privileged in health research? A comparative legal analysis. International Data Privacy Law.
- Right to an Explanation Considered Harmful. SSRN Electronic Journal.
- The boundaries of legal personhood: how spontaneous intelligence can problematise differences between humans, artificial intelligence, companies and animals. Artificial Intelligence and Law, 27(1), 73-92.
- Editorial. SCRIPT-ed, 15, 1-3.
- The Dangers of Accuracy:. European Data Protection Law Review, 4, 36-52.
- Editorial: A Year of Change and Transition. SCRIPT-ed, 14, 164-167.
- Editorial Introduction. SCRIPTed, 14, 1-4.
- How the best-laid plans go awry: the (unsolved) issues of applicable law in the General Data Protection Regulation. International Data Privacy Law, 7, 72-72.
- African Data Privacy Laws, Edited by Alex B. MakuliloData Protection Law in Ireland: Sources and Issues (2nd edn), by Paul Lambert. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 25, 233-236.
- Book review: Privacy Revisited: A Global Perspective on the Right to the Left Alone. SCRIPTed, 13, 382-386.
- Book Review: Asian Data Privacy Laws: Trade and Human Rights Perspectives. SCRIPTed, 13, 105-107.
- When the Safe Harbor is Not Safe: What Next For the EU (Case C-362/14, Schrems). SCRIPTed, 12, 167-175.
- Explicit Consent and Alternative Data Protection Processing Grounds for Health Research.
- Inclusive Privacy Control at Home for Smart Health, Human Data Interaction, Disadvantage and Skills in the Community (pp. 151-176). Springer International Publishing
- Manipulation, Real-Time Profiling, and their Wrongs1, The Philosophy of Online Manipulation (pp. 392-409). Routledge
- Explicit consent and alternative data protection processing grounds for health research, Research Handbook on EU Data Protection Law Edward Elgar Publishing
- Raising standards for global data-sharing. Science, 371(6525), 133-134.
- Book Review: Data Localization Laws and Policy: The EU Data Protection International Transfers Restriction Through a Cloud Computing Lens. SCRIPTed.
- Putting ‘Good Citizens’ in ‘The Good Place’?. Fachinformationsdienst für internationale und interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung.
- Regulating Online Behavioural Advertising Through Data Protection Law. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Teaching activities
- Contemporary Issues in Law and Justice
- Consumer Law
- Information Technology Law
- Data Privacy and Governance