Dr Ian Ross
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Electron Microscopy Facility Manager

+44 114 222 5811
Full contact details
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
North Campus
Broad Lane
S3 7HQ
- Profile
With a background in chemical and ceramic manufacturing, gaining Grad-I-Ceram in 1991, Ian received his MSc (Eng.) and PhD in Materials Science from the University of Liverpool in 1994 and 1998 respectively. His PhD, in collaboration with Unilever Research, focused on the application of high resolution electron microscopy to study the evolution of optically active nano-materials. Following his PhD, he moved to the University of Southampton, developing the use of microscopy and optical spectroscopy to characterise natural composites and fibres.
Ian joined the University of Sheffield in 1999 as a Postdoctoral researcher within the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and from 2009 as a Senior Experimental Officer in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering. In 2018 he returned to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering when appointed Facility Manager of the Sorby Centre for Electron Microscopy.
- Research interests
The application of advanced electron microscopy, including aberration corrected TEM/STEM and associated analysis, to the study of:
- Complex interfaces, thin films and semiconductor materials.
- Engineering ceramics, oxide layers and metal-hybrid nano-structures.
- Durability of novel protective surface coatings.
- Natural bio-composites and fibres.
- Publications
Journal articles
- The effect of post-growth rapid thermal annealing on InAs/InGaAs dot-in-a-well structure monolithically grown on Si. Journal of Applied Physics, 125(13), 135301-135301.
- Size anisotropy inhomogeneity effects in state-of-the-art quantum dot lasers. Applied Physics Letters, 113(1), 012105-012105.
- Effect of rapid thermal annealing on threading dislocation density in III-V epilayers monolithically grown on silicon. Journal of Applied Physics, 123(21), 215303-215303.
- Monolithic quantum-dot distributed feedback laser array on silicon. Optica, 5(5), 528-528.
- Secondary electron spectra of semi-crystalline polymers – A novel polymer characterisation tool?. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. View this article in WRRO
- Monolithically Integrated Electrically Pumped Continuous-Wave III-V Quantum Dot Light Sources on Silicon. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 23(6). View this article in WRRO
- Electrically pumped continuous-wave III–V quantum dot lasers on silicon. Nature Photonics, 10(5), 307-311. View this article in WRRO
- Photoluminescent and superparamagnetic reduced graphene oxide–iron oxide quantum dots for dual-modality imaging, drug delivery and photothermal therapy. Carbon, 97, 54-70. View this article in WRRO
- GaAs-Based Superluminescent Light-Emitting Diodes with 290-nm Emission Bandwidth by Using Hybrid Quantum Well/Quantum Dot Structures. Nanoscale Research Letters, 10(1). View this article in WRRO
- Stabilisation of Fe2O3-rich Perovskite Nanophase in Epitaxial Rare-earth Doped BiFeO3 Films. Scientific Reports, 5(1). View this article in WRRO
- Fabrication and Luminescence of Monolayered Boron Nitride Quantum Dots. Small, 10(1), 60-65.
- Morphology and Surface Analysis of Pure and Doped Cuboidal Ceria Nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117(46), 24561-24569.
- Fabrication of Luminescent Monolayered Tungsten Dichalcogenides Quantum Dots with Giant Spin-Valley Coupling. ACS Nano, 7(9), 8214-8223.
- Aberration Corrected High-Resolution Transmission and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Thin Perovskite Layers. Physics Procedia, 40, 49-55.
- Nanopatterning by ion implantation through nanoporous alumina masks. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(12), 4291-4291.
- High temperature air oxidation resistance of TiAlCr-Y coated Ti45Al8Nb between 750 °C – 950 °C. Open Engineering, 3(4).
- Fabrication and characterisation of embedded metal nanostructures by ion implantation with nanoporous anodic alumina masks. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 307, 273-276.
- Lattice resolved annular dark-field scannning transmission electron microscopy of (Al,Ga)GaN/GaN layers for measuring segregation with sub-monolayer precision. Journal of Materials Science, 48, 2883-2892.
- Deceleration of hydrothermal degradation of 3Y-TZP by alumina and lanthana co-doping. Acta-Biomaterialia, 9(4), 6226-6235.
- Co-Clustering Via Nanochannel-Membrane Modulated Ion Implantation into Si3N4 Observed By Plan-View Aberration-Corrected STEM And EELS. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18(S2), 382-383.
- Electron beam induced surface morphology changes of CeO
2 nanocrystals: An in-situ aberration corrected TEM study. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology. - Characterization of InGaN/GaN epitaxial layers by aberration corrected TEM/STEM. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 9(3-4), 546-549.
- Cationic surface reconstructions on cerium oxide nanocrystals: an aberration-corrected HRTEM study.. ACS Nano, 6(1), 421-430.
- Wear of hydrogen free C/Cr PVD coating against Al2O3 at room temperature. Wear, 271(9-10), 2150-2156.
- Electron energy loss spectroscopy of nano-scale CrAlYN/CrN-CrAlY(O)N/Cr(O)N multilayer coatings deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering. THIN SOLID FILMS, 518(18), 5121-5127.
- High temperature tribological performance of CrAlYN/CrN nanoscale multilayer coatings deposited on gamma-TiAl. WEAR, 267(5-8), 965-975.
- Sulphidation/oxidation behaviour of TiAlCr and Al2Au coated Ti45Al8Nb alloy at 750 degrees C. CORROS SCI, 51(5), 1189-1196.
