New Publications from ScHARR for August 2021

ScHARR publishes over 400 new journal papers every year across our four sections - Public Health, Health Economics and Decision Science, Design, Trials and Statistics and Health Services Research.

The School of Health and Related Research library.

We have picked out a selection of papers and reports that were published in June (some of these publications may still be in press). You can find Open Access versions via our Open Access Repository – The White Rose Research Online repository.

Chatwin, H., Broadley, M., Valdersdorf Jensen, M., Hendrieckx, C., Carlton, J., Heller, S., Amiel, S., de Galan, B., Hermanns, N., Finke-Groene, K., Speight, J., & Pouwer, F. (2021). ‘Never again will I be carefree’ : a qualitative study of the impact of hypoglycemia on quality of life among adults with type 1 diabetes. BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, 9(1).

Dutey‐Magni, P. F., Brown, J., Holmes, J., & Sinclair, J. M. A. (n.d.). Concurrent validity of an Estimator of Weekly Alcohol Consumption (EWAC) based on the Extended AUDIT. Addiction, add.15662.

Gibbs, N., Angus, C., Dixon, S., Parry, C., & Meier, P. (2021). Effects of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in South Africa across different drinker groups and wealth quintiles: a modelling study. BMJ Open, 11(8).

Jackson, S. E., Beard, E., Angus, C., Field, M., & Brown, J. (2021). Moderators of changes in smoking, drinking and quitting behaviour associated with the first COVID‐19 lockdown in England. Addiction.

Johnston, S., Snooks, H., Jones, J., Bell, F., Benger, J., Black, S., Dixon, S., Edwards, A., Evans, B., Fuller, G., Goodacre, S., Hoskins, R., John, A., Lawrence, B., Moore, C., Parry, E., Hird, K., Wait, S., & Watkins, A. (2021). PP25 The take home naloxone intervention multicentre emergency setting feasibility (TIME) trial: an early perspective from one UK ambulance service. In Emergency Medicine Journal (Vol. 38, Issue 9, p. A11.1-A11). BMJ.

Mawson, S., Keen, C., Skilbeck, J., Ross, H., Smith, L., Dixey, J., Walters, S. J., Simpson, R., Greenfield, D. M., & Snowden, J. A. (2021). Feasibility and benefits of a structured prehabilitation programme prior to Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation (ASCT) in patients with Myeloma; A prospective feasibility study. Physiotherapy.

Moore, G., Campbell, M., Copeland, L., Craig, P., Movsisyan, A., Hoddinott, P., Littlecott, H., O’Cathain, A., Pfadenhauer, L., Rehfuess, E., Segrott, J., Hawe, P., Kee, F., Couturiaux, D., Hallingberg, B., & Evans, R. (2021). Adapting interventions to new contexts—the ADAPT guidance. British Medical Journal, 374(n1679).

Obasohan, P. E., Walters, S. J., Jacques, R., & Khatab, K. (n.d.). Individual and Contextual Factors Associated with Malaria among Children 6-59 Months in Nigeria: A Multilevel Mixed Effect Logistic Model Approach. MDPI AG.

Seo, M. K., & Strong, M. (2021). A practical guide to modeling and conducting a cost-effectiveness analysis of companion biomarker tests for targeted therapies using R : tutorial paper. PharmacoEconomics.

Turner, E. L., Platt, A. C., Gallis, J. A., Tetreault, K., Easter, C., McKenzie, J. E., Nash, S., Forbes, A. B., Hemming, K., Adrion, C., Akooji, N., Bensoussane, H., Bhangu, A., Bishop, J., Bridgwood, B., Budgell, E., Caille, A., Campbell, M., Cao, S., … Yang, Z. (2021). Completeness of reporting and risks of overstating impact in cluster randomised trials: a systematic review. The Lancet Global Health, 9(8), e1163–e1168.

Xu, R. H., Keetharuth, A. D., Wang, L.-L., Cheung, A. .-L., & Wong, E. .-Y. (2021). Measuring health-related quality of life and well-being : a head-to-head psychometric comparison of the EQ-5D-5L, ReQoL-UI and ICECAP-A. The European Journal of Health Economics.

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