Delivering effective services

The NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) programme has recommissioned us as one of two national evidence synthesis centres to provide timely and contextualised access to the best research evidence on topics of key importance to the NHS.


Who we are

The centre is directed by Professor Andrew Booth and Professor Liddy Goyder and draws on the pool of skilled staff available within ScHARR as well as topic-specific expert advisors.

View all members of staff

Our methods

We use a range of rapid systematic review methods to identify, evaluate and summarise the available research and highlight the implications for NHS decision-makers and priorities for further research.

Sharing our research

We will disseminate our findings in a variety of formats so that they are accessible to NHS managers and clinicians and interested members of the public. Project protocols and reports are published on the Projects page, on the HS&DR programme website and in peer-reviewed journals.

Centres of excellence

The University's cross-faculty research centres harness our interdisciplinary expertise to solve the world's most pressing challenges.