Global (Dis)Order
SPERI researchers are exploring the major shifts, crises and instabilities of the global system.

This research theme brings together colleagues interested in the major global shifts and challenges of the 21st century. Our starting point is that while histories of the global system have been periodised as stable orders punctuated by periods of unrest and transition, this time feels different, with the global system seemingly characterised by prolonged disorder. This research grouping will explore related questions such as:
is “disorder” the right concept? If so, what exactly (if anything) has been disordered?
What are the different struggles and instabilities that constitute this apparent disorder? Who wins and loses from them? What (if anything) connects these sites?
And how can we contribute to these debates and position the academy to help develop progressive solutions and transformation?
Read the full research agenda here. The Global (Dis)Order research theme is led by Dr Liam Stanley and Dr Remi Edwards.