2025-26 entry

Cultural Heritage Management MA

School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Learn key management techniques and how to apply them in the distinctive field of historical preservation.
  • Start date
    September 2025
  • Duration
    1 year 2 years
  • Attendance
    Full-time Part-time

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    Archaeology site

    Course description

    Taught in partnership with colleagues at the Sheffield University Management School, this course provides training in heritage management and interpretation, as well as marketing, and creative industries management. You will have the opportunity to develop skills necessary to work in the heritage industry. For example, you'll learn about debates and themes in heritage studies, archaeology, and creative industries.

    Our strong links with the heritage sector mean that you can apply what you learn during the course in real-world situations. Our students undertake placements with organisations like the National Trust and regional museums, building a network of contacts in the sector. Many of our graduates go on to work in the heritage and museum sectors all over the world.


    A selection of modules is available each year - some examples are below. There may be changes before you start your course. From May of the year of entry, formal programme regulations will be available in our Programme Regulations Finder.

    Core modules:

    Heritage, History and Identity

    This module highlights the diversity of cultural heritage, ranging from cultural and 'natural' landscapes, through monuments to music, dress, cuisine, 'traditional' crafts, and language and dialect. It explores the role of these various forms of heritage in shaping local, regional and national identity; the extent to which they reflect or misrepresent local, regional and national history; the legal and ethical issues surrounding conservation and preservation of heritage; and how study of 'traditional' lifeways may contribute to understanding of history.

    15 credits
    Introduction to Critical Theories and Concepts in the Creative and Cultural Industries

    This is a core module that introduces and defines what we mean by the Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI), not least exploring their role in society. From theatres, to museums, to the music industry, to film, this module explores ideas around the purposes of, and changes and challenges to the CCI sector. The module provides an overview of critical theories and concepts within CCI, and seeks to equip students with the necessary knowledge and tools to assess critically the advantages and disadvantages of existing frameworks, and apply these to understand and research the Creative and Cultural Industries today.

    15 credits
    Heritage, Place and Community

    The aim of this module is to introduce the theory and practice of heritage, conservation and public archaeology. The module will encourage debate on issues that affect how we define and apply the term 'heritage'. It also offers an opportunity to focus on the historic 'value' of a site or landscape, with an evaluation of how it is currently managed, and strategies for its future conservation and presentation.

    15 credits
    Research Design: Planning, Execution and Presentation

    This module provides students with the advanced understanding they need to design an effective research project that addresses a question relevant to current debate in archaeology, and in particular to plan a successful MA/MSc dissertation. It comprises six group seminar sessions and three seminars in which students from different courses are streamed to be taught and guided on subject-specific material by experts in the field. The module culminates in a research day during which students present their dissertation plans to their peers and staff assessors. Assessment is in two parts: a succinct Powerpoint presentation of the dissertation proposal and outline and a written dissertation outline and proposal.

    Students wishing to undertake a work placement will also find this module useful for planning their placement aims and objectives.

    15 credits
    Managing Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites

    The module defines and critically appraises the concepts and dimensions of museums and heritage spaces and examines the politics and uses of such sites. It considers local museums, World Heritage Sites and 'Starchitecture' new builds such as the Guggenheim, Bilbao and the Louvre Abu Dhabi. It examines policy, funding and the day to day management of individual museums and heritage spaces against the background of national government agendas and inter-governmental agreements that underpin large scale developments. It looks at provision of such cultural spaces from both the operator and visitor management perspectives and includes site visits within the locality.

    15 credits
    Dissertation (Cultural Heritage Management)

    This module requires students to plan, execute and write-up an original research project. Dissertation topics must be chosen with, and approved by, the Course Director; they must be based on original research; they must be academically worthwhile, affordable, manageable within the time limits, capable of supervision within the contributing Departments, and related to the subject-matter of the MSc in Cultural Heritage Management. Learning is supported by original research guided by ongoing individual tutorials.This module requires students to plan, execute and write up an original research project. This dissertation project is chosen with, and approved by, the Course Director. Dissertation topics must be based on original research and on the students' own ideas: they must be worthwhile, affordable, manageable within time limits, capable of supervision within the contributing Departments and related to the subject matter of the MA Cultural Heritage Management.

