Political Theory MA
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities,
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Department of Politics and International Relations,
Faculty of Social Sciences
Start date
September 2025 -
1 year 2 years -
Full-time Part-time
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Course description
This degree course gives you the opportunity to choose from a wide range of modules across in both philosophy and politics. Modules cover topics such as freedom, democracy, global justice, environmental change, human rights and international political theory.
You'll explore contemporary political philosophy and its historical underpinnings, and learn how to use political theories to reflect on current social issues. You'll delve into the theoretical debates that shape current political discourse and develop your understanding of the cultural, historical and philosophical contexts surrounding those debates.
Whether your first degree was in philosophy, politics, or you are transitioning from another discipline, this degree will develop your understanding of core issues in political theory and enhance your research skills. Our extensive range of optional modules, allows you to focus on a particular area of political theory in great detail or to explore widely across the field.
Our MA, which can be done full- or part-time, is designed both to prepare students who wish to continue to a PhD (as many do), and to provide skills and knowledge to enhance career prospects outside of academia.
Core modules:
- Political Philosophy Research Seminar
This module is co-taught by lecturers from Philosophy and Politics. It is designed to develop your skills of close critical reading and philosophical discussion, and your ability to use political theorising to reflect on real world problems. Students will engage with a range of texts across active topics in the fields of Political Philosophy and Political Theory, discussing them together in a weekly two hour seminar. Each student will then be assessed on the basis of a writing project in Political Theory / Philosophy. Students will propose and develop their essay topics under the supervision of a lecturer in Philosophy or Politics.
30 credits - Dissertation
Contact department for more information.
60 credits
Please note, these modules change on a yearly basis.
Optional modules in Philosophy include the following:
- Philosophical Foundations
This module will introduce students to key ideas and arguments in philosophy, across a wide range of debates such as moral and political philosophy, logic, metaphysics, and epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind and philosophy of language. Students keen to consolidate their foundational understandings in Philosophy are strongly advised to take this module.
30 credits - Bodies and Souls
The course will focus on metaphysical themes of perennial interest such as parts and wholes, the nature of people, and the passage of time. Readings will be drawn mainly from recent and contemporary sources.
30 credits - The Science of Consciousness
Our memories of our personal past (i.e. our episodic memories) play animportant role in our lives. They help us perform mundane tasks like finding our keys, butthey arguably also form the foundation of our sense of self and personal identity. They let usknow who we are by recording what we've done and experienced. In this module we will tryto better understand what episodic memory is and to what extent it grounds our understandingof the self. This module will introduce students to the cognitive science of memory and tocore issues in the philosophical foundations of cognitive science.In the first part of the module, we will look at methodological issues that arise when weattempt to describe the mind's structure within philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. Inthe second part of the module, we will look towards the cognitive sciences to betterunderstand what sort of thing episodic memory is. In the final part of the module, we willconsider the relationship between episodic memory and our sense of the self.This is an interdisciplinary module. Understanding how the mind is structured is a complexproject. In order to make progress we need to appeal to both empirical and philosophicalwork (and work that blurs this distinction). We'll read scientific and philosophical papers;however, no prior knowledge of cognitive science (or neuroscience) will be presumed.
30 credits - Cognitive Studies Seminar
Cognitive science is a research field in which philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, and anthropology come together to discover how the mind works. This module aims to:
30 credits
1. Introduce students to major theoretical issues in cognitive science.
2. Help students to see how empirical evidence drawn from different disciplines is relevant to key issues in cognitive science.
3. Equip students with an understanding of the philosophical importance of cognitive science. - Guided Reading
This module is intended to enable students to develop a research project of their own, in a flexible manner. Each student on the module will be assigned a supervisor, with whom they will meet for one hour every two weeks. They will also be encouraged to attend those reading groups run in the department (of which there are typically about 10 per semester) which fit with their project. The objectives of the module are (i) to identify a suitable research topic, in consultation with the supervisor (ii) to develop this project through supervisions and drafts (iii) to complete the project.
30 credits - Advanced Political Philosophy
This module aims will investigate a broad range of topics and issues in political philosophy and explore these questions in some detail. It will include both historical and foundational matters and recent state of the art research.
