The ACE Project Update

The Academy of Medical Sciences, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) held a FORUM workshop in London on the 23rd January.

The School of Health and Related Research library.

It was on the utility, versatility, and acceptability of adaptive designs in clinical trials. Multidisciplinary attendees explored the challenges and opportunities for adaptive trials from the perspectives of industry, academia, funding bodies and regulatory bodies using real-life case studies. A report summarising the themes that emerged from this workshop is accessible via this link

Dr Munya Dimairo contributed to this workshop and gave a talk on the importance of adequate and transparent reporting of adaptive trials. The talk focused on the Adaptive designs CONSORT Extension (ACE project), how the ACE guideline was developed [1], and the upcoming ACE statement with explanation and elaboration document to be co-published in the BMJ and Trials journals (accepted). This guideline will also be accessible via the CONSORT website and the EQUATOR Network database."

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