LGBT+ experiences and history

We believe in celebrating, recognising and understanding LGBT+ experiences, history and culture both within and outside of Sheffield.


Library resources 

Learn about LGBT+ thought, movements, people and community from the 20th century until present through the library’s LGBT+ Thought and Culture collection.

It provides historical materials relating to the lives of lesbians, gays, transgender and bisexual individuals and the community throughout history.

Sheffield’s LGBT+ history 

Sheffield has a long and fascinating history of LGBT+ communities and people.

Weston Park Museum has a free exhibition, co-curated by LGBT+ people living in Sheffield, that explores the city’s LGBT+ history and contemporary life. 

Weston Park Museum: Proud! Telling LGBT stories in Sheffield 

You can also learn about Sheffield’s LGBT+ history in this article in Now Then magazine, which traces Sheffield’s queer history. 

Article: We’ve always been here: Tracing Sheffield’s subversive queer history

Add LGBT+ awareness dates to your calendar 

You can add key LGBT+ awareness dates to your Google calendar by clicking the link below.

Add LGBT+ awareness dates to your calendar 

Report + Support

Report and Support allows staff and students to report concerns, anonymously or with their contact details, about an experience they have had or witnessed at the University.

A global reputation

Sheffield is a research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.