Professor John David
PhD, BEng
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Personal Chair
Admissions and Outreach Tutor

+44 114 222 5185
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School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Profile
I obtained my BEng and PhD degrees in Electronic Engineering from the University of Sheffield in 1979 and 1983, respectively.
After that, I undertook a number of postdoctoral positions within the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering at Sheffield eventually managing the characterisation activities of the SERC Centre for III–V Semiconductors.
In 2001 I left to join Marconi Optical Components, Caswell before returning the following year as a Senior Lecturer.
In 2004 I became Professor of Semiconductor Materials and Devices, and between 2009 to 2013 served as Head of Department. Between 2002 -2004 I was a IEEE LEOS Distinguished Lecturer and I am currently a Fellow of the IEEE and IET.
My research is focussed in two areas;
on the characterisation of III-V semiconductor materials and devices, especially that containing Bismuth and
on the understanding and development of avalanche photodiodes. The addition to Bismuth offers a possible route to extend the wavelength of many optical structures such as photodiodes and solar cells.
I use characterisation techniques such as X-ray double crystal diffraction and photoluminescence to study semiconductor structures containing bulk and quantum wells of GaAsBi and , and then correlate this to current-voltage, capacitance-voltage and photocurrent spectra of fabricated devices.
I also study how under very high electric-fields, electrons and holes in a semiconductor gain energy and create further carriers through a process of impact ionisation. This process can lead to destructive breakdown in power electronic devices but can also be utilised to amplify weak optical signals, giving rise to avalanche photodiodes (APDs).
I study the theory behind the ionisation process via different modelling techniques and also look experimentally at the ionisation coefficients in different semiconductor materials and device structures.
The aim of my research is to develop APDs capable of operating at very high speeds for next generation telecommunication networks and also APDs that are very sensitive.
- Qualifications
- PhD (Semiconductors), University of Sheffield 1983
- BEng (Electronics), University of Sheffield 1976
- Research interests
- -Impact Ionisation and breakdown in semiconductors
- Photodiode and avalanche photodiodes
- Bismuth containing alloys
- Publications
Journal articles
- High-performance room temperature 2.75 µm cutoff In0.22Ga0.78As0.19Sb0.81/Al0.9Ga0.1As0.08Sb0.92 avalanche photodiode. Optica, 11(12), 1632-1632.
- Electroabsorption in InGaAs and GaAsSb p-i-n photodiodes. Applied Physics Letters, 125(22).
- (Invited) Pseudo-Planar Ge-on-Si Avalanche Photodiodes in Geiger and Linear Modes for Short-Wave Infrared Detection. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2024-02(32), 2330-2330.
- Impact ionization coefficients and excess noise in Al0.55Ga0.45As0.56Sb0.44 lattice matched to InP. Applied Physics Letters, 124(25).
- Surface-normal illuminated pseudo-planar Ge-on-Si avalanche photodiodes with high gain and low noise. Optics Express, 32(11), 19449-19449.
- Ionization coefficients and excess noise characteristics of AlInAsSb on an InP substrate. Applied Physics Letters, 123(13).
- Very low excess noise Al0.75Ga0.25As0.56Sb0.44 avalanche photodiode. Optics Express, 31(20), 33141-33141.
- Negative thermal quenching in optically pumped GaAsBi–GaAs heterojunction p–i–n diode. Applied Physics A, 129(8).
- Anomalous excess noise behavior in thick Al0.85Ga0.15As0.56Sb0.44 avalanche photodiodes.. Sci Rep, 13(1), 9936.
- High electric field characteristics of GaAsSb photodiodes on InP substrates. Applied Physics Letters, 122(22).
- Effect of bismuth incorporation on recombination mechanisms in GaAsBi/GaAs heterostructures. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 34(6).
- High gain, low noise 1550 nm GaAsSb/AlGaAsSb avalanche photodiodes. Optica, 10(2).
- Vector Coding Optical Wireless Links. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 1-11.
- Deriving the absorption coefficients of lattice mismatched InGaAs using genetic algorithm. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 153, 107135-107135.
- Optimized Multi-Primary Modulation for Visible Light Communication. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 1-11.
- Growth of GaAsBi/GaAs multiple quantum wells with up to 120 periods. Journal of Crystal Growth, 589. View this article in WRRO
- Growth of InAs(Bi)/GaAs quantum dots under a bismuth surfactant at high and low temperature. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2022. View this article in WRRO
- Weibull-Fréchet random path length model for avalanche gain and noise in photodiodes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55(6), 065105-065105.
- Effect of MBE growth conditions on GaAsBi photoluminescence lineshape and localised state filling.. Scientific Reports, 12.
- Impact ionization coefficients of digital alloy and random alloy Al<sub>0.85</sub>Ga<sub>0.15</sub>As<sub>0.56</sub>Sb<sub>0.44</sub> in a wide electric field range. Journal of Lightwave Technology.
- Valence band engineering of GaAsBi for low noise avalanche photodiodes. Nature Communications, 12(1).
- Multi-dimensional optimization of In0.53Ga0.47As thermophotovoltaic cell using real coded genetic algorithm. Scientific Reports, 11(1).
- Theoretical Analysis of AlAs0.56Sb0.44 Single Photon Avalanche Diodes with High Breakdown Probability. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, PP(99), 1-1.
- Impact Ionization Coefficients in (AlₓGa₁₋ₓ)0.52In0.48P and AlₓGa₁₋ₓAs Lattice-Matched to GaAs. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 1-6.
- Temperature dependence of the impact ionization coefficients in AlAsSb lattice matched to InP. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 1-1.
- Photoluminescence and raman scattering of GaAs
1-x Bix Alloy. Sains Malaysiana, 49(10), 2559-2564. - Electrical and optical characterisation of low temperature grown InGaAs for photodiode applications. Semiconductor Science and Technology. View this article in WRRO
- Modelling of bismuth segregation in InAsBi/InAs superlattices: Determination of the exchange energies. Applied Surface Science, 485, 29-34. View this article in WRRO
- Extremely low excess noise and high sensitivity AlAs0.56Sb0.44 avalanche photodiodes. Nature Photonics. View this article in WRRO
- Exact Analytical Formula for the Excess Noise Factor for Mixed Carrier Injection Avalanche Photodiodes. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(13), 3315-3323.