    45 credits

    Optional modules:
    You can take a minium of 30 and a maximum of 60 credits from this group.

    Landscapes in archaeology: methods & perspectives

    This unit introduces the ways in which researchers have thought about landscape in archaeology and situates these perspectives within the methods that are commonplace in landscape research. Through a mix of lectures, seminars and practicals we will explore a variety of themes that together reflect the broad range of contemporary issues in landscape studies. These approaches will be applied through an analysis of a specific landscape using skills in observational survey, cartographic analysis, archival research and aerial photography gained during the practical classes. The emphasis is upon grasping both the methods and their application to specific archaeological questions.

    15 credits
    Digital Mapping for the Humanities

    This module will introduce students to digital mapping as sources, as methods and as outputs for humanities research. Digital mapping offers a wide variety of analytical and interpretive methods that are put to use in many humanities disciplines. Maps and mapping allow us to recognise social constructions of place, visualise patterns, gaps, and changes across time and space. By combining spatial and temporal dimensions into visual representation, digital mapping can provide innovative approaches, methods, techniques, interpretive practices, and solutions to different stages of research, from data collection to science communication. The module will be delivered through both discursive and 'hands-on' classes and will draw on case studies from across the arts and humanities. Students will critically engage and analyse multidisciplinary examples in which digital mapping is a core aspect of research. They will also make use of multiple methods and tools on digital mapping platforms to create, visualise, analyse, disseminate, and communicate spatial and temporal data and knowledge.

    15 credits
    Accounting and Financial Management

    This module is designed to provide knowledge and understanding of the roles of accounting and financial management in modern business organisations. The module will introduce students to the objectives, techniques and limitations of accounting for the purposes of external accountability and internal decision-making and control. The module will also introduce students to the objectives, techniques and limitations of financial investment appraisal and provision of financial resources.

    15 credits
    Cultural Marketing

    Cultural Marketing aims to develop students' understanding, knowledge and analytical skills in relation to marketing and consumption practices within the Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs), and specifically in relation to the CCI business context, types of CCI organisations and marketing management practices. The module content includes theoretical approaches to marketing and consumption practices in a range of CCI sectors, for example, film, fine art, music, literature, and heritage.

    15 credits
    Reinventing Archaeology

    This course will seek to understand how the structure of the modern practice of archaeology has come about and how changes in working methods and theoretical perspective may reconfigure the discipline. Reference will be made to the debates in method and theory and the relationships among certain specialisms. Students will develop, and to be able to express, their understanding of the discipline and the current and future position of their own ambitions.

    15 credits
    Managing Festivals, Events and Creative Performances

    This module explores the growth development, characteristics, issues and influences relevant to international art fairs, festivals, artistic performances and events and their impact on localities in terms of income generation, providing added value to tourist spaces, and their role in showcasing cultures and cultural products and places. It is primarily concerned with management of those art fairs, exhibitions and events that either showcase cultures or are located within the broad field of Creative and Cultural Industries, providing access to cultural products and cultural capital.

    15 credits

    This module helps you understand and apply essential branding concepts and frameworks, emphasizing their critical role in shaping consumer perceptions and driving market strategies. You will critically analyse a range of brands and real-world branding practices, applying theoretical models and research to generate impactful insights. The module also focuses on the importance of evaluating the influence of technological advancements and sustainability on branding practices.

    15 credits

    You can also select 30 credits of modules from across the Department. The following modules represent an example of these options.

    Egypt in the Age of the Empire.

    This module provides the student with a detailed knowledge of the archaeology of Dynastic Egypt during the New Kingdom, between 16th and 11th centuries BC (18th - 20th Dynasties).  The module embeds Egypt in its late prehistoric Mediterranean and Near Eastern context and traces the development of Egyptian society, dynastic rule, societal structures and the relationship of Egypt with its neighbours. The module will use archaeological, textual and scientific evidence to explore how society is shaped by ideology, belief, power and conflict alongside the natural world.

    15 credits
    GIS for Archaeologists

    Introduce the principles, methods and data structures employed in the analysis and reconstruction of archaeological landscapes using spatial technologies. Provide hands-on training in the application of ArcGIS in archaeological research and professional practice. Enable students to develop skills in interpretation and problem-solving using GIS. Develop students' critical understanding of how spatial technologies are used in archaeological research.