30 credits - Bioethics
Bioethics arose in response to the moral challenges thrown up by technological advances of the twentieth century. As we move through the 21st century, new moral problems are emerging, even as old ones still concern us. How should we allocate resource for medical care and research? Are there limits to what can be done to our bodies, or does consent permit everything? In a pandemic, how should we balance concerns for liberty and protecting the vulnerable? Should we try to 'enhance' human beings, or should we be happy with the way we are? This module will introduce a range of practical bioethical problems, as well as some methods for approaching them. Our emphasis will be on doing philosophy practically, with a view to the implications of philosophical argument in the real world of healthcare, research and bioscience.
30 credits - Feminist and Queer Studies in Religion, Global Perspectives
This module applies feminism, queer studies and trans philosophy in analysis of genders and sexualities in religious traditions and cultures around the world. We will examine deities and goddesses, gendered language in religions, cisheteropatriarchy, and LGBTQIA life in e.g. Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, as well as in Chinese, and Japanese cultures. We will discuss genders, rituals, spirituality, sexual practices, procreation, abstinence, and asexuality, reading a range of feminist, queer and trans philosophical works, and texts ranging from the Kama Sutra to Confucius and the Vatican documents, Scriptures, and empirical research. Assignments allow students in Philosophy, Humanities, and Social Sciences develop their expertise using their preferred methods and topics, on religions of their choice.
30 credits - Philosophy of the Arts
This module introduces students to a broad range of issues in the philosophy of art. The first half asks 'What is art?'. It examines three approaches: expression theories, institutional accounts, and the cluster account. This is followed by two critiques focusing on the lack of women in the canon and problems surrounding 'primitive' art. The evolutionary approach to art is discussed, and two borderline cases: craft and pornography. The second half examines four issues: cultural appropriation of art, pictorial representation, aesthetic experience and the everyday, and the supposed link between artistic creativity and madness.
30 credits
- Free Will & Religion
This module focuses on philosophical questions about the relationship between free will and religion. Historically, theistic religions have been dogged by questions concerning the nature of human agency, for instance on account of the traditional conception of God as omniscient and hence as having full foreknowledge. The module will examine philosophical conceptions of the relationship between religious states of affairs and positions regarding the status of human action, by considering relevant historical developments within theology and philosophy.
30 credits - Plato's Symposium
The Symposium is a vivid, funny and moving dramatic dialogue in which a wide variety of characters - orators, doctor, comic poet, tragic poet, soldier-cum-statesman, philosopher and others - give widely differing accounts of the nature of erotic love (eros) at a banquet. Students should be willing to engage in close textual study, although no previous knowledge of either ancient philosophy or ancient Greek is required. We will be exploring the origins, definition, aims, objects and effects of eros, and asking whether it is viewed as a predominantly beneficial or harmful force. Are some manifestations of eros better than others? Is re-channelling either possible or desirable, and if so, how and in what contexts? What happens to eros if it is consummated? We will in addition explore the issues that the dialogue raises about relations between philosophy and literature, and the influence it has had on Western thought (e.g. Freud). The edition we will use is Rowe, C. J., 1998, Plato Symposium. Oxford: Aris and Phillips Classical texts.
30 credits - Moral Theory and Moral Psychology
This course examines the relationship of moral theory and moral psychology. We discuss the relationship of science and ethics, examine the nature of self-interest, altruism, sympathy, the will, and moral intuitions, explore psychological arguments for and against familiar moral theories including utilitarianism, virtue ethics, deontology and relativism, and confront the proposal that understanding the origins of moral thought 'debunks' the authority of ethics. In doing so, we will engage with readings from historical philosophers, including Hobbes, Butler, Hume, Smith, Kant, Mill, Nietzsche and Moore, as well as contemporary authors in philosophy and empirical psychology.
30 credits - Philosophy of Law
Law is a pervasive feature of modern societies and governs most aspects of our lives. This module is about some of the philosophical questions raised by life under a legal system. The first part of the module investigates the nature of law. Is law simply a method of social control? For example, the group calling itself Islamic State issued commands over a defined territory and backed up these commands with deadly force. Was that a legal system? Or is law necessarily concerned with justice? Do legal systems contain only rules or do they also contain underlying principles? Is 'international law' really law?
30 credits
The second part of the module investigates the relationship between law and individual rights. What kinds of laws should we have? Do we have the moral right to break the law through acts of civil disobedience? What is the justification of punishment? Is there any justification for capital punishment? Are we right to legally differentiate between intended crimes (like murder) and unintended crimes (like manslaughter), or does this involve the unjustified punishment of 'thought crime'? Are we right to legally differentiate between murder and attempted murder, despite the fact that both crimes involve the same intent to kill?