- Light-biased IV characteristics of a GaAsBi/GaAs multiple quantum well pin diode at low temperature. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 33(9). View this article in WRRO
- Demonstration of large ionization coefficient ratio in AlAs0.56Sb0.44 lattice matched to InP. Scientific Reports, 8(1). View this article in WRRO
- An excess noise measurement system for weak responsivity avalanche photodiodes. Measurement Science and Technology, 29(6), 065015-065015. View this article in WRRO
- Assessing the Nature of the Distribution of Localised States in Bulk GaAsBi.. Scientific Reports, 8(1). View this article in WRRO
- Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Optical Detectors. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24(2), 1-3.
- Coded color shift keying with frequency domain equalization for low complexity energy efficient indoor visible light communications. Physical Communication, 31, 160-168.
- Photovoltaic characterisation of GaAsBi/GaAs multiple quantum well devices. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 172, 238-243. View this article in WRRO
- Low-Noise Speed-Optimized Large Area CMOS Avalanche Photodetector for Visible Light Communication. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(11), 2315-2324.
- Absorption coefficients in AlGaInP lattice-matched to GaAs. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 164, 28-31. View this article in WRRO
- InAs/InAsP Core/shell Nanowire Photodiode on a Si Substrate. Nano Advances.
- On the analytical formulation of excess noise in avalanche photodiodes with dead space. Optics Express, 24(19), 21597-21608. View this article in WRRO
- Avalanche Breakdown Characteristics of Al₁–ₓ Gaₓ As₀.₅₆Sb₀.₄₄ Quaternary Alloys. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28(22), 2495-2498. View this article in WRRO
- Optical and spin properties of localized and free excitons in GaBi ₓAs₁-ₓ /GaAs multiple quantum wells. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49(35). View this article in WRRO
- The staircase photodiode. Nature Photonics, 10(6), 364-366.
- Al0.52In0.48P avalanche photodiodes for soft X-ray spectroscopy. Journal of Instrumentation, 11(3). View this article in WRRO
- High-Gain InAs Planar Avalanche Photodiodes. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34(11), 2639-2644. View this article in WRRO
- Avalanche Noise in Al0.52In0.48P Diodes. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28(4), 481-484. View this article in WRRO
- Determination of absorption coefficients in AlInP lattice matched to GaAs. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48(40), 405101-405101. View this article in WRRO
- Requirements for a GaAsBi 1 eV sub-cell in a GaAs-based multi-junction solar cell. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 30(9), 094010-094010.
- InAs Diodes Fabricated Using Be Ion Implantation. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 62(9), 2928-2932. View this article in WRRO
- Bismuth concentration inhomogeneity in GaAsBi bulk and quantum well structures. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 30(9), 094018-094018.
- Optical properties of GaAsBi/GaAs quantum wells: Photoreflectance, photoluminescence and time-resolved photoluminescence study. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 30(9), 094005-094005.
- Growth and structural characterization of GaAsBi/GaAs multiple quantum wells. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 30(9), 094013-094013.
- Absorption properties of GaAsBi based p–i–n heterojunction diodes. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 30(9), 094004-094004.
- MBE grown GaAsBi/GaAs multiple quantum well structures: Structural and optical characterization. Journal of Crystal Growth, 425, 237-240. View this article in WRRO
- Relating the Experimental Ionization Coefficients in Semiconductors to the Nonlocal Ionization Coefficients. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 62(6), 1946-1952.
- InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice for Radiation Thermometry. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 64(2), 502-508.
- Experimental and theoretical studies of band gap alignment in GaAs1−xBix/GaAs quantum wells. Journal of Applied Physics, 116(23), 233508-233508.
- 1550 nm InGaAs/InAlAs single photon avalanche diode at room temperature. Optics Express, 22(19), 22608-22615. View this article in WRRO
- An Enhanced Color Shift Keying Modulation Scheme for High-Speed Wireless Visible Light Communications. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32(14), 2582-2592. View this article in WRRO
- Localization effects and band gap of GaAsBi alloys. Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 251(6), 1276-1281.
- Demonstration of InAsBi photoresponse beyond 3.5 μ m. Applied Physics Letters, 104(17).
- Al0.52In0.48P SAM-APD as a Blue-Green Detector. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20(6).
- GaAs/Al₀.₈Ga₀.₂As avalanche photodiodes for soft X-ray spectroscopy. Journal of Instrumentation, 9. View this article in WRRO
- Molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaAsBi using As
2 and As4 . Journal of Crystal Growth, 390, 120-124. - An InGaAlAs-InGaAs two-color photodetector for ratio thermometry. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 61(3), 838-843. View this article in WRRO
- Temperature dependence of avalanche multiplication and breakdown voltage in Al0.52In0.48P. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 115(6). View this article in WRRO
- On the Use of Gaussian Approximation in Analyzing the Performance of Optical Receivers. IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, 6(1). View this article in WRRO
- Bismuth incorporation and the role of ordering in GaAsBi/GaAs structures. Nanoscale Research Letters, 9(1), 1-8.
- Formation of Tetragonal InBi Clusters in InAsBi/InAs(100) Heterostructures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy. APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, 6(11).
- Experimental evaluation of impact ionization in dilute nitride GaInNAs diodes. Applied Physics Letters, 103(10). View this article in WRRO
- Evaluation of InAs quantum dots on Si as optical modulator. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 28(9).
- Photoluminescence Enhancement of InAs(Bi) Quantum Dots by Bi Clustering. APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, 6(4).
- GaAsBi MQWs for multi-junction photovoltaics. Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 303-305.
- Temperature dependence of gain and excess noise in InAs electron avalanche photodiodes. Optics Express, 20(28), 29568-29576.
- A transimpedance amplifier for excess noise measurements of high junction capacitance avalanche photodiodes. Measurement Science and Technology, 23(12).
