Professor Adrian Saul
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Emeritus Professor of Water Engineering
Sir Frederick Mappin Building (Broad Lane Building)
Full contact details
Professor Adrian Saul
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Sir Frederick Mappin Building (Broad Lane Building)
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Sir Frederick Mappin Building (Broad Lane Building)
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
My research was focused on understanding and improving the performance of buried infrastructure systems with emphasis on life-time value and environmental protection.
Professor Adrian Saul
Adrian is the former founder of the Pennine Water Group and Professor of Water Engineering.
- Research interests
Water Infrastructure Engineering with specific interests in the quantitative and qualitative performance of urban drainage and sewer systems and urban flooding.
Research Themes
- Publications
Journal articles
- Experimental and numerical investigation of interactions between above and below ground drainage systems. Water Science and Technology, 67(3), 535-542.
- Influence of rainfall estimation error and spatial variability on sewer flow prediction at a small urban scale. Advances in Water Resources, 45, 65-75.
- Integrated river flow modelling: A case study. Urban Water Journal, 9(4), 259-276.
- Condition assessment of the surface and buried infrastructure - a proposal for integration. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 28(1), 202-211.
- Condition assessment of the buried utility service infrastructure. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 28(1), 331-344.
- GIS water-balance approach to support surface water flood-risk management. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 17(1), 55-67.
- Site assessment of multiple-sensor approaches for buried utility detection. International Journal of Geophysics, 2011.
- Briefing: Stakeholder perspectives of buried utility mapping.. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer, 163(ME1), 3-7.
- Improved representation of water age in distribution networks to inform water quality. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 135(5), 382-391.
- Laboratory studies investigating the processes leading to discolouration in water distribution networks. Water Research, 42(16), 4309-4318.
- Sewer system operation into the 21st century, study of selected responses from a UK perspective. Urban Water Journal, 5(1), 79-88.
- Mapping the underworld - state-of-the-art review. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 22(5-6), 568-586.
- Estimation of burst rates in water distribution mains. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Water Management, 160, 73-82.
- Modelling sewer failure by evolutionary computing. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water Management, 159(2), 111-118.
- Measuring flow through small wastewater treatment works using modified dosing syphons. Water and Environmental Journal, 19(4), 328-334.
- Modelling discolouration in potable water distribution systems. Journal Environmental Engineering, 131, 716-725.
- Validation of existing bedload formulae using in-sewer sediment. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering ASCE, 129(4), 325-333.
- Use of a full scale facility to estimate sewer sediment mobility. Journal of the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management, 17(1), 40-44.
- Modeling in-sewer deposit erosion to predict sewer flow quality. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 129(4), 316-324.
- Modeling the erosion of mixtures of organic and granular in-sewer sediments. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 129(4), 308-315.
- The movement of total suspended solids in combined sewers. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering ASCE, 129(4), 298-307.
- Strategic management of non-point source pollution from sewage sludge. Water Science and Technology, 47(7-8), 305-310.
- Empirical travel time estimation in a distribution network. The Institution of Civil Engineers Water and Maritime Engineering, 154(1), 41-49.
- Determining maintenance requirements of a water distribution network using whole life costing. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 8(2), 152-164.
- Fine sediment retention in storage chambers: An assessment of time-dependent effects. Water Science and Technology, 45(7), 123-131.
- The effect of extended in-sewer storage on wastewater treatment plant performance. Water Science and Technology, 45(3), 239-246.
- Modelling the performance of combined-sewer overflow chambers. Water and Environment Journal, 15(4), 300-304.
- Solute retention and mixing characteristics in CSO structures. Urban Drainage Modeling, 123-133.
- The first foul flush in combined sewers: An investigation of the causes. Urban Water, 2(4), 317-325.
- The erosion of cohesive mixed deposits: Implications for sewer flow quality modelling. Urban Water, 2(4), 285-294.
- The effect of regional factors on leakage levels and the role of performance indicators. Water and Environment Journal, 13(3), 184-188.
- Erosion of sediment beds in sewers: Model development. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 125(6), 566-573.
- Predicting water quality in distribution systems using artificial neural networks. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water, Maritime and Energy, 136(1), 1-8.
- Specific relationships for the first flush load in combined sewer flows. Water Research, 30(5), 1244-1252.
- A simple indoor artificial stream system designed to study the effects of toxicant pulses on aquatic organisms. Water Research, 30(2), 285-290.
- Integrated Urban Flood Modelling, Flood Risk Science and Management (pp. 258-288).
Conference proceedings papers
- View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- Mapping the underworld: A step-change in the approach to utility location and designation. ICPTT 2011: Sustainable Solutions for Water, Sewer, Gas, and Oil Pipelines - Proceedings of the International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology 2011 (pp 1589-1597)
- Improving the representation of age of water in drinking water distribution networks to inform water quality. 8th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006 (pp 135)
- Quantification of mains failure behaviour in a whole life costing approach to distribution system management. Bridging the Gap: Meeting the World's Water and Environmental Resources Challenges - Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2001, Vol. 111
- Movement of total suspended solids in combined sewers. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 129(4) (pp 298-307)
- Solute retention in storage tanks. Global Solutions for Urban Drainage (pp 1-11)
- Field testing CFD-based predictions of storage chamber gross solids separation efficiency. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 39(9) (pp 161-168)
- A laboratory study of the erosion and transport of cohesive-like sediment mixtures in sewers. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 37(1) (pp 163-170)
- A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) particle tracking approach to efficiency prediction. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 37(1) (pp 285-293)
- Laboratory investigations into cohesive sediment transport in pipes. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 33(9) (pp 187-193)
- Suspended solids in combined sewer flows. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 33(9) (pp 93-99)
- Efficiency prediction for storage chambers using computational fluid dynamics. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 33(9) (pp 163-170)
- Sedimentation in storage tank structures. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 29(1-2) (pp 363-372)
- Sediment deposition in storage tanks. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 25(8) (pp 189-198)
- Experimental and numerical investigation of interactions between above and below ground drainage systems. Water Science and Technology, 67(3), 535-542.
- Research group