- Degradation of a C/CrC PVD coating after annealing in Ar + H-2 at 700 degrees C studied by Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. MATER HIGH TEMP, 26(2), 169-176.
- TEM characterisation of near surface deformation resulting from lubricated sliding wear of aluminium alloy and composites. WEAR, 263, 707-718.
- Thermal stability of sputtered intermetallic Al-Au coatings. J VAC SCI TECHNOL A, 25(5), 1402-1406.
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of sputtered intermetallic Al-Au coatings. J APPL PHYS, 102(2).
- Low temperature electrical characterisation of tungsten nano-wires fabricated by electron and ion beam induced chemical vapour deposition. THIN SOLID FILMS, 515(17), 6791-6797.
- Interwell relaxation times in p-Si/SiGe asymmetric quantum well structures: Role of interface roughness. PHYS REV B, 75(4). View this article in WRRO
- Synthesis of size-controlled fcc and fct FePt nanoparticles. CHEM MATER, 18(26), 6414-6424.
- Effect of GaAs polycrystal on the size and areal density of InAs quantum dots in selective area molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Crystal Growth, 297(1), 38-43.
- The control of size and areal density of InAs self-assembled quantum dots in selective area molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs (001) surface. MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL, 37(12), 1505-1510.
- V-shaped pits formed at the GaN/AlN interface. J CRYST GROWTH, 289(1), 63-67.
- The impact of non-uniform channel layer growth on device characteristics in state of the Art Si/SiGe/Si p-metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors. THIN SOLID FILMS, 496(2), 306-310.
- Structural studies of a combined InAl-InGaAs capping layer on 1.3-mu m Inas/GaAs quantum dots. J CRYST GROWTH, 285(1-2), 17-23.
- Synthesis of monodispersed fcc and fct FePt/FePd nanoparticles by microwave irradiation. J MATER CHEM, 15(48), 5136-5143.
- Electron-beam-induced segregation in InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum wells (vol 83, pg 1965, 2003). APPL PHYS LETT, 84(9), 1612-1612.
- Unlimited tilt for ultra-narrow lenses: Tomography at highest resolution?. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 10(SUPPL. 2), 1196-1197.
- Electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) studies of an yttria stabilized TZP ceramic. J EUR CERAM SOC, 24(7), 2023-2029.
- Electron-beam-induced segregation in InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum wells. APPL PHYS LETT, 83(10), 1965-1967.
- The nucleation structure for cracks in AlGaN epitaxial layers, Springer Proceedings in Physics (pp. 63-66). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Conference proceedings papers
- Incorporating structural analysis in a quantum dot Monte-Carlo model. Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers XVII, 27 January 2018 - 1 February 2018.
- Integrating III-V quantum dot lasers on silicon substrates for silicon photonics. Silicon Photonics XII
- The influence of emitter conditioning on the performance of a tungsten <111> cold field emission gun operating at 300 kV. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 522(1)
- Study of site controlled quantum dot formation on focused ion beam patterned GaAs substrates. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 471 (pp 012047-1-012047-4). Bristol, 7 April 2013 - 11 April 2013.
- GaN-based radial heterostructure nanowires by MBE and ALD. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 471 (pp 012039-1-012039-4). Bristol, 7 April 2013 - 11 April 2013.
- Atomic motion on various surfaces of ceria nanoparticles in comparison. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 371
- Prospects of aberration correction for lattice-resolved electron tomography. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 241 (pp 012071-012071)
- EELS and ELNES studies of nano-scale nitride multilayers deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 241
- EELS and STEM analysis of metal nitride/substrate interfaces. ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND ANALYSIS GROUP CONFERENCE 2009 (EMAG 2009), Vol. 241
- Tracing C changes in a C/CrC PVD coating using Raman spectroscopy and EELS. ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND ANALYSIS GROUP CONFERENCE 2009 (EMAG 2009), Vol. 241
- TEM analysis of Si-passivated Ge-on-Si MOSFET structures for high performance PMOS device technology. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 241
- Effect of High Ion Irradiation on the Structure, Properties and High Temperature Tribology of Nanoscale CrAlYN/CrN Multilayer Coating Deposited by HIPIMS-HIPIMS Technique. PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS, Vol. 6 (pp S118-S123)
- Structure and interface studies of nano-scale TiAlYN/CrN/alumina coatings. EMC 2008, Vol. 2 (pp 711-712). Berlin Heidelberg, 1 September 2008 - 5 September 2008.
- Gas and vapour sensing characteristics of Langmuir-Schaeffer thiol encapsulated gold nanoparticle thin films. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, Vol. 284 (pp 379-383)
- Fabrication of novel quantum cascade lasers using focused ion beam (FIB) processing.. EMAG-NANO 2005: Imaging, Analysis and Fabrication on the Nanoscale, Vol. 26 (pp 215-218)
- Size, areal density and emission energy control of InAs self assemble quantum dots grown on GaAs by selective area molecular beam epitaxy - art. no. 61290G. Quantum Dots, Particles, and Nanoclusters III, Vol. 6129 (pp G1290-G1290)
- AlGaN-based Bragg mirrors and hybrid microcavities for the ultra-violet spectral region. Fourth International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures (PLMCN4), Vol. 2(2) (pp 813-816)
- The effect of post-growth rapid thermal annealing on InAs/InGaAs dot-in-a-well structure monolithically grown on Si. Journal of Applied Physics, 125(13), 135301-135301.