Professor Steven Julious appointed as a prestigious NIHR Senior Investigator

Congratulations to Steven Julious who has been appointed as a NIHR Senior Investigator for his research excellence in applied medical statistics.

Steven Julious

Professor Julious - Director of the Design Trials and Statistics section within the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) – said of the award: "It is a real honour to be appointed to be an NIHR Senior Investigator. The NIHR supports world leading research that is patient focussed. The University of Sheffield and ScHARR has always provided me with an environment of research excellence which has enabled me to achieve this award.

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funds, enables and delivers world-leading health and social care research that improves people's health and wellbeing and promotes economic growth. NIHR Senior Investigators contribute significantly to NIHR as a senior leader by demonstrating research excellence that integrates patient and public involvement. They also lead in training and development of NIHR researchers and act as ambassadors for NIHR.

Professor Julious added: “Receiving this award is recognition from the NIHR of the value they have for both my research and contributions. I wish also to continue to support the work of the NIHR by contributing to its funding boards and study steering committees both for the NIHR and industry studies.”

“Recent times have shown the importance of good quality medical statistics to provide clinical evidence. I hope to use the award to promote both medical statistics and researchers with an interest in medical statistics. I am at the stage of my career where I get as much pride in the work of others as that of myself. I hope that my award will help me to support early-stage researchers and research students develop their careers. Medical statistics offers some excellent career opportunities and I hope to be able to promote these, particularly in an academic setting"