Dr David Benbow

School of Law

Lecturer in Law

David Benbow Headshot
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Full contact details

Dr David Benbow
School of Law
Bartolomé House
Winter Street
S3 7ND

I completed my undergraduate degree in Law with Politics at Keele University in 2007. I then worked as a lawyer and as a teacher (in further education) before returning to Keele University to undertake an LLM in Law and Society in 2013. In 2014 I was awarded funding by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership (NWCDTP) to undertake a PhD at Keele University. My PhD research consisted of an ideology critique of market reforms to the English National Health Service (NHS). I joined the School of Law at the University of Sheffield in January 2018.

  • PhD, Keele University
  • LLM in Law and Society, Keele University
  • PGCE in Post Compulsory Education and Training, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • LLB in Law with Politics, Keele University
Research interests
  • Healthcare Law
  • Jurisprudence

I am a member of the International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry.


Journal articles

Book reviews

  • Benbow D () Parental Rights, Best Interests and Significant Harms: Medical Decision-Making on Behalf of Children Post-Great Ormond Street Hospital v Gard. Imogen Goold, Jonathan Herring and Cressida Auckland (eds.), Hart, 2019, 256 pp., £60.00, hardback, ISBN 9781509924899. Medical Law Review. RIS download Bibtex download
Research group

Areas of research supervision

  • Healthcare Law
  • Socio-legal Studies
  • Legal Theory
Title/Description Awarding Body People Involved Dates Amounts
I received funding to organise a training day, titled ‘Academia and Activism: Direct Action Through Discourse Analysis’ at the People’s History Museum in Manchester, in collaboration with two other PhD students (Ms Emma Franklin and Ms Christina Brennan). The training day included talks by Professor Christopher Hart (Lancaster University) and Dr Arran Stibbe (University of Gloucestershire). AHRC NWCDTP Ms Emma Franklin; Ms Christina Brennan 22/11/2017 £2,200.00
Teaching interests

The way that I approach teaching and learning is to endeavour to draw on the cultural pre-understandings of students and issues and stories that have arisen in current affairs in order to build on what students already know, or are aware of, when introducing new information and ideas to them. I am desirous of helping students to develop their critical thinking skills so that they can form their own ideas and opinions regarding the socio-legal phenomena considered within the modules that I am teaching on.

Teaching activities

The modules I teach:


  • Principles of Healthcare Law and Ethics
  • Jurisprudence
  • Advanced Torts Law
  • Contemporary Issues in Law
Professional activities and memberships

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)

Recent invited papers and keynote lectures

  • Invited presentation on ‘An Adornian analysis of patient empowerment in the English National Health Service (NHS)’ at Critical Legal Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, 6th-8th September 2018.
  • Invited presentation on ‘Saving an Island of Socialism from an Encroaching Capitalist Sea? An Ideology Critique of Market Reforms to the English NHS’ at Critical Legal Conference, University of Warwick, 1st-3rd September 2017.
  • Invited presentation on ‘Undermining Solidarity? Neo-liberal Reforms to the NHS in England’ at ‘A Neo-liberal Nightmare: Beyond the Populist Insurgence’, organised by the Cultural Difference and Social Solidarity Network at the University Centre at Blackburn College, 10th-12th May 2017.
  • Invited presentation on ‘Condemned? The Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition Government’s Reforms to the NHS’ at Keele University Law School Research Day, 8th February 2017.
  • Invited Presentation on ‘New Labour, same old Neo-Liberal Danger: Ideology and New Labour’s Reforms to the English NHS’, at Keele Social Sciences Symposium (16th May 2016), Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Conference at the Royal Northern College of Music (20th October 2016) and the University of Manchester Law Postgraduate Conference (26th October 2016).