- Impact ionization coefficients in 4H-SiC by ultralow excess noise measurement. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 59(4), 1030-1036.
- Effects of dead space on avalanche gain distribution of X-ray avalanche photodiodes. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 59(4), 1063-1067. View this article in WRRO
- Short-wave infrared GaInAsSb photodiodes grown on GaAs substrates. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8541.
- Absorption characteristics of GaAs
1?x Bix /GaAs diodes in the near-infrared. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24(23), 2191-2194. - Improved Optoelectronic Properties of Rapid Thermally Annealed Dilute Nitride GaInNAs Photodetectors. Journal of Electronic Materials, 1-9.
- Effects of rapid thermal annealing on GaAs
1-x Bix alloys. Applied Physics Letters, 101(1). - Stability in Small Signal Common Base Amplifiers. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems.
- 1300 nm wavelength InAs quantum dot photodetector grown on silicon. Optics Express, 20(10), 10446-10452. View this article in WRRO
- Investigation of the optical properties of InAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot in quantum well multilayer structures for infrared photodetectors. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 356(1).
- Bi incorporation in GaAs(100)-2×1 and 4×3 reconstructions investigated by RHEED and STM. Journal of Crystal Growth, 341(1), 19-23.
- Room temperature photoluminescence intensity enhancement in GaAs
1-x Bix alloys. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 9(2), 259-261. - Short-wave infrared GaInAsSb photodiodes grown on GaAs substrate by interfacial misfit array technique. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24(3), 218-220.
- Low noise high responsivity InAs electron avalanche photodiodes for infrared sensing. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 9(2), 310-313.
- High speed InAs electron avalanche photodiodes overcome the conventional gain-bandwidth product limit.. Opt Express, 19(23), 23341-23349.
- Temperature Dependence of Leakage Current in InAs Avalanche Photodiodes. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT, 47(8), 1123-1128.
- The effect of Bi composition to the optical quality of GaAs1-xBix. APPL PHYS LETT, 99(4).
- GaInNAsSb/GaAs Photodiodes for Long-Wavelength Applications. IEEE ELECTR DEVICE L, 32(7), 919-921.
- Dark current mechanisms in quantum dot laser structures. J APPL PHYS, 109(11).
- Avalanche Gain and Energy Resolution of Semiconductor X-ray Detectors. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV, 58(6), 1696-1701.
- Avalanche Multiplication and Excess Noise in InAs Electron Avalanche Photodiodes at 77 K. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT, 47(6), 858-864.
- Noise, Gain, and Responsivity in Low-Strain Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors with up to 80 Dot-in-a-Well Periods. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT, 47(5), 607-613.
- Photoluminescence investigation of high quality GaAs1-xBix on GaAs. APPL PHYS LETT, 98(12).
- Development of high temperature AlGaAs soft X-ray photon counting detectors. Journal of Instrumentation, 6(12).
- InAs avalanche photodiodes for X-ray detection. Journal of Instrumentation, 6(12).
- Reverse leakage current mechanisms in quantum dot laser structures. 2011 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics, RSM 2011 - Programme and Abstracts, 32-35.
- Impact ionization coefficients in Al
0.52 In0.48 P. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 32(11), 1528-1530. - Effect of modulation p-doping on the optical properties of quantum dot laser structure. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1328, 136-138.
- Implementation of an algorithmic spectrometer using Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors. Infrared Physics and Technology, 54(3), 228-232.
- InAlAs avalanche photodiode with type-II superlattice absorber for detection beyond 2 μm. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 58(2), 486-489.
- Sensitivity of high-speed lightwave system receivers using InAlAs avalanche photodiodes. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23(4), 233-235.
- Dark current mechanism in bulk GaInNAs lattice matched to GaAs. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 58(1), 103-106.
- Versatile spectral imaging with an algorithm-based spectrometer using highly tuneable quantum dot infrared photodetectors. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 47(2), 190-197. View this article in WRRO
- Temperature dependence of AlGaAs soft X-ray detectors. NUCL INSTRUM METH A, 621(1-3), 453-455.
- Temperature Dependence of Avalanche Breakdown in InP and InAlAs. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT, 46(8), 1153-1157.
- Electroluminescence studies of modulation p-doped quantum dot laser structures. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 46(12), 1847-1853.
- Impact ionization in InAs electron avalanche photodiodes. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 57(10), 2631-2638. View this article in WRRO
- Nonlocal impact ionization and avalanche multiplication. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43(24).
- Optimization of InP APDs for High-Speed Lightwave Systems. J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL, 27(15), 3294-3302. View this article in WRRO
- Correlation between defect density and current leakage in InAs/GaAs quantum dot-in-well structures. J APPL PHYS, 106(2).
- Extremely Low Excess Noise in InAs Electron Avalanche Photodiodes. IEEE PHOTONIC TECH L, 21(13), 866-868. View this article in WRRO
- A Theoretical Comparison of the Breakdown Behavior of In0.52Al0.48As and InP Near-Infrared Single-Photon Avalanche Photodiodes. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT, 45(5-6), 566-571. View this article in WRRO
- Dependence of the Electroluminescence on the Spacer Layer Growth Temperature of Multilayer Quantum-Dot Laser Structures. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT, 45(1-2), 79-85. View this article in WRRO
- Impact ionization in ion implanted 4H-SiC photodiodes. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1069, 245-250.
- Electron dominated impact ionization and avalanche gain characteristics in InAs photodiodes. APPL PHYS LETT, 93(11).
- AlGaAs diodes for X-ray spectroscopy. NUCL INSTRUM METH A, 594(2), 202-205.
- Impact ionization coefficients in 4H-SiC. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV, 55(8), 1984-1990.
- Material considerations for avalanche photodiodes (Invited paper). IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT, 14(4), 998-1009.
- Modeling of avalanche multiplication and excess noise factor in In0.52Al0.48As avalanche photodiodes using a simple Monte Carlo model. J APPL PHYS, 104(1).
- Avalanche noise characteristics in submicron InP diodes. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT, 44(3-4), 378-382.
- Quantum dots in strained layers-preventing relaxation through the precipitate hardening effect. Journal of Applied Physics, 104(12).
