How to apply to study architecture
Read our guidance on applying to study architecture in the School of Architecture and Landscape, which is designed to give you the best chance of a successful application.

If you're interested in applying to study an undergraduate course with us, you need to apply through UCAS
Subject choices
There are no specific A Level subject requirements for our architecture undergraduate programmes.
We generally advise that you select a broad range of subjects, rather than a narrow selection and that you avoid studying two or three very similar subjects.
You should refer to the University's guidance on acceptable combinations of subject A Levels.
Your art and design portfolio
All applicants are expected to show evidence of artistic ability.
After your UCAS application has been processed, we'll invite selected applicants to digitally submit a short portfolio of art and design work.
Even if you do not study an art or design subject as part of your current programme of studies, you should still be preparing original artwork to include in the portfolio submission.
The portfolio should include a variety of work, demonstrating a range of techniques (drawing, painting, collage, sculpture and printing, for example) and a range of subject matters.
You will have four weeks from the date of request to prepare your portfolio and you must submit this to us within the requested time period.
If there are valid reasons for you being unable to submit on time, contact us before the deadline has passed.
We will not consider portfolios submitted after the deadline unless we have already granted you a period of extension.
We are unable to provide feedback on individual portfolio submissions, due to the amount of portfolios we review.
Personal statement
Your personal statement should be individual to you and reflect your enthusiasm and interest in architecture.
- Think about why you wish to study the subject at degree level
- Indicate what qualities you feel you will bring to the course and to the University
- Describe any achievements, skills or experience that you think are important for us to know about
- Explain what will you do with the knowledge that you gain

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Discover what sets Sheffield apart at our undergraduate open days on Saturday 21 June and Saturday 5 July 2025.