Professor Michael Barkham

School of Psychology

Professor of Clinical Psychology

Photo of Michael Barkham
Profile picture of Photo of Michael Barkham
+44 114 222 6610

Full contact details

Professor Michael Barkham
School of Psychology
Cathedral Court
1 Vicar Lane
S1 2LT

I currently work and collaborate with colleagues based in the PEARLS Lab ( in the Clinical and Applied Psychology Unit within the Department. A common thread of my work comprises the complementary methodologies of practice-based evidence (large routine datasets) and pragmatic randomised controlled trials in the psychological therapies. I have longstanding collaborations with international researchers, particularly in Germany, the Netherlands, and the US. Recent texts include: Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change (Eds. M. Barkham, W. Lutz, & L. G. Castonguay), Wiley, 2021; Routine Outcome Monitoring and Feedback in Psychological Therapies (K. de Jong, J. Delgadillo, & M. Barkham), Open University Press, 2023.

Research interests

My research interests focus on psychological therapies


Show: Featured publications All publications

Edited books

  • Barkham M, Hardy G & Mellor-Clark J (Eds.) (2010) Developing and Delivering Practice-Based Evidence: A Guide for the Psychological Therapies.. Wiley-Blackwell. RIS download Bibtex download

Journal articles

All publications


Edited books

Journal articles


Conference proceedings papers


  • Parry G, Barkham M, Brazier J, Dent-Brown K, Hardy G, Kendrick T, Rick J, Chambers E, Chan T, Connell J , Hutten R et al (2011) An evaluation of a new service model: Improving Access to Psychological Therapies demonstration sites 2006-2009. Final report. NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation programme View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hutten R, Parry GD, Barkham , Brazier , Dent-Brown , Hardy , Rick J, Chambers , Connell , de Lusignan S , Mukuria et al (2011) An evaluation of a new service model: Improving Access to Psychological Therapies demonstration sites 2006-2009, Final Report. View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download


  • Brazier J, Keetharuth A, Connell J, Barkham M & Ricketts T ReQoL: Recovering Quality of LIfe. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Keetharuth D, Connell J, Karimi M, Barkham M, Ricketts T & Brazier J ReQol - Recovering Quality of Life (Quality in Mental Health Conference 23 March 2015). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Brazier J, Keetharuth A, Connell J, Carlton J, Ricketts T, Buck ET & Barkham M First validation of the Recovering Quality of Life measures: a new PROM for use in mental health. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Brazier J, Keetharuth A, Connell J, Carlton J, Buck ET, Ricketts T & Barkham M Constructing a classification system for a new QALY measure in mental health: recovering quality of life (ReQoL). RIS download Bibtex download



Research group

Psychological Health Group

Current postgraduate students

  • Nicholas Firth (DClin Psy): A multi-level modelling approach to investigating therapist effects and factors influencing therapy outcome with IAPT low intensity workers (joint supervisor with Dr Stephen Kellett)
  • Katharine Harvey (DClin Psy): Identifying client and therapist predictors of no reliable client change in routine clinical practice
  • Keeley Rolling (DClin Psy)
  • Jo-Ann Pereira (PhD)
Teaching activities

I teach on module PSY319: Clinical Psychology.

Professional activities and memberships

I am an active member of the PEARLS Lab ( and also of the international Society for Psychotherapy Research.

PhD Opportunities

We advertise PhD opportunities (Funded or Self-Funded) on

For further information, please see the department PhD Opportunities page.