- Single-photon avalanche diode detectors for quantum key distribution. IET OPTOELECTRONICS, 1(6), 249-254.
- Effects of ionization velocity and dead space on avalanche photodiode bit error rate. IEEE T COMMUN, 55(11), 2152-2158.
- Stark shift of the spectral response in quantum dots-in-a-well infrared photodetectors. J PHYS D APPL PHYS, 40(18), 5537-5540.
- Effect of dead space on low-field avalanche multiplication in InP. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV, 54(8), 2051-2054.
- Capacitive quenching measurement circuit for Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes. IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT, 13(4), 919-925.
- Statistics of avalanche current buildup time in single-photon avalanche diodes. IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT, 13(4), 906-910.
- Excess avalanche noise in In0.52Al0.48As. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT, 43(5-6), 503-507.
- Long wavelength bulk GaInNAs p-i-n photodiodes lattice matched to GaAs. J APPL PHYS, 101(6).
- Double transit region Gunn diodes. SEMICOND SCI TECH, 22(3), 245-248.
- Effects of dead space on breakdown probability in Geiger mode avalanche photodiode. J MOD OPTIC, 54(2-3), 353-360.
- Avalanche multiplication in InAlAs. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV, 54(1), 11-16.
- A physics-based model to predict bit error rate of an optical telecommunication system incorporating an avalanche photodiode that includes the effects of dead space and finite carrier velocity. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, 859-860.
- Photoluminescence beyond 1.5 mu m from InAs quantum dots. MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL, 37(12), 1468-1470.
- Excess noise measurement in avalanche photodiodes using a transimpedance amplifier front-end. MEAS SCI TECHNOL, 17(7), 1941-1946.
- Design and performance of an InGaAs-InP single-photon avalanche diode detector. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT, 42(3-4), 397-403.
- Room-temperature 1.6 mu m light emission from InAs/GaAs quantum dots with a thin GaAsSb cap layer. J APPL PHYS, 99(4).
- Optical properties of AlGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structure by using a high-temperature AlN buffer on sapphire substrate. J APPL PHYS, 99(2).
- Temperature dependence of impact ionization in submicrometer silicon devices. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 53(9), 2328-2334.
- Excess noise measurement in In0.53Ga0.47As. IEEE PHOTONIC TECH L, 17(11), 2412-2414. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of impact ionization in the InGaAs absorber on excess noise of avalanche photodiodes. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT, 41(8), 1092-1096.
- Exponential time response in analogue and Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV, 52(7), 1527-1534. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of strain relaxation and exciton localization on performance of 350-nm AlInGaN quaternary light-emitting diodes. J APPL PHYS, 97(8).
- Enhanced optical and structural properties of 1.3 mu m GaInNAs/GaAs multiple quantum-well heterostructures with stepped strain-mediating layers. APPL PHYS LETT, 86(6).
- Temperature dependence of avalanche multiplication in submicron silicon devices. Proceedings of ESSDERC 2005: 35th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, 2005, 245-248.
- Low noise avalanche photodiodes. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, 2005, 369-370.
- Avalanche noise characteristics of single AlxGa1-xAs(0.3 < x < 0.6)-GaAs heterojunction APDs. IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT, 41(1), 70-75. View this article in WRRO
- Growth, Fabrication, and Operating Characteristics of Ultra-Low Threshold 1.31μm Quantum Dot Lasers. Extended Abstracts of the 2004 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials.
- Influences of the spacer layer growth temperature on multilayer InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures. J APPL PHYS, 96(4), 1988-1992.
- Improved performance of 1.3 mu m multilayer InAs quantum-dot lasers using a high-growth-temperature GaAs spacer layer. APPL PHYS LETT, 85(5), 704-706.
- Impact ionization in submicron silicon devices. J APPL PHYS, 95(10), 5931-5933.
- Temperature dependence of electron impact ionization in In0.53Ga0.47As. APPL PHYS LETT, 84(13), 2322-2324.
- Temperature dependence of breakdown voltage in Al
x Ga1-x As. Journal of Applied Physics, 96(9), 5017-5019. - Modeling of avalanche multiplication and noise in heterojunction avalanche photodiodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 95(11 I), 6245-6251.
- Enhanced carrier velocity to early impact ionization. Journal of Applied Physics, 95(7), 3561-3564.
- Excess noise characteristics of single heterojunction Al
x Ga1-x As-GaAs avalanche photodiodes. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5451, 426-433. - Improving optical properties of 1.55 mu m GaInNAs/GaAs multiple quantum wells with Ga(In)NAs barrier and space layer. APPL PHYS LETT, 83(24), 4951-4953.
- Temperature dependent low-field electron multiplication in In0.53Ga0.47As. APPL PHYS LETT, 83(14), 2820-2822.
- Temperature dependence of breakdown and avalanche multiplication in In0.53Ga0.47As diodes and heterojunction bipolar transistors. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV, 50(10), 2021-2026. View this article in WRRO
- Multiplication and excess noise in AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs multilayer avalanche photodiodes. J APPL PHYS, 94(4), 2631-2637.
- Nonlocal effects in thin 4H-SiC UV avalanche photodiodes. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV, 50(8), 1724-1732. View this article in WRRO
- Field dependence of impact ionization coefficients in In0.53Ga0.47As. IEEE T ELECTRON DEV, 50(4), 901-905. View this article in WRRO
- Performance of thin 4H-SiC UV avalanche photodiodes. IEE PROCEEDINGS-OPTOELECTRONICS, 150(2), 187-190.
- Negative temperature dependence of electron multiplication in In0.53Ga0.47As. APPL PHYS LETT, 82(8), 1224-1226.
- The effect of ionization threshold softness on the temperature dependence of the impact ionization coefficient. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 18(7), 689-692.
- Why small avalanche photodiodes are beautiful. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4999, 349-362.
- Temperature dependence of impact ionization in GaAs. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 50(10), 2027-2031. View this article in WRRO
- Time response modelling in submicron avalanche photodiodes. IEE Proceedings: Optoelectronics, 150(2), 167-170.