- Pain, Pleasure, and Emotions
In this module, we will discuss the nature of affective states like pleasures, pains, and emotions. We will focus on three problems: (1) The constitution problem: What all and only affective states have in common? E.g., what makes pains and joys, but not visual experiences, affective states? (2) The distinction problem: What makes each type of affective state the particular type it is? E.g., what makes an orgasm a sensory pleasure and fear an emotion? (3)The problem of affective phenomenology: Some affective states feel good, others feel bad. In virtue of what affective states have this distinctive phenomenal character?
30 credits - Phenomenology
This module introduces students to Phenomenology - a philosophical tradition in continental European philosophy, which is closely related to Existentialism. Phenomenology seeks to understand the human condition. Its starting-point is everyday experience, where this includes both mundane and less ordinary forms of experience such as those typically associated with conditions such as schizophrenia. Whilst Phenomenology encompasses a diverse range of thinkers and ideas, there tends to be a focus on consciousness as embodied, situated in a particular physical, social, and cultural environment, essentially related to other people, and existing in time. (This is in contrast to the disembodied, universal, and isolated notion of the subject that comes largely from the Cartesian tradition.) There is a corresponding emphasis on the world we inhabit as a distinctively human environment that depends in certain ways on us for its character and existence. Some of the central topics addressed by Phenomenology include: embodiment; ageing and death; the lived experience of oppression; human freedom; our relations with and knowledge of, other people; the experience of time; and the nature of the world. In this module, we will discuss a selection of these and related topics, examining them through the work of key figures in the Phenomenological Movement, such as Edmund Husserl, Simone de Beauvoir, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Frantz Fanon, and Edith Stein.
30 credits - Global Justice
What are the demands of justice at the global level? On this module we will examine this question from the perspective of analytic, Anglo-American political philosophy. We will start by looking at some debates about the nature of global justice, such as whether justice demands the eradication of global inequalities. We will then turn to various questions of justice that arise at the global level, potentially including: how jurisdiction over territory might be justified; whether states have a right to exclude would-be immigrants; whether reparations are owed for past international injustices such as colonialism; and how to identify responsibilities for combating global injustice.
30 credits - Philosophical Problems I: People, Organisations and Technology
Much of moral and political philosophy is devoted to the study of people's relations to other people, or to political entities such as the state. Yet people also stand in morally significant relations mediated by other entities, such as charitable organisations, business corporations, and the products of information technology, including 'artificial intelligence'. This module introduces the student to some of the most important questions currently faced by human beings in our relation to artificial agents, whether in the guise of organisations or advanced technologies.
30 credits
Questions discussed in the module will include: are organisations or machines capable of moral agency, and if so, are they candidates for the same kinds of responsibility as individual human beings? Do moral norms that apply to the relations between humans, such as truthfulness or integrity, apply equally to organisations or information technology? To what extent do our relationships with organisations and technology undermine individual freedom or autonomy and our sense who we are? Does the development of large-scale organisations or the technological advances promised by artificial intelligence represent an opportunity for ecological preservation and control, or is it an existential threat to existing ecosystems and human life as we know it?
In this module, these and similar questions are addressed by the application of philosophical theory to real world examples. - PhD Proposal
To provide both general and subject-specific research training for those intending to pursue research in philosophy or political theory. There is a short course dealing with topics such as study and writing skills, choosing and planning a research project; conducting a literature search, delivering a seminar presentation and chairing a discussion. Students also meet with their research supervisor to plan and produce a detailed PhD proposal and annotated bibliography (6,000 to 8,000 words), outlining their proposed project and locating it in relation to established positions in the discipline.
30 credits
Politics optional modules:
- Contemporary Global Security
You will explore the changing character of contemporary global (in)security. Throughout, you will examine the proliferation of discourses and practices of security and threat in contemporary society, to encompass issues as wide ranging as climate change, migration, technology and human rights. In doing so, you will trace the evolution of security studies from a narrow sub-discipline focused on inter-state war and the military security of the nation-state, to one increasingly willing to question and challenge its own assumptions. The module invites you to think critically about the function of 'security', and to reflect on the ethical and analytical assumptions that shape how security is thought about, theorised, and practiced in International Relations.
30 credits
You will be introduced to a range of advanced theoretical lenses and debates about security, exploring key concepts in security studies and how they might help us to make sense of security politics. As part of this, we will apply these debates to understand and analyse real world problems that are or might be considered issues of security, through case studies on issues such as terrorism, nuclear weapons, energy security, climate change, technology and development.