    15 credits
    The Archaeology of Death and Burial

    This module provides an advanced level exploration of human responses to death in societies around the world. Delivered through a series of themed lectures and seminars, case studies focus on the nature and interpretation of the burial record, and survey the methods of analysis, theoretical underpinnings and material residues of funerary ritual helping the student to develop a broad knowledge of burial rites and a nuanced understanding of the discipline of funerary archaeology.

    15 credits
    Wikipedia and History

    Wikipedia is today probably the world's chief source of historical knowledge. Every day, its pages on history are read by many thousands of people. Yet professional historians tend to avoid engaging with it. This course seeks to change that. As well as discussing critical perspectives on Wikipedia, students will receive practical training in creating or editing a page on a historical topic. They will then apply their studies in a hands-on way to improving the encyclopedia's historical coverage, and reflect on the kind of historical knowledge of the period it promotes and disseminates.

    15 credits
    Digital Cultural Heritage: Theory and Practice

    This module examines the theoretical and methodological advances in Digital Cultural Heritage and their broader implications in fields concerned with the interpretation and presentation of the past. We will draw on theoretical readings as well as analyse the potential benefits and drawbacks of certain digital and online approaches. Topics include: principles and theories underlying Digital Cultural Heritage, understanding processes of creating digital surrogates, establishing principles for user experience, and exploring digital narratives for public dissemination. A major component of this module will be a semester-long project that will require the development of a proposal for a digital cultural heritage project.

    15 credits
    Presenting the Past: Making History Public

    This module focuses on the creation and interpretation of 'public history'. You'll have the opportunity to develop critical skills in interrogating public history through reflecting on the issues involved in disseminating history outside academia, so it may be of particular interest if you are planning to pursue a career in heritage, museums or education.

    You'll analyse examples of public history, develop communication and presentation skills for audiences outside academic contexts, and gain experience working in a team to put these skills into practice. 

    As part of your assessment, you will work in a group to create an example of public history. You might create a webpage, a podcast, a design for an exhibition, an historic house booklet, a script for a radio programme, or a proposal for a TV series. You will also reflect on the value of your historical knowledge and skills outside academic study through a short essay.

    15 credits
    Race and Racism in Historical Perspective

    What is race and how has it operated historically? Through a series of case studies, this module will seek to historicize ideologies, ideas and the experiences of race and racism across the early modern and modern historical periods. The module takes as its starting point the understanding that race is not a biological fact but always and everywhere the product of struggles for power in specific political, cultural and geographical settings. How have racial categories been made and re-made, imposed and resisted? How has this affected material outcomes and distributions of wealth and power? What are the ongoing legacies of these histories?

    We will examine a number of case studies, including slavery, abolition campaigns and immigration in various spacial and temporal contexts. We will explore key concepts in historiography including settler colonialism, whiteness and white supremacy, racial liberalism, and anti-racism. Throughout, we will be attentive to the intersections of race with other categories of social difference such as gender, class, and sexuality, and appreciate the importance of historical context in understanding conceptions of race and racism. 

    30 credits
    East Asian Research Methods

    Research Methods in East Asian Studies will equip students with the tools required to carry out research in China, Japan, Korea or the wider East Asian region at taught postgraduate level. The module includes training in basic research skills related to East Asia; quantitative methods; qualitative methods; ethical and legal issues; and discursive contexts and reflexivity in East Asian research. 

    15 credits
    Chinese Cities in Transition

    Chinese cities are home to ten per cent of the world's population. They have experienced tremendous transformation with the country's transition from a planned to a market economy. This module provides an overview of Chinese cities, and includes topics on evolution of China's urban system, economic restructuring, urban expansion and land disputes, property-led urban regeneration, housing market development and policy. The central aim of the module is to help students understand not only the complex character of changing cities but also their place within Chinese economy and society. 

    15 credits

    The content of our courses is reviewed annually to make sure it's up-to-date and relevant. Individual modules are occasionally updated or withdrawn. This is in response to discoveries through our world-leading research; funding changes; professional accreditation requirements; student or employer feedback; outcomes of reviews; and variations in staff or student numbers. In the event of any change we will inform students and take reasonable steps to minimise disruption.