- The effects of nonlocal impact lonization on the speed of avalanche photodiodes. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 50(2), 347-351. View this article in WRRO
- Avalanche speed in thin avalanche photodiodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 93(7), 4232-4239.
- Calculation of APD impulse response using a space- and time-dependent ionization probability distribution function. J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL, 21(1), 155-159.
- Temperature dependence of avalanche multiplication in submicron Al0.6Ga0.4As diodes. J APPL PHYS, 92(12), 7684-7686.
- Avalanche multiplication and breakdown in AlxGa1-xAs (x < 0-9). IEEE T ELECTRON DEV, 49(12), 2349-2351. View this article in WRRO
- Multiplication and excess noise characteristics of thin 4H-SiC UV avalanche photodiodes. IEEE PHOTONIC TECH L, 14(9), 1342-1344. View this article in WRRO
- Avalanche breakdown voltage of In0.53Ga0.47As. J APPL PHYS, 91(8), 5200-5202.
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- Low-noise visible-blind UV avalanche photodiodes with edge terminated by 2 degrees positive bevel. ELECTRON LETT, 38(7), 335-336.
- Fokker-Planck approach to impact ionization distributions in space and time. Journal of Applied Physics, 91(8), 5438-5441.
- Simulated current response in avalanche photodiodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 91(3), 2107-2111.
- Al0.8Ga0.2As: A very low excess noise multiplication medium for avalanche photodiodes. IEE P-OPTOELECTRON, 148(5-6), 243-246.
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- Impact ionization probabilities as functions of two-dimensional space and time. Journal of Applied Physics, 89(5), 2742-2751.
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- Inverted electron-hole alignment in InAs-GaAs self-assembled quantum dots.. Phys Rev Lett, 84(4), 733-736.
- Ionization coefficients in Al
x Ga1-x As (x = 0-0.60). Semiconductor Science and Technology, 15(7), 692-699. - Full band Monte Carlo modeling of impact ionization, avalanche multiplication, and noise in submicron GaAs p+-i-n+ diodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 87(11), 7885-7891.
- The merits and limitations of local impact lonization theory. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 47(5), 1080-1088. View this article in WRRO
- Avalanche multiplication in Al
x Ga1-x As (x = OtoO.60). IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 47(5), 1089-1097. View this article in WRRO - Intracavity piezoelectric InGaAs/GaAs laser modulator. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 3896, 163-170.
- Monte Carlo simulation of high-field transport and impact ionization in AlGaAs p+in+ diodes. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 14(11), 994-1000.
- Piezoelectric InGaAs/AIGaAs laser with intracavity absorber. IEE Proceedings: Optoelectronics, 146(1), 62-66.
- Optical bistability in piezoelectric InGaAs/AlGaAs laser with saturable absorber. Electronics Letters, 35(2), 150-152.
- A simple model for avalanche multiplication including deadspace effects. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 46(4), 769-775.
- Photoluminescence linewidths of piezoelectric quantum wells. Applied Physics Letters, 75(13), 1929-1931.
- Monte Carlo estimation of avalanche noise in thin p+-i-n+ GaAs diodes. Applied Physics Letters, 72(2), 232-234.
- A monte carlo investigation of multiplication noise in thin p+-i-n+ GaAs avalanche photodiodes. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 45(8), 1804-1810.
- The influence of trimethylindium impurities on the performance of InAlGaAs single quantum well lasers. Journal of Crystal Growth, 195(1-4), 668-675.
- A simple model to determine multiplication and noise in avalanche photodiodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 83(6), 3426-3428.
- Impact ionization in Al
x Ga1-x As/GaAs single heterostructures. Journal of Applied Physics, 84(8), 4363-4369. - Memory effects on piezoelectric InGaAs/GaAs MQW PIN diodes. Microelectronics Journal, 28(8-10), 757-765.
- Simulation of impact ionization breakdown in MESFETS using Monte Carlo methods. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 12(9), 1147-1153.
- Monte Carlo simulation of impact ionization in photodetectors. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 12(6), 692-697.
- Spatial limitations to the application of the lucky-drift theory of impact ionization. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 44(4), 659-663.
- Low threshold InGaAs/AlGaAs lasers grown on (111)B GaAs substrate. Electronics Letters, 33(11), 957-958.
- Monte Carlo simulation of impact ionisation in photodetectors. Electronics Letters, 33(4), 337-339.
- Influence of ordering on the polarization characteristics of GaInP vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 9(2), 143-145.
- Visible (683 to 713 nm) room-temperature AlGaAs vertical cavity surface emitting lasers ( VCSELs). Journal of Crystal Growth, 170(1-4), 399-403.
- Monte Carlo simulation of impact ionisation in MESFETs. Electronics Letters, 33(7), 639-640.
- Polarisation characteristics of visible VCSELs. Journal of Crystal Growth, 170(1-4), 394-398.
x Ga1-x )0.52 In0.48 P p-i-n diodes. IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, Proceedings, ICSE, 256-260.
Breakdown characteristics of (Al- Optical properties of MOVPE grown Al
x Ga1-x As quantum wells. Journal of Crystal Growth, 170(1-4), 621-625. - Monte Carlo simulation of impact ionization and current multiplication in short GaAs p+in+ diodes. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 12(1), 111-120.
- Electron multiplication in Al
x Ga1-x As/GaAs heterostructures. Applied Physics Letters, 71(26), 3877-3879. - Impact ionization in thin Al
x Ga1-x As (x = 0.15 and 0.30) p-i-n diodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 82(3), 1231-1235. - Polarisation characteristics of InGaAlP/ AlGaAs visible vertical cavity surface emitting lasers. Electronics Letters, 32(6), 559-560.
- Room temperature visible (683-713 nm) all-AlGaAs vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSEL's). IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 8(4), 473-475.
- Monte Carlo simulation of high field transport and impact ionization in GaAs p+in+ diodes. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 43(12), 2303-2305.
- Study of misfit dislocations by EBIC, CL and HRTEM in GaAs/InGaAs lattice-strained multi-quantum well p-i-n solar cells. Materials Science and Engineering B, 42(1-3), 43-51.