You practice your ability to think critically about how you make sense of contemporary global security politics, as well as how we might think and practice security differently, exploring both the possibilities for change and the limits of security. - Global Health and Global Politics
Situated within contemporary approaches to International Relations and International Political Economy, this module will introduce you to the global politics of health, addressing health as both a global issue, and also as a quintessentially political one.
30 credits
During this module, you will chart the recent rise of health as an issue of 'high politics', examine the relationship between individual and population health and the global political economy, explore the ways in which institutions by which health is governed at the global level, and analyse some of the key contemporary issues and challenges in contemporary global health governance. In doing so, we will be applying a variety of different 'lenses' (including feminist, decolonial and human rights-based approaches) to understand how these might affect what are seen as global health priorities - and what should be done about them.
Through the seminars and assessments, students on the module will further develop a variety of different skills including the analysis of issues from different perspectives, writing for policy and other non-academic audiences, presentation skills, and working as part of a team. - Policy-Making in the Real World
Policy making is an increasingly complex process, involving a range of 'wicked problems' and a growing set of options for addressing them. Given the multiple risks and crises they must deal with, how can policy makers come up with effective policy, learn from mistakes and deal with unexpected events? What tools can they employ to do so and how can we evaluate their success or failure?
30 credits
You will take a theoretically informed but practice-focused approach to these questions. You will consider topics such as how technological innovation will inform policy making, looking at the impact of big data and AI, and considering the standards that should apply to such tools.
Throughout the module, you will practice a range of practical skills through innovative group projects and visiting speakers from the policy world. - Development and the State
You will explore and critically assess the political economy of development by focusing on the interplay between processes of economic transformation and the political strategies pursued by states in the name of national development. This is an interdisciplinary module, asking you to draw on development studies, the political economy of growth and transformation, and comparative capitalisms.
30 credits
To begin, you will review the most salient theoretical themes in approaches to capitalist development. This will put you in a position to understand more specific theorisations of capitalist development as a state strategy in a world characterised by uneven and combined capitalist development. You will then shift your focus more specifically to the state, bringing the more generic issues reviewed at the start of the module into a focused 'developmental' framing.
By the end of the module, you will be able to undertake ambitious evaluative work in which normative questions are asked and the prospects for capitalist development are considered. - Political Economy of Global Environmental change
Global environmental politics grapples with the key issues that shape the survival of life on Earth in the future. Climate collapse, biodiversity loss, pandemics and pollution are just some of the problems that shape our everyday lives. Tackling them is an increasingly urgent agenda for international organisations, governments, NGOs and the wider public. To understand the origins of, the drivers of and the possible solutions to environmental degradation we need to examine them not just as matters of science, but also as wide ranging social, political, economic and cultural issues.
30 credits
In this course, you will be introduced to the major debates in the political economy of the environment.
You will examine central debates around climate change, the Anthropocene, planetary boundaries, biodiversity loss, population, environment-conflict dynamics and human-animal relations. You will also discuss the potentials and pitfalls of different 'green' solutions such as degrowth, renewables, geoengineering, Nature Based Solutions, protected areas and green economy. You will explore these debates by analysing the different approaches to tackling global environmental change and use case studies to illuminate wider conceptual debates. - Democratic Governance in the 21st Century: Problems, Innovations and Solutions
Political systems around the world drive to be democratic, but what is meant by democracy and how can this be achieved?
30 credits
During this module, you will consider the nature of the democratic crisis faced by countries around the world and map the latest innovations designed to address this challenge. You will study the tensions between new and old democratic arenas and consider the indicators of a thriving democracy.
Your work will be grounded in the tradition of engaged scholarship, will use real world examples and will culminate in a solution focused analysis. By the end, you will have developed keen professional and research skills by studying the theory and practice of democratic innovation. - Wellbeing in Politics and Policy
There has been a dramatic rise in political interest in wellbeing over the past decade. Politicians and policy-makers in a range of contexts - national and international - have moved towards embracing wellbeing as a more comprehensive, inclusive and appropriate goal of public policy than the traditionally narrow focus on indicators of economic prosperity. This has led to the development of wellbeing frameworks that embrace indicators of subjective wellbeing (e.g., happiness), environmental and social concerns alongside economic indicators. For some these developments have the potential to transform aspects of politics and policy in the long term. This module explores conceptual, empirical and policy-related aspects of wellbeing. It examines competing definitions, understandings and measurements of wellbeing and related concepts such as quality of life and happiness. It aims to give students a clear understanding of how and why wellbeing has risen up political agendas, the significance of developments in policy to date and the potential for wellbeing as a political idea and guide to policy.
