BSc Geography 2nd for overall satisfaction in the Russell Group in National Student Survey 2021

Both BA and BSc Geography courses have performed well in the latest National Student Survey.

Sheffield Students' Union

BSc Geography has scored 2nd for overall satisfaction in the Russell Group, according to the latest National Student Survey (NSS). BSc Geography scored 96% for teaching on my course, which was 1st in the Russell Group and 2nd nationally. BSc Geography was also 1st in the Russell Group for assessment and feedback, and organisation and management.

BA and BSc Geography are both 3rd for academic support in the Russell Group, and BA Geography is 1st for student voice, 2nd for assessment and feedback, and 3rd for learning resources in the Russell Group.

BA Geography is top 5 for student voice in the UK, and top 10 for assessment and feedback, and learning resources. BA and BSc Geography are both top 10 for organisation and management nationally.

“These scores are a tremendous reflection of the excellence of our colleagues who have worked so hard to deliver high quality teaching and learning throughout the past few years,” the Department’s Director of Learning and Teaching, Dr Daniel Hammett, said.

“We are delighted that our students have recognised these efforts and offered such positive recognition of our engagement with student voice, provision of excellent feedback as well as the overall quality of our teaching provision.”

The NSS is conducted each year and asks students for their views on key aspects of their University experience, including learning and teaching, assessments and feedback, academic support and learning resources.

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