Access your medical records
How to request access to your medical records.
NHS app
Most patients are now able to access their detailed GP health record online via the NHS app. Visit our NHS app webpage for more information.
Immunisation / vaccination history
If you only want access to your immunisations / vaccinations history, you can call our reception team on +44 114 222 2100.
They will help enable online access to this (e.g. via NHS app), or arrange for a copy to be sent to you via email.
Historic records access
Online access to medical records renews automatically when you join a new GP Surgery. You will only be able to view record entries made by the new practice, or from the date you set up an online account (whichever is later). If you want access to historic entries you would need to request this.
Most patients will also need to request online access to any record entries made before 6th October 2023, even if before this date you were registered at the same practice you are now.
To request historic records access you need to complete and return the request form:
Access to Historic Medical Records Request Form
This can be completed electronically, or printed and completed by hand. Once completed, email the form to
Once we've received your completed form and processed the request we'll contact you to let you know when your record is ready to be accessed.
We can enable online access (e.g. via NHS app), or email a copy of your medical record to a verified email address. This will be password protected, and your password will be sent to you via SMS text. We do not produce paper copies of your records.
You should allow up to 28 days for your request to be processed.
Contact the practice on +44 114 222 2100 if you’ve not been contacted about accessing your medical record within this time.