30 credits - Terrorism and Political Violence
This module aims to provide an advanced level of understanding with reference to the topics of terrorism and political violence. It is organised around a framework of analysing both 'Terrorism' and political violence more broadly, both as events in the world, and as essentially political phenomena, whose effects have, in large part, to do with how they are politically defined and responded to.
30 credits
One way of thinking about this module is that it takes a critical theory approach to terrorism and political violence. Instead of a traditional, or 'problem solving' approach, which takes 'Terrorism' as a pre-defined problem in the world and our goal to develop solutions to it, this class begins by critically interrogating the way that 'terrorism' has been constructed as a way of understanding some types of political violence and not others. This critical approach then runs throughout the module and shapes our approach to the causes of terrorism and the forms of counterterrorism. Combining and applying Sociological and International Relations approaches, you will conduct a critical analysis on security and violence using a variety of cases ranging from 'macro-level' (war, including guerrilla warfare/insurgency, genocide and terrorism) through to 'micro-level' sites usually considered 'private' or 'intimate' ('domestic' violence, white supremacist bombings of historical Black churches, etc.). Moving beyond a narrow understanding of terrorism as limited to sub-state violence, you will also study the state as a perpetrator of political violence, both at home and abroad, and the role of gender, sexuality, and race in producing images of the terrorist.
By the end of this module, you will therefore not only have dicussed critical understandings of terrorism, but also explored the ways in which it has effects in the world, which are often by shaping the ways that states and other actors respond to it as a threat, more so than through specific violent acts themselves. - Capitalism and Crisis
During this module, you will explore the relationship between capitalism and crisis through the prism of the causes of, and fallout from, the 2008 crash.
30 credits
You will unpack the core concepts of the module - capitalism and crisis - and gain a brief historical overview of pre-2008 economic crises to contextualise and compare the main content of the module. You shall then go on to survey competing explanations of the 2008 crisis, by starting narrow (i.e. regulation of banking) and then broadening out (i.e. evolution of capitalism).
By the end of the module, you will have examined the economic and political fallout of the 2008 crisis, be able to debate the extent to which the crisis was truly global, and discuss the variety of political responses to the crash. - Wellbeing in Politics and Policy
There has been a dramatic rise in political interest in wellbeing over the past decade. Politicians and policy-makers in a range of contexts - national and international - have moved towards embracing wellbeing as a more comprehensive, inclusive and appropriate goal of public policy than the traditionally narrow focus on indicators of economic prosperity. This has led to the development of wellbeing frameworks that embrace indicators of subjective wellbeing (e.g., happiness), environmental and social concerns alongside economic indicators. For some these developments have the potential to transform aspects of politics and policy in the long term. This module explores conceptual, empirical and policy-related aspects of wellbeing. It examines competing definitions, understandings and measurements of wellbeing and related concepts such as quality of life and happiness. It aims to give students a clear understanding of how and why wellbeing has risen up political agendas, the significance of developments in policy to date and the potential for wellbeing as a political idea and guide to policy.
30 credits - Freedom
Freedom is one of the most important political values, if not the most important one of all. During this module, you will investigate the political value of freedom by engaging with the literature in contemporary political theory.
30 credits
To do so, you will focus on: competing theories of freedom (negative, positive, republican); the relationship between freedom and other values (autonomy, equality, security); and a number of applied issues (the harm principle, freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom of movement).
Taking a theoretical and philosophical approach, this module will encourage you to use the tools needed to analyse and evaluate political arguments which invoke the value of freedom. - The Governance and Politics of the European Union
During this module, you will examine the history and development of the European Union, together with the institutions and decision-making processes of the community.
30 credits
You will also investigate various theoretical perspectives on the process of bringing European countries closer together through economic, political, and social cooperation - a process known as European integration. When evaluating this process, you will focus on selected policy sectors, ranging from the single market and monetary union to budget and cohesion policy and foreign, security and defence policy.
This module will help you develop a range of skills. These include, but are not limited to, the skills to discover, understand and create academic work, engage in small group discussions in seminars, coherently analyse the ideas of others and critically engage with those ideas, and engage with key regional and global issues and contexts.