- Partial screening of internal electric fields in strained piezoelectric quantum well lasers: Implications for optoelectronic integration. Applied Physics Letters, 68(12), 1595-1597.
- Effect of strain relaxation on forward bias dark currents in GaAs/InGaAs multiquantum well p-i-n diodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 80(10), 5815-5820.
- Avalanche breakdown in Al
x Ga1-x As alloys and Al0.3 Ga0.7 As/GaAs multilayers. Applied Physics Letters, 2876. x Ga1-x As/InP multiquantum well structures grown on [111]B InP substrates. Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, 299-302.
In- Effect of misfit dislocations on leakage currents in strained multiquantum well structures. Applied Physics Letters, 67, 906.
- Plastic relaxation of metamorphic single layer and multilayer InGaAs/GaAs structures. Applied Physics Letters, 65(7), 839-841.
- Room- and low-temperature assessment of pseudomorphic AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs high-electron-mobility transistor structures by photoluminescence spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics, 76(10), 5931-5944.
- All-optical bistable switching in a strained piezoelectric self-electro-optic effect device. Electronics Letters, 30(18), 1521-1522.
- High purity AlGaAs from methyl-based precursors using in situ gettering of alkoxides. Journal of Crystal Growth, 143(3-4), 135-140.
- Piezoelectric-field effects on transition energies, oscillator strengths, and level widths in (111)B-grown (In,Ga)As/GaAs multiple quantum wells.. Phys Rev B Condens Matter, 48(11), 8491-8494.
- High performance microcavity resonator devices grown by atmospheric pressure MOVPE. Journal of Crystal Growth, 124(1-4), 792-800.
- Enhanced breakdown voltages in strained InGaAs/GaAs structures. Applied Physics Letters, 61(17), 2042-2044.
- Photoluminescence characterization of gated pseudomorphic AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs modulation-doped field-effect transistors. Applied Physics Letters, 61(10), 1225-1227.
- Barrier width dependence of leakage currents in InGaAs/ GaAs multiple quantum well P-I-N diodes. Journal of Electronic Materials, 20(4), 295-297.
- Carrier decay in GaAs quantum wells. Applied Physics Letters, 56(3), 268-270.
- Low Voltage Strained Layer Asymmetric Fabry-Perot Reflection Modulator. Electronics Letters, 26(25), 2117-2118.
- MOVPE growth of AlGaAs using trimethylamine alane. Journal of Crystal Growth, 104(4), 857-860.
- Relaxation of strain within multilayer InGaAs/GaAs pseudomorphic structures. Journal of Applied Physics, 66(2), 975-977.
- The Electron Impact Ionization Rate and Breakdown Voltage in GaAs/Ga0.7A10.3As MQW Structures. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 10(7), 294-296.
- On the band gap of InGaAs/GaAs strained quantum wells. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 3(6), 601-604.
- All-optical switching between modes of a GaAs/GaAlAs multiple quantum well waveguide. Applied Physics Letters, 52(24), 2013-2014.
- Diffusion-Induced Disordering of Ga0.47ln0 53As/lnP Multiple Quantum Wells with Zinc. Electronics Letters, 24(15), 910-911.
- Disordering of ga0.47ln0 53as/lnp multiple quantum well layers by sulphur diffusion. Electronics Letters, 24(19), 1217-1218.
- Improved Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth Of Inp Using Solid Sources. Electronics Letters, 22(10), 506-507.
- Engineering of Impact Ionization Characteristics in GaAs/GaAsBi Multiple Quantum Well Avalanche Photodiodes. ACS Photonics.
- Low excess noise and high quantum efficiency avalanche photodiodes for beyond 2 µm wavelength detection. Communications Materials, 5(1).
- Sb-Based Low-Noise Avalanche Photodiodes. Photonics, 10(7), 715-715.
- Opto-Electronic Characterisation of GaAsBi/GaAs Multiple Quantum Wells for Photovoltaic Applications. Solid State Phenomena, 343, 99-104.
- Absorption Coefficient of Bulk III-V Semiconductor Materials: A Review on Methods, Properties and Future Prospects. Journal of Electronic Materials.
- Dilute Bismide Photodetectors, Bismuth-Containing Alloys and Nanostructures (pp. 299-318). Springer Singapore
- Establishing MOVPE growth of InAs/GaAs quantum dots in a commercial 8×3" multiwafer reactor for optoelectronic applications, Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2003 (pp. 107-110).
- SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS | GaAs Based Compounds, Encyclopedia of Modern Optics (pp. 358-363). Elsevier
- Universal Relation Between Avalanche Breakdown Voltage and Bandstructure in Wide-Gap Semiconductors, Hot Carriers in Semiconductors (pp. 343-346). Springer US
- Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2003 CRC Press
Conference proceedings papers
- Ge-on-Si avalanche photodiodes and single-photon avalanche diode detectors for low-level light detection in the short-wave infrared wavelength region. Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defence IX (pp 17-17), 16 September 2024 - 20 September 2024.
- Linear and Geiger-mode pseudo-planar Ge-on-Si avalanche photodiodes in the SWIR (Conference Presentation). Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications XIV (pp 12-12), 18 August 2024 - 23 August 2024.
- Extremely low noise InAs and AlGaAsSb avalanche photodiodes for low photon detection in infrared wavelengths. Optical Sensing and Detection VIII, 7 April 2024 - 12 April 2024.
- Low photon detection using low-noise InAs and AlGaAsSb avalanche photodiodes. Infrared Technology and Applications L, 21 April 2024 - 26 April 2024.
- Very high gain and low noise GaAsSb/AlGaAsSb avalanche photodiodes for 1550nm detection at room temperature. Optical Components and Materials XXI, 27 January 2024 - 1 February 2024.
- Effect of biasing under illumination on GaAsBi/GaAs multiple quantum wells for solar cell performance. 2023 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics (RSM), 28 August 2023 - 30 August 2023.
- Avalanche multiplication and excess noise characteristics in antimony-based avalanche photodiodes. Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defence VII, 5 September 2022 - 8 September 2022.
