Health and safety contacts


Please direct general health and safety enquiries to our Departmental Safety Officer, Stephen Franklin on

For specific health and safety responsibilities going over and above the general point of contact role, consult the list below:

Departmental Safety Officer

Stephen Franklin

  • Manage the Health and Safety of EEE
    (including all the inductions of new appointees)
  • Report to the Health and Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Chair of Departmental Safety Committee

Prof. Chee Hing Tan

  • To oversee regular Health & Safety Committee meetings

Secretary to Departmental Safety Committee

Ian Parmenter

  • Maintain a systematic schedule of up-coming Health & Safety Committee meetings (at least 12 months in advance)
  • Ensure that the agenda is sufficient to cover all areas of Health & Safety
  • Co-ordinate & compile reports from all those with a Health & Safety responsibility in EEE and circulate prior to meetings
  • Arrange for final minutes to be distributed to Safety Services and arrange for documents to be put on the Departmental website

COSHH Administrators

Steve Mason

Stephen Franklin
Luke Marsden

  • Ensure that Staff/Postgraduate students are aware that COSHH assessments must be in place before any experimental working involving chemicals is performed.
  • COSHH assessments to be approved by a competent person via Departmental Safety Officer
  • Develop a database of COSHH Assessments
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Cryogenic Gases/Liquids

Richard Frith

  • Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation of Cryogenic Gases/Liquids
  • Be custodian and responsible for the up-keep of a Departmental inventory of cryogenic gases/liquids
  • Principal point of contact and ultimate Departmental sign-off of any new cryogenic installations in the Department
  • Ensure that appropriate training is arranged for staff involved  & 
    maintain a training register
  • Ensure that appropriate generic COSHH and Risk Assessments are in place
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Disability Liaison Officer

Neil Powell
Luke Marsden

  • Liaise with Student Disability Services to provide support to registered students
  • Liaise with Academic Supervisors to provide appropriate support
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Display Screen Equipment Assessor

Stephen Franklin
Fahmi Mohammad

Callum Hawley

Steve Marsden

  • Maintain up to date knowledge of Display Screen Equipment  legislation and guidance
  • Ensure that staff/PG's are aware of their responsibility to undertake on-line Display Screen Equipment Training
  • Once staff have returned their training certificates, act on issues highlighted during the training
  • Monitor & Maintain training records
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Electricity at Work

Andy Race
Ian Wraith

  • Maintain up to date knowledge of Electricity at Work legislation and guidance
  • Ensure all in house constructed equipment complies with guidance
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

First Aid Box maintenance

Stephen Franklin

  • Maintain up to date knowledge of First Aid box content and guidance provided by the University
  • Check and maintain box contents (including eye wash) on a monthly basis
  • Order and replace stock as required


Paul Haines

  • Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation on gas use
  • Be custodian and responsible for the up-keep of a Departmental inventory of gases
  • Principal point of contact and ultimate Departmental sign-off of any new gas installations in the Department
  • Arrange an undertake a rolling inspection of gas installations and report to Health & Safety Committee (timescale to be agreed with Departmental Safety Officer)
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Laboratory Safety Inspection Visits

Stephen Franklin

  • Maintain a systematic schedule of upcoming safety inspections (at least 12 months in advance)
  • Coordinate pool of assessors to ensure visits
  • Take the lead on writing and submitting reports to Health & Safety Committee
  • Liaise with SCS to ensure correct reports are listed as agenda items
  • Report back to Health & Safety Committee on outcomes of recommendations made
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Office Safety Inspection Visits

Stephen Franklin

  • Set up a program of office inspections (annually)
  • Develop a suitable checklist to include general environment, Display Screen Equipment, Welfare facilities, Portable Appliance Testing, general housekeeping etc
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Laser Safety Officer

Rick Smith

  • Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation on laser use
  • Be custodian and responsible for the up-keep of a Departmental inventory of lasers
  • Advise and sign off of new laser installations
  • Arrange and undertake a rolling inspection of laser installations and report to Health & Safety Committee (periodicity to be agreed with Departmental Safety Officer)
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Lifting Equipment

Jon Wall

  • Maintain up to date knowledge of LOLER legislation
  • Be custodian and responsible for the up-keep of a Departmental inventory of lifting equipment
  • Arrange inspection with Allianz and report findings back to Health & Safety Committee (periodicity to be agreed with Departmental Safety Officer)
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Manual Handling

Stephen Franklin

  • Arrange training for any staff involved in manual handling events greater than 5Kg
  • Departmental Safety Officer to ensure that Staff comply with on-line Manual Handling Training required by the department
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Personal Protective Equipment