The content of our courses is reviewed annually to make sure it's up-to-date and relevant. Individual modules are occasionally updated or withdrawn. This is in response to discoveries through our world-leading research; funding changes; professional accreditation requirements; student or employer feedback; outcomes of reviews; and variations in staff or student numbers. In the event of any change we will inform students and take reasonable steps to minimise disruption.
Open days
An open day gives you the best opportunity to hear first-hand from our current students and staff about our courses.
- 1 year full-time
- 2 years part-time
We'll support you in thinking carefully, analytically and creatively about core and contemporary debates in a range of philosophical traditions, as well as key debates in political theory.
You'll learn through small-group discussions in research seminars and tutorials which accompany the lecture-led modules. These discussions give you the opportunity to explore module reading materials as well as your own philosophical interests.
We provide one-to-one supervision for your dissertation and your philosophy essays, to help you develop as an independent researcher.
Your career
Our MA is designed equally to prepare students who wish to continue to a PhD in Political Theory or a related area (as many do) or to enhance career prospects outside of academia. We offer support and advice for students who decide to apply for a PhD and our postgraduate training seminars include sessions on PhD funding and on non-academic jobs for philosophers.
For those interested in non-academic career routes, studying political theory will help you develop and enhance a range of crucial transferable skills (for example, research writing, project organization, critical thinking) while also helping you to think more deeply about the political questions you confront in your work or social life.
Our graduates work in teaching, law, social work, computing, the civil service, journalism, paid charity work, business, insurance and accountancy.
“I could not have achieved my successful career progression without my postgraduate degree and the support I received from the University of Sheffield. My degree has enabled me to develop my confidence about my own abilities, and enhance my writing and qualitative data analysis skills. It taught me how to think and write in a way which I had never done before, with such precision, determination and belief in my own research and scrutiny of such.”
Katie Griffin-Pearce
Policy Officer, Durham County Council
Postgraduate Philosophy Student
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities
In the School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities, we interrogate some of the most significant and pressing aspects of human life, offering new perspectives and tackling globally significant issues.
As a postgraduate Philosophy student you’ll be taught by philosophers who engage in cutting-edge research across a wide range of philosophical disciplines including epistemology, ethics, social, political and environmental philosophy, metaphysics, philosophy of the mind and cognitive science among others.
The diversity of our research expertise allows us to offer programmes which are truly interdisciplinary and flexible and create a thriving research community where students and staff come together to discuss topics, explore new ideas and expand their knowledge in a supportive environment.
We’ll also provide you with opportunities to use your philosophical knowledge to engage with real world problems and make a difference in the community through projects like our award-winning Philosophy in the City programme, which enables students to teach philosophy in the local community to audiences of all ages.
Our Centre for Engaged Philosophy pursues research into questions of fundamental political and social importance, from criminal justice and social inclusion to climate ethics, all topics that are covered in our teaching. Their events are open to all students and there are opportunities to get involved in event planning and delivery.
Our highly interdisciplinary Hang Seng Centre for Cognitive Studies supports collaborative research on fundamental issues concerning the nature of cognition. With established collaborative links with many universities in the UK, Europe, and the United States, the Centre organises seminars, workshops, and conferences to address core questions in cognitive science. Events are open to all students and there are opportunities to get involved in event planning and delivery.
Student profiles

Studying the Political Theory MA at Sheffield has been a fantastic experience. The freedom to choose what modules I want to study from a wide breadth of options has enabled me to pursue my personal academic interests. It has been rewarding to be taught by leading academics alongside engaging content! The staff at all levels of the department have always been so lovely and helpful. Plus, Sheffield itself is a wonderful and friendly place to live! If you're looking to be intellectually challenged and exposed to exciting ideas in a highly supportive community of people - then Political Theory at Sheffield is for you
Daniel Jones
MA student 2021
Entry requirements
Minimum 2:1 undergraduate honours degree in a relevant subject.
Subject requirements
Your degree should be in an Arts and Humanities or Social Sciences subject.
View an indicative list of degree titles we would consider
English language requirements
IELTS 6.5 (with 6 in each component) or University equivalent
If you have any questions about entry requirements, please contact the school/department.
Fees and funding
Alumni discount
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You can apply now using our Postgraduate Online Application Form. It's a quick and easy process.
Any supervisors and research areas listed are indicative and may change before the start of the course.
Recognition of professional qualifications: from 1 January 2021, in order to have any UK professional qualifications recognised for work in an EU country across a number of regulated and other professions you need to apply to the host country for recognition. Read information from the UK government and the EU Regulated Professions Database.