- Effect of bismuth flux on the optical and morphological properties of GaAsBi grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA), 26 September 2022 - 28 September 2022.
- GaAsBi light emitting diodes for 1050nm broadband light sources. Biomedical Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and Imaging II, 3 April 2022 - 23 May 2022.
- Excess noise measurements in Al0.85Ga0.15As0.56Sb0.44 avalanche photodiodes. Optical Sensing and Detection VII, 3 April 2022 - 16 May 2022.
- Comparison of the temperature dependence of impact ionization coefficients in AlAsSb, InAlAs, and InP. Optical Components and Materials XIX (pp 19)
- Extremely low-noise avalanche photodiodes based on AlAs0.56Sb0.44. Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defence V; and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Micro- and Nanosystems in Security and Defence III, 21 September 2020 - 25 September 2020.
- Photoluminescence and Raman Studies on $mathrm{GaAs}_{1-mathrm{x}}mathrm{Bi}_{mathrm{X}}$ Grown on GaAs. 2020 IEEE 8th International Conference on Photonics (ICP), 12 May 2020 - 30 June 2020.
- High-performance AlAs0.56Sb0.44 avalanche photodiodes (Conference Presentation). Optical Components and Materials XVII, 1 February 2020 - 6 February 2020.
- Bandgap Engineering of GaAsBi Alloy for Emission of up to 1.52 µm. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE), 15 August 2018 - 17 August 2018.
- White Light Constrained Multi-Primary Modulation for Visible Light Communication. 2017 IEEE GLOBECOM WORKSHOPS (GC WKSHPS) View this article in WRRO
- CuZnS hole contacts on monocrystalline CdTe solar cells. 2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 25 June 2017 - 30 June 2017.
- Influence of Growth Conditions on the Structural and Opto-electronic Quality of GaAsBi. Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 477(Proceeding of the 19th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy) (pp 139-143). Le Corum - Montepllier, France, 4 September 2016 - 9 September 2016. View this article in WRRO
- Progress in low light-level InAs detectors- towards Geiger-mode detection. Advanced Photon Counting Techniques XI View this article in WRRO
- High sensitivity InAs photodiodes for mid-infrared detection. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9988, 26 September 2016 - 27 September 2016. View this article in WRRO
- GaAsBi: An alternative to InGaAs based multiple quantum well photovoltaics. 2016 IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 5 June 2016 - 10 June 2016. View this article in WRRO
- Surface passivation of InAs avalanche photodiodes for low-noise infrared imaging. 2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Photonics (ICP), 14 March 2016 - 16 March 2016. View this article in WRRO
- Telecommunication wavelength GaAsBi light emitting diodes. IET Optoelectronics, Vol. 10(2) (pp 34-38) View this article in WRRO
0.52 In0.48 P photodetectors for underwater communication systems. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACPC 2015
Al- The effect of growth conditions to the optical quality of GaAsBi alloy. 2015 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics (RSM), 19 August 2015 - 21 August 2015.
- Analysis of forward error correction schemes for colour shift keying modulation. 2015 IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 30 August 2015 - 2 September 2015.
- Al0.52In0.48P photodetectors for underwater communication systems. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2015, 2015.
- A high sensitivity detector for underwater communication systems. Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks XI; and Advanced Free-Space Optical Communication Techniques and Applications
- Higher Order Colour Shift Keying Modulation Formats for Visible Light Communications. 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 11 May 2015 - 14 May 2015.
- A low noise op-amp transimpedance amplifier for LIDAR applications. 2014 21st IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 7 December 2014 - 10 December 2014.
- Low breakdown voltage CMOS compatible p-n junction avalanche photodiode. 2014 IEEE Photonics Conference, 12 October 2014 - 16 October 2014.
- InAsBi photodiode operating in the MWIR. 2014 IEEE Photonics Conference, 12 October 2014 - 16 October 2014.
- Narrow-band detector for underwater communication system. 2014 IEEE Photonics Conference, 12 October 2014 - 16 October 2014.
- Photoluminescence from localized states in GaAsBi epilayers. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE2014), 27 August 2014 - 29 August 2014.
- Demonstration of an InAsBi photodiode operating in the MWIR. Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence II; and Quantum-Physics-based Information Security III
- High speed low noise InAs electron avalanche photodiodes for telecommunication and infrared sensing applications. 4th International Conference on Photonics, ICP 2013 - Conference Proceeding (pp 78-80)
- Design of High Sensitivity Detector for Underwater Communication System. EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN SECURITY AND DEFENCE; AND QUANTUM SECURITY II; AND UNMANNED SENSOR SYSTEMS X, Vol. 8899
- InAs quantum dot photodetector operating at 1.3 µm grown on Silicon. IEEE Photonics Conference 2012, 23 September 2012 - 27 September 2012.
- InAs electron avalanche photodiodes with 580 GHz gain-bandwidth product. Technical Digest - 2012 17th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2012 (pp 220-221)
- Dilute nitride GaInNAs and GaInNAsSb for solar cell applications. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 8256
- Avalanche gain distribution of X-ray avalanche photodiodes. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (pp 2238-2241)
- InAs avalanche photodiodes for X-ray detection. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (pp 2071-2073)
- GaAs p-i-n diodes for room temperature soft X-ray photon counting. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (pp 4809-4811)
- Development of AlGaAs avalanche diodes for soft X-ray photon counting. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (pp 4528-4531)
- High detectivity MWIR type-II superlattice grown on a GaAs substrate. IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, PHO 2011 (pp 31-32)
- InAs Electron-Avalanche Photodiodes: From leaky diodes to extremely low noise avalanche photodiodes. IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, 9 October 2011 - 13 October 2011.