    Open days

    An open day gives you the best opportunity to hear first-hand from our current students and staff about our courses.

    Open days and campus tours


    • 1 year, full-time
    • 2 years, part time


    You can expect a balanced timetable of lectures, seminars and practicals. You’ll have access to specialist labs and world-class reference collections. Many of our masters courses include a fieldwork or project-based component.

    We integrate humanities and science-based approaches to nurture a deeper understanding. You’ll have the opportunity to explore different viewpoints and make up your own mind about their strengths and weaknesses.

    We’ll help you to develop your critical thinking as well as your practical skills. What we ask of you, as a member of our lively academic community, is that you challenge, question, and explore.


    All our masters students have the option to get involved in research projects – in the UK, Europe and elsewhere – even if fieldwork isn’t part of your course.


    Your assessments will include essays, portfolio work, practical work, exams and a dissertation.

    Your career

    Heritage and archaeology graduates are valued by employers from many different sectors. These include charities, finance, retail and administration, teaching, environmental work, and of course the heritage sector, in universities, museums, archaeological units, heritage parks, national or local government.

    Employers increasingly recognise that in addition to a rigorous academic training within an unusually broad-based framework, the study of heritage and archaeology also provides students with a variety of sought after practical skills and the ability to work as part of a team.

    Recent graduate destinations include:

    • Assistant project officer
    • Historic buildings project officer
    • Post-doctoral researcher
    • Commercial field archaeologist
    • Museum staff
    • Deputy business manager
    • Researcher and lecturer
    • PhD research


    School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities

    A masters degree is the perfect way to extend your love of archaeological studies and take it to the next level.

    In the School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities, we interrogate some of the most significant and pressing aspects of human life, offering new perspectives and tackling globally significant issues.

    As a postgraduate history student at Sheffield you’ll be taught by historians who are engaged in cutting-edge research in a huge variety of fields which range from 1000 BCE right up to the twenty-first century and encompasses traditional historians and expert archaeologists. This diversity feeds into a vibrant and varied curriculum which allows students to pursue their interests across both space and time, from the ancient Middle East to modern day Europe, and from fifteenth-century human sacrifice to twentieth-century genocide.

    You'll join a thriving and supportive postgraduate community which organises a wide variety of social and research events to help you feel fully immersed in our community and allow you to share your ideas, challenge your thinking and broaden your understanding.

    Entry requirements

    Minimum 2:1 undergraduate honours degree in a relevant subject.

    Subject requirements

    Your degree should be in an Arts and Humanities or Social Sciences subject.

    View an indicative list of degree titles we would consider

    We also consider a wide range of international qualifications:

    Entry requirements for international students

    We assess each application on the basis of the applicant’s preparation and achievement as a whole. We may accept applicants whose qualifications don’t meet the published entry criteria but have other experience relevant to the course.

    The lists of required degree subjects and modules are indicative only.  Sometimes we may accept subjects or modules that aren’t listed, and sometimes we may not accept subjects or modules that are listed, depending on the content studied.

    English language requirements

    IELTS 6.5 (with 6 in each component) or University equivalent

    Pathway programme for international students

    If you're an international student who does not meet the entry requirements for this course, you have the opportunity to apply for a pre-masters programme in Business, Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Sheffield International College. This course is designed to develop your English language and academic skills. Upon successful completion, you can progress to degree level study at the University of Sheffield.

    If you have any questions about entry requirements, please contact the school/department.

    Fees and funding


    If you accept a place on a course, you may be eligible to apply for White Rose College of the Arts and Humanities (WRoCAH) and University of Sheffield studentships. We also offer a number of department and course-specific scholarships.

    Alumni discount

    Save up to £2,500 on your course fees

    Are you a Sheffield graduate? You could save up to £2,500 on your postgraduate taught course fees, subject to eligibility.


    You can apply now using our Postgraduate Online Application Form. It's a quick and easy process.

    Apply now

    Any supervisors and research areas listed are indicative and may change before the start of the course.

    Our student protection plan

    Recognition of professional qualifications: from 1 January 2021, in order to have any UK professional qualifications recognised for work in an EU country across a number of regulated and other professions you need to apply to the host country for recognition. Read information from the UK government and the EU Regulated Professions Database.