Stephen Dorward

  • Undertake regular spot check inspections of Personal Protective Equipment
  • Remove from use any inappropriate or damaged Personal Protective Equipment
  • Personal Protective Equipment to be made available to all users in all locations as highlighted in the Risk Assessments
  • Set an annual budget for Personal Protective Equipment in time for annual planning cycle
  • Ensure signage for Personal Protective Equipment is consistent across Department
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Pressure Systems

Paul Haines

  • Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation on pressure systems
  • Be custodian and responsible for the up-keep of a Departmental inventory of pressure
  • Principal point of contact and ultimate Departmental sign-off of any new pressure installations in the Department
  • Arrange and undertake a rolling inspection of pressure installations and report to Health & Safety Committee (periodicity to be agreed with Departmental Safety Officer)
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Radiation Protection Supervisor

Alan Tennant

  • Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation & guidance
  • Principal point of contact and ultimate Departmental sign-off of any radiation installations in the Department
  • Ensure that appropriate training is arranged for staff involved  & 
    maintain a training register
  • Ensure that appropriate generic COSHH and Risk Assessments are in place
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Risk Assessment


Stephen Franklin

  • Ensure that employees/supervisors are aware of their legal obligations regarding completion of suitable Risk Assessments
  • Carry out spot check to ensure that Risk Assessments are "suitable and sufficient" and precautions are reasonable, and remaining risks are low
  • Develop a central repository for all Departmental Risk Assessments to be stored electronically until the new on-line system is made live in September 2014

Safety Reps

Andy Race (EMD)
Paul Haines (SMD)
Steve Marsden (Comms)
Ian Wraith (Electronics Workshop)
Adam Stroughair (Nanosciences Building)

  • Safety Rep to be responsible for their areas and act as a principal point of contact
  • To liaise with Laboratory Safety Inspection Visit co-ordinator on scheduled safety inspections
  • To ensure that any remedial actions from the inspections are implemented within the given timescale, and confirmed with Laboratory Safety Inspection Visits co-ordinator
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Student reps

UG/MSc/PG Reports via Student-Staff committee

  • To report issues regarding Health & Safety to Departmental Health & Safety Committee in writing (if non urgent)
  • Urgent issues to be reported immediately to Departmental Safety Officer or to the Chair/Secretary of Safety Committee
  • Report non urgent issues via Student/Staff Committee

Work Equipment Regulations

Steve Mason
Stephen Franklin

  • Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation on Work Equipment
  • Principal points of contact in the Department
  • Ensure that appropriate training is arranged for staff involved  & 
    maintain a training register
  • Ensure that appropriate COSHH and Risk Assessments are in place
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Work Place Health, Safety and Welfare

Steve Mason
Stephen Franklin

  • Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation on Work Place Health, Safety and Welfare
  • Principal points of contact in the Department
  • Ensure that any new accommodation complies with regulations
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

X-ray Radiation Safety Supervisor

Mark Hopkinson

  • Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation on X-ray Radiation
  • Principal point of contact and ultimate Departmental sign-off of any X-Ray installations in the Department
  • Ensure that appropriate training is arranged for staff involved  & 
    maintain a training register
  • Ensure that appropriate COSHH and Risk Assessments are in place
  • Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)

Fork Truck Supervisor

Paul Haines

  • Ensure expert Lift Truck maintenance/servicing and pre use check routines are established and records kept.
  • Routine statutory lifting equipment inspections by Allianz to be carried out and records kept.
  • Department specific risk assessment for Lift Truck operations to be completed.
  • Operators to be authorised in writing for the specific type of Lift Truck used and type of work for which the operator is viewed competent.
  • Authorisations to be for a specified period (3 years).

Work at Height

Jon Wall

  • Maintain an up to date register of ladders
  • Undertake periodic inspections of all ladders and keep a record of inspections
  • Take out of commission, with a view to disposal, of any ladder equipment which is not deemed fit for purpose (either as a result of periodic inspections or ad-hoc inspection)
  • To maintain a reasonable working knowledge of HSE guidelines and legislation as set out at:
  • Attend the Departmental Health and Safety Committee
  • Prepare a report for each Departmental Health and Safety Committee report
  • Take the lead on addressing Working at Height issues raised by H&S Audits or Departmental inspections
  • Identify any budget requirements in connection with working at height
  • Attend relevant training courses as requested by the Head of Department
  • Bring to the attention of the Departmental Safety Officer and the Head of Department any concerns over actions or culture in relation to working at height.