- InGaAsN absorber for telecommunication wavelength APDs. 2010 Photonics Global Conference, PGC 2010
- Spectrally tunable quantum dot infrared detectors: Implementation of an algorithm-based spectrometer. 2010 23rd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society, PHOTINICS 2010 (pp 706-707)
- Quantum dot infrared photodetectors with highly tunable spectral response for an algorithm based spectrometer. INFRARED TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS XXXVI, PTS 1 AND 2, Vol. 7660
- Sensitivity of high-speed receivers using InAlAs avalanche photodiodes. 2010 23rd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society, PHOTINICS 2010 (pp 126-127)
- Dry etching and surface passivation techniques for type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice infrared detectors. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7838
- InGaAsN as absorber in APDs for 1.3 micron wavelength applications. Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (pp 187-190)
- Simulations of avalanche breakdown statistics: Probability and timing. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7681
- Low excess noise APD with detection capabilities above 2 microns. Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (pp 421-424)
- High gain InAs electron-avalanche photodiodes for optical communication. Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (pp 409-412)
- Reduction of dark current and unintentional background doping in InGaAsN photodetectors by ex situ annealing. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7726
- Characterisation of Low Noise 4H-SiC Avalanche Photodiodes. SILICON CARBIDE AND RELATED MATERIALS 2009, PTS 1 AND 2, Vol. 645-648 (pp 1081-1084)
- InAlAs avalanche photodiode with type-II absorber for detection beyond 2 μm. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7298
- The development of extremely low noise InAs electron APDs for photon counting applications in SWIR/MWIR wavelengths. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7355
- Avalanche Photodiodes beyond 1.65μm. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7320
- The development of extremely low noise InAs electron APDs for SWIR active or passive imaging. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7298
- Low noise avalanche photodiodes. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, 25 November 2008 - 27 November 2008.
- InAs electron avalanche photodiodes with single carrier type multiplication and extremely low excess noise. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS (pp 296-297)
- Infrared photodiodes based on Type-II strained layer superlattices. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7113
- Multiple stack quantum dot infrared photodetectors. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7113
- Low noise InAs avalanche photodiodes for high sensitivity FPAs. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7113
- Multiplication and excess noise of avalanche photodiodes with InGaAs absorption layer. IEE P-OPTOELECTRON, Vol. 153(4) (pp 191-194)
- Optimisation of quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) for imaging applications. Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications III, Vol. 6395 (pp U102-U110)
- Optimizing the growth of 1.3-mu m InAs/InGaAs dots-in-a-well structure: Achievement of high-performance laser. MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-BIOMIMETIC AND SUPRAMOLECULAR SYSTEMS, Vol. 25(5-8) (pp 779-783)
- Improvement in the optical quality of GaInNAs/GaInAs quantum well structures by interfacial strain reduction. IEE PROCEEDINGS-OPTOELECTRONICS, Vol. 151(5) (pp 301-304)
- Investigations of 1.55-mu m GaInNAs/GaAs heterostructures by optical spectroscopy. IEE PROCEEDINGS-OPTOELECTRONICS, Vol. 151(5) (pp 331-334)
- A comparison of avalanche breakdown probabilities in semiconductor materials. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, Vol. 51(9-10) (pp 1315-1321)
- Low noise GaAs-based avalanche photodiodes for long wavelength applications. Device Research Conference - Conference Digest, DRC (pp 79-80)
- Impact ionisation coefficients of In0.53Ga0.47As. IEE P-OPTOELECTRON, Vol. 148(5-6) (pp 225-228)
- Avalanche multiplication in Al x Ga 1-x As/GaAs multilayer structures. Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices
- InGaAs/GaAs piezoelectric lasers. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Europe, 1998.
- Low Noise Avalanche Photodetectors. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Europe, 1998.
VCSELs for 640- to 1100-nm emission . Fabrication, Testing, and Reliability of Semiconductor Lasers IITemperature effects in VCSELs . Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers- Demonstration of All-Optical Bistability in a Strained Piezoelectric Self Electro-optic Effect Device. Integrated Photonics Research, 1994.
- Determination of Impact Ionization Coefficients Measured from 4H Silicon Carbide Avalanche Photodiodes (pp 339-342)
- Physics and design of low noise avalanche photodiodes. Proceedings of CAOL'2003. 1st International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers. Jontly with 1st Workshop on Precision Oscillations in Electronics and Optics (IEEE Cat. No.03EX715)
- Temperature dependence of avalanche breakdown in GaAs p-i-n diodes. HITEN 99. Third European Conference on High Temperature Electronics. (IEEE Cat. No.99EX372)
- A 25 period InAs/sub 0.54/P/sub 0.46//In/sub 0.89/Ga/sub 0.11/P MQW for 1.55 μm modulation grown by solid source MBE. Conference Proceedings. 1998 International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (Cat. No.98CH36129)
- InAsP/In[Ga]P MQWs for 1.55 μm modulators grown by solid-source MBE. Conference Proceedings. 1997 International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials
- Strain effects in InAsP/InP MQW modulators for 1.06 μm operation. Seventh International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials
- Varying strains in InAs/sub 1-x/P/sub x//InP multiple quantum well device structures. 1993 (5th) International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials
- Photoconductivity of a strained InAs/InP superlattice in the 1.0-1.5 mu m region. LEOS 1992 Summer Topical Meeting Digest on Broadband Analog and Digital Optoelectronics, Optical Multiple Access Networks, Integrated Optoelectronics, and Smart Pixels
- High quality pseudomorphic InAs/InP quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy. [Proceedings 1991] Third International Conference Indium Phosphide and Related Materials
- Low Excess Noise, High Quantum Efficiency Avalanche Photodiodes for Beyond 2 {mu}m Wavelength Detection, arXiv.
- Multi-Dimensional Optimization of In0.53Ga0.47As Thermophotovoltaic Cell using Real Coded Genetic Algorithm, Research Square Platform LLC.
- High-performance room temperature 2.75 µm cutoff In0.22Ga0.78As0.19Sb0.81/Al0.9Ga0.1As0.08Sb0.92 avalanche photodiode. Optica, 11(12), 1632-1632.
- Research group
Materials and Devices
- Teaching interests
- EEE124 -Introduction to Energy
- EEE225 - Analogue and Digital Electronics
- EEE6216 -Energy Efficient Semiconductor Devices
- MEC316 - Renewable Energy
- Professional activities and memberships
- Fellow of the IEEE
- Fellow of the IET