Digital equalities Our research investigates the political, social, cultural and economic impacts of digital life today. We strive to ensure that everyone can access digital technologies and the skills to use them. You are here Home Faculty of Social Sciences Research with impact Inclusive Society Digital equalities Where are the women in AI? When it comes to making chatbots and humanoid robots, women appear regularly. They have names like Alexa and Siri – chatbots gendered as women, but designed by male dominated teams. Read more Changing social media policy: how research is helping people to talk about mental health Dr Ysabel Gerrard brings her experience as a sociologist together with her role as a member of the Facebook and Instagram Suicide and Self-injury Advisory Board to investigate how people talk about mental health on social media. Find out more Making connections to support disabled young people to live their lives iHuman researchers have worked with Scope on a research project that explores the lives of disabled young people and the key connections that support them to flourish and thrive, including the enhancement of digital living. Read more Public concern about data use remains high, according to survey Living With Data is a research project funded by the Nuffield Foundation, which aims to understand people’s perceptions of how their data is collected, analysed, shared and used. Read the story