Dr Hadi Arbabi (he/they)
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Lecturer in the Built Environment

+44 114 222 5751
Full contact details
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Room F132
Sir Frederick Mappin Building (Broad Lane Building)
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
My research focuses on the challenges relating to resource consumption and productivity in urban systems in the context of planetary resource capacity and extreme climate change.
Dr Hadi Arbabi
Hadi's work and research interests sit at the interface of data-driven urban analytics and planning. Their overall body of research focuses on the challenges relating to resource consumption and productivity in urban systems often in the context of planetary resource capacity and extreme climate change. Hadi has previously worked on spatially multi-scale examinations of urban systems and the extent to which their performance is influenced by their embedded physical infrastructure. Hadi’s other interests include urban complexity, population scaling and allometry, city morphology and infrastructure planning for agglomeration, network analysis of urban flows, stocks, and metabolism.
- Research interests
Infrastructure resilience
Urban scaling
Urban metabolism
Network analysis
- Publications
Journal articles
- Built environment stocks in the context of a master planned city: A case study of Chandigarh, India. Journal of Industrial Ecology.
- A systematic approach to climate resilience assessment of infrastructure networks. IEEE Systems Journal. View this article in WRRO
- Regional economic resilience, trophic characteristics, and ecological analogies. Papers in Regional Science, 102(6), 1127-1145.
- Towards an automated workflow for large-scale housing retrofit. Environmental Research Letters, 18(6), 061006-061006.
- Estimating energy consumption of residential buildings at scale with drive-by image capture. Building and Environment, 234, 110188-110188.
- The intrinsic cybernetics of large complex systems and how droughts turn into floods. Science of The Total Environment, 859, 159979-159979.
- Scalable Residential Building Geometry Characterisation Using Vehicle-Mounted Camera System. Energies, 15(16).
- Comment on Bettignies et al. The Scale-Dependent Behaviour of Cities: A Cross-Cities Multiscale Driver Analysis of Urban Energy Use. Sustainability 2019, 11, 3246. SUSTAINABILITY, 14(7).
- Net zero by 2050: Investigating carbon-budget compliant retrofit measures for the English housing stock. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 161, 112384-112384.
- A scalable data collection, characterization, and accounting framework for urban material stocks. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 26(1), 58-71.
- Mapping resource effectiveness across urban systems. npj Urban Sustainability, 1.
- On the use of random graphs in analysing resource utilization in urban systems. Royal Society Open Science, 7(4), 200087-200087.
- Productivity, infrastructure and urban density—an allometric comparison of three European city regions across scales. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 183(1), 211-228. View this article in WRRO
- An ecological-thermodynamic approach to urban metabolism: Measuring resource utilization with open system network effectiveness analysis. Applied Energy, 254, 113618-113618.
- Urban performance at different boundaries in England and Wales through the settlement scaling theory. Regional Studies, 53(6), 887-899. View this article in WRRO
- On the development logic of city-regions: inter- versus intra-city mobility in England and Wales. Spatial Economic Analysis, 14(3), 301-320. View this article in WRRO
- Ecological network analysis on intra-city metabolism of functional urban areas in England and Wales. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 138, 172-182. View this article in WRRO
- Comments on ‘A multi-level framework for metabolism in urban energy systems from an ecological perspective’ by Pulido Barrera et al. (2018). Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 136, 463-465. View this article in WRRO
- Urban and rural-population and energy consumption dynamics in local authorities within England and Wales. Buildings, 6(3).
- Component-Level Residential Building Material Stock Characterization Using Computer Vision Techniques. Environmental Science & Technology.
- Support Place-Based and Inclusive Supply Chain, Employment and Skills Strategies for Housing-Energy Retrofit, Strengthening European Energy Policy (pp. 73-85). Springer Nature Switzerland
- Resource Effectiveness in and Across Urban Systems, The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures (pp. 1423-1432). Springer International Publishing
Conference proceedings papers
- Extreme Climate Change Impacts on Urban Infrastructure and Support Systems
- Deep multimodal learning for residential building energy prediction. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 1078(1) (pp 012038-012038)
- Measuring the Cityscape: A Pipeline from Street-Level Capture to Urban Quantification. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 1078(1) (pp 012036-012036)
- Demolish or reuse? – The balance between operational and embodied emissions in the retrofit of commercial buildings. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 1078(1) (pp 012016-012016)
- Built environment stocks in the context of a master planned city: A case study of Chandigarh, India. Journal of Industrial Ecology.
- Research group
- Grants
- Teaching activities
Hadi is the program coordinator for Architectural Engineering programs and contributes to project and dissertation supervision often across the Energy and Sustainability specialism of the General Engineering program.
- PhD opportunities
If you're interested in a PhD project please contact Hadi at the email above. Current PhD opportunities in the department